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For residential purposes, EXCLUDED from the scope of the French Act of 06.07.1989
Furnished rental which is not used as the lessee’s primary residence

Between the undersigned:


AGENCE EVAUTTRE, SARL registered with the trade and companies register (RCS) under number:
RCS 906850227 Melun – NAF code: 6831Z
Rentals – Property Management
Professional identity: CPI 77022016000005629 Melun, CPI
77022016000005629 Melun
Transaction: Without collecting money
Financial Security: GALIAN
Transaction Security Amount: €120,000
Management Security Amount: €520,000

In collaboration with:


10 Passage Ronsin
Tel: + 33 (0) 1 60 72 41 48

The LESSOR on the one hand, hereinafter referred to as “the LESSOR”

Surname: HEBERT

First name: Xiaoqian, Mélodie

Current address: Represented by MBA Housing 10 Passage Ronsin - 77300 FONTAINEBLEAU

Date of birth: November 8th, 1980

Place of birth: Wuhan Hubei (China)

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And the LESSEE on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as “the LESSEE”

Surname: MENG

First name: Xiangnan

Current address: 39A West Coast Park

Date of birth: 02/10/1989

Place of birth: HEILONGJIANG

It is hereby agreed as follows:

The LESSOR rents the premises and equipment/facilities, referred to hereinafter, to the LESSEE who
accepts them under the following conditions:


Nature: Apartment

No of main rooms: 1
(intended as living and/or sleeping space, possibly individual bedrooms... pursuant to Art. R. 111-1-1 al. 4 of the French
Construction and Housing Code (CCH)

Surface or net floor area: 26.26 m²

(pursuant to Art. R. 111-2 al. 2 and 3 of the French Construction and Housing Code (CCH))

Co-ownership: Co-ownership unit

Address: 20 Rue de la Paroisse – Building D – 1st floor – 77300 FONTAINEBLEAU (France)

Furnished one room apartment consisting of a main room, open and equipped
kitchen, shower room and toilet.


List of common areas and equipment/facilities:

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Charges include provision for:
Electricity (80€), Internet (15€), rubbish collecting tax (5€), heating, building charges and water

Provision refers to an estimated sum of money that is charged monthly to you. At the end or
during your stay this amount would be compared to your actual usage. Should there be higher
consumption you will be billed accordingly or should there be lower consumption, you will be
reimbursed of the difference.

Particular clause:
Parties prohibited.

LEASE DURATION (refer to General Terms & Conditions, under “DURATION – TERMINATION” chapter)

DWELLING BOUND BY THE FRENCH CIVIL CODE(secondary residence, service occupancy, etc.)
The Agreement hereof is concluded for a period of 0 year, 1 months and 29 days and may be tacitly
renewed thereafter by periods of 0 months, given the lack of prior notice.


The Agreement will take effect on: May 1st, 2023

The Agreement will terminate on: June 30th, 2023

PAYMENTS (refer to General Terms & Conditions, under “RENT” chapter)

Monthly rent:
730.00 €

Estimated charges:
138.00 €

868.00 €

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This sum is payable in advance and in full on the 1st of each month, directly to the LESSOR

RENT REVIEW (refer to General Terms & Conditions, under “RENT” chapter)
Rent will be reviewed every year on: May 1st

The reference index applied for reviewing the rent is: 1st trimester 2023

French National Rent Reference Index (IRL): 138.61

SECURITY DEPOSIT (refer to General Terms & Conditions, under “SECURITY DEPOSIT” chapter)
Amount of the security deposit: 1 460.00 €

This amountrepresents 2 month rent without charges.

As the purpose of the Agreement hereof relates to the lease of accommodation for secondary
residence purposes or within the framework of exercising a duty or as service occupancy, it is
governed by the provisions of Articles 1714 to 1762 of the French Civil Code. The terms and
conditions provided for hereinafter complete this legal regime.

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The duration of the Agreement, specified here above under the paragraph “AGREEMENT
DURATION”, is freely set between the parties.
Unless otherwise provided for, the Agreement hereof may be terminated by registered letter with
acknowledgement of receipt or by formal deed delivered by a bailiff:
- By the LESSEE, at any time, by informing the LESSOR three (3) months in advance, period
reduced to one (1) month in the event of obtaining a first job, job transfer, job loss or a new
job subsequent to a job loss;
- By the LESSOR, by informing the LESSEE three (3) months prior to the end of the Agreement
hereof or prior to the end of each tacit renewal.

