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Research tasks for FMP logo design

Section 1 of 3: TYPOGRAPHY.

You can use sites such as Dafont for examples or ones which are on the system you are
currently using. Be mindful that too many unusual choices together can be quite
offputting for an audience, so think about how they can compliment, rather than argue
with each other...

Task 1/4. Select 3 typefaces/fonts you might like to use for your PRIMARY choice. This would
be the one you will build your logo from. Describe the DENOTATION (style/appearance) and
CONNOTATION (meaning which could be inferred). Support the suggested inference with at
least one example.

Choice 1: Choice 1 (October Crow) (Phasmophobia font)

Reasons: The reason I would use this font is because of the relation to our podcast. As
we are speaking about a horror game, I feel the font would fit very well as
our logo. The other main reason is that this is actually the very same font
used for the title of the game itself that we’re speaking about. The font gives
an atmosphere of uncertainty and creepiness, which I think fits well with the
idea of our podcast.
Choice 2: Choice 2 (Algerian)
Reasons: The reason that I would possibly pick this font is because its looks almost
demonic. Because of the different lines going through the letters, it looks like
older style demonic writing, with scratches and such. I feel this would work
well as the idea of our podcast is speaking about a ghost game, and some of
these ghosts are demonic and the game has many demonic parts to it, such
as the Ouija board or the Demon ghost type.
Choice 3: Choice 3 (Britannic Bold)
Reasons: I like this font for our logo as well as it shows simplicity, but still looks quite
scratchy. As we are not using many props for our set, it will look rather
simply as it matches the eeriness of the game itself. This works in contrast
with that as the font is also very simplistic which creates fluidity between the
set and the title.

Task 2/4. Select 3 typefaces/fonts you might like to use for your SECONDARY choice. This
could be used for support within a logo or a strap line. Describe the DENOTATION
(style/appearance) and CONNOTATION (meaning which could be inferred). Support the
suggested inference with at least one example.

Choice 1: Choice 1 (Forte Forward)

Reasons: The reason I would possibly choose this font for support lines is because it
keeps the same kind of style as the first 2 fonts for my title, while still being
relatively easy to read. I feel that this font is easier to read than the first 2 for
the title, which wont matter as those will be a much larger text size making
them easy to read. However, I think that since this text will be much smaller,
the font fits well as it will still be easy to read, while still keeping the same
kind of style.
Choice 2: Choice 2 (Impact)
Reasons: The reason I chose this font as my second choice is because it looks
somewhat blurry which I think fits in with the game concept. As the game is
supposed to make you feel unsettled, I feel the blurriness of the font creates
that same sense of uncertainty that the game is designed to make you feel. I
feel it also matches the idea of sanity draining within the game. As you’re in
the dark in the game your sanity goes down, which makes the ghost more
likely to attack. So, I feel that the font being a bit blurry almost seems as if
you are going insane as well.
Choice 3: Choice 3 (Verdana Pro Black)
Reasons: The reason I could use this font is because of its simplicity. While the title
font is very important as it can set the atmosphere for the start of the
podcast, I feel secondary text is not as important. Therefore, the simplicity of
this font should direct the viewers attention mainly to the title, while still
being able to read relevant information.

Task 3/4. Select 3 typefaces/fonts you might like to use for your BODY COPY choice. This is
the writing which could contain sentences or even paragraphs. Describe the DENOTATION
(style/appearance) and CONNOTATION (meaning which could be inferred). Support the
suggested inference with at least one example.

Choice 1: Choice 1 (Bahnschrift SemiBold Condensed)

Reasons: I feel this font would work relatively well as a body font as a lot more
information may need to be get across with this font, therefore I feel this
font is very easy to read but also keeps a surprisingly creepy appearance. I
feel how squashed together the text is makes it seem like it was written with
not a lot of space, almost like the person needed to get the information
across and their life depended on it.
Choice 2: Choice 2 (Trade Gothic Inline)
Reasons: I feel this font could work well as it is easy to read but has a very unique and
interest design. The appearance of this font is very different to others, and
that makes it a little bit unsettling. The idea of the game we are talking about
is a horror game which uses abstract situations and beliefs to scare the
player, these are things that you don’t expect like the lights flickering or a
ghost appearing and scaring you. Therefore, I feel this font follows a similar
pattern by being so different to others.
Choice 3: Choice 3 (Creepster)
Reasons: I think this font works really well as it is very easy to read but also matches
the kind of jokey name of the spooky show. The font definitely has a creepy
aspect to it but in more of an animated funny way. This matches the name
which is the spooky show as it obviously has connotations to being scary, but
isn’t actually a creepy name at all.

