Is Your Partner Cheating On You How To Spot The Signs and Take Control of Your Relationship DIGEST PRINT READY

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Is Your Partner Cheating on You?

How to Spot the Signs and Take
Control of Your Relationship
Don’t Let Infidelity Ruin Your Relationship - Learn
How to Identify the Signs of Cheating and Take
Charge of Your Love Life
Copyright © 2023 by Benson Greene

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without
written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book,
post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without

First edition

This book was professionally typeset on Reedsy.

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Introduction 1
Definition of Cheating 1
Common Signs of Cheating 2
Importance of Knowing If He’s Cheating 3
Behavioral Changes 5
Changes in Communication 6
Changes in Schedule and Routine 7
Changes in Appearance 7
Emotional Changes 9
Withdrawal 10
Unexplained Mood Swings 10
Secretiveness 11
Physical Changes 13
Intimacy Changes 13
Unexplained Expenses 14
Changes in Technology Usage 15
Confrontation and Next Steps 17
Making a Decision 18
Importance of Self-Care 20
Final Thoughts 21
Conclusion 22

Infidelity can be one of the most devastating experiences in a rela-

tionship, and the suspicion that your partner may be cheating can be
a challenging and emotional experience. However, it’s important to
remember that you have the right to seek the truth and make the best
decision for yourself and your well-being. By being aware of the signs
of cheating and taking control of your relationship, you can approach
the situation with clarity and confidence and ultimately make the best
decision for yourself and your future.

In this book, we’ll explore the common signs of cheating, how to

approach a confrontation with your partner, and the importance of
self-care as you navigate this difficult time. Don’t let infidelity ruin
your relationship; read on to learn how to spot the signs of cheating
and take charge of your love life.

Definition of Cheating

Cheating can take many forms, but at its core, it involves violating
the trust and commitment of a relationship by engaging in activities
that betray the expectations of one’s partner. Cheating can be physical,
emotional, or both and can range from a one-time lapse in judgment to

a prolonged pattern of behavior.

Examples of cheating can include having sexual relations with someone

other than your partner, engaging in intimate conversations or emo-
tional affairs, lying or keeping secrets, and withholding affection or
attention from your partner. Cheating can cause significant emotional
pain, and it’s essential to establish clear boundaries and expectations
with your partner to avoid misunderstandings and prevent infidelity.

Common Signs of Cheating

There are several common signs of cheating that can indicate that your
partner may be engaging in behaviors that betray your trust. These
signs can vary depending on the person and the relationship, but some
of the most common ones include:

1. Changes in communication: If your partner is suddenly less

communicative, takes longer to respond to messages, or seems
disinterested in talking to you, it could be a sign that they are
focusing their attention elsewhere.
2. Changes in schedule and routine: If your partner is suddenly
working longer hours, going out more often, or engaging in
activities that they didn’t previously show interest in, it could
be a sign that they are making time for someone else.
3. Changes in appearance: If your partner suddenly starts dressing
differently, wearing new cologne or perfume, or spending more
time on their grooming, it could be a sign that they are trying to
impress someone else.
4. Withdrawal: If your partner becomes emotionally distant or seems
less interested in spending time with you, it could be a sign that

they are struggling with feelings of guilt or hiding something from

5. Unexplained mood swings: If your partner is suddenly more
irritable, defensive, or moody, it could be a sign that they are
struggling with internal conflict or feelings of guilt.
6. Secretiveness: If your partner is suddenly more secretive, protec-
tive of their phone or computer, or hesitant to share details about
their day, it could be a sign that they are hiding something from

It’s important to note that these signs alone do not necessarily indicate
that your partner is cheating, but they can serve as red flags and warrant
further investigation. Trust your instincts and communicate openly
with your partner about your concerns.

Importance of Knowing If He’s Cheating

Knowing if your partner is cheating is crucial for several reasons.

First and foremost, infidelity can cause significant emotional pain and
trauma, and it’s essential to address the issue promptly to prevent
further damage to your mental health and wellbeing. Infidelity can
erode trust, cause feelings of betrayal and abandonment, and lead to
deep-seated issues of insecurity and mistrust in future relationships.

