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Hydropower Potential of Municipal Water Supply Schemes in Oyo State: Case Study of Asejire Dam,

Ibadan, Nigeria.



Nigeria is endowed with rich natural resources. Water resources can be exploited to produce
hydroelectricity for the country or for neighboring communities around natural water sources. Energy is
an important infrastructure for natural development. Given the erratic state of power supply in Nigeria,
especially in rural areas, this article investigates the hydroelectric potential of urban water supply
systems, focusing on the Asejire Dam in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. The study aimed to assess the
feasibility of using these projects untapped hydroelectric resources to address energy challenges in the
region. Technical details of the dam were obtained from the Asejire Dam Office; discharge rate has
been evaluated; Head loss in the pressure line is calculated using the Manning’s equation and this data
is used to evaluate the hydroelectric potential of the dam. The hydropower generation capacity of the
dam is 1,425 MW and the Kaplan turbine was selected as the suitable turbine for the small hydropower

Natural resources depend on the water cycle to continue to exist. Nigeria is endowed with abundant
natural water resources and these resources can be exploited to produce hydroelectricity. Theoretical
electrical power of 5.13 kW to 5000 kW could be achieved in Nigeria if the identified small hydroelectric
sites were developed and this was sufficient to meet the average load of rural communities

Therefore, if neighboring communities have access to sustainable, clean, reliable and affordable energy,
the Asejire community can experience sustainable socio-economic and technological development.
Karma. This study thus established the potential and viability of the construction of small
hydroelectricity (SHP) on the Asejire Dam, which would enhance commercial and industrial activity in
the city; therefore, should do this project. Keywords: Asejire Dam, energy, head, power generation, city
water supply and small hydroelectric system


The existence of life depends on energy. Humans need energy for normal daily activities such as
comfort, heating, transportation, security, etc. Our society today is an energy intensive society with a
growing population. Therefore, energy must be readily available, reliable and affordable. It plays an
important role in the socio-political and economic development of our country. Inadequate energy
supply limits socioeconomic activities, limits economic growth and reduces quality of life (Nigerian
Energy Commission, 2003).

Although there are many different forms of energy. They can be mainly classified into traditional and
non-traditional forms of energy. The first is the most consumed form of energy – fossil fuels and the
second major form of renewable energy. Renewable energy is the form of energy produced from easily
renewable sources. This form of energy is cleaner and causes less greenhouse gas pollution than fossil
fuels. The primary source of energy is usually converted into a secondary form of energy – electricity.
Electricity is a form of secondary energy that has many advantages due to its convenience and flexibility.
No other type of energy allows such easy and instantaneous access.


Hydroelectricity is a form of renewable energy obtained from the power of moving water. It could be a
stream, a waterfall, a river, or a wave. Most hydroelectricity is derived from a natural source that
depends on the water cycle for survival. Nigeria is endowed with abundant natural water resources and
these resources can be exploited to produce hydroelectricity. Theoretical electrical power between 5.13
kW and 5000 kW could be achieved in Nigeria if the identified small hydroelectric sites were developed
and this was sufficient to meet the average load of rural communities.

Memories of the Asejire dam community

The Asejire community was chosen as the case study because it is a rural community facing a shortage
of energy supplies and is also home to the Asejire Dam. Asejire community is located in Oyo state,
Nigeria, more than a thousand people live in the community. Asejire Dam is a dam located in Asejire
City, Oyo State, built in 1972. This dam is supplied by the Osun River and was built for the purpose of
supplying water. It stores approximately 7240 million gallons of water and is 80 feet above the Osun
River and the dam used to supply water to the Oyo State (OWAS, 2008).


The objective of this study was to evaluate the hydroelectric potential of the Asejire dam and provide
the dam’s power generation capacity. This information can be used in the development of a small
hydroelectric power project (SHP), which can be used to generate electricity to supply communities
near the Asejire Dam.

Classification of hydropower development

According to the European Association of Small Hydropower Plants (2004), a small hydroelectric power
plant is generally any plant with a capacity of less than 10 MW. This classification is not rigid and can
vary from text to text. Furthermore, plans can be classified as follows:

Development of river flows

Diagram of the power plant located at the base of the dam and

Diagram of embedding on a channel or in a water supply pipe

Building a dam with its substructures for a small hydroelectric project is very expensive. Thus, most
dams used for small hydroelectric projects are mainly installed for irrigation, flood control or water
intake purposes (European Association of Small Hydroelectricity, 2004) as the case study.


The hydroelectric power generation potential of a dam involves gathering information and
specifications about the dam, reservoir, pressure pipeline size and hydroelectric dependence factors.
This project involved the installation of a power plant at the base of the dam with a turbine and
generator in the power station. The dam consists of an inlet that controls the flow of water into the
bottom outlet connecting the upstream and downstream waters. The inlet and power plant are
connected by a pressure pipe, and a discharge pipe discharges water from the power plant to the river.

