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Submitted to the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teacher Training of State Islamic
University Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto as the Requirement for
Writing an Undergraduate Thesis

Student Number. 2017404075


A. Background Of The Problem
Education is a conscious effort to realize something cultural heritage
from one generation to the next. Education makes this generation a role
model for the teachings of previous generations. Until now, education has
not had a limit to explain the meaning of education as a whole because of
its complex nature as its target, namely humans. Its complex nature is often
referred to as the science of education. Science education is a continuation
of education. Educational science is more related to educational theory that
prioritizes scientific thinking. Education and educational science are related
in practical and theoretical terms. Thus, in the process of human life, the
two collaborate with each other. In a simple and general sense, education is
a human effort to grow and develop innate potential both physically and
spiritually in accordance with the values that exist in society and culture.
Education and culture live side by side and promote each other.1
The method must have a foundation that is in accordance with the
personality of a culture, for example in the Indonesian context, the
curriculum must pay attention to the basic needs of the people who will
consume education. in accordance with the mandate of the 1945
Constitution. Learning is also the implementation of the curriculum inside
and outside the classroom. The curriculum is also seen as a subsystem of
education in general and in particular which expresses hierarchies and
interrelationships between various components which include educational
goals, educational content, how educational methods are taught, and finally,
how to evaluate when learning can be implemented. implemented properly
or not with the established curriculum guidelines.2

Hilmin Hilmin, Dwi Noviani, and Ani Nafisah, “Kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah Dalam
Penerapan Kurikulum Merdeka,” Khatulistiwa: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Sosial Humaniora 2, no. 2
(2022): 148–162.
Abd Rahman et al., “Pengertian Pendidikan, Ilmu Pendidikan Dan Unsur-Unsur
Pendidikan,” Al Urwatul Wutsqa: Kajian Pendidikan Islam 2, no. 1 (2022): 1–8.

Indonesia often experiences curriculum changes, including the
1947, 1964, 1968, 1973, 1975, 1984, 1994, 1997, 2004, 2006, 2013
curriculum and the Merdeka Curriculum . In addition to some, curriculum
changes can only occur as a whole, meaning that the entire curriculum
system experiences changes which are reflected both in the goals and
strategies and implementation of organizational content. In this academic
year the curriculum used is the Merdeka Curriculum. Merdeka Belajar is a
new policy program of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the
Republic of Indonesia (Kemendikbud RI) which was proclaimed by the
Minister of Education and Culture of the Indonesian Advanced Cabinet, The
essence of freedom of thought, according to Nadiem, must be preceded by
teachers before they teach it to students. Nadiem said, in teacher competence
at any level, without a process of translating the basic competencies and the
existing curriculum, there would never be learning.3
Merdeka Curriculum is a curriculum that incorporates a variety of
intracurricural learning to help students acquire topic and improve their
competencies, the teacher has the choice to choose the material and is
relevant for students. Merdeka Curriculum also strengthens the achievement
of Pancasila student profiles, which are create according with the themes
determined by the government.4
The goal of the study is to describe the Merdeka Curriculum. for the
result that this research not widely complete by the community, the
researcher want to determine the advantages and disadvantages of trying to
implement the Merdeka Curriculum at SMKN 02 Purwokerto. SMKN 02
Purwokerto is a school that used the Merdeka Curriculum and provides a
variety of majors with expert teachers and brilliant students. Then the
researcher also want to find out how Merdeka Curriculum develop at SMKN

Evi Hasim, “Penerapan Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar Perguruan Tinggi Di Masa Pandemi
Covid-19,” Prosiding Webinar Magister Pendidikan Dasar Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri
Gorontalo “Pengembangan Profesionalisme Guru Melalui Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Menuju Anak
Merdeka Belajar” (2020): 68–74.
Faridahtul Jannah, Thooriq Irtifa, and Putri Fatimattus Az Zahra, “Problematika
Penerapan Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar 2022” 4, no. 2 (2022): 55–65.

