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Lead Python Developer || (717) 983-8619

Professional Summary

● Lead Python Developer with over 12 years of experience in software development, with a
focus on full stack web development.
● Proficient in both front-end and back-end technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript,
Python, and related frameworks such as Flask, Django, and React.
● Skilled in front-end technologies such as React, Vue.js, and AngularJS, as well as the tools
and frameworks used to build modern web applications.
● Proficient in Vue.js framework and its ecosystem including Vuex, Vue Router, and Vue CLI.
● Experienced in developing applications using Agile Methodologies, Waterfall Methodology and
Scrum stories in a python-based environment.
● Expertise in development of web - based applications using Python, Django, Flask,
XML,React.js CSS, DHTML, JSON and jQuery.
● Skilfull involvement in Python by developing software utilizing new tools, libraries utilized:
Beautiful Soup, NumPy, SciPy, PySide, matplotlib, Pickle, Pandas data frame, urllib2, MySQL
DB to improve software development process.
● Experience in Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud services such as EC2, EBS, S3, VPC,
Cloud Watch, Elastic Load Balancer, Teamcity and Octopus Deploy.
● Experience with Web Development, Amazon Web Services, Python and the Django
● Experience in developing web services (WSDL, SOAP and REST) and consuming web
services with python programming language.
● Experienced with JSON based RESTful web services, and XML/QML based SOAP web
services and worked on various applications using python integrated IDEs.
● Well Versed with various Python Integrated Development Environments like PyCharm, Eclipse,
Spider and NetBeans.
● Experience with big data technologies such as Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, and Apache
Kafka using Scala to process large volumes of data.
● Profound knowledge on Application Servers like WebSphere, WebLogic, Tomcat, Web Servers
like Apache server, NGINX.
● Experienced in security tools like Key cloak, Okta, Wireshark, Splunk, VA scanning.
● Proficient in writing SQL Queries, Stored procedures, functions, packages, tables, views,
triggers using relational databases like Oracle, MySQL and experience on NOSQL like
● Proficiency in version control systems like Git, GITHUB,GITLAB and Continuous Integration
(CI) and Continuous Development Tool Jenkins.
● Expertise with Project Management Tool Jira and HP ALM.
● Self-starter always inclined to learn new technologies and Team Player with very good
communication, organizational and interpersonal skills.
● Experience in data analytics, predictive analysis like Classification, Regression, Recommender
● Strong knowledge of Object-Oriented Design and programming concepts using Python.
● Good knowledge in Tableau, Matplotlib, Seaborn for interactive data visualizations.
● Experience with Django, a high-level Python Web framework and experience in WAMP
(Windows, Apache, MYSQL, and Python) Architecture.
● Strong Socket programming experience in Python.Implemented complex networking
operations like race route, SMTP mail server and web server.
● Hands-on experience in working with various Version Control Systems, mostly GIT, VS and
subversion SVN.
● Involved in all the phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) using Project
management tools JIRA, Redmine and Bugzilla.
● Highly motivated, quality minded developer, with proven ability to deliver applications against
tight deadlines.
● Possess good interpersonal, analytical presentation Skills, ability to work in Self-managed and
Team environments.
● Knowledgeable in implementing RESTful APIs using Java and Scala technologies such as
Jersey and Spray.
● Excellent working knowledge in UNIX and Linux shell environments using command line
● Expertise in Production support and knowledge of deployment using AWS, AWS CDK, Heroku,
Jenkins and Worked on standard python packages like boto and boto3 for AWS.
● Familiarity with development best practices such as code reviews, unit testing, system
integration testing (SIT) and user acceptance testing(UAT)
● Experienced in DB2 SQL Procedures and UNIX Shell Scripts for Data Import/Export and

Professional Experience

Lead Python Developer (Sept 2021 - Present)