The parameters of the Asejire Dam and Reservoir were obtained from the Oyo State Water Supply


Illustrated theoretical analysis is used to determine the flow characteristics and generation potential of
a hydroelectric system. These theoretical analyzes are in accordance with the standards of the European
Small Hydropower Association (EHSA).

Manning’s equation for estimating per capita losses

Manning’s equation for a completely closed circular section pipe (European Association of Small
Hydroelectricity, 2004):

Hf/l=s=10.29.n2.Q2/D5.3333 (1)

Where: s, is the hydraulic gradient, D is the diameter of the circular pipe, Q is the flow rate through the
pipe, hf is the frictional loss and l is the length of the pipe, n is the Manning coefficient.


This is the actual power that can be obtained from the hydroelectric system taking into account the
voltage drop and efficiency of the turbine, generator, gearbox and transformer. Net head is gross head
(H) minus friction loss (hf). Net capacity is calculated according to the following equation (European
Association of Small Hydroelectricity, 2004)

P = Q.Hn. turbine. Generator . gear . ntransformer. W (2)

Where, P is the actual power in kW, Q is the flow in m3/s, Hn is the actual head in meters, nturbine is
the turbine efficiency, nggenerator is the gearbox efficiency, ntransformer is the transformer efficiency.
Pressure and w is the specific gravity of water (9.81 KN/m3)

Determine the flow rate

The hydroelectric potential of the dam is directly dependent on the flow in the turbine. However, this
flow is limited by the water pouring down from the dam, the energy loss in the pressure pipeline
(pipeline) due to friction with the pipe wall and viscous dispersion, and the volume of the reservoir.

Flow in penstock
Flow in the pressure pipe is given in

Equation (1): Set Q to be the subject of the equation and

According to the European Association of Small Hydroelectricity (2004),

Limit power loss to 4%. This is illustrated in

Equation below;

= ((𝑯∙𝑫5,3333)/(2257.25∙𝒏2∙𝑳)) (3)

Dam inlet diameter

The diameter of the inlet or the dam depends on the ratio

Flow rate and is calculated using the following equation. 𝑸 = (. 𝒅2/ 𝟒) ∙ √ ( 𝟐. 𝒈. 𝑯)

Where: Q is the flow; H is the large head of the dam;

G is the acceleration due to gravity. Tank volume

The sustainability of the hydroelectric system depends on

Tank volume; Oyo Water Consumption

Status and consumption of hydroelectric water; and rate

Fill the tank with water. In this case study: Bang Oyo

Water consumption and water consumption of hydroelectricity

Has been considered. Oyo State Specifications

Water consumption is obtained from Oyo State Water

Company, Bang Oyo; and hydroelectricity

Consumption is calculated on the basis of values obtained from

The result of equations (3) and (4). First

The net reduction is the difference between the total decrease and the decrease

Head loss due to friction loss. A clean head is a head

Used to determine the net capacity of the hydroelectric system. Total head is the difference between
the height of

Upstream and downstream waters of the dam. While friction

Loss is a loss that occurs during transmission

Water from the dam through the pressure pipe into the turbine. The total reduction was determined at
the Asejire Dam Office,

Asejire, Oyo state, and frictional losses are determined by

Use equation (1). Therefore, the net charge is determined according to the following equation. Actual
head (Hn) = Gross head (H) – Pressure drop (hf) (5)


Net power is the accessible power that can be obtained from

Hydroelectric scheme based on the net collapse of

Hydroelectric systems and hydroelectric efficiency

The components. In other words, it is useful energy that can be

Drawn from the hydroelectric scheme used for

Generate electrical energy. Net Power Calculated

Use equation (2). Propeller selection

The choice of impeller largely depends on the head and

Flow of the hydroelectric system. The option of

Turbines can be based on low, medium and high head models.

Pulse turbines are more suitable for high head systems

While jet turbines fit the low-head scheme with

High throughput ((Douglas et al., 2005).


Technical details of the Asejire . Dam

Dam name: Asejire Đập Dam

Location: Asejire, Bang Oyo

Year of construction: April 1970

Built by: Pascal and Ludwig

Purpose of the dam: Water supply

Operated by: Oyo . Water Supply Corporation

Dam crest height: 526 ft (160.3 m)

Maximum flood height: 519 ft (158.2 m)

Normal pool elevation: 512 ft (156.1 m)

Threshold elevation (ogee dam): 479 ft (146 m)

Elevation from riverbed to dam: 446 ft (135.9 m)

Elevation from side to bottom: 80 ft (24.4 m)

Dam reservoir volume: 7240 million gallons (32.9 million .)

Cubic meters)

Dam length: 2700 ft (823 m)

Reservoir area: 38 square miles (98.42 million .)

Square meters)

Design flood: 130,000 cfs (3681 m3/s)

Dam Condition: Good and working.

Throughput results

This is the result of the flow rate due to the collapse

Of water from the dam and the flow in the pressure pipe. Result of flow in penstock

Enter the following parameters, H = Height = 66 ft (19.8 m),

L = 150 m, n = 0.012 (welded steel pipe), D = 1.2 m (48 in) in equation (3). Flow, Q = 3.1 m3/s.