Task 4/4 When you’ve done these, pick your final three and state them below, with a screen
capture of them and your reasons for selection...


NAME: Choice 1 (October Crow) (Phasmophobia font)
REASONS FOR CHOICE (connotation I chose this font as my final choice as the design is very
and denotation): clean, easy to read on a larger text size and matches the
podcast perfectly. Especially as it uses the exact same
font as the game we are talking about within the


NAME: Choice 2 (Impact)

REASONS FOR CHOICE (connotation I chose this font as I like the relation between the
and denotation): blurriness of the font and losing sanity within the game.
I like that it’s easy to read and it connotes that you may
be starting to go insane, just like within the game.
NAME: Choice 3 (Creepster)

REASONS FOR CHOICE (connotation I chose this font as I think it fits the title name of the
and denotation): podcast very well. As the title name is a little more
relaxed and a bit jokey, I think this fits that well as it isn’t
a super serious horror font.

Section 2 of 3: COLOUR THEORY.

Think about how the colour wheel (and also by extension the colour sphere) can be
exploited to build a good colour scheme for your branding. You can also use image colour
scheme builders for this task (Trev will show you how to use these).

Your colour scheme could have at least three main components to it and also consider it
against different backgrounds, with outlines and so on.

Select THREE colour schemes based on the information above, before settling on a final
one as a prime brand for your channel and talk about why you chose it (what connotation
might it have, for example).

Task 1/2: Place three SETS of colours that you like in the boxes below, based on using the
links above. Talk about why you like them and what they could mean to an audience.

Colour scheme 1

Connotation The idea of this image is to show the common colour scheme within
(reason/meaning) the games presentation and also within the game itself. The common
: colour scheme for the game is grey black and white mostly. I believe
this has been done as a lot of colour wouldn’t make the game very
scary at all. Therefore, I think using this came kind of colour palette
as the game will allow us to reflect what we are talking about within
the colours itself.
Colour scheme 2

Connotation This image is the lobby of the game, I think the palette of brown and
(reason/meaning) then white and yellow where the game uses paper as the buttons. I
: like these colours a lot as I feel they’re not as bland as the common
colour palette of the game but it is still simple enough to be creepy.
Colour scheme 3

Connotation This image is a picture of the Ouija board in the game. It’s quite
(reason/meaning) similar to the second choice but instead of white the colours are just
: wood colours. I think this could work well as we also planned on
making our logo as a Ouija board from the game, with out title over
it. Therefore, the colours match perfectly for this.

Task 2/2: show your final choice of colour scheme and write more detail about your reasons
for selecting it.


MORE DETAILED REASONS FOR CHOICE (connotation and denotation):

The reason that I decided to use this colour scheme is because It will work well for our
final choice of the logo design as well. Since our chosen logo idea is a broken Ouija board,
the colour scheme from this picture matches it perfectly, as the colours are of an Ouija
Section 3 of 3: COMPOSITION.

Finally, suggest a composition for your project name. We will look at design tools for this,
to help you get to the final overall style you will use. The logo generator here is just to get
you thinking about the overall style, you will be able to work in Photoshop and Premiere
as well.

Task 1/1: Have a play with the generator in the link here, and paste your three favourite
versions, adding notes about what you like and what you’d change..

Paste logo idea 1 here (screenshot):

Reflective notes (what you like/don’t like):

This first design is based off of one of the ghost models within the game itself, with the
title written over the shoulders of the ghost. I think this logo idea is quite cool as it is a
direct connection to the game itself, however I feel it doesn’t fit the name of the podcast
in anywhere very easily unlike the other two.
Paste logo idea 2 here (screenshot):

Reflective notes (what you like/don’t like):

This design is based off of the spirit box within the game itself. I like this idea as the spirit
box’s whole use is communication, which I think works well considering we are making a
podcast. I also think instead of having the title above the box, I would integrate it into the
screen of the spirit box itself.

Paste logo idea 3 here (screenshot):

Reflective notes (what you like/don’t like):

This logo is my personal favourite. It is based off of the Ouija board within the game itself
as the board will break apart and make the ghost angry if you don’t use it correctly. This
also allows me to animate the board breaking for an animated logo.

Task 2/2: show your final choice of logo idea and write more detail about your reasons for
selecting it.


MORE DETAILED REASONS FOR CHOICE (connotation and denotation) including an opinion
from one other student:
This logo was my final choice as I felt that it was the most fitting for the podcast. The idea
of the Ouija board breaking apart for the animation works really well for an intro into the
podcast itself as it can break apart to reveal the set behind. When I made a form for
opinions on these 3 screenshots, this was the most favoured screenshot with the most
common response on why they liked it being that it matches the podcast theme perfectly.

Some useful links appear below...

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