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Public School
1 -Term Examination (2022-23)
Class- Vth
Subject- E.V.S.
Time:- 2.30 HRS M.M.= 40
Note: All questions are compulsory
Q1.Tick( ) the correct options (5x2=10)
a. Our food habits are linked to our sense of:
(i) Touch (ii) Sight (iii) Small
b. Cutting the wool off the sheep is called:
(i) Tearing (ii) shearing (iii) shaving
c. _______________ gives the green colour to the plants:
(i) Minerals (ii) Chlorophyll (iii) Sunlight
d. Where did marigold come from?
(i) Central America (ii) China (iii) Australia
e. The herbivores in a food chain are knows as_____________ consumers:
(i) Producers (ii) primary (iii) Secondary

Q2. Fill in the blanks (3x2=6)

a. __________ and ____________ have ‘eyes’ growing on them .
b. Amit’s grandfather _________ to Delhi in search of a better livelihood.
c. The outer tough covering of seed is called _____________.

Q3. Write true or false (5x2=10)

a. Everybody likes the smell of fish, meat, onion and garlic . __________
b. A food chain starts with plants. _________
c. Fungi het their food from the soil. ________
d. Potatoes, chilies and tomatoes come from china. __________
e. Elephants are killed for their skin. _________

Q4.Match the following : (6x2=6)

a. 1904 Anne Sullivan entered her life
b. 1880 Graduated from Radcliffe Collage
c. 1886 was born
Q5. Answer the following question (3x2=6)
Q1. Why had Amit’s Grandfather moved to Delhi?
Q2. List three product the we get from the animals.
Q3. What is reproduction?

Q6.Write the full forms: (2x1=2)

a. WWF.
b. UNDP.

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