Result of dam inlet diameter

Diameter of water intake or dam is calculated

From equation (4). Where: Q = 3.1 m3/s, g = 9.81 m/s2, H = 19.8 m

Inlet diameter, d = 0.45 m (18i n)

That is, the inlet diameter (0.45 m) of the dam

Resulting in pipeline pressure is increased to the diameter of

Pressure using diffuser at inlet valve to reduce

Dynamic load of the dam into dynamic load in

Pressure pipeline such that the loss due to friction is 4%. If the inlet diameter of the dam corresponds to

The diameter of the pressure pipe is 1.2 m the flow will be

22.3 m3/s [calculated from equation (4)] and this would have

Given a hydraulic pressure gradient pipe (S) with a value of 0.279,

While the flow through the pressure pipe is 3.1 m3/s, creating a

Hydraulic gradient (S) is 0.0054 [calculated from equation

(first)]. This significant reduction in the hydraulic gradient using

Flow rate of 3.1m3/s allows the use of pressure pipes

Pipe lengths up to 150 m with 4% static pressure drop

To manage. This is achieved by using a diffuser to reduce

The speed of the dam leads to the pressure pipe. That is,

Discharge, 22.3 m3/ due to the possibility of waterfalls

Of the dam will be reduced to a flow rate of 3.1

M3/s in the pressure pipeline such that the losses in the pressure pipeline are as

As low as 4%. Tank volume

Hydrological assessments estimate that the storm peak

Occurs over a short period of time from 819.87 m3/s to

1681.34 m3/s for the Osun River at Iwo Monitoring Station (Adejumo

Et al., 2016); This hydrographic chart shows the local filling of

The Osun River is caused by a hydrological cycle. And

Reservoir water level at 81 feet was maintained at the height of drought

Season and the spillway is open during the rainy season

(OWAS, 2008).


Pooled slump (H) = Normal height of swimming pool – Elevation of riverbed

= 512 – 446 = 66 sets = 19.8 m. From equation (1), head loss (hf): Where: 𝑙 = 150 m, n = 0.012

(welded steel pipe), Q = 3.1 m3/s, D = 1.2 m. This came up first

Loss, hF = 0.81 m

From equation (4):

Spine, Hn= 18.99m

Friction loss in pipelines 1.2 m and

A length of 150 m causes a 4% reduction in total reduction (static reduction). Friction loss will increase
with the length of the pipe
Increase and decrease as the diameter of the pipe

Increase. Grid

From equation (2):


Q = 3.1 m3/s; H n = 18.99; turbine = 0.94 (Kaplan turbine); generator =

0.96 (industrial turbine generator); gearbox = 0.95; transformer = 0.96; w = 9.81kN/m3

Actual power, P = 475.28 kW

Petite’s energy production potential

Hydropower Scheme (SHP) can be increased by multiplying

Factor by having the same size of the same pressure pipe

Parameters related to the dam. Multiplier is

Depends on the volume of the tank for daily management

Hydroelectricity consumes water. This is given by

The following equation:

PM = kP (6)

Where: k is the multiplier is the number

Identical pressure hose with the same pipe diameter and

Have the same flow as the dam. Who is

Confirmed by looking at the volume of the tank compared to

To Bang Oyo Total Water Supply and Hydroelectricity

Water requirements as shown in Table 3 such as hydropower

Expansion factor Where: k = 3

Therefore, Pm = 1425.8 kW

This multiplies the actual power, 475.28 kW to produce the power

1425.8kW. It is a parallel system with each subsystem

Same network capacity. The effect of some

Hydroelectric components are from Douglas, et al.,

2005 and Avallone & Baumeister III, 1996.

Propeller selection
Turbine Type: Kaplan . Turbine

Pressure gauge: up to 400 m

Best efficiency: 94%

Adjustment mechanism: Blade compensation

Kaplan turbines are suitable turbines selected for

Asejire dam hydroelectric project do

Its high output at low and high drop significantly

Efficiency as a percentage of full load


The above results show the hydroelectric potential of a

The beat is not fixed but can change depending on the speed

Flow in the pressure pipe leading to the turbine and number

Identical pressure tubes connecting the dam to the turbines. But a design can be made to maximize
the output of the dam

Potential using the best storage volume of

Reservoir related to hydrological assessment of

To put; pressure drop drop in pressure; rate increase

Flow rate and number of pressure pipes are identical resulting in

Turbine; and use hydropower efficiently and appropriately

Accessory. The dam can easily be used to generate electricity up to 1.42 megawatts. This will provide an
alternative to address the erratic power supply situation experienced by the Asejire community and will
also provide an alternative and cleaner source of electricity generation instead of burning fossil fuels.
Used for electricity generation by industries in the town of Asejire. The supply of electricity together
with the water supply infrastructure will lead to the industrial development of Asejire town. Thus, a
small hydroelectric project can be established and used to generate reliable and sustainable electricity
for both the Asejire community and the industries of the city of Asejire.

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