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Rast private school

Math Retake exam

Grade :2______

Date: /8/2021

Q1/ count on to add: 12 marks

1) 1+2=

2) 2+7 =

3) 5+5 =

4) 8+6=

5) 13+2 =

6) 4+11=

Q2/ write (Odd) or (Even): 12 marks

1. 7__________.

2. 44__________ .

3. 6 ___________ .

4. 33___________.

5. 19____________.

6. 23_____________.
Q3/ Write the numbers in each problem. 6 marks

1) 2)

Q4/ subtract the followings. 10 marks

1) 10 - 3 = ______.

2) 8 - 4 =_______.

3) 3 – 2 =_______.

4) 5- 5= ________.

5) 20 -10=________.
Q5/ write the number just before, after or between: 12 marks

Before between after

________16 , 7 ________9, 18 ________,

_________9, 24 ________26, 6 ________,

Q6/ Color the figure that are the same shape. 10 marks
Q7/write how many sides and corners . 12 marks

Q8/ complete the table, follow the rule. 6 marks

Q9/circle the correct time, then circle A.M or P.M. 8 marks

Q10/Write heavier or lighter. 12 marks

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