2 Purwokerto, since both in terms of students and teachers, there were
definitely many changes. The 2013 curriculum adopts a particular strategy,
specifically a scientific approach for all disciplines, as contrast to the
Merdeka Curriculum multiple approaches, which makes it easier for
students to adjust to the new learning model, while learning the Merdeka
Curriculum strengthens learning that is differentiated according to the stages
of student achievement. The Merdeka Curriculum has just recently been
establish in Indonesia, but not all schools chose it for use in teaching and
learning activities, which is why it makes for an interesting research issue.
The ability to present a new style of learning using the new curriculum in
schools that chose an alternative curriculum make this a particularly
fascinating area for research. The researcher also want to understand if
Merdeka Curriculum is better to the previous curriculum in view of the new
impacts on schools that have implement it.
From preliminary research on November 24, 2022, by conducting
interviews with the deputy head of the curriculum and English teacher at
SMKN 02 Purwokerto. The results show in each SMK Education Institution
are required to use the Merdeka Curriculum, then in the Merdeka
Curriculum there are 3 choices, namely independent learning, independent
changing and independent sharing. The curriculum delivered by
representatives at SMKN 02 Purwokerto uses the Merdeka Curriculum with
the option of independent change, that is, it has fully utilized the Merdeka
teaching platform prepared by the Ministry of Education and Culture.
Choose CP (Learning Achievement), TP (Learning Objectives), ATP
(Reference Learning Objectives), teaching tools, assessments, and so on on
this platform, which also contains all the needs that schools need to
implement the Merdeka Curriculum. Preparation for the implementation of
the Merdeka Curriculum at SMKN 02 Purwokerto, namely holding a
workshop in May which was attended by all teachers at SMKN 02
Purwokerto with guiding informants and teachers from Ajibarang who had

already implemented the Merdeka Curriculum. The resource person
explained about KOSP (Educational Unit Operational Curriculum)
The learning process which is different from the previous curriculum
is indeed difficult to implement at SMKN 02 Purwokerto, but every teacher
can follow these changes, so that students can also take part in learning. The
application of the Merdeka Curriculum learning in the process of
implementing English learning, the English teacher of the Electricity Staff
conveyed that the preparation of the RPP (Lesson Plan) contains 3 main
components namely objectives, activities and learning assessment as well
as several rubric attachments and assessment sheets. Then the lesson plan is
applied to learning English.
Since Indonesia very recently established the Merdeka Curriculum,
there has been little research and study done on it. The purpose of this study,
Teaching Writing in Merdeka Curriculum at 10Th Grade of SMK Negeri 2
Purwokerto, to examine the development and implementation of the
independent learning curriculum in studying writing at a certain college.
B. Conceptual Definition
1. Teaching Writing
Teaching writing as a productive talent requires teachers to direct
students to express themselves in written form and requires more
components of abilities, which are different from speaking, such as utilizing
appropriate words, right sentences, and perfect spelling. Both teachers'
instructional methods and their views on writing have evolved over time.
According to Raimes, Ann (2002, 307), teachers must be aware of their
impressions of the connection between the types of writing they teach and
the positions they are preparing students for in the classroom and the larger
workforce. Beliefs about learning and the teaching of writing are linked to
how teachers perceive how they teach writing in relation to the roles that
students play in learning writing. 5

Kalyo Hasibuan, “Teaching Writing as Productive Skills,” no. 1 (2020): 2,

2. Merdeka Curriculum
Merdeka Curriculum was first coined by the Minister of Education
and Culture, namely Nadiem Makarim in 2019, this was motivated by the
results of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) research
which carried out in 2019 with the results of the assessment of students in
Indonesia only occupying the sixth position from the bottom, so that with
the results of this research the Minister of Education and Culture sparked a
new curriculum concept.
The motivation of Nadiem Makarim's idea of Freedom to Learn is
his goal to establish a positive learning environment free from the constraint
of achieving a specific grade or value. The Minister of Education and
Culture of the Republic of Indonesia presented the major points of the
ministry to the leaders of the education offices of the provinces, regencies,
and cities throughout Indonesia.
C. Problem statement
Based on the background of the problem that has been explained
above, the problem can be formulated as follow:
1. How do the teachers plan teaching writing in Merdeka Curriculum at
10Th grade of SMKN 02 Purwokerto?
2. How do the teachers implement teaching writing in Merdeka
Curriculum at 10Th grade of SMKN 02 Purwokerto?
D. Objectives and Significances of the Research
1. Objectives of the research
In this problem research, the aim of this research is as follow:
a. To understand how the teachers plans teaching writing process of the
Merdeka Curriculum for the 10Th grade at SMKN 02 Purwokerto.
b. To understand how the teachers implements teaching writing process
in the context of Merdeka Curriculum at grade 10Th of SMKN 02
2. The significances of the research
The significances that can be expect from this research are:

