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Safety Issues of Powder Explosions

Laura Mariño, Manuela Real y Juliana Rodriguez

Combustible dust, also known as explosive dust, is a by-product created from manufacturing
processes that involve combustible raw materials. These materials include wood, light metals,
several kinds of chemicals, but also agricultural products such as grain, spices, and tobacco. While
practically invisible to the human eye, combustible dust particles are a deadly hazard in many
workplaces and industries. Certain conditions can cause the dust to become explosive, potentially
killing or injuring workers, and destroying machinery or even entire facilities. Dust explosions
occur when high concentrations of combustible dust particles rapidly combust inside an enclosed
space, leading to a quick combustion process known as deflagration that results in a high-pressure
airwave. The explosion can dislodge or stir up combustible dust elsewhere in the facility, leading
to a potentially bigger explosion and fueling multiple dust explosions. The risk of harm to human
life and equipment damage is overwhelming and can occur in other machines or containers as the
pressure wave and fire propagate through the duct system (Nederman, 2022).
Substances capable of explosion
• If a solid substance is finely ground, it may ignite more readily or at a lower energy. If any
combustible substance is mixed or suspended in air at the correct concentrations and
contained in a vessel or building when ignition occurs, then an explosion can result. If it is
uncontained, then a fireball may occur. The typical concentration ranges that can give rise
to an explosion are low (75- >1000 g/m3 of air). As a guide, at these lower concentrations
it is difficult for an observer to distinguish solid shapes at distances of 60cm or less.
Explosions can occur (and may propagate) within a range of concentrations between values
known as the lower and upper explosion limits.
• Ignition energies vary with different substances and for similar substances with differing
moisture content and particle size but may be as low as the static discharge experienced
when taking off a synthetic fiber jumper, or as high as that from a ‘fixed flame’ such as a
gas fired boiler.
• Common processes generating explosible dusts in the food industry include flour and
provender milling, sugar grinding, spray drying of milk and instant coffee and
conveyance/storage of whole grains and finely divided materials.
• Some food industry activities may also be at risk of fire and explosion using finely sprayed
oils, mixing with potable flammable solvents (i.e. ethanol), or sterilization techniques such
as high temperature drying or spraying with hydrogen peroxide solutions (HSE, 2022).

Main types of equipment

The Silos: silos are large storage containers used for the storage of bulk materials. Because dust
can collect on the walls and at right angles of the silo, it is important that they are designed with
smooth walls and no right angles to prevent dust buildup. In addition, silos must be constructed of
corrosion and abrasion resistant materials to prevent rupture or collapse of the silo. An adequate
ventilation system is essential to remove dust from the silo and prevent the buildup of electrostatic
charges, as these can generate sparks that can lead to an explosion in the presence of combustible
dust. The installation of material level and temperature sensors is also important to monitor the
contents of the silo and prevent dangerous situations (Zhang, G. et al, 2023). Therefore, the design
and safe operation of silos are essential to prevent dust explosions in industry.

Dryers: dryers are critical equipment in the production processes of powdered materials, since
they allow the removal of moisture from the raw material. However, due to the high concentration
of dust in these processes, the dryers present a high risk of dust explosions. Therefore, it is
important that dryers are properly designed and operated to prevent the accumulation of dust and
electrostatic charges. In addition, they must have adequate ventilation systems that allow dust
removal, thus avoiding the formation of flammable dust clouds. It is also important to use
construction materials resistant to wear and corrosion, as well as the implementation of security
measures, such as the installation of fire detection and extinguishing systems (Miranda, J. T. et al.,
2013). In summary, the implementation of preventive measures in the dryers is essential to
minimize the risk of dust explosions in the production processes of powdered materials.

The Mills: the mills are essential equipment in the production of powders and their design is
crucial to prevent explosions. This equipment is used to reduce the particle size of the material,
but during this process a large amount of dust is generated that can accumulate in the work area.
To prevent the accumulation of dust and minimize the risk of explosions, mills must have adequate
ventilation systems that allow dust removal and air renewal. In addition, it is important that
grinders are designed with smooth walls and no right angles to prevent accumulation of dust on
the internal surfaces of the equipment. Measures must also be taken to prevent the generation of
electrostatic charges, such as the use of conductive materials or the installation of grounding
devices (Lapshin, O. V., et al., 2023). In summary, the proper design of the mills is crucial to
guarantee the safety in the production of powders and prevent possible explosions.