Secondly, infidelity can have serious consequences for the health of your
relationship. Cheating can undermine the fundamental values of trust,
honesty, and commitment that are essential for a healthy and fulfilling
relationship. It can also create distance between partners, erode
intimacy, and lead to feelings of dissatisfaction and disillusionment.


Finally, understanding if your partner is cheating is essential for making

informed decisions about your future. If your partner is cheating, it’s
essential to consider whether you want to continue the relationship
and, if so, what steps you can take to repair the damage and rebuild
trust. On the other hand, if the relationship is no longer fulfilling your
needs, recognizing the signs of cheating can empower you to make an
informed decision about ending the relationship and moving on.

In summary, knowing if your partner is cheating is essential for

protecting your emotional and mental well-being, maintaining a healthy
relationship, and making informed decisions about your future.

Behavioral Changes

Behavioral changes are one of the most significant signs that your
partner may be cheating. While it’s normal for people to change and
evolve over time, sudden and unexplained changes in behavior can be a
red flag that something is amiss. Here are some common behavioral
changes that can indicate that your partner may be cheating:

1. Increased secrecy and privacy: If your partner is suddenly more

secretive or protective of their phone or computer, it could be a
sign that they are hiding something from you.
2. Changes in communication: If your partner is suddenly less
communicative, takes longer to respond to messages, or seems
disinterested in talking to you, it could be a sign that they are
focusing their attention elsewhere.
3. Changes in routine: If your partner is suddenly working longer
hours, going out more often, or engaging in activities that they
didn’t previously show interest in, it could be a sign that they are
making time for someone else.
4. Changes in appearance: If your partner suddenly starts dressing
differently, wearing new cologne or perfume, or spending more
time on their grooming, it could be a sign that they are trying to
impress someone else.
5. Emotional withdrawal: If your partner becomes emotionally

distant or seems less interested in spending time with you, it could

be a sign that they are struggling with feelings of guilt or hiding
something from you.

Changes in Communication

Changes in communication can be a significant sign that your partner

may be cheating. Here are some common changes in communication
that can indicate that something is amiss:

1. Decreased communication: If your partner is suddenly less

communicative or seems disinterested in talking to you, it could
be a sign that they are focusing their attention elsewhere.
2. Unavailability: If your partner is frequently unavailable or takes
longer to respond to messages, it could be a sign that they are
preoccupied with someone else.
3. Defensive behavior: If your partner becomes defensive or evasive
when you try to initiate a conversation or ask questions about their
day, it could be a sign that they are hiding something.
4. Unusual behavior: If your partner suddenly starts behaving in
a way that is unusual for them, such as being more flirtatious
or overly affectionate, it could be a sign that they are trying to
compensate for something or are trying to impress someone else.
5. Hiding things: If your partner suddenly becomes more secretive
or protective of their phone or computer, it could be a sign that
they are hiding something from you.


Changes in Schedule and Routine

Changes in your partner’s schedule and routine can also be significant

signs that they may be cheating. Here are some common changes in
schedule and routine that can indicate that something is amiss:

1. Working longer hours: If your partner suddenly starts working

longer hours or going into work on weekends, it could be a sign
that they are making time for someone else.
2. Going out more frequently: If your partner starts going out more
frequently with friends or co-workers, especially without you, it
could be a sign that they are spending time with someone else.
3. Traveling more often: If your partner suddenly starts traveling
more often, especially without you, it could be a sign that they are
seeing someone else in another location.
4. Unexplained absences: If your partner is frequently unavailable or
goes missing for periods without explanation, it could be a sign
that they are spending time with someone else.
5. Changes in daily routine: If your partner suddenly starts changing
their daily routine, such as spending less time at home or engaging
in activities they didn’t previously show interest in, it could be a
sign that they are making time for someone else.