a. Theoretical Significance
This research is expect to contribute to the development of teachers
in implementation the merdeka Curriculum, especially in learning
b. Practical significanct
1. Student significance
This research is expect to help students and be able to achieve
the goals desired by the teacher, especially in implementation
the merdeka Curriculum in learning English
2. Significance of the institution
This research is expect to reference the Merdeka Curriculum
there is English learning
3. The significance of the teacher
This research is expect to implementation the Merdeka
Curriculum in learning English
4. Significance of future researchers
This research is expect to contribute to the implementation of the
merdeka curriculum by students, institutions and teachers.
E. Review of Relevant Students
The thesis research entitled “Teacher Preparation Implementation
The System Merdeka Learning at SD 01 Muara Pinang. In this study, the
topic of teacher training for adopting learning systems is covered. This study
is based on the history of the independent learning system, a new policy that
undoubtedly faces challenges in implementation. The challenge is getting
teachers who are still hesitant about technology to be ready to educate
students how to use internet tools as medium for learning. This type of
research employs qualitative data collection methods such as interviews,
observational data collection, and documentation. The study's participants
were students in South Sumatra Province's SD (Elementary School) 01
Muara Pinang. The interactive model developed by Milles and Michael
Huberman is used in this study's descriptive qualitative data analysis.

According to the study's findings, SD 01 Muara Pinang is prepared to
execute a new policy, namely the learning system of independent learning,
which begins with teachers' preparation. The SD 01 Muara Pinang teachers
are preparing to adopt the system of autonomous learning by first holding
training for teachers, especially for teachers who are still unsure of how to
use the features of the internet as a learning medium. The researcher for the
thesis and the study that will be conduct both employ qualitative research
methodologies and talk about teacher preparation for applying the
independent learning curriculum. The participants in the research that will
be conduct will be curriculum representatives and English teachers, as
contrast to the subjects in the study, who were primary school teachers. 6
Journal from Fieka Nurul Arifa entitled “Implementation of
Merdeka Curriculum and The Challenge”. The implementation of the
independent curriculum and its difficulties are covered in this journal. In
educational units that are prepared and have registered, the Merdeka
Curriculum is used. The national curriculum will be change in 2024 based
on an evaluation made during the learning recovery period, according to
policy from the Ministry of Education and Culture. The difficulties
encountered in implementing the Merdeka Curriculum are inextricably
linked to issues with project manager preparation for human resources. This
essay analyzes and their difficulties. Merdeka Curriculum to have a major
impact, all participants must work together. The Merdeka Curriculum is
being implemented as an additional option in the post-COVID-19 education
recovery. According to the findings of this study, Merdeka Curriculum
implementation can speed up the restoration of education. This research and
the study that will be have a lot in common because both focus on how
autonomous curricula are deploy in teaching and learning activities. The

Cindy Sinomi, “Persiapan Guru Dalam Melaksanakan Sistem Merdeka Belajar Di SD 01
Muara Pinang Kecamatan Muara Pinang Kabupaten Empat Lawang Provinsi Sumatera Selatab,”

research that will be conduct different from it in that it will not address the
difficulties in implementing the independent curriculum.7
The thesis research entitled “Analysis Implementation of Merdeka
Curriculum Policy in SMK Curriculum”. In order to gain a general
understanding, this study analyzes how the independent learning policy is
applied to the SMK curriculum, what challenges it faces, and what steps are
being done to address various issues that already exist. Implemented
research sites include Turen Malang Vocational School, Muhammadiyah 7
Gondanglegi Vocational School, and SMKN 1 Singosari. Descriptive data
are used to support the qualitative technique employed to solve this research
problem. Using active involvement observation techniques, interviews, and
document studies as a data collection method. This study's data analysis
method, which consists of data reduction, data display, and conclusion, is
based on Miles and Huberman's interactive analysis model. This study
discovered: Using the system education in the areas of input, process, and
output will help to implement the Merdeka Curriculum learning policy in
the SMK curriculum. The following are challenges to implementing
independence learning from the SMK:
1. Programmed teacher competency improvement is essential for the
development of industrial competencies.
2. The practical application of industrial competence by teachers is still
3. Standard adjustments and the completion of suitable infrastructure are
necessary for the creation of sustainable curriculum.
4. Challenges Effectively facilitate learning in accordance with industry
5. The implementation of the independent curriculum is a similar topic of
discussion in the thesis researcher's research and takes place in
vocational high schools. Related methodologies, namely a qualitative

Fieka Nurul Arifa, “Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka Dan Tantangannya,” Bidang
Kesejahteraan Rakyat: Info Singkat, 14, no. 9 (2022): 25–30.

