Advanced English Week 17 Homework

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Advanced English Week 17 Homework

I am not usually the type of person who browses the latest news on the internet or
anywhere in general, and therefore, my only source of news is social media, in particular,
Instagram. One of my favorite pages on Instagram where I think the content is interactive,
beneficial, and educative is the ‘Folkative’ (@folkative). It constantly updates its followers with
the latest and hottest news around the globe, especially in Indonesia. Folkative is a media
company run by a group of young founders that identify to be a doorway to explore Indonesia’s
creative culture. Not only does it posts the latest news and information, but it also gives its
followers an insight onto the latest trends. Besides, it also focuses on Indonesia’s public figures,
arts, culture, and local brands.

As we all know, the Covid-19 pandemic has limited people’s freedom and has brought
unwished-for outcomes, such as economic downturn, business closures, the loss of loved ones,
physical distance, and many more. However, recently, through Folkative’s Instagram page, I was
able to keep up with all the changes that have happened around Indonesia that I have missed due
to not being home. After 2 long years of being cast under this horrid pandemic, Indonesia seems
to be arriving at the end of this pandemic as conditions improve and people return to nearly
normal lifestyles. It has caught my attention that overseas arrivals are no longer obliged to
quarantine, allowing convenient and easy travel between countries. Moreover, I am absolutely
jealous of the fact that music concerts and festivals are now allowed to be held in Indonesia.
Some of the most-awaited artists to perform this year in Indonesia include Justin Bieber, NCT
Dream, Red Velvet, Raisa, etc. Another news I was able to find out through Folkative’s
Instagram page was, at last, the celebration of the Tri Suri Vesak – a traditional celebration
celebrated by Buddhists. A video of the celebration was shared on their page, showing thousands
of lanterns flown to the sky in celebration after 2 years of absence – truly a heartwarming event.

Some other news I found interesting and also prideful is the SEA Games 2021. Indonesia
is placed third in this year’s SEA Games in Vietnam, which is the best outcome so far in
Indonesia’s history of the SEA Games. All in all, many great things are happening in Indonesia
for which I am grateful and happy. And even though I do not make time, nor do I spare the effort
to read news online, I still happen to be informed on the latest happenings, all thanks to social
media. Hence, I feel that my life without social media would be very boring and mediocre.

何思雅 Cecilia

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