The rent, freely set between the parties, is payable directly to the LESSOR, at their domicile or to the
person which the latter has appointed to this effect.
The rent will be reviewed every year pursuant to the INSEE (French National Institute for Statistics
and Economic Research) Rent Reference Index (IRL) for which determining parameters are
aforementioned under the “RENT REVIEW” paragraph.

In addition to the rent, the LESSEE will reimburse the LESSOR their share of regulatory charges,
pursuant to the list established by the French Decree of 26 August 1987.
The apportionable service charges, incidental amounts to the main rent amount, are payable for:
- Services rendered related to the utilization of the different components of the leased object;
- Routine maintenance costs and for minor repairs on communally-used components of the
leased object;
- Taxes which correspond to the services which the LESSEE benefits directly from.
They will be paid on a monthly basis, at the same time as the main rent.
The monthly charges aforementioned under the “PAYMENT” paragraph will be considered as
provisions which will be adjusted at least once per year.
Their amount will be set by the LESSOR each year based on expenditure actually incurred the
previous year or based on the annual budget estimate,
the amount of each advance charges total will be readjusted accordingly.
One (1) month prior to the annual adjustment, the LESSOR will transmit a breakdown per charge to
the LESSEE as well as how charges are divided between lessees if the dwelling/building is shared.
During this month, supporting documentation is made available to lessees.

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The security deposit, if any, paid by the LESSEE in order to guarantee the proper performance of his
obligations is equivalent to the rent period indicated above in the paragraph "SECURITY DEPOSIT"
and will be automatically modified at each rent increase in order to remain equivalent to this period.
This deposit is not interest bearing.
This deposit may under no pretext be affected by the LESSEE for the payment of the last rents.
It will be returned to the LESSEE at the end of the period concerned following the return of the keys,
• Two months maximum if the exit inspection does not comply with the entry inspection, or
degradation the LESSEE may be held liable;
• One month maximum if the exit inspection comply with the entry inspection.

By way of a penalty clause, if the security deposit is not returned within the delay, the balance due
after closing of accounts will bear interest at the legal rate for the benefit of the LESSEE.


If required, the LESSOR may request that a third party act as guarantor and agree to undertake the
obligations of the LESSEE stipulated in the Lease Agreement hereof in the event of the latter
The formalities hereinafter are made compulsory, failing which the guarantee becomes null and void:
the LESSOR transmits a copy of the Lease Agreement to the guarantor;
the guarantor must write, by hand, on the deed of guarantee:
- The amount of the rent and, if applicable, the terms and conditions for reviewing the rent, as
set out in the Lease Agreement;
- Their acknowledgement of the extent and nature of their commitment;
- The limit they set for the term of their commitment.
The LESSOR has a duty to inform the natural person/guarantor (under pain of forfeiture of incidental
amounts, expenses, etc.) if the guarantee is
unlimited (Art. 2016 amended of the French Civil Code) or if the LESSOR is a professional lessor (Art.
L. 341-1 of the French Consumer Code).


Statutory French property surveys, known as the Technical Diagnosis File (French DDT - Dossier de
Diagnostic Technique), provided by the LESSOR, is appended to the Lease Agreement hereof.
This file comprises:
The Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) (French DPE - diagnostic de performance énergétique)
provided for under Article L. 134-1 the French Construction and Housing Code (CCH);
- The LESSEE cannot make any claims against the LESSOR for the information contained in this
EPC which is for information purposes only;
- The LESSOR owner makes the EPC available to the LESSEE;
- The report of risk of exposure to lead provided for under Articles L. 1334-5 and L. 1334-7 of
the French Public Health Code;
- The report on natural and technological risks for the areas specified under paragraph I of
Article L. 125-5 of the French Environmental Code. When appropriate, this report will be

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renewed and completed whenever the lessee changes.
For buildings where planning permission was issued before 01.07.1997, the LESSOR makes the
asbestos report for the unit concerned available to the LESSEE (Article R.1334-29-4 of the French
Public Health Code).

