History 10 Activity 1

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Jann Andrie C.

ACTIVITY 1: Rizal Law (online internet search)

The Rizal law is an act that must include in the curricula of all public and
private school, colleges and universities. The reason behind this is to
nationalized all Filipinos specially the youth, additionally to learn more
about the life, works and writings of Dr. Jose Rizal, particularly his novel
Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.

As I read the article about the Rizal law as well as some news on the
internet there are some that didn’t like the law to be publish. The novel Noli
Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo’s antagonist are priest of the catholic
church or rather the catholic church as a whole. It shocked me that they
don’t want it to be publish. I, myself didn’t like about how they react, how
they disagree. If you observe the message is clear that it is for the Filipino
people, they are also a Filipino bishops but don’t care. As Senator Carlo M.
Recto said “I can’t understand why Filipino bishop are now condemning his
books. Without Rizal’s book, perhaps there would not be any Filipino bishop
today.” I totally agree about Senator Recto, I could say that he is proud of
what Dr. Jose Rizal did for the country, and I am too. For the catholic
church it’s a big red flag on me.

Anyway, for all the disturbance I like that the law was implemented and all
the students must take the course as well as to learn more about the life
and works of Dr. Jose Rizal. Also, I just realized that maybe if the law was
not implemented Dr. Jose Rizal our national hero would slowly erase from
the minds of the generation to come.

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