approach, are similar to the research that will be conduct. The research
that will be conduct differs from this research in that it focuses on
analyzing how the autonomous curriculum is implement at SMK versus
discussing teacher preparation for adopting it in teaching and learning

This journal discusses the SMK English teachers' professionalism in

assisting the SMK Center of Excellence initiative as well as their readiness
to implement the Merdeka Curriculum. This program promotes the
development of the professionalism of vocational teachers and improves
SMK performance in order to generate graduates who can either enter the
workforce or start their own business. The findings of this study will be used
to assess the implementation readiness of teacher professionalism. Teachers
of English in public and private vocational schools in Surabaya and another
city in East Java are provided with the Merdeka Curriculum. Results of
teacher assignments and training It is well recognized that the concept maps
the instructors created about their professionalism in executing the
curriculum independently demonstrate their cognitive preparation for the
technical coaching. A quantitative descriptive approach was used to carry
out this study. The research that will be conduct and the research that will
be conduct out share the same subject matter, namely the readiness of
English language vocational teachers to execute the independent curriculum
in teaching and learning activities. The study that will be conduct will differ
from the research that was conducted in that it will be conduct using a
qualitative descriptive method rather than the researcher's quantitative

Dwi Efiyanto, “Analisis Penerapan Kebijakan Merdeka Belajar Pada Kurikulum SMK,”
Pascasarjana, Direktorat Program Malang, Universitas Muhammadiyah, 2021.
Endah Yulia Rahayu, Nunung Nurjati, and Samsul Khabib, “Kesiapan Profesionalisme
Guru Bahasa Inggris SMK Dalam Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka,” “Menuju Indonesia Bangkit
dan Tangguh melalui Riset dan Pengabdian berbasis Teknologi” Kesiapan, no. April (2022): 1473.

F. Literature Review
1. Teaching Writing
The teacher guides the students while they write in English. Teacher
assists pupils in understanding the material in its language and
contextual context. Through their instruction, the teacher offers advice
and justification on the writing process. Additionally, it can help pupils
learn specific techniques for enhancing their writing abilities. The
ability for students to develop their writing abilities and receive
immediate feedback from the teacher while they are writing, as per
Cotterall and Cohen (2003) contributes positively to how students
enhance their writing abilities.10
Writing strategies are the procedures and methods use by students to
improve their writing or write more efficiently. Students must prepare
their papers in advance. The most common sort of writing education that
teachers provide is a study of models, which gives students the chance
to read, evaluate, and emulate examples of excellent writing. 11
2. Merdeka Curriculum
a. Definition Merdeka Curriculum

Merdeka Curriculum learning is interpreted as a learning plan

that provides opportunities for students to learn in a relaxed, calm,
not feeling pressured, happy without stress and pay attention to the
natural talents possessed by students. The focus Merdeka
Curriculum is freedom to think creatively and independently. The
teacher as the main subject plays a role expected to be able to
become a driving force to take actions that provide things positive
for students. The conclusion regarding the concept of learning is a

Nurhardiyanti Adam, Abid Abid, and Yusna Bantulu, “Challenges in Teaching English
Writing Skills: Lessons Learnt from Indonesian High School English Language Teachers,” Jambura
Journal of English Teaching and Literature 2, no. 1 (2021): 13.
Jurianto Jurianto, Salimah Salimah, and Deny A Kwary, “Strategies for Teaching
Writing in Efl Class At a Senior High School in Indonesia1,” Celt: A Journal of Culture, English
Language Teaching & Literature 15, no. 1 (2015): 49.

form of bid in reorganizing the national education system. Merdeka
Curriculum is learning strategy that gives children the opportunity
to learn quietly, wordlessly, cheerfully, without pressure, and to
naturally develop talent.12
As professional educators, the teacher's main task is to educate,
train, direct, guide, assess and evaluate students to prepare the next
generation who will face new challenges in the 21st century.
Teachers realize that they do not have enough experience in using
learning tools in the teaching and learning process, this is actually a
form of preparing and increasing the professionalism of a teacher in
gaining stone experience in order to update his competence and
professional skills.13
b. Component of Merdeka Curriculum
The Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of
Indonesia presented the major points of the ministry to the leaders
of the education offices of the provinces, regencies, and cities
throughout Indonesia on December 11, 2019, in Jakarta. The
Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia is
recently added four new policies, including:
1. The National Examination (UN) will take the role by the
Minimum Competency Assessment and Character Survey. To
remove the pressure on students, parents, and teachers to
improve the quality of education in Indonesia, the main purpose
of the National Exam replace with a basic competency
assessment and character survey. Critical thinking abilities
including literacy, numeracy, and character as well as personal
and professional problem solving based on worldwide practice