A joint inventory will be drawn up when the keys are handed over to the LESSEE and will be
appended to the Agreement hereof.
The inventory will in particular stipulate that the dwelling meets the criteria of decent housing
specified under the “LESSOR OBLIGATIONS” chapter hereinafter.
In the absence of an inventory, the presumption set out under Article 1731 of the French Civil Code
cannot be invoked by the party which was opposed to drawing up the inventory.
At the end of the Agreement, when the LESSEE returns the keys, a joint exit inventory will be drawn
up between the parties following an appointment made with the LESSOR eight (8) days beforehand,
during business hours. (subject to availability).


The LESSOR must assume the following main obligations:

1. Hand over a decent dwelling to the LESSEE which meets minimum energy performance criteria
and comprises equipment/facilities which make it conformable to residential use. A decree
must define the minimum energy performance to be complied with accompanied by a phased
implementation schedule.
Deliver the dwelling to the LESSEE in good and leasable condition and state of repair and the
equipment/facilities specified in the Agreement in good working condition.
2. Ensure the LESSEE the peaceful enjoyment of the dwelling and, without prejudice to the
provisions of Article 1721 of the French Civil Code, guarantee the absence of defects and/or
damage which could constitute an impediment.
3. Maintain the premises in good condition, fit for the planned purpose and undertake any
repairs required other than those referred to as leasehold repairs.
4. Do not contest any modifications made by the LESSEE which do not constitute a
transformation of the leased object.
5. Transmit rent receipts free of charge to the LESSEE if the latter so requests.
6. Issue a receipt in any instance when the LESSEE makes a partial payment.
7. Equip the dwelling with a self-contained, acoustic smoke detector.


The LESSEE must assume the following main obligations:

1. Pay the rent and the apportionable service charges pursuant to the terms and conditions
agreed upon. By right, the LESSEE may request to pay on a monthly basis.
2. Occupy the rented dwelling and use the equipment/facilities in a PEACEFUL MANNER
according to the purpose for which they are intended described in the Agreement.
3. Deal with any impairment and/or damage which has occurred during the Agreement term on
the premises for which the LESSEE has exclusive use, unless the latter can prove that
impairment and/or damage was the result of major force, the fault of the LESSOR or that of a

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third party whom the LESSEE did not invite into the dwelling.
4. Assume the routine maintenance of the dwelling and equipment/facilities specified in the
Agreement, any minor repairs required and all leasehold repairs defined under the French
Decree of 26.08.1987, unless they are caused by disrepair, defect, a construction fault, a
fortuitous event or major force.
5. Take out a service agreement with a specialized company (or reimburse the LESSOR the cost
for this if the latter ensures the payment) to service individual heating equipment at least once
per year (gas heating, gas burners, combustion product extraction system cleaning, etc.) and
provide proof of this immediately when the LESSOR so requests.
May not install or use any new heating system without first having checked, at their own
expense and under their own responsibility, that the chimneys comply with safety and security
regulations in effect.
6. Although this information does not incur the LESSEE’s liability whenever the damage is not
through fault of their own, the LESSEE must inform the LESSOR immediately in the event of
any damage or deterioration to the rented premises, even if there is no visible damage.
7. May not transform the rented premises and/or their equipment/facilities without the
LESSOR’s written agreement; in the event that the LESSEE has disregarded this obligation, the
LESSOR may demand the refurbishment of the premises and/or equipment/facilities whenever
the LESSEE vacates the dwelling, or may choose to keep the changes made without the LESSEE
being able to claim compensation for expenses incurred; notwithstanding, the LESSOR will also
have the right to demand that the LESSEE rehabilitate the premises immediately, at their own
expense, if the changes jeopardize the proper functioning of the equipment/facilities or the
safety and/or security of the premises.
Any modifications which are not considered as a transformation of the rented premises, i.e.
minor changes which are unlikely to impair the building and which are in no way irreversible,
do not require the LESSOR’s agreement.
8. Let improvement work be undertaken in the common areas and/or private areas of the
building, as well as the work required for routine upkeep and for maintaining the rented
premises in a good state of repair; the provisions of the second and third paragraphs of Article
1724 of the French Civil Code are applicable for this work.
9. Comply with the rules and regulations of the building, displayed in the common areas of
shared dwellings.
Comply with all requests and/or instructions which the LESSOR may formulate pursuant to
decisions taken during General Meetings of Co-owners and/or in accordance with the rules
and regulations of the building and strictly implement all related provisions.
10. Take out insurance coverage against all leasehold risks with which the LESSEE must comply in
their capacity as LESSEE (fire, water damage, etc.) and justify this to the LESSOR, when the
latter hands over the keys, by transmitting a certificate issued by the insurer or their
representative to the LESSOR. This obligation must be undertaken every year if the LESSOR so
11. Occupy the rented premises personally; the LESSEE may not transfer the Lease Agreement or
sub-rent the dwelling unless the LESSOR provides their written agreement to do so, including
the rental price.
In the event that the main agreement is transferred, the sub-lessee cannot make any claims
against the LESSOR and cannot claim any tenure status.
12. In the event of a sale or new rental, the LESSEE must accept visits to the rented premises two
hours per day during business days; visiting times will be defined by agreement between the
parties; failing agreement, visits will take place between 5 pm and 7 pm.

