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Roll No_______________


             120404/190403: Engineering Thermodynamics (GS)                            

 Time: 3 Hours                                 Maximum Marks: 70                            Minimum Passing   Marks: 22

Note : 1. Answer all five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
2. In each question part a, b, c are compulsory and part d has internal choice. Out of which part a&b (    Max.
50 words) carry 2 marks, part c (Max. 100 words) carry 3 marks part d (Max. 400 words) carry 7 marks.
Word limit would not be followed for (except) diagram, numerical, derivation etc.
3. All parts of each question are to be attempted at one place.7
4. Assume suitable value for missing data, if any.
5. Use of steam table is permitted
Question Marks CO
No. Mapped
(a) Differentiate Environment and immediate surroundings. 02 CO 1
(b) How can you relate microscopic forms of energy with internal energy? 02 CO3
(c) State and define first law of thermodynamics along with its limitations. 03 CO4
If a gas of volume 6000 cm and at pressure of 100 kPa is compressed quasistatically
(d) according to pV = constant until the volume becomes 2000 cm , determine the final
2 3
pressure and the work transfer.
An imaginary engine receives heat and does work on a slowly moving piston at such rates 07
that the cycle of operation of 1 kg of working fluid can be represented as a circle 10 cm in
diameter on a p–v diagram on which 1 cm = 300 kPa and 1 cm = 0.1 m /kg. 3

(e) (a) How much work is done by each kg of working fluid for each cycle of operation? CO5
(b) The thermal efficiency of an engine is defined as the ratio of work done and heat input
in a cycle. If the heat rejected by the engine in a cycle is 1000 kJ per kg of working fluid,
what would be its thermal efficiency?
(a) Why liquid below its saturation temperature is known as compressed liquid? 02 CO1
Discuss that why we do not need any table for determining the properties of air but for 02
(b) CO1
determining the properties of water we need to have steam table?
(c) Brief about the significance of critical and triple point. 03 CO3
Steam expands isentropically in a nozzle from 1 MPa, 250°C to 10 kPa. The steam flow 07
rate is 1 kg/s. Find the velocity of steam at the exit from the nozzle, and the exit area of the
nozzle. Neglect the velocity of steam at the inlet to the nozzle.
(d) CO5
The exhaust steam from the nozzle flows into a condenser and flows out as saturated water.
The cooling water enters the condenser at 25°C and leaves at 35°C. Determine the mass
flow rate of cooling water
2. Tank A (Figure) has a volume of 0.1 m and contains steam at 200°C, 10% liquid and 90%
vapour by volume, while tank B is evacuated. The valve is then opened, and the tanks
eventually come to the same pressure, which is found to be 4 bar. During this process, heat
is transferred such that the steam remains at 200°C. What is the volume of tank B?

(e) CO6

3. Give at least one learning which you get from the expression of thermal efficiency of 02
(a) CO1
Carnot’s heat engine.
(b) Define the terms heat engine, thermal reservoir and COP. 02 CO1
(c) State and define second law of thermodynamics. 03 CO3
Two reversible heat engines A and B are arranged in series, A rejecting heat directly to B. 07
Engine A receives 200 kJ at a temperature of 421°C from a hot source, while engine B is in
communication with a cold sink at a temperature of 4.4°C. If the work output of A is twice
(d) CO4
that of B, find
(a) The intermediate temperature between A and B (b) The efficiency of each engine (c)
The heat rejected to the cold sink
An ice-making plant produces ice at atmospheric pressure and at 0°C from water. The 07
mean temperature of the cooling water circulating through the condenser of the
(e) refrigerating machine is 18°C. Evaluate the minimum electrical work in kWh required to CO4
produce 1 tonne of ice (The enthalpy of fusion of ice at atmospheric pressure is 333.5
(a) Relate Availability and work potential. 02 CO1
(b) State and brief about the dead state of system. 02 CO1
(c) Write the expression for entropy balance equation. 03 CO3
A reversible engine, as shown in Figure during a cycle of operations draws 5 MJ from the 07
400 K reservoir and does 840 kJ of work. Find the amount and direction of heat interaction

(d) CO4 

with other res ervoirs. 

Air ente rs a compressor in steady flow at 140 kPa, 17°C and 70 m/s and leaves it at 350 07
kPa, 127°C and 110 m/s. The environment is at 100 kPa, 7°C. Calculate per kg of air(a)
(e) CO5
The actual amount of  work required (b) The minimum work required (c) The
irreversibility of the process
(a) Why Maxwell equations plays a very important role in thermodynamics? 02 CO1
(b) Prove ) = (T/C ). Where T is absolute temperature and C is specific heat at
v v v
constant volume for Ideal gas.   
(c) What is inversion temperature and how it is useful in explaining the concept of throttling? 03 CO3
The pressure on the block of copper of 1 kg is increased from 10 bar to 1000 bar in a 07
reversible process maintaining the temperature constant at 15°C. Determine : (i) Work
done on the copper during the process (ii) Change in entropy (iii) The heat transfer (iv)
(d) Change in internal energy CO4
5. (v) (Cp – Cv) for this change of state. The following data may be assumed : Volume
expansivity (β) = 5 × 10 /K, Isothermal compressibility (K) = 8.6 × 10 m /N, Specific
–5 –12 2

volume (v) = 0.114 × 10 m /kg –3 3

Show that Enthalpy change for a simple compressible system can be represented 07
(e) CO5


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