Rahayu et al., “Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar Di Sekolah Penggerak,”
Jurnal Basicedu 6, no. 4 (2022): 6314.
Rahayu, Nurjati, and Khabib, “Kesiapan Profesionalisme Guru Bahasa Inggris SMK
Dalam Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka.”

will be assess through competency assessments.14 Free
Educational Proposal the assessment process, according to
Minister of Education and Culture Makarim, is not based on
students' memorization of the material cover in the curriculum
or their ability to pass the national exams being used at the time:
rather, it maps students' proficiency in two areas: literacy and
numeracy. this study, which involve middle school student (eg
grades 4, 8, 11).15
2. Present to schools is the National Standardized School
Examination (USBN). By doing this, the National Education
System Law's requirement that schools confirm graduates is
intend to be reinstate. A formal review or other more thorough
types of assessment that check at additional competencies that
students possess can be use to carry out competency evaluation.
Essentially, this reform is good for schools, teachers, and
students. It will reduce psychological pressure, especially for
students, and provide them the chance to demonstrate additional
3. Lesson Plan (RPP) as state by Nadiem Makarim, one RPP page
will be all that is requisite. The goal of this activity is to improve
teachers' performance in the classroom. Lesson plans in the past
included too many sections, However at the moment, lesson
plans that incorporate three crucial components learning
objectives, learning activities, and evaluation can be create on a
single page. Lesson plans have been replaced by teaching
modules that are more diverse in nature in an effort to streamline

Utami Maulinda, “Pengembangan Modul Ajar Berbasis Kurikulum Merdeka,” Tarbawi
5, no. 2 (2022): 133.
Rosdiana, “Penerapan Dunia Pendidikan Dalam ‘Merdeka Belajar,’” Jurnal
Multidisiplin Ilmu Cahaya Bintang Cemerlang (2021): 41.

teacher administration and free up instructors' time to devote to
4. The zoning system is increase for new student admissions. In
the prior draft regulation, the zoning system scheme was divided
into three categories: 80% zoning, 15% achievement, and 5%
displacement. While this is going on, the most recent draft
regulations are divide into four categories: 50% zoning pathway,
15% affirmation pathway, 5% transfer pathway, and 0-30%
achievement pathway.17
The previously discuss elements were establish by the Ministry
of Education and Culture with the intention of giving each student,
teacher, and school enough flexibility to choose on policy actions. An
Merdeka Curriculum is available to deal with the 21st century's increase
globalization. The requirements of the times have compelled
educational institutions to continuously adjust and find solutions for the
c. Structure of Merdeka Curriculum at SMK/MAK
Structure of the SMK/MAK Curriculum Changes to the SMK/MAK
curriculum begin with rearrangement Spectrum of Vocational / MAK
Expertise. The Skills Spectrum is a list SMK expertise fields and
programs arranged based on the needs of the world of work which
includes: the business world, the world industry, state-owned
enterprises/regional-owned enterprises, government agencies or other
institutions as well as developments science, technology, art and
culture. Spectrum SMK/MAK expertise is a reference for preparing
structures curriculum as well as the opening and implementation of
fields and skills program at SMK. Each skill program consists of

Utami Maulinda, “Pengembangan Modul Ajar Berbasis Kurikulum Merdeka,” Tarbawi
5, no. 2 (2022): 134.
Utami Maulinda, “Pengembangan Modul Ajar Berbasis Kurikulum Merdeka,” Tarbawi
5, no. 2 (2022): 134.
Khoirurrijal et al., Pengembangan Kurikulum Merdeka (Malang: CV. Literasi Nusantara
Abadi, 2022).

minimum 1 (one) concentration of expertise. Expertise concentration
held in a 3 (three) year program or 4 program (four) years further
regulated in the decision of the unit leader principal in charge of
curriculum, assessment, and bookkeeping.19
The following is an explanation of the structure of the Merdeka
Curriculum SMK / MAK above:
a. The curriculum structure is divided into 2 (two) main parts
namely the General Subject Group (A) and the Group
Vocational Subjects (B).
b. The General Subject Group (A) is a group subjects that function
to form learners become a whole person, according to the phase
of development, relating to the norms of good life as beings who
believe in the One and Only God, individuals, social status,
citizens of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia as well as citizens
of the world.
c. Vocational Subject Group (B) is a group subjects that function
to form learners as an individual in order to have the competence
as needed world of work as well as science, technology, arts and
d. Informatics subject contains various competencies to support
critical and systematic thinking skills to solve common
e. Natural and Social Science Project Subjects contains content
about literacy in natural sciences and which is formulated in the
themes of life contextual and actual.
f. Vocational Subjects studied in class X is a basic subject of the
Expertise Program.