The Mixers: mixers are essential equipment in the powder processing industry since they allow
the homogenization of powdered materials before further processing. However, during the mixing
operation, safety risks may arise due to the generation of dust and the accumulation of electrostatic
charges inside the equipment. To avoid these risks, it is important that mixers are designed with
smooth walls and without right angles that can accumulate dust and have adequate
ventilation systems to remove dust from inside the equipment. Additionally, it is important to
implement static control measures to prevent the buildup of electrostatic charges, which can
generate sparks and potentially cause an explosion (Hayakawa, E.,et al., 2022). In general, the
design and safe operation of mixers must be carefully considered to ensure the safety of personnel
and the integrity of the equipment.
Conveyors: Conveyors are essential equipment in the handling of bulk materials in the industry.
However, they can also be a source of danger in relation to dust explosions. Dust particles can
accumulate on the internal walls of the conveyor, increasing the risk of an explosion. To minimize
this risk, it is necessary to design the conveyors with smooth walls and without right angles to
avoid the accumulation of dust. In addition, they must have adequate ventilation systems to
eliminate dust and prevent the accumulation of electrostatic charges that can generate sparks. Risk
assessment is also important to determine the necessary preventive measures and emergency plans
in case of an explosion (Li, Y., et al., 2017). By taking these aspects into account, you can ensure
safe handling of powdered materials and minimize the risks associated with dust explosions on
Relevant Cases.
An estimated 13 million workers are at risk of combustible dust-related injuries. Over the last few
years there have been several cases of explosions due to violations in the safety codes related to
combustible dust. (Universidad de Puerto Rico, 2010) Among the most recent events is:
1. Imperial Sugar (Georgia)
14 dead and 36 injured, sugar refinery destroyed, and employer fined $8 million for
security violations. This refinery converts raw cane sugar into granulated sugar. A
conveyor system consisting of screw and belt conveyors as well as bucket elevators was
used, to move granulated sugar from the refinery to three 105-foot-tall storage silos.
Subsequently, sugar was transported by conveyors and bucket elevators to specialized
areas of granulated sugar processing and packaging. Sugar production was packaged in
four-story packaging buildings surrounding the silos or loaded into wagons and tankers
from the bulk sugar loading area. (Miranda.J, n.d. Universidad de Puerto Rico, 2010)

According to the US Hazard and Chemical Safety Research Board (CSB). It has been
concluded that the first dust explosion occurred on a closed steel conveyor belt located
under the sugar silos. This was due to the accumulation of explosive concentrations of
sugar dust inside the enclosure, favored by steel deck panels recently installed on the
conveyor belt. The source that started the fire is unknown, but once lit, the sugar dust spread
violently, lifting the dust that had accumulated on the floors and raising the horizontal
surfaces, which generated secondary dust explosions in different areas of the building,
including packaging buildings, refinery parts and bulk sugar loading buildings. (Miranda.J,

2. West Pharmaceutical (North Carolina)

6 dead and 38 injured. Almost destruction of the facility was caused by dust explosion of
plastics and resins processes. The report prepared by the CSB identified four main causes
of the accident in West: first, the company’s engineering evaluation for fuel powders was
insufficient; secondly, fire safety standards were not adequately consulted; thirdly, an
inadequate review of material safety data sheets (MSDS) was carried out and finally, the
risks associated with dust were insufficiently communicated to workers. (Universidad de
Puerto Rico, 2010. Smith, S. 2004)

According to the CSB report, although dust removal and cleaning were considered
priorities in the installation, over time, dust accumulated on the suspended ceiling without
being recognized as a danger. Maintenance workers reported dust accumulations of
between a quarter and a half inch on tiles and other surfaces, while the National Fire Code
limits fuel dust accumulations to 1/32 inch. (Smith, S. 2004)

In line with preliminary findings published in June 2003, CSB investigators concluded that
the explosion in West was due to the ignition of a significant amount of polyethylene
powder, which had accumulated above a suspended ceiling in a production area where
rubber slabs were manufactured. The company used rubber to make medical products such
as syringe plungers and rubber stoppers for bottles. During the process, rubber strips were
passed through a tank of fine polyethylene powder and water, and then air dried with fans.
(Smith, S. 2004)
Hayakawa, E., Nakamura, H., Ohsaki, S., & Watano, S. (2022). Dry mixing of cathode composite
powder for all-solid-state batteries using a high-shear mixer. Advanced Powder Technology: The
International Journal of the Society of Powder Technology, Japan, 33(8), 103705.
HSE. (2022). Prevention of dust explosions in the Food Industry. Health and safety executive.
Lapshin, O. V., & Boyangin, E. N. (2023). Macrokinetics of thermal explosion in a 3Ni-Al system
mechanically activated in a low-energy mill. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 948(169790),
Li, Y., Liu, F., Zhang, Q., Yu, Y., Shu, C.-M., & Jiang, J. (2017). Explosion characteristics of
micron-size conveyor rubber dust. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 45, 173–
Miranda, J. T., Camacho, E. M., Formoso, J. A. F., & Rodríguez García, J. de D. (2013). A case
study: An explosion in a milk spray dryer, CAPSA, NW Spain. Journal of Loss Prevention in the
Process Industries, 26(4), 696–704.
Nederman. (2022). What is combustible dust, and how does it lead to dust explosions? Nederman.
Osha. (2022). Protecting workers from combustible dust explosion hazards. Osha Fact sheet.
Zhang, G., Li, L., Zhou, Q., Liang, C., Meng, H., Lan, Q., Cao, Z., Chen, X., & Ma, J. (2023).
Electrostatic discharge pattern and energy probability distribution of different polarity powders in
industrial silo. Chemical Engineering Research & Design: Transactions of the Institution of
Chemical Engineers, 192, 91–101.
Miranda, J (n.d). The explosion of Imperial Sugar in Port Wentworth, Georgia, United States.
Retrieved from:
Smith, S (2004). Investigation Finds Inadequate Dust Controls Caused West Pharmaceutical
Explosion. Retrieved from:
Universidad de Puerto Rico (2010). Risks Associated with Fuel Dust Management in General
Industry. Pocket guide.

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