Zywave Inc, Wisconsin,WI

● Managed large datasets using Pandas API ecosystem to analyze the different segments of
customers based on Location.
● Implemented or exposing the Micro services to base on RESTful API utilizing Spring Boot with
Spring MVC and Apache Kafka. Developed Rest API's with python with Django framework,
mongo DB for front end team.
● Implemented Autosys for efficient job scheduling and monitoring, ensuring timely execution of
critical insurance data processing tasks.
● Managed code versioning with GitHub, Bitbucket and deployment to staging and production
servers. Also Created Git repository and added to GitHub project.
● Utilized Vue Router to handle client-side routing and improve the overall user experience.
● Support an Agile CI/CD Environment with Devops where we make the Atlassian tools (Jira and
Bitbucket) and also provide layer 3 support on these tools if there are any issues
● Designed DynamoDB pipeline for routing/storing of email bounce handling records.
● Used Pandas API to put the data as time series and tabular format for local timestamp data
manipulation and retrieval and storing it into MongoDB.
● Implemented Amazon EMR to process and analyze large volumes of insurance data,
leveraging distributed computing power and advanced data processing frameworks.
● Developed Python scripts to parse and read YAML configuration files, enabling dynamic and
customizable application configuration without modifying the underlying code.
● Created UI Screens for initiation and validation. Design and developing User Interaction
screens using HTML5, XHTML, CSS3, JavaScript,React.js,Vue.jsBootstrap, AJAX, JSON and
Gulp. Used Python Query for selecting particular DOM elements when parsing HTML.
Developed Single Page applications using angular.js JS2, DHTML, CSS, Semantic UI libraries.
● Worked on MongoDB database concepts such as locking, transactions, indexes, replication
and schema design.
● Designed and implemented a data warehousing solution using Amazon RedShift, enabling
efficient storage and retrieval of structured and semi-structured insurance data.
● Implemented automation solutions to streamline repetitive tasks, resulting in a 30% reduction
in manual workload.
● Developed custom scripts using Python and PowerShell to automate routine tasks such as
data backup and system updates, reducing the risk of human error and increasing efficiency.
● Created Terraform scripts for EC2 instances, Elastic Load balancers and S3 buckets.
Implemented Terraform to manage the AWS CDK infrastructure and managed servers using
configuration management tools like Chef and Ansible.
● Build pipeline with Amazon Athena for ad-hoc querying and analysis of insurance data,
enabling faster insights and data-driven decision-making.
● Created Python Unit test cases for unit testing and development of test framework using
Python. Managed code with unit tests and GitHub.
● Utilized python libraries for machine learning like Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, sklearn, SciPy to
Load the dataset, summarizing the dataset, visualizing the dataset, evaluating algorithms, and
making predictions.
● Created interactive dashboards and reports using PowerBI and Tableau, providing actionable
insights and visualizations to stakeholders in the insurance sector.
● Used FastAPI as a web framework to build APIs with Python and Utilized its fast performance,
asynchronous features, and automatic API documentation.
● Leverage FastAPI’s its integration with other Python libraries, such as SQLAlchemy for
database access and Pydantic for data validation.
● Executed the VS Code's YAML extension's linting and error checking capabilities to identify
and resolve YAML syntax or formatting issues in insurance configuration files, ensuring
correctness and reliability.
● Utilized Amazon Athena for ad-hoc querying and analysis of data, extracting insights for
● Implemented AWS Glue for automated ETL processes, transforming and preparing insurance
data for analytics and reporting purposes.
● Develop and Implement interface for SOAP Web Services using JAX-WS framework.
● Using advanced levels of HTML5, AJAX, CSS3 and pure CSS layouts. Implemented
application level persistence using Hibernate and Spring. Developed various UI (User
Interface) components using Struts (MVC), JSP, and HTML.
● Handy experience in working with various Python Integrated Development Environments like
NetBeans, PyCharm, PyScripter, PyDev for Eclipse.
● Wrote and executed various MYSQL database queries from python using Python MySQL
connector and MySQL dB package. Build numerous Lambda and step functions using python
and automated the process using the event created.
● With the use of the Python OS module on Linux environment, made job cloning and forking.
● Used Pandas API to put the data as time series and tabular format for east timestamp data
manipulation and retrieval. Designed and developed the UI of the website using HTML,
NodeJS, React Js,XHTML, AJAX, CSS and JavaScript.
● Worked on with Docker’s container snapshots, attaching to a running container, removing
images, managing director structures, and managing containers. Virtualized the images by
using the Docker files.
● Developed and implemented predictive models of user behavior data on websites, URL
categorical, social network analysis, social mining and search content based on large-scale
● Stored implemented and working production code repository in Git using the tools like GitLab.
● Conducted vulnerability assessments and penetration testing using tools such as Nessus and
Metasploit, identifying and remedying security weaknesses in infrastructure and applications.
● Implemented security controls such as firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems
(IDS/IPS), and two-factor authentication (2FA) to protect against unauthorized access and
mitigate security threats.
● Maintained EMR cluster security by implementing best practices such as using VPC, SSL
encryption, and IAM policies, and keeping up-to-date with AWS security updates and patches.
● Extensively used Pandas, NumPy, Seaborn, Matplotlib, Scikit-learn, SciPy and NLTK in
Python for developing various machine learning algorithms which can reduce the production
cost by 12%.
● Implemented Blitz.js as a full-stack React framework and Build web applications with a single
codebase, using both the frontend and backend in JavaScript.
● Worked on Element Tree XML API in Python to parse XML documents and load data into
database and from database to XML documents.
● Created a simple AWS Lambda function using python for deployment management in AWS
and worked on Teamcity Module.
● Design, investigation and implementation of public facing websites on Amazon Web Services
(AWS). Developed Spark/Scala code to ingest data leveraging memory and optimizing
● Used AWS Redshift, S3, GlueCatalog, Spectrum and Athena services to query large amount
data stored on S3 to create a Virtual Data Lake without having to go through ETL process.
Developed ETL processes to move data between RDBMS and NoSQL data storage.
● Created new connections through applications for better access to MySQL database and
involved in writing several SQL/PL SQL -functions, sequences, stored procedures, triggers,
cursors and object types. Worked as ADNS/ infection control/ wound care.

