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Position Yourselves

– Ephesians 6:10-18 1) – Helmet of salvation

2) – Breastplate of righteousness
3) – Belt of truth
4) – Shield of fait
h 5) – Sword of the Spirit 6) – Shoes of the gospel


We must, first and foremost, wear the helmet of salvation, since our mind constitutes the primary
battleground. It is within our minds and thoughts that the devil targets us. When we fail to
prepare and do not equip ourselves with the headgear of salvation, he will always defeat us.


Our second requirement is to put on the breastplate of righteousness, which covers the heart, the
repository of all our values and truths. As Jesus said, “…the message of the heart flows through
the mouth”. Our actions and speech should reflect the gospel message.


The third thing we ought to do is fasten our belt of truth. Paul uses the example of a Roman
soldier. Due to its role in holding the sword, the belt is one of the most important parts of the
uniform. It attaches to the breastplate and holds up our pants. If we are not walking in truth, the
rest of our uniform is useless.


Fourth, there is the shield of faith. Faith is a powerful weapon against all the flaming darts of the
enemy. In our modern world, we are hearing the devil’s voice from every direction. “If you
worship me, you will have everything you desire”, declared Satan. Jesus countered every
accusation and temptation with the Word of God. In similar fashion, we are to cast down lies and
magnify the truth. By doing so, we will destroy strongholds in our lives.


The fifth point pertains to the sword of the Spirit. The Bible, God’s Holy Word, is our offensive

Lastly, we put on the shoes of the gospel which symbolizes our readiness to serve God; a
readiness to preach, speak or share the Word of God wherever and whenever He gives us the
privilege and opportunity to do so. Only when we are properly clothed and equipped with the full
armour of God, will we be able to withstand and endure the evil day.


The Lord will support those who stand against the enemy. The most challenging aspect of a
crisis is remaining still. We are not to take matters into our own hands. Although the concept of
self-reliance may seem conceivable, it is the exact opposite of what God desires of us. In other
words, it is not about doing nothing: it is about doing the right thing. Read 2 Chronicles 20:22
The ultimate victory was achieved when they began to worship God in faith. The Lord
positioned an ambush against their enemies. As a result, they turned on each other and
annihilated themselves.


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