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Part 1
1. Do you live near here?

2. What was the last place you went on holiday?

3. What kind of sports do you like?

4. How often do you excercise?

5. Where do you usually go with your friends?

[20 – 30 WORDS] you have joined a sports club. Please write about how
you hope to benefit from joining our sports club.
[30-40 WORDS] JULIE: you are new here, aren’t you? Are there any forms
of exercise you dislike?

[30-40 WORDS] TOBY: Hi! Do you like team sports or individual sports
[30-40 WORDS] KEITH: Do you think some sports are dangerous? Have you
ever had a sports injury?

- Write an e-mail to your friend. Write about your feelings and about
whether you would like to attend and why. Write about 50 words.
- Write an e-mail to the secretary. Write about your feelings and
whether you would like to attend and why. Write 120 – 150 words.

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