Riset dan Teknologi Menteri Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, “Salinan Keputusan Menteri
Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset Dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia Nomor 56/M/2022 Tentang
Pedoman Penerapan Kurikulum Dalam Rangka Pemulihan Pembelajaran” (2022).

g. In the 3 (three) year program, Vocational Subjects are studied in
class XI to class XII is subjects in a particular concentration of
h. In the 4 (four) year program, Vocational Subject studied in class
XI to class XIII is a subject in the concentration of expertise
certain this subject20
d. Merdeka Curriculum Design
The steps of curriculum implementation are not define by
any legislation or government rule. This step is develop to classroom
training and educational organizations in establishing goals for the
Merdeka Curriculum's application. Because the application stages
are establish for each educator can feel good processes and quality
of the Merdeka Curriculum, the readiness of educators and
educational units certainly differentiates. Trust the self in question
is the belief that educators can continue to learn and develop their
ability to do their best in implementing the Curriculum and
importantly educating. For educators, the capacity for continuous
learning is a critical skill. This step develops as a step or process for
educators to learn how to make the corrections to learning practices
and assessments that are critical when using the Merdeka
Curriculum. Technically, teachers can use the Merdeka Curriculum
at several levels. But conceptually, every step is developing so the
teachers can continue to relate to the fundamentals of instruction and
evaluation (Learning Principles and Assessment principles can be
studied in the Learning and Assessment Guide). For example,
Learning by following student achievement levels is a highly
suggest strategy. However, it is not important to implement teaching
methods directly. Educators who are unfamiliar about how to take it

Salinan Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset Dan Teknologi Republik
Indonesia Nomor 56/M/2022

into practice might begin by using the simplest phases, specifically
by performing an evaluation at the start of learning, and then develop
a better understanding of the various learning needs of the students.21
e. Implementation of Merdeka Curriculum
The following is the legal basis for implementing the Merdeka
Curriculum, including:
a. Permendikbud Number 3 of 2020 concerning Higher
Education Standards.
b. Permendikbud Number 4 of 2020 concerning Changes in
State Universities to Become Higher Education Institutions
with Legal Entities.
c. Permendikbud Number 5 of 2020 concerning Accreditation
of Study Programs and Higher Education.
d. Permendikbud Number 6 of 2020 concerning Admission of
New Students for Study Programs at State Universities.
e. Permendikbud Number 7 of 2020 concerning
Establishment, Amendment, and Dissolution of Private
Higher Education Permits.
The Merdeka Learning Campus policy aims to encourage
students to master various fields of knowledge in accordance with
their areas of expertise, so that they are ready to compete in the
global world. This policy provides an opportunity for students to
choose courses to take based on their own wishes.22
Applying Merdeka Curriculum will make it more relevant and
interactive, and project-based learning will give students a variety of
options. Three alternatives for implement the Merdeka Curriculum
are available to schools. Start by putting some of the Merdeka
Curriculum's principles into practice by sticking with the current

Kemendikbudristek BSKAP, “Tahapan Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka Di Satuan
Pendidikan.,” Kemendibudristek (2022).
Madhakomala et al., “Kurikulum Merdeka Dalam Perspektif Pemikiran Pendidikan
Paulo Freire,” At- Ta’lim : Jurnal Pendidikan 8, no. 2 (2022): 162–172.

school curriculum. Second, using establish learning resources and
Merdeka Curriculum. Third, develop their own teaching resources
and Merdeka Curriculum. The first independent, easier and better
curriculum benefit. due to the concentration on content that matters
and the development of students' competence in their subject. When
students do not have a program interest in high school, it is more
flexible. Teachers modify their lessons based on the aptitude and
developmental stage of their students. Curriculum and instruction
are developed in accordance with the characteristics of schools that
Changes in the structure of the English subject due to the
implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum does not harm the
teacher because the Merdeka Curriculum has advantages compared
to previous curriculum. The Merdeka Curriculum aims to improve
learning loss as a result the Corona virus pandemic (Junaidi, 2021).
The advantages of the Merdeka Curriculum are that it is simpler in-
depth, relevant and interactive compared to the previous
Curriculum. So far material learning English at school is very dense
which makes the teacher feel lackin have the opportunity to provide
reinforcement lessons to their students. With this Merdeka
Curriculum, teachers will focus more on presenting, reinforcement,
and evaluation of learning materials. Teachers also have many
opportunity to discuss and teach students in a more interactive,
collaborative and implementation in accordance with the conditions
of students. By applying about 30% hours special lessons for
interactive learning, the characters of capable learners formed into
the character of Pancasila.24

