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Unit 2: Promoting Learning through Brain Maintenance

Lesson 6
Are Life Choices a Gamble? Let’s Assess Figurative Risk Worksheet
Name ______________________________________ Date __________________ Period ___________

Please remember this activity is based on fictitious events and scenarios to assess figurative risk only. By no means is it a
predictor of the future, etc.

Students should be divided into groups of four for this activity.

Student Instructions:

As you work in your group, please complete the worksheet below as an individual and be prepared to discuss your results
with your group.

 Roll the dice once to determine who will start the game. The person with the highest number will begin the activity.
 Take turns rolling the dice with the members of your group.
 You will record your score on your worksheet.
 At the end of the activity, total your score to determine the long-term outcomes or consequences of the decisions
your rolled during the activity.
 Be sure to discuss with your group how you feel about the outcome of the game.
 You may be asked to share your results with the class.
 Write two paragraphs using the prompts provided (last page of the worksheet).

U2L6 Are Life Choices a Gamble? Let’s Assess Figurative Risk 1

Unit 2: Promoting Learning through Brain Maintenance
Lesson 6
Are Life Choices a Gamble? Let’s Assess Figurative Risk Worksheet
In the Car Score

If you rolled a:

1- You drive without texting. (add 15 points) ______

2– You are riding with someone who does not text while driving. (add 15 points) ______
3– You occasionally text while driving. (subtract 15 points) ______
4– You occasionally ride with someone who texts while driving. (subtract 15 points) ______
5– You frequently text while driving. (subtract 25 points) ______
6– You frequently ride with someone that texts while driving. (subtract 25 points) ______

Last Weekend Score

If you rolled a:

1– The only thing that is bruised is your ego after your friends give you a hard time for not
getting a tattoo. (add 15 points) ______
2– Your friends give you a hard time for not getting a body piercing. (add 15 points) ______
3– Despite the fact your new tattoo is from a state permitted tattoo parlor, your family is
upset you lied about your age to get one. (subtract 15 points) ______
4– You are experiencing temporary pain from all the trouble your family members have
given you about your new piercing. (subtract 15 points) ______
5– You found out you have Hepatitis B from your new bargain priced tattoo you
had done by that man set up in that van. (subtract 25 points) ______
6– A piercing done by your friend’s neighbor has left you with more than a feeling of
pride, you found out you have Hepatitis C. (subtract 25 points) ______
U2L6 Are Life Choices a Gamble? Let’s Assess Figurative Risk 2
Unit 2: Promoting Learning through Brain Maintenance
Lesson 6
Are Life Choices a Gamble? Let’s Assess Figurative Risk Worksheet
This Week Score

If you rolled a:

1– You suit up for your lacrosse game wearing your required protective
Equipment. (add 15 points) ______
2– During the baseball/softball game, you wear your helmet at the batting circle
and at the plate. (add 15 points) ______
3– Your hockey team decides to practice without helmets, you know that there is a
chance you could fall on the ice and hit your head, but you follow your teammates
lead. (subtract 15 points) ______
4– You decide to ride your four-wheeler (ATV) after school, you recognize the
importance of wearing a helmet; but your friends are pressuring you to hurry up and meet
them because it’s getting dark outside. (subtract 15 points) ______
5– During the soccer game, you hear there is a college scout/recruiter in the stands.
An athletic scholarship would help your family pay for college. You decide to
be aggressive during the game and hit multiple headers during attempts to score.
(A header is when someone hits the ball as it travels through the air with their head)
(subtract 25 points) ______
6– To get fit you decide to take up boxing. You decide to take it to the next level and
find a sparring partner. During your first match you take several hits to
the head. (subtract 25 points) ______

Please add all of your points up from rolling the dice to total your score ______________
U2L6 Are Life Choices a Gamble? Let’s Assess Figurative Risk 3
Unit 2: Promoting Learning through Brain Maintenance
Lesson 6
Are Life Choices a Gamble? Let’s Assess Figurative Risk Worksheet
Using your total score, view your results in the chart below.

If your score totaled:

Negative 75 – 50 Due to the risks taken; life has been cut terribly short with death before age 18.

Negative 40-25 Based upon the risks taken, now there is a lifelong debilitating condition. This means life has been
dramatically impacted and assistance is required in completing everyday activities.

Negative 24-0 Life has been changed by taking a few risks; life expectancy may not be as long, and some aspects
of basic life tasks are challenging.

0-Positive Numbers Congratulations! The majority of choices made were preventative, risk avoidant and wise. Life
expectancy is anticipated to be long and healthy.

Be sure to discuss with your group how you feel about the outcome of the game. You may be asked to
share your results with the class.

U2L6 Are Life Choices a Gamble? Let’s Assess Figurative Risk 4

Unit 2: Promoting Learning through Brain Maintenance
Lesson 6
Are Life Choices a Gamble? Let’s Assess Figurative Risk Worksheet

Write two paragraphs below using the following prompts.

Paragraph 1 – Include how your results made you feel. Include factors you may consider in the future and what you learned
by completing this activity.

Paragraph 2 - Answer the question - Are life choices a gamble (they just happen by chance/luck) or are life choices made?
Explain your answer using what you’ve learned about the brain so far in this course.

U2L6 Are Life Choices a Gamble? Let’s Assess Figurative Risk 5

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