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Write yourself a personal financial plan.

Use everything we've covered in class (lectures,

readings, videos, podcasts, quizzes) to develop the following four part financial plan. You
can use your financial planning goals developed in the goals project earlier in the
semester. Your answers to these questions should be in complete sentences and written
by you. You may not use AI tools or the work of other students on the final exam. 
1) Include one or more personal or financial goals you would like to achieve for each of
the following time frames. Goals should be written in detail and in complete sentences:

 Short term (less than 6 months)

 Intermediate term (6-60 months)
 long term (>60 month).

2) In two paragraphs for each goal - outline how you plan on achieving each goals. What
actions will you take to achieve the goal? Be specific, outline your steps in detail. Provide
reflection on why you chose this goal over others. Is this goal important only to you? To
your family? Community? When appropriate, reference content you learned in this
course. You can also write one paragraph and have meaningful bullets, or consider a
chart showcasing action items across goals instead of paragraphs. A chart should be
For any quantitative goals (any goal that requires a calculation; such as paying off a
student loan, saving up for a house or retirement) show how much you will need to save
daily, weekly, monthly or annually to meet the goal. Make rate of return and inflation
assumptions as needed.
3) What did you enjoy about this ACE240 class? What would you do differently? Would
you/have you recommended this class to a colleague or friend? If not - what changes
might help? 
35 points = Your paper includes a title page, detailed explanation of your personal or
financial goals and steps to achieve them. You have included short, intermediate and
long term goals and met discussion requirements for all of them. Your paper addresses
why goals were chosen and who they are important to. You also answered the final
question about the course. Your paper had few or no grammar errors, used complete
sentences and paragraphs. You created a table, chart or picture to help describe your
goals or outline steps to achieve them. When appropriate you referenced areas of the
25-34 points = Same as above, but with some grammar errors. You did not describe all of
your goals in detail or provide concrete steps to achievement. No tables, charts or
pictures were included.
14-24 points = Same as above, but with some incomplete sentences. You only described
one goal in detail, the others were compressed. Your discussion did not include required
components. You did not reference anything in the course.
4-13 points = The project is hurried. Goals are not discussed in details nor solutions. You
provided a general idea of what you want to be/do/achieve but not in any depth. The
project does not appear to add value to you after completing the course. You did not
include any analysis about ACE240.
1-12 points = You mailed it in, only tackled one goal or did very poor work.
0 points = You used an AI tool or someone else's work. You did not turn in the project.

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