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Detailed lesson plan

Science V
At the end of the discussion the pupils will be able to:
1. Identify the Newton’s Laws of Motion
2. Appreciates how the Newton’s laws of motion affects our daily life
3. Perform an activity that applies the Newton’s laws pf motion


TOPIC: Newton’s Laws of Motion

Good morning class! Good morning teacher!

I am teacher Andrea and I will be your
science teacher for today together with
teacher Alex, Lera, Sheena and

But before that lets start first our day

with a prayer

Teacher Alex can you please lead the


(Teacher Alex): Let's all stand up and

Angel of God
Angel of God
Angel of God,
Angel of God, My guardian dear,
My guardian dear, To whom god's love,
To whom god's love, Commits me here,
Commits me here, Ever this day,
Ever this day, Be at my side,
Be at my side, To light and guard,
To light and guard, To rule and guide,
To rule and guide, Amen.
Yes Teacher
Is Everybody present?
(Pupils happily clap their hands)
Very good! Let's clap our hands for
the perfect attendance


(Teacher Andrea)
Before we start our new lesson let me
see if you can still recall our lesson
last meeting.

Anyone? Our lesson last meeting is all about Force

Yes? Bernadette? Force is a push or pull.
Verry good Bernadette! So, what is
Verry good! Because when you push
or pull an object you need to exert
effort or force to move that object
Yes teacher
Am I right?

An example of that is when you're

going to push or pull a door you need
force to push or pull a door unless it is
an automatic door you don’t need to
just stand up at it will magically open.

I am going to show you some clips

and tell me what you observe or see in
that clip


Example 1:

Example 2:

Example 3:
Pushing a box


What do notice in the first clip?

The boy is jumping out of the boat

Verry good the boy is pushing a box

In Example 2

Someone is pushing them to swing

That’s right he is jumping out of the


In the Example 3 No, teacher

Verry good observation children

By the way are you familiar in this


It moves forward

Yes teacher

No teacher

This man in the picture is Isaac

Newton He is the Father of Modern
Physics and also established the Three
Laws of Motion

In Example #1 the boy is pushing the

box what did happened to the box?

Verry good the box moves forward

because the boy is pushing it right?

What will happen to the box if no one

is pushing it?

Does it move
That’s right the box will stay at its
place because no one is pushing it.

According to Isaac Newton his first

Law of Motion The law of Inertia that
an object will remain t rest, and an No teacher
object in motion will stays in motion,
unless acted upon by an unbalanced Because the wall is too big and too heavy to
force. be pushed

When we say unbalanced force, it is

when two force acting an object that
are not equal in size.

Look at this example

Yes teacher because of the unbalanced force

even if the wall does not move the man
exerted force on it

Yes teacher

Did the wall move?


That’s right

So, when the man is pushing the wall,

he applies so much force but the wall
does not move is it because there is
unbalance force there and the size of
the wall is not balance to the size of
the man

Is this an example of newton’s first

law of motion?

Verry good
Is it clear

( Teacher Alex)

Good morning children I am teacher

Alex and I am going to discuss the
newton’s second law of motion the
Law of Acceleration

Take a look at this clip

Why is it that the small one swings

faster than the big one?

Is it because the small one is lighter The big boy

than the big one which is heavier

After he push the small one it swings

immediately but to the big one, he
needs to push harder in order for him
to swing right?
Yes teacher
The second law of motion or the law
of Acceleration states that the greater No
the mass of an object, the more force it
will take to Accelerate the object,
Because the boy is greater than the mass to
Another example the ball

Yes, teacher
Who is greater in mass the big boy or
the small boy?

That’s right

So, the small boy needs more force to

move the big ball

Am I right?
The action is when the man is jumping out of
And the big boy does he need more the boat and the reaction is the boat will move
force to push the small ball? backwards if he jump out of the boat


So, is it an example of the second law

of motion the law of acceleration?

Verry good children

Let's move on to the last law of


(Teacher Lera)

Good morning children I am teacher

Lera and I am going to discuss the last
law of Motion the Law of Action-

Law of Action – Reaction states that

for every action there is an equal and
opposite reaction.
Take a look at this example
The action is pulling the rope and the reaction
is when the other team is put more force in
pulling the other team will move forward and
cross the line

What is the action and reaction there?

Verry good children

Another example:
Are you familiar of the game tug of
war it is the 4th game in the Netflix
series squid game.

It is composed of 10 members 5 to the

left and 5 to the right each player must
pull backwards as hard as they can and
when the members of the other side
cross the line then the other team is
considered as the winner.

What is the action and reaction there?

Good job children

Is the three laws of motion clearer

If yes lets answer this activity

Identify if its law of Inertia,
Acceleration and Action-Reaction.





Give the another term of the following.

1. Newton’s First Law of Motion

2. Newton’s Second Law of Motion
3. Newton’s Third Law of Motion

Give an example of the things in our daily
life that applies the newton’s laws of motion.

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