Changes in Appearance

Changes in appearance can also be a significant sign that your partner

may be cheating. Here are some common changes in appearance that
can indicate that something is amiss:


1. Dressing differently: If your partner suddenly starts dressing

differently or more stylishly, it could be a sign that they are trying
to impress someone else.
2. Paying more attention to grooming: If your partner suddenly starts
paying more attention to their grooming habits, such as getting
their hair done more frequently or wearing more makeup, it could
be a sign that they are trying to look their best for someone else.
3. Working out more: If your partner suddenly starts working out
more frequently or spending more time at the gym, it could be a
sign that they are trying to improve their physical appearance for
someone else.
4. Smelling different: If your partner suddenly starts wearing a
different perfume or cologne, it could be a sign that they are trying
to cover up the scent of someone else.
5. Making changes to their physical appearance: If your partner
suddenly makes significant changes to their physical appearance,
such as getting a tattoo or piercing, it could be a sign that they are
trying to impress someone else.

Emotional Changes

Changes in your partner’s emotional state and behavior can also be

a sign that they may be cheating. Here are some common emotional
changes that can indicate that something is amiss:

1. Being emotionally distant: If your partner suddenly becomes

emotionally distant, less affectionate or less interested in spending
time with you, it could be a sign that they are emotionally invested
in someone else.
2. Being defensive or argumentative: If your partner becomes more
defensive or argumentative when you try to talk to them about
your relationship or their behavior, it could be a sign that they are
hiding something.
3. Being overly attentive: If your partner suddenly becomes more
attentive or affectionate, it could be a sign that they are trying to
make up for something or ease their own guilt about cheating.
4. Being unusually moody or irritable: If your partner suddenly
becomes more moody or irritable, it could be a sign that they are
struggling with feelings of guilt or anxiety about their behavior.
5. Being secretive: If your partner becomes more secretive or guarded
about their phone, computer, or personal belongings, it could be a
sign that they are hiding something.


Withdrawal is another common sign that your partner may be cheating.
Here are some common signs of withdrawal:

1. Spending less time with you: If your partner starts to spend less
time with you than they used to, it could be a sign that they are
preoccupied with someone else.
2. Being less interested in your life: If your partner starts to show
less interest in your life and what’s going on with you, it could be
a sign that their attention is focused elsewhere.
3. Cancelling plans or being unavailable: If your partner starts
cancelling plans or being unavailable at times when they previously
were available, it could be a sign that they are making time for
someone else.
4. Being less communicative: If your partner starts communicating
with you less frequently, such as through text messages, phone
calls, or social media, it could be a sign that they are preoccupied
with someone else.
5. Being unresponsive: If your partner stops responding to your
messages or calls, it could be a sign that they are avoiding contact
with you.

Unexplained Mood Swings

Unexplained mood swings can also be a sign that your partner may be
cheating. Here are some common signs of unexplained mood swings:

1. Being more distant: If your partner is being more distant and


moody than usual, it could be a sign that they are preoccupied with
someone else.
2. Being easily angered or upset: If your partner is easily angered or
upset, it could be a sign that they are feeling guilty about something.
3. Being less affectionate: If your partner is less affectionate than they
used to be, it could be a sign that they are emotionally invested in
someone else.
4. Being more secretive: If your partner is being more secretive than
usual, such as by hiding their phone or computer, it could be a sign
that they are trying to hide something from you.
5. Being more defensive: If your partner is being more defensive
than usual, such as by becoming upset or angry when you ask
them about their behavior, it could be a sign that they are trying
to deflect attention away from themselves.

Secretiveness is another common sign that your partner may be
cheating. Here are some common signs of secretiveness:

1. Guarding their phone or computer: If your partner is being

secretive about their phone or computer use, such as by guarding
it, keeping it locked, or being overly protective of their passwords,
it could be a sign that they are hiding something from you.
2. Being vague about their whereabouts: If your partner is being
vague about their whereabouts, such as by not telling you where
they’re going or who they’re with, it could be a sign that they are
trying to hide something from you.
3. Lying about their activities: If your partner is lying about their

activities, such as by saying they were working late when they

weren’t, it could be a sign that they are cheating.
4. Being evasive about questions: If your partner is being evasive
about your questions, such as by changing the subject or avoiding
the topic altogether, it could be a sign that they are hiding
something from you.
5. Being defensive when confronted: If your partner becomes
defensive or angry when you confront them about their behavior,
it could be a sign that they are trying to deflect attention away
from themselves.