Sr. Python Developer (May 2018 - Aug 2021)

Hinge Health,Inc San Francisco, CA

● Involved in the development of front end of the application using Python, HTML5, CSS3,
bootstrap 3.0,Vue.js, AJAX, JSON and jQuery and Front-end web development using
HTML/CSS, jQuery, bootstrap,React.js as well as back-end development using Golang and
● Implemented state management using Vuex to manage complex data structures and ensure
consistency throughout the application.
● Integrated FastAPI with databases, such as PostgreSQL or MongoDB, to persist and retrieve
data, enabling seamless interaction with backend data storage systems.
● Worked with HTML and CSS for website design, JavaScript for scripting, and used Express.JS
and Node.JS frameworks for server-side connectivity and Developed frontend and backend
modules using Python on Django Web Framework with GITLAB.
● Involved in installing software using pip command for python libraries like Beautiful Soup,
NumPy, SciPy, python-twitter, RabbitMQ, Celery, matplotlib, Pandas data-frame and Generated
various capacity planning reports (graphical) using Python packages like NumPy, matplotlib.
● Created a simple AWS Lambda function using python for deployment management in AWS
AND Build numerous Lambda functions using python and automated the process using the
event created as well as Created a Handler function in Python using AWS Lambda with step
function that can invoke when the service is executed.
● Performed data exploratory, data visualizations, and feature selections using Python and
Apache Spark and scaled Scikit-learn machine learning algorithms using apache spark.
● Lead development for Natural Language Processing (NLP) initiatives with chat-bots and virtual
assistants in hinge health therapy program application.
● Used PySparkdata frame to read text data,CSV data,Image data from HDFS, S3,andHive for
implementing the new features in an existing application.
● Integrated FastAPI with other Python libraries and frameworks, such as SQLAlchemy for
database interaction or Pydantic for data validation and modeling, to leverage their capabilities
in an applications.
● Building Microservices using Golang, JSON, Docker, MongoDB and utilized Golang for back-
end development for Microservices.
● Involved in MVC frameworks like Django, Vue.js, JavaScript, and Node.js and worked with
server-side technologies including databases, Rest API and MVC design patterns.
● Involved in designing and developing ETL mapping for data collection from various data feeds
using REST API.
● Involved in integrating Java and Scala applications with various databases, such as Oracle,
MySQL, and MongoDB.
● Written bash and python scripts integrating Boto3 to supplement automation provided by
Ansible and Terraform for tasks such as encrypting EBS volumes backing AMI's and scheduling
lambda functions like Teamcity and Octopus Deploy for routine AWS tasks.
● Integrated YAML-based configuration files with deployment automation tools, such as Ansible
or Kubernetes, to streamline the deployment and management of insurance applications in
different environments.
● Develop ETL jobs to automate the real time data retrieval and responsible for creating ETL
design specification document to load data from operational data store to data warehouse as
well as developed integration techniques.
● Used GIT as repository, GitHub and Jenkins to build and deploy the project into Fuse server
and involved in coding for JUnit Test cases.
● Used Eclipse IDE for designing, coding and developing applications. Developed test cases and
performed unit testing using JUnit.
● D3.js as a data visualization library and Build interactive and dynamic visualizations with SVG,
HTML, and CSS.
● Developed the notification service by posting the JSON request in AWS API Gateway,
Validating the response in Lambda by getting the data from DynamoDB and sending the
notification through AWS SNS.
● Wrote Lambda functions in python for AWS's Lambda, Kinesis and Elastic Search which
invokes python scripts to perform various transformations and analytics on large data sets in
Amazon EMR clusters.
● Responsible for Amazon web services (AWS) infrastructure with automation and configuration
management tool such as chef.
● Developed a system using collections in Python for manipulating and looping through different
user defined objects.
● Developed Spark code using Python for faster processing of data on Hive (Hadoop).
● Clean data and processed third party spending data into maneuverable deliverables within
specific format with Excel macros and python libraries such as NumPy, SQLAlchemy and
● Developed & Implemented OAuth2 functionality with Spring Security to secure the REST
services/REST API for authentication & authorization, and generate & validate the tokens for
REST clients to protect the REST services.
Sr. Python Developer (June 2015 - April 2018)
MTA, NewYork,NY

