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Management Theory and Practice

Answer 1.

Management can be referred to as the procedure of handling and administering the activities
of the business. It is keeping and producing a business setting where the company's staff
members can interact harmoniously to achieve organizational goals. All the activities,
regardless of their type, nature, size, and framework.

Management functions as a roadmap or an overview to all the company's staff members and
offers instructions for their initiatives toward the business's welfare.
Principles of Management are additionally considered an art and scientific research.
However, they are much more precise than the principles of natural science. They take care
of and stand for human nature and characteristics, so they vary from one person to another in
their accuracy. Human behavior is constantly energetic, like modern technology utilized for
business activities.

Management principles play an essential role in the business's working. Workers should
know these principles to make specific development and smooth working.
a) Division of work- This principle primarily concentrates on separating the job among the
employees according to their skills and ability. This will boost workers' performance.
b) Authority and responsibility- This principle states that authority and responsibility should
have a correct equilibrium. Individuals who get authority are more likely to have
c) Centralization and decentralization- Just like authority and responsibility, a company
requires to be both streamlined and decentralized in a well-balanced way to guarantee the
smooth running of the business.
d) Unity of command- The principle primarily focuses on the fact that every employee should
constantly be answerable to one manager and not more than that. He should follow his
instructions and should report to him.
e) Unity of direction- Every company has a set of goals to be attained. This principle shows
that all employees should work together to attain those business goalss.
f) Discipline- Managers appointed in the business should discipline their staff members and
follow the company's rules and procedures.
g) Order- Under this principle, it is essential to allot sources such as equipment, workforce,
and cash systems that are useful for the business. Picking the appropriate male for each task
and successfully managing them throughout the process can keep order in the business.
h) Initiative- Every employee should make an effort in the working of the company. They
should come forward and lead the groups. The managers must encourage and inspire them.
i) Fair remuneration- Companies should not underpay their employees. Each staff member
should be paid relatively to ensure that the employees enjoy and are satisfied and will
collaborate with even more power.
j) Stability of tenure- This principle mentions that if the workers feel safe in the organization,
that will result in work security.
k) Scalar chain- The Scalar chain clarifies that the company should have an appropriate
pecking order. Each employee should understand their prompt elderly and be able to contact
them when needed.
l) Equity- Under this principle, the employees should be treated similarly with compassion,
justness, and justice. There should not be any kind of business in the company.
m) Esprit de corps- It refers to team spirit. The managers should guarantee that staff members
are proud of their organization and devoted. The office should have a positive atmosphere
with a sense of unity.

There are certain factors affecting management thought-

A) Goal setting- It is confirmed that "What can be gauged, can be improved and taken care
of. So, the business should establish clear goals and objectives for every staff member.
b) Transparent communication- There should not be any communication voids that will
impede the performance and development of the company.
c) Sense of ownership- Managers should ensure that staff members feel relied on. A reliable
manager will constantly ensure that every opportunity they grab is handed over to the
appropriate source.
d) Sense of teamwork- Delegation of work among different teams and giving them a shared
vision will encourage partnership and will be profitable for the company.
e) Recognition- It is essential to recognize the hard work and achievements of the group and
reward them for their efforts in the direction of the organization's welfare.

If management principles are appropriately implemented, it can result in valuable insights for
the managers. It will likewise help them to make informed choices that will ensure the
smooth operation of the business. Every organization should teach their workers the
principles of Management to collaborate and manage business activities and resources. The
management principles will assist the business in identifying the ideal business opportunities
and help them delegate functions and responsibilities according to the labor force's abilities.

Therefore, the organization must adopt all the management principles to endure in the market
and gain a competitive advantage.

Answer 2

Effective Management is the backbone of a successful organization. Management is crucial

for a coordinated and organized life and is necessary to run all kinds of organizations.
Management is additionally crucial in making educated choices and working in the direction
of attaining business goals. It helps the company get things done by the right people by
handing over the work among them according to their skills and top quality. If a business has
effective Management, it will likely be rewarding and thrive in the long term.
Management can also be referred to as the collection of principles associated with features of
the various tenets, consisting of preparation, organizing, managing, and guiding. These
principles form the staff member's job and make the most effective use of physical, financial,
and human resources.

Several managers have explained Management in their distinct methods. As humanity is

different from each other, the management style is also different. However, the result should
be the same, successfully finishing the offered job.

Earlier, it was an arguable topic whether Management could be considered a strict profession
or not. Yet with time, specialists have concluded that it is right to claim that Management can
be a career and a manager can make a handsome income from this profession.
Management is now considered a profession, and it has existed