Physical Changes

Physical changes can be one of the most obvious signs of infidelity and
can include changes in appearance, intimacy, and financial behavior.
These changes can be indicative of a partner who is attempting to hide
something or is suddenly preoccupied with their own appearance and
One of the most noticeable physical changes that can indicate cheating
is a sudden change in appearance. This can include a sudden interest
in working out, changes in wardrobe or hairstyle, or other efforts to
improve one’s physical appearance. While it’s important to note that
these changes alone do not necessarily indicate infidelity, they can be
one of many warning signs to be aware of.

Intimacy Changes

Intimacy changes can be one of the most painful signs of infidelity,

as they can indicate a loss of emotional connection between partners.
These changes can be indicative of a partner who is emotionally or
physically withdrawing from the relationship or finding intimacy

One of the most common intimacy changes that can indicate cheating

is a sudden decrease in sexual interest or activity. Your partner may

be less interested in physical intimacy or may be more distant or
unaffectionate during sexual encounters. Alternatively, they may
become more aggressive or experimental in the bedroom, which can
also be a sign that they are seeking novelty or excitement outside of the

Another sign of intimacy changes can be a shift in the way your partner
communicates with you. They may be less interested in spending time
with you or may become more distant or emotionally unavailable. They
may also become more critical or judgmental of you or be less willing
to share their own thoughts and feelings with you.

It’s important to remember that intimacy changes alone do not neces-

sarily indicate infidelity and may be caused by a variety of factors such
as stress, anxiety, or depression. However, if you notice a sudden and
unexplained change in your partner’s behavior, it’s important to have
an open and honest conversation with them about what’s going on and
to seek the support you need to navigate this challenging time.

Unexplained Expenses

Unexplained expenses can be one of the most concrete signs of infidelity,

as they can indicate that your partner is investing time and money in
someone or something else outside of the relationship. These expenses
may be small or large, but they are often unusual or unexpected.

One of the most common unexplained expenses that can indicate

cheating is an increase in credit card bills or bank account withdrawals.
Your partner may be spending money on gifts, hotel rooms, or meals

for someone else or may be hiding their own personal purchases from
you. They may also be making unusual or unexplained purchases, such
as new clothes, jewelry, or gadgets, that they are unable to explain.

Another sign of unexplained expenses can be a sudden and unexplained

change in your partner’s financial behavior. They may become more
secretive or defensive about their finances or be less willing to share
information about their spending habits. They may also begin to spend
more time away from home or be less communicative about where they
are or who they are spending time with.

If you notice unexplained expenses, it’s important to have an open and

honest conversation with your partner about what’s going on. Ask them
to explain their purchases or financial behavior, and listen carefully to
their responses. If you are not satisfied with their explanations, or if
you feel that they are hiding something from you, it may be time to
seek the support of a counselor or therapist to help you navigate this
challenging situation.

Changes in Technology Usage

Changes in technology usage can also be a sign of cheating. Your partner

may be spending more time on their phone, computer, or tablet and may
be more secretive about their online behavior. They may also change
their passwords more frequently or refuse to share them with you.

Another sign of changes in technology usage is a sudden increase in

the use of social media or dating apps. Your partner may be using
these platforms to communicate with other people or to arrange secret
meetings or hookups. They may also be more guarded about their

messages or online interactions, or they may become defensive if you

ask them about their online behavior.

If you notice changes in technology usage, it’s important to have an open

and honest conversation with your partner about your concerns. Ask
them to explain their behavior, and listen carefully to their responses.
If you are not satisfied with their explanations, or if you feel that they
are hiding something from you, it may be time to seek the support of a
counselor or therapist to help you navigate this challenging situation.
Remember to take care of yourself and prioritize your emotional well-
being throughout this process.