● Developed a full stack Python web framework with an emphasis on simplicity, flexibility, and
● It is built on a top excellent components and reinvents zero wheels. WSGI, routing, templating,
forms, data, plugins, config, events, SQLAlchemy, Storm, CouchDB, OpenID, App Engine,
jQuery, etc.
● Implemented background tasks and scheduled jobs using FastAPI's background tasks and
scheduling features, automating routine processes and improving operational efficiency.
● Developed and implemented secure AWS Lambda serverless functions in Python and Node.js.
Managed all Serverless functions with the Serverless Framework allowing for ease of
management and cloud provider flexibility.
● Wrote python scripts using Boto3 to automatically spin up the instances in AWS EC2 and OPS
Works stacks and integrated with Auto scaling to automatically spin up the servers with
configured AMIs.
● Developed custom airflow operators using Python to generate and load CSV files into GS from
SQL Server and Oracle databases.
● Wrote and executed several complex SQL queries in AWS glue for ETL operations in Spark
data frame using SparkSQL.
● Successfully migrated the Django database from SQLite to MySQL to Postgresql with
complete data integrity.
● Performed Kafka analysis, feature selection, feature extraction using Apache Spark Machine.
● Involved in Pipelining data into AWS GlueCatalog and Cloudformation then used PySpark to
perform complex transformations standardizing the data and stages it into S3 buckets.
● Developed microservices on boarding tools leveraging Python and Jenkins allowing for easy
creation and maintenance of build jobs and Kubernetes deploy and services.
● Worked in DevOps group running Jenkins in a Docker container with EC2 slaves in Amazon
AWS cloud configuration.
● Developed Spark Applications by using Scala, Java and Implemented Apache Spark data
processing project to handle data from various RDBMS and Streaming sources.
● Expertise with DevOps technologies including Jenkins, Splunk, Chef, Puppet, RabbitMQ, ELK
Stack, Apache, ActiveMQ, Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible.
● Designed DynamoDB pipeline for routing/storing of email bounce handling records. Used
Pandas API to put the data as time series and tabular format for local timestamp data
manipulation and retrieval and storing it into MongoDB.
● Involved in converting Hive/SQL queries into Spark transformations using Spark RDD and
Pyspark concepts. Encoded and decoded json objects using PySpark to create and modify the
data frames in Apache Spark.
● Collaborated Flask and pandas to monitor, migrate and develop table database and work with
large data set files.
● Wrote python script to compare performance between vector machine and neural network
using Scikit-learn.
● Created Python and Bash tools to increase efficiency of call center application system and
operations, data conversion scripts, REST, JSON, and CRUD scripts for API Integration.
● Enhanced existing automated solutions, such as the Inquiry Tool for automated Asset
Department reporting and added new features and fixed bugs.