Rahayu et al., “Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar Di Sekolah Penggerak,”
Jurnal Basicedu 6, no. 4 (2022): 6316.
Rahayu, Nurjati, and Khabib, “Kesiapan Profesionalisme Guru Bahasa Inggris meDalam
Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka.”

3. Research Method
a. Type of Research
Type of research will be fold research. The research will use
qualitative method and collect the data by observing, interviewing,
and documentation of research. A qualitative researcher must be
open-minded because the goal of qualitative research is to
understand social reality, which entails perceiving the world as it is
rather than how it should be. To conduct qualitative research
properly, one must therefore have a window into the worlds of
psychology and social reality. Since most qualitative research
involves facial expression data collection or interact directly with
research particiant, it is often describe as an investigative
b. Object and Subject of the Research
This original study representative curriculum at SMKN 2
Purwokerto serves as its subject, and its goal is to prepare and
implement the Merdeka Curriculum there. In this study,
researcher will look at how the independence curriculum at SMK 02
Purwokerto develop and implement. Curriculum assistants and
English teachers at SMK 02 Purwokerto serve as the study's
subjects. The observation of the beginning of the school day clarifies
the establishment and development of the school system in SMK 02
Purwokerto. There are two English language teachers at SMK 02
Purwokerto and they explain the manner in which the Merdeka
Curriculum is give at the particular school.

M.Pd Rukminingsih, Ph.D Dr. Gunawan Adnan, MA., and Ph.D Prof. Mohammad
Adnan Latief,M.A., Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Penelitian Kualitatif Penelitian Kuantitatif
Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (Sleman-Yogyakarta: Erhaka Utama, 2020).

c. Technique of Collection Data
1. Observation
Observation is one of the empirical scientific activities based on
facts field or text, through sensory experience without using any
manipulation. The purpose of observation is description, in research
qualitative gave birth to theories and hypotheses, or in quantitative
research used to test theories and hypotheses. To be able to approach
social phenomena, an observer or observer needs to have closeness
access to settings and research subjects.26
Guba and Lincoln (1981) define observation as an activity that uses
one or more of the sensory systems, smell, hearing, taste, and touch to
collect data important to solve research challenges. using incidents or
events to address research questions. Here are a few different types of
a. Participation observation is a technique for gathering data for
study from observation and listening. This entails that the
researcher participates in the informant's daily life by monitoring
it and carrying out the activities the informant engages in.
b. The primary objects that are the target of observation during the
activity serve as the structure for structured observation.
c. Without employing observational guidelines, unstructured
observation conduct. The researcher's goal is to create
observational findings based on advancements taking within the
d. Number of study teams observe in groups the problems brought
up as research objects.27
The researcher use participant observation in this study to
gather data from observing and perceiving. The researcher

Hasyim Hasanah, “TEKNIK-TEKNIK OBSERVASI (Sebuah Alternatif Metode
Pengumpulan Data Kualitatif Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial),” At-Taqaddum 8, no. 1 (2017): 21.
M.A Dr. Amir Hamzah, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif (Malang: Literasi Nusantara,

participate in the informants' daily activities as well as the activities
they participate in.
2. Interview
Arikunto (1993) defined an interview as a conversation
between the interviewer and the interviewee in order to obtain
information. 14 Using an interview list, the author conducts guided
direct conversations with the source of the material in order to
collect data. The Data Collection Instrument is the common name
for the interview checklist. The information glean from observation
is further explore in this interview. By using interviews, it possible
to gauge what was known and what was unknown about the research
topic or the amount of data need.28
This study seeks information on a number of different topics.
The researcher first gather information regarding the independent
curriculum preparation from the deputy head of the curriculum's
interview responses. Second, the researchers gather information
from two English teachers who were interview about how the
English curriculum implement in the course of teaching and learning
3. Documentation
According to Gottschalk documentation in the broader
meaning is in the form of any process of evidence based on any type
of source, whether written, oral, illustrated, or archeology. Renier,
explain the term document in three senses, first in a broad sense,
namely which includes all sources, both written and oral sources;
second in a narrow sense, namely covering all written sources only;
third in specific meaning, namely only covering official letters and

