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Dear colleagues,

This Saturday I’d like to discuss with you our branding transition. My proposal is to step away from a
traditional mind-share, masculinity-focused approach to a more inclusive and progressive branding
strategy with a cultural approach to branding. There are valid reasons for us to make that step:
alignment with changing cultural values and attracting a younger audience that values inclusivity and
social responsibility. We carefully considered the evolving cultural landscape and conducted extensive
market research. This transition is based on our commitment to social responsibility and recognises the
changing expectations of our consumers.
There are of course risks coming along the transition. Some consumers may resist or reject the new
branding approach, thinking that it deviates from the brand's traditional image or values. Moreover,
our loyal customers who strongly identify with the brand's previous messaging and positioning may
feel disconnected from the new approach. Additionally, we might have to communicate the rationale
behind the transition and redefine the brand's value proposition.
Nevertheless, the positive sides of the change are prevailing. By embracing inclusivity, we open doors
to a broader target audience, attracting customers who resonate with progressive values and seek
brands that align with their principles. Secondly, this transition allows us to adapt to changing cultural
norms, demonstrating our commitment to promoting positive masculinity and social responsibility.
Furthermore, differentiating ourselves through this progressive branding approach positions Gillette as
a forward-thinking brand in the industry, setting us apart from competitors and giving us a unique
In conclusion, we are confident that this strategic decision will enable Gillette to thrive in a changing
market, attract new customers, and strengthen our position as a socially responsible brand.

Thank you for your time dedicated to this project!

Sincerely yours,
Polina Burkova
Brand Manager


Dear colleagues,

I am writing to share important information about our decision to transition Apple's branding approach
from a product-focused strategy to a more experiential and emotional approach. We can discuss this
process further the following Monday. I believe that you’d find the reasons for that transition valid.
There is an obvious shift in our customers’ profiles and arising need to stay ahead in a dynamic
market. We recognize that consumers no longer view Apple solely as a technology company, but
rather as an enabler of personal growth, creativity, and self-expression.

We of course should be aware of the following risks:

● Some customers may initially struggle to understand the shift in branding approach, leading to
confusion or scepticism about the new direction. Effective communication will be crucial to address
these concerns.
● There is a risk that other competitors may attempt to imitate our experiential and emotional
branding approach, potentially diluting our differentiation and unique value proposition.
● As we emphasize the overall experience and emotional connection, it is essential to ensure
consistency across all touchpoints, including products, marketing campaigns, and customer
Nevertheless, I believe that we would handle the risks well and the benefits will bring us much more
value. For example, long-term customer relationships. Engaged customers are more likely to become
brand advocates, driving positive word-of-mouth and contributing to our overall success. Moreover,
we could enhance customer engagement by focusing on the overall experience and emotional
connection. Creating a seamless ecosystem that integrates hardware, software, and services will further
strengthen the bond between our customers and the Apple brand. Furthermore, this transition allows us
to differentiate ourselves from competitors and stand out in a crowded market.

To summarize, Apple's transition in branding approach involves moving from a primarily

product-focused strategy to a more experiential and emotional approach. This shift enables us to create
a unique brand identity, foster emotional connections with consumers, and build a community of
passionate users who appreciate the holistic experience provided by our ecosystem of products and

Looking forward to our discussion on Monday!

Best regards,
Polina Burkova
Brand Manager

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