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prov ide s comput e r an d t echnolo gy t rai nin g t o t he communit y i n orde r t o prep ar e re sid ent s t o compet e g loba ll y.

provides fun and fitness activities, nutrition training and info sessions to improve health and overall well being for the family. provide s in st r uct ion and t r ain ing t o p rep are adult s for employm ent t hrou gh hands - o n job read ine ss p rog r ams . F ocus on ex offende rs and t he di ff icu lt t o employ. encou ra ges f ami ly t oget her nes s t hro ugh read ing , fun/ game s/a ct i vit i es , eve n t s, pa rent ing ski ll s and re sou rce s t o st a b ili ze h igh - ri sk fami lie s.

10958 S. Halsted St. Chicago, IL 60628

After School Matters City of Chicago Dept. of Family & /Support Services Microsoft, Inc. Phalanx Family Services Chicago Police Department Roseland Pullman Kensington Council on Human Relations Pierce Family Foundation Stat of Illinois Local Alderman, State & Federal Legislators, businesses and individuals stand with us to impact the life at a time.

773-840-3590 Check us out on facebook!

10958 S. Halsted St. Chicago, IL 773-840-3590

IMPACT Family Center, is a human service organization, serving children, youth, and families. IMPACT provides programs and training to not only empower those we serve, but to help them become self-sufficient.
Training in journalism, public relations, marketing, layout, design and photography while creating a newsletter. Participants prepare media marketing tools for a business or organization needed in a low income area. Develops basic communication skills, life skills, self-worth and self-esteem. Use communication models to train in verbal and written communication while using Microsoft programs and the Internet.

Youth today are in desperate need of direction and positive activities. Unfortunately, many youth in our country and in the Roseland community in particular, lack motivation, skills and determination to become successful, self-sufficient adults. They no longer dream big or believe that their dreams can become a reality. It is our passion to help our underserved youth dream again and become successful, self-sufficient adults.

The vision of the IMPACT Family Center is to provide programs and services to at-risk youth and families in order to decrease the cyber-divide and prepare them for careers specializing in communications, to improve school performance, socialization, and health, while providing a safe and wholesome environment.
Features Keep it Real Homework & Tutoring Club and the ACT Prep: 36 Club, which reinforces classroomlessons, encourages completion of homework assignments, research, independent reading, and preparation for standardized tests. It also assists seniors in high school and scholarship preparation. Focuses on developing advanced communication skills and utilizing them in digital television and radio production.

Targets junior-high students in elementary schools throughout Chicago, by providing mentorship, life skills training, gang/violence prevention & intervention, self-esteem building as well as college/ green career & future planning. School administrators embrace this program because it generates positive results.

Teen males and females participate in separate mentoring clubs and are involved in personal development, life skills training, planning a successful future, community service projects, relationship building, and social etiquette in order to better prepare them to become productive men and women in the 21st Century.

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