Confrontation and Next Steps

Confronting your partner about infidelity can be a difficult and

emotional process, but it’s important to approach the situation in a
calm and rational manner. Here are some tips for confronting your

1. Gather evidence: Before you confront your partner, it’s important

to have some evidence to support your suspicions. This could be
anything from phone records to unexplained expenses to changes
in behavior. Having concrete evidence will make it more difficult
for your partner to deny any wrongdoing.
2. Choose the right time and place: When you confront your partner,
it’s important to choose a time and place where you can have a
private conversation without interruptions or distractions. Avoid
confronting them in public or in front of others, as this can escalate
the situation.
3. Stay calm and composed: It’s important to approach the situation
with a level head and avoid getting overly emotional. Be honest
and direct in your communication, and avoid blaming or attacking
your partner.
4. Listen to their response: When you confront your partner, be pre-
pared to listen to their response. They may deny any wrongdoing
or they may be remorseful and willing to work on the relationship.

It’s important to give them a chance to explain their actions and

listen to their perspective.
5. Consider therapy or counseling: If your partner admits to cheating,
it may be helpful to seek therapy or counseling to work through the
issues in your relationship. This can help you both to understand
the root causes of the infidelity and work on rebuilding trust.
6. Make a decision: Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide whether or
not to continue the relationship. It’s important to take the time to
consider your options and make a decision that is right for you.

Making a Decision

When you suspect that your partner is cheating, it can be a difficult

and emotional time. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide whether or not
to continue the relationship. Here are some things to consider when
making a decision:

1. Your emotions: It’s important to take some time to process your

emotions and consider how you feel about the situation. You may
feel angry, hurt, or betrayed, and it’s important to acknowledge
and process these feelings before making a decision.
2. The evidence: Consider the evidence you have gathered and
whether it supports your suspicions of infidelity. It’s important to
have concrete evidence before accusing your partner of cheating.
3. The impact on your relationship: If your partner has cheated,
consider the impact it will have on your relationship. Is this a
one-time mistake, or has it been a pattern of behavior? Is your
partner willing to work on the relationship and rebuild trust, or
are they dismissive of your feelings?

4. Your needs: Consider your needs and what you want out of a
relationship. Are you willing to forgive your partner and work on
the relationship, or is infidelity a deal-breaker for you?
5. Seeking support: It may be helpful to seek support from friends,
family, or a therapist when making a decision. They can offer an
outside perspective and help you to process your emotions and
make a decision that is right for you.

Ultimately, making a decision about whether to stay in the relationship

or end it is a deeply personal choice. It’s important to take the time to
consider all of the factors and make a decision that feels right for you.

Importance of Self-Care

When dealing with the emotional toll of suspecting that your partner is
cheating, it’s crucial to prioritize self-care. Taking care of yourself both
physically and emotionally can help you cope with the stress and anxiety
that can arise from this situation. Some ways to practice self-care during
this time include:

1. Getting enough sleep, exercise, and healthy food to keep your body
and mind in good shape.
2. Engaging in relaxing activities, such as meditation, yoga, or
spending time in nature.
3. Seeking support from friends and family who can offer a listening
ear or a shoulder to lean on.
4. Seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor who
can provide guidance and support as you navigate this difficult
5. Taking time for yourself to do things that bring you joy and make
you feel good.

By taking care of yourself, you can better cope with the challenges of
suspecting that your partner is cheating and ultimately make the best
decision for yourself and your well-being.


Final Thoughts

Dealing with the possibility that your partner is cheating can be a

challenging and emotional experience. However, it’s important to
remember that you have the right to seek the truth and make the best
decision for yourself and your well-being. While it can be difficult to
navigate this situation, being aware of the signs of cheating and taking
care of yourself can help you approach the situation with clarity and

Remember to seek support from trusted friends, family members, or

professionals and prioritize self-care as you navigate this difficult time.
Ultimately, the most important thing is to make a decision that feels
right for you and your well-being.


In conclusion, suspecting that your partner is cheating can be a difficult

and emotional experience. While there are many signs that could
indicate infidelity, it’s important to approach the situation with a level
head and gather evidence before confronting your partner. If your
suspicions are confirmed, it’s up to you to make a decision about
whether to continue the relationship.

This decision should be based on a consideration of your emotions, the

evidence, the impact on your relationship, and your personal needs.
Seeking support from friends, family, or a therapist can be helpful in
making this decision. Ultimately, it’s important to prioritize your own
well-being and make a choice that feels right for you.


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