Python Developer (Nov 2013 - May 2015)

QVC,West Chester, PA

● Developed a fully automated continuous integration system using Git, Gerrit, Jenkins,
MySQL and custom tools developed in Python and Bash.
● Implemented the application using Python Spring IOC (Inversion of Control), Django
Framework and handled the security using Python Spring Security.
● Used pyGtk, wxPython python libraries. Involved in web application development for
backend system using AngularJS and Node.js with cutting edge
● Written Web services using SOAP for sending and getting data from the external interface.
● Implemented user interface guidelines and standards throughout the development and
maintenance of the website using the HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery.
● Designed Data Quality Framework to perform schema validation and data profiling on Spark
● Successfully migrated the Django database from SQLite to MySQL to Postgresql with
complete data integrity.
● Utilized standard Python modules such as csv, robotparser, itertools and pickle for
● Used and customized apache server for checking our developed project.
● Used Test driven approach (TDD) for developing services required for the application .
● Rewrite existing Python/Flask module to deliver certain format of data. Created script in
python for calling REST APIs.
● Developed several algorithms for generating several data patterns.
● Added several options to the application to choose particular algorithm for data and address
● Developed and maintained parsing modules, which read CSV, XML and JSON data from
files and other REST services, processed the data.
● Implemented web based front-end using HTML, CSS, jQuery, and AngularJS.
● Developed views and templates with Python and Django view controllers and templating
language to create a userfriendly website interface.
● Worked on Snowflake cloud data warehouse and AWS S3 bucket for integrating data from
multiple source system.
● Project loading nested JSON formatted data into snowflake table and developed web
application using MongoDB, Express, React, Node JS and GraphQL.
● Used Node.js as a proxy to interact with RESTful services and interacting with PostgreSQL
Database. Built SPA with loading multiple views using route services using Angular and
● Design and construct of AWS Data pipelines using various resources in AWS including
AWS API Gateway to receives response from AWS lambda and retrieve data from
● Worked on lambda function and convert the response into Json format using Database as
Snow Flake, DynamoDB, AWS Lambda function and AWS S3.
● Used Thales theorem for applying encryption and decryption of ISO standard message in
Python programming.
● Used Redis as messaging broker to execute asynchronous tasks and Implemented object-
oriented programming to enhance company product management.

Software Engineer (June 2011 - Oct 2013)

TE Connectivity,MiddleTown,PA
● Worked with python modules like urllib, urllib2, requests for web crawling. Experience using
ML techniques: clustering, regression, classification, graphical models.
● Carried out Regression, K-means clustering and Decision Trees along with Data
Visualization reports for the management using R.
● Implemented classification algorithms such as Logistic Regression, KNN and Random
Forests to predict the Customer churn and Customer interface.
● Created and developed the application using Python, Django Framework, JavaScript and
MySQL database.
● Connected the MySQL database and application server by using the Django web
framework ORM.
● Hands on experience in implementing modules and consume REST Web services in JSON
format using Django.
● Developed automated applications to extract from various resources and analyzed input to
determine the key performance metrics driving the customer behaviors using Databricks
and PySpark.
● Carried out various mathematical operations for calculation purpose using python libraries.
● Involved in building database Model, APIs and Views utilizing Python in order to build an
interactive web-based solution.
● Worked on developing internal testing tools which were written in Python. Generated
Python Django Forms to record data of online users.


America Bangladesh university (July 2006 - July 2010)

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

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