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Detailed Lesson Plan in Physical Educa on 5

I.Objec ves

At the end of a 45 minutes discussion, pupils are expected to achieve 80% of pro ciency of the grade
5sec on: a. de ne what are the components of  tnessb. Perform the di erent  tness measurement of
each  tness componentsc. give importance to our health

II. Subject Ma erTopic

: Fitness


Components of  tness


hps:// Materials: Visual aids, Dice



A.Preliminary Ac vi  es

1.Gree ngsGood Morning Class! Please all stand and let us pray, Jane kindly leadthe prayer2. Classroom
ManagementBefore you take a seat, kindly pick up the pieces ofpaper and candy wrapper under your
chair andyou may take a seat.3.Checking of aendance As I call your name say, please say “ present” 4.
Review of the past lesson Before we proceed to our new lesson, Let’s have ashort review!What is our
past lesson all about? Yes JessicaVery Good! What is Motor skills? JennilynVery Good! Are we all clear in
motor skills?Good Morning Ma’am ( Jane will lead the prayer) Our Father inHeaven…….(Amen)(The
students will say present as I call in theirname ) Ma’am is all about Motor skillsMotor skills are ac ons
that require the use ofmuscles in speci c ways to achieve a desiredoutcome. ( Yes ma’am)

B.Mo va  on.

Before we proceed to our lesson let’shave a game  rst, are you all excited ?This game called “roll a
task” I will roll adice and if the dice stop in #1 you willdo the task that assign to #1 .Forexample is the
dice stop in #1 an thetask is running in place you will do therunning in place. Do you understand ?Do you
have any ques on before westart ? Okay Let’s start the game ( Done doing the energizer game) Did you
have fun?

C.Presenta on /Discussion

For today’s lesson ,we will talkabout the components of  tness,but before that lets de ne what is tness
 rst. Fitness is de ned as 'the ability tocarry out daily tasks with vigor andalertness, without undue
fa gue,and with ample energy to enjoyleisure- me pursuits and respond toemergencies.' Based on
thisde ni  on,  tness involveseverything from ge ng out of bedto hiking to performing CPR.Total  tness
can be de ned by howwell the body performs in each oneof the components of physical tness as a
whole. It is not enoughto be able to bench press your bodyweight. Do you understand what is
 tnessnow ?(Yes ma’am)(Yes ma’am)(none ma’am)(yes ma’am)(yes ma’am)

Now Let’s move on to thecomponents of  tness.We have 5 components of  tness,the  rst one is the
Cardiovascularendurance. Cardiovascular endurance is theability of the heart and lungs towork together
to provide theneeded oxygen and fuel to the bodyduring sustained workloads.For example is
jogging ,cycling andswimming. The Cooper Run is usedmost o en to test cardiovascularendurance.Do
you understand what iscardiovascular endurance class?Very Good! Let’s now proceed toMuscular
strength.Muscular strength is the amount offorce a muscle can produce.Typically measured by how
muchweight can be moved in rela on torepe o ns. Exercises involvingmul ple joints and muscle
groupssuch as squats or bench press areo en used. The push up test is mosto en used to test
muscularstrength.Are we clear to the muscularstrength ?Do you have ques ons?Let’s con nue our
discussion. Thethird one is the muscularendurance.Muscular endurance is the ability of

the muscles to perform con nuouswithout fa guing.Examples would be cycling, stepmachines and
ellip cal machines.The sit up test is most o en used totest muscular endurance.Second to the last is
the exibility. Flexibility is the ability of each jointto move through the available rangeof mo on for a
speci c joint.Typically measured by how far amuscle group can be stretched or joint can be moved. The
mostcommon tests involve thehamstrings and shoulders.And the last on is the Bodycomposi on.Body
composion is the amount offat mass compared to lean musclemass, bone and organs. This can
bemeasured using underwaterweighing, Skinfold readings, andbioelectrical impedance. This is
theamount of fat on the body versusother ssues such as muscle, bonesand skin. Do you understand
the 5components of  tness class?

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