Ph.D. Samsu, S.Ag., M.Pd.I., Metode Penelitian, 2017.

state letters, such as letters of agreement, laws, concessions, grants
and so on.29
The following types of documents can be use as study results:
a. Daily documentation, also know as individual files, refers to records
or composition create by a person on experiential actions with the
intention of obtaining an original point of view from actual
happenings. The following three types of personal documents are
commonly use:
1. Diary (diary) includes numerous activities, events, and
emotional components.
2. Personal letters (write in a book), emails, and discussion may be
employe as research materials in document analyses with the
subject's consent.
3. Creating a life story is a statement of one's experiences and
b. Description of the participation and activity of individual in
particular community can be found in official documentation. The
formal document is split into two sections.
1. Confidential document might be item like report,
announcements, instructions, regulations of an institution, the
system in place, review meeting, leadership decision.
2. Publication, journal, bulletin, submission and other informational
products provide by a political construct which are external media30.
d. Technique of Data Analysis
Noeng Muhadjir suggests the notion of analysis data as “an effort to
systematically search for and organize records results of observations,
interviews, and others to improve the researcher's understanding of the
case under study and presenting it as a find for others. As for upgrading

F Luthfiyah, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif (Sistematika Penelitian Kualitatif), Bandung:
Rosda Karya, 2020th ed. (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat, 2020),
Dr. Amir Hamzah, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif.(Malang: Literasi Nusantara, 2020).

understanding this analysis needs to be continued with effort search for
meaning. The qualitative data analysis activities are integrated with data
collection activities, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion of
research results.31
1. Data Reduction
Reducing information means summarizing, selecting key points, focusing
important things, look for themes and patterns and discard them deemed
unnecessary. This means that reduced data gives a clearer picture and easier
for researchers to the next data collection and search again if necessary.32
2. Data Display
Data display is an activity when a set of information is compiled, as it is
Conclusion and Action. the format for presenting qualitative data can be in
the form of narrative text in the form of field notes, Matrix, graph, network
and chart.33
3. Verification
Verification is the performance from the start data collection, flow, causality
and other relationship. Conclusions of qualitative research can be in
accordance with the formulation a problem it used to be, but maybe not
because of it as already said that the problem of qualitative research and
problem formulation persists is temporary and develops after research in the
4. Structure of the Research
Chapter I presents the introduction, which is consists background of
study, operational definition, research question, objectives and significances
of the research, review of relevant studies, literature review, research
method, and the structure of the research. The background of the problem
describe there are frequent issues that have yet to be study; the operational

Ahmad Rijali, “Analisis Data Kualitatif,” Alhadharah: Jurnal Ilmu Dakwah 17, no. 33
(2019): 81.
Fadli, “Memahami Desain Metode Penelitian Kualitatif.”
Rijali, “Analisis Data Kualitatif.”
Fadli, “Memahami Desain Metode Penelitian Kualitatif.”

definition making a construct operational means turning it into a variable or
set of interval scales; research problem are present as questions that will be
resolve during the course of the actual research process. In this research
explain about the teacher English plan and implement teaching writing in
Merdeka Curriculum. Accordingly applying the Merdeka Curriculum
program will inspire students' creativity because it gives them the freedom
to learn autonomously and to delve deeper into the learning resources. The
4C (communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical) skill of the
students thinking will definitely be improv as a result. Students employ
speaking, writing, and visual English assessments at the end of phase E of
the autonomous curriculum (for grade 10 SMA/MA/Package C programs)
to communicate depending on the circumstance, objectives, and audience.
Through learning approaches, students can create a variety of fiction and
non-fiction works for the writing component.
Chapter II presents the theories of the teaching writing and Merdeka
Curriculum. In this chapter, the terms teaching writing and Merdeka
Curriculum, Merdeka Curriculum components, SMK Merdeka Curriculum
structure, Merdeka uCrriculum preparation, and Merdeka Curriculum
application are explain.
Chapter III presents the research method which are consists of type
of research, place of research, sources of data, technique of collecting data
and technique of analyzing data. This study will use qualitative research
techniques and will be conduct at SMKN 02 Purwokerto with curriculum
representatives and English teachers as subjects.
Chapter IV presents the results. The overall description of the
location, the general description of the subject, the presenting of data, the
analysis of the data, and the discussion will all be explain.
Chapter V presents the closing. This chapter consists of conclusions,
suggestions and closing.


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