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ENGLISH- Grade 4

Student’s Name: Grade and Section:

_______________________________________ ____________________________________
Teacher: Date Submitted:
_______________________________________ ____________________________________

A. Most Essential Learning Competency
Use context clues to find meaning of unfamiliar words: definition,
B. Objectives:
1. Identify the meaning of words used in a sentence
2. Use context clues to find the meaning of unfamiliar words in a
3. Select the correct words based on the given context clues


Context clues are hints to the meaning of a difficult word. These hints can
be in the same sentence or in the sentences before or after the sentence that
uses the difficult word .
“CONTEXT CLUES” are specially designed for you to learn the skills in
finding the words which have the same meaning.
In the context clues, the clue may appear within the same sentence as the
word to which it refers that a reader can use to understand the meanings of
new or unfamiliar words.

Example: Mary’s surname is Flores , and her middle name is Turner.

Surname means your last name.

Practice Task 1
Directions: Read the words inside the box. Arrange the letters inside the parenthesis
and write the word on the blank provided.
beneath physical function
disease hospital impolite incorrect
citizen sincerely determined timeless

RO_English_Grade 4_Q2_LP 1
1. She became a ____________ of the country after taking an oath. (zentici)
2. What _______________ were you born in? (pihostal)
3. I do not ______________ very well to perform my tasks in the morning.
4. Can you look ____________ the couch for the ball? (neathbe)
5. Futuristic novels sometimes focus on deadly_________. (seasdi)
6. I ____________ want you to graduate this year.(lysincere)
7. The student was _____________ to finish school.(terdemined)
8. _____________fitness is very important to your health.(calphysi)
9. Jason’s score in the English test was almost perfect. He has only one
_______________answer. (correctin))
10. While the teacher was talking, Jay shouted to his friend.
He is _____________. (liteimpo)

Practice Task 2

Directions: Select which context clues give a hint to the meaning of each of the
underlined words. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. You can’t see it, but the water cycle is always in motion on the earth.
A. can’t see it
B. on the earth
C. again and again

2. As water goes through this cycle, it is sometimes solid ice, sometimes liquid
water, and sometimes a gas called water vapor.
A. through this cycle
B. a gas
C. liquid water
3. When heat is added to water, it evaporates, turning from liquid into gas.
A. heat is added to water
B. heat is taken away
C. turning from liquid into gas
4. When heat is taken away from water vapor, it condenses, turning from gas
into liquid.
A. turning from gas into liquid
B. it freezes
C. turning from liquid to solid

5. High above the earth, the water vapor cools and becomes tiny particles of
water that create clouds.
A. tiny
B. create
C. becomes

RO_English_Grade 4_Q2_LP 1
6. As the clouds gather more and more particles of water, the water falls as rain
or snow, which are two forms of precipitation.
A. particles of water
B. rain or snow
C. absorbed in the ground

Practice Task 3

Directions: Encircle the meaning of the underline word inside the parenthesis.
1. Pangasinan is one of the progressive provinces in the country.

(successful, close-minded)

2. John Mark Cruz is the brightest pupil in the class.

( lonely, talented)

3. The thirsty crow flew from place to place for some water.

( craving, undesired)

4. The bridge is flooded. It is impossible to cross now.

( possible to flood, hopeless to cross)

5. All the tiny compartments in that huge hall were filled with stones.

( giant, small)

6. The fearless soldiers are ready to defend their country against the enemies.
They are not afraid to fight with their enemies.

(afraid, without fear)

IV. Assessment

Directions: Read each sentence below. Use the other words in the sentence to
help you figure out the meaning of the underlined word. Fill in the circle for the
correct answer.

1. The little boy became drowsy as the day turned into night.
desperate active tired

2. Little sparrow began to feel as powerful as the giant bird.

large strong beautiful
RO_English_Grade 4_Q2_LP 1
3. The people watched with wonder as the eagle flew above them.
anger terror awe
4. The boy was very confused after he bumped his head.
mixed up relaxed excited
5. The castle looked enormous in the background.
very big far near

6. The grasshopper used his strength or brawn in making his tomato garden.
ability weakness power
7. He always visits his patch of tomatoes every morning.
garden home house
8. He waited for the seeds to sprout.
develop increase grow
9. Our class has a strategy for raising money for our class activity or program
plan guess door
10. The man walked slowly in the slippery corridor in the building
fan hall table

B. Direction:Identify the synonym of the underlined word in the sentence from the
options given. Encircle your answer.
1. The fearless soldiers are ready to defend their country against the enemies.
They are not afraid to fight with the enemies.

A. courageous B. frightened C. shy

2. The strong typhoon wrecked some houses. The men were busy repairing their
houses after the typhoon.

repaired B. destroyed C. clean

3. The lion’s snout is similar to that of the dog.

A. nose B. ears C. tongue

4. When the clown moved his stick, a rabbit appeared. The children were awed
by the clown’s magic trick.

A. impressed B. angry C. kind

RO_English_Grade 4_Q2_LP 1
5. Our ancient heroes were bold enough to fight for our freedom.

shy B. brave C. honest

1. Which part of the lesson helped you to understand the concept well?

2. What difficulty/difficulties did you encounter that you need further explanation
from your teacher?


RO_English_Grade 4_Q2_LP 1

(Practice Task 1)
1. citizen 2. hospital 3. function 4. Beneath 5. disease
6.sincerely 7. determined 8. physical 9. Incorrect 10. impolite
(Practice Task 2)

1. C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. A
(Practice Task 3)

1. enlightened 2. talented 3. craving 4.hopeless to cross 5. giant 6. without fear


1. tired 2. strong 3. awe 4. mixed up 5. very big

1. ability 7. Garden 8. Grow 9. Plan 10. hall


1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B

Self-Learning Module, English 4 Quarter 2 week

Prepared by:

Master Teacher 2, Iriga North Central School
Iriga City Division

Quality assured by:

Principal 1, Sto. Nińo ES
Iriga City Division


Iriga City Division


Vinzons Pilot High School EPS I - English
Camarines Norte Division Camarines Norte Division

RO_English_Grade 4_Q2_LP 1

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