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13. If the Agreement is for a furnished rental, the LESSEE is liable for the loss or damage of
furniture made available by the LESSOR, included in the inventory appended to the Agreement
hereof; the LESSEE must refrain from transporting the furniture outside the rented premises.
14. Must not move without complying with their obligations.
The LESSEE is informed that the LESSOR has an obligation to inform the tax office concerned
unless the LESSEE presents the receipts beforehand proving that they have paid their council
tax (Article 1686 of the French General Tax Code (C.G.I.)).
15. Prior to vacating the premises, hand over all keys for the rented premises in their possession
to the LESSOR and inform the latter of their new address.


The Agreement hereof will be IMMEDIATELY TERMINATED IPSO JURE one (1) month after a notice by
a bailiff, which has remained unsuccessful, has been sent, i.e. without the need to institute legal
proceedings for an order for this termination:
- Failing payment of all or part of the rent and charges in accordance with the terms of
payment agreed on;
- If no security deposit has been paid in the event that one was provided for under this
- In the event that the LESSEE abstains from performing any of the key obligations provided for
under the Agreement hereof;
- Failing insurance coverage against leasehold risks or failing presentation of an insurance
certificate to the LESSOR for each period agreed on.
Once the LESSOR has been granted the benefit of the termination clause, the LESSEE must leave the
premises immediately; if they refuse to do so, prior to eviction, the LESSOR must have the
termination of the Lease Agreement formally recorded by the urgent applications judge.
It is clearly understood that if payment is made by cheque, the rent is only deemed as paid when the
cheque has been cashed.
Furthermore, and without derogation from the aforementioned termination clause, the LESSEE
formally agrees to comply with the two following penalty clauses:
1. In the event that the rent or its incidental amounts are not paid under the terms agreed, and
once an initial notice is served by a bailiff, the LESSEE will be liable ipso jure to pay an increase
on the total amount due, calculated in accordance with the legal interest rate, as
compensation for damages which the LESSOR has suffered, without the need for a formal
notice to pay to be issued, by way of derogation from paragraph 5 of Article 1231-5 of the
French Civil Code.
2. If the LESSEE who no longer has any right of occupancy does not vacate the premises, resists
an eviction order or obtains additional time to vacate the premises, in addition to the charges,
they must pay contractual occupancy compensation, equal to twice the amount of daily rent,
until the moment the move out completely and hand over the keys. This compensation is
intended to indemnify the LESSOR for the prejudice caused by the abusive occupancy of the
rented premises which prevents them from exercising their rights as a LESSOR.
Each party can, vis-à-vis the party refusing to perform their obligation and, following formal notice,
perform the obligation themselves within a reasonable timeframe and at a reasonable cost. The
party may ask the defaulting party to reimburse the amounts incurred.


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It is formally agreed that any tolerance by the LESSOR or by their representative, as regards the
aforementioned terms and conditions, irrespective of the frequency and the duration, cannot under
any circumstances be deemed as making an amendment to or a withdrawal from these terms and
conditions, or as generating any sort of right. The LESSOR may, at any time, terminate this by
notifying the LESSEE by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt and by allowing a
sufficient timeframe for the latter to comply with the obligation in question.


As regards the performance of all the obligations arising from the Agreement hereof, there will be
joint and several liability between:
- The parties here above referred to as “the LESSEE”,
- The heirs or representatives of the LESSEE who has just passed away (subject to Article 802
of the French Civil Code).
The contracting parties elect their address for service: the LESSOR their permanent address and the
LESSEE the address of the rented premises for the effective duration of the Lease Agreement hereof.

If applicable, the fees for drawing up the Agreement hereof and the party or parties responsible for
bearing the cost are specified hereinafter.

434.00 €

 List of leasehold repairs laid down by French Council of State Decree.
 List of apportionable service charges laid down by French Council of State Decree.
 Items constituting the statutory French property survey (known as the Technical Diagnosis
File) (Art. 3-3 of the French Act 89-462).

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Drawn up and signed in: Fontainebleau WORDS NULL

............................ words

............................ lines
On: April 25th, 2023

As 1 original copies, one of which is transmitted immediately to each party and, as such,

THE LESSOR OR THEIR RESPRESENTATIVE Signature preceded by the handwritten words "read and


THE LESSEE(S) Signature(s) preceded by of the handwritten words "read and approved"


Attention: The personal information contained in these presents and concerning the mandating person may be entered in a computer file.
In accordance with the act of 06.01.1978 as amended by act no. 2004-801 of 06.08.2004, the mandating person, physical person, justifying
his identity, shall oppose, for legitimate reasons, this data being subject to computer processing. Where appropriate, he may require the
person responsible for this personal data to correct, supplement, update, lock or erase it.

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1290 OF DEC. 23rd 1986

Outbuildings the tenant has use of

A. Private gardens
• Everyday maintenance, especially paths, lawns, bushes, ponds and swimming-pools.
• Keeping caterpillars nests under control and out of trees and shrubs.
• Replacement of shrubs.
• Repair or replacement of mobile sprinkling installations.

B. Porch roof, terraces and canopies

• Removal of moss and other debris

C. Rain waterpipes, gutters and drainpipes

• Unblocking the pipes and keeping gutters clear of leaves and other debris

Inside and outside windows and doors

A. Door and window hardware

• Lubrication of hinges and locks
• Minor repairs of door handles, hinges, window handles etc.

B. Glazing
• Repairing and/or replacing putty.
• Replacement of damaged window panes.

C. Light dressing such as blinds and venetian blinds

• Lubrication
• Replacement of strings, pulleys or blades etc.
• Regular cleaning

D. Locks and security bolts

• Lubrication
• Replacement of small spare parts, and also lost or damaged keys.

E. Gates
• Cleaning and lubrication
• Replacement of bolts, screw bolts etc.

F. Pipework, hoses and taps

• Cleaning and lubrication
• Replacement if needed
• Protection from frost and freezing during the winter.

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Inside parts

A. Ceilings, inside walls and dividing walls

• Maintenance of the house to a reasonable condition.
• Touch up of painted surfaces and wall -papers.
• Replacement of some missing components of wall-covering such as tiles, mosaics,
plastics etc.
• Filling in holes.

B. Wooden floors, wall to wall carpets and other floor coverings

• Waxing and everyday maintenance of varnish.
• Replacement of some floor boards.
• In case of stains or holes: Fit new patches on damaged spots.

C. Cupboards and other woodwork such as baseboards, mouldings, beading

• Replacement: shelves and battens.
• Repairs: shutting devices.


A. Water pipes
• Unblocking
• Replacement: gaskets, clamps and clips.
• Prevention of freezing during winter.

B. Gas pipes
• Everyday maintenance on taps, siphons and ventilation apertures.
• Replacement: Connecting rubber tubes when needed.

C. Septic tank, cess pools

• Draining and use of specific products to avoid blockages.

D. Heating systems, hot water systems and any taps

• Replacement: pistons, diaphragms, piezzo-electrical ignition, valves and joints.
• Rinsing and cleaning stoking and pipe systems.
• Replacement: joints, valves on taps.
• Replacement: joints, ball cocks, flush system.
E. Sinks and sanitary facilities
• Cleaning of mineral deposits.
• Replacement: flexible shower hose.


• Replacement: switches, sockets, plugs, circuit-breakers, fuses, bulbs, fluorescent tubes.

• Repairs or Replacement: protective sheaths.

Other equipment mentioned in rental agreement

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A. Everyday maintenance and minor repairs
• Washing machine, dish-washer, tumble dryer, extractor hood, water softeners, solar panel,
heat pump, air-conditioning, radio and television aerial, sealed furniture, fire places, mirrors.

B. Minor repairs
• When required rubber seals.

C. Cleaning
• Smoke and gas exhaust shafts.
• Ventilation grills.
• Smoke Detectors


Fontainebleau, on April 25th, 2023

Name: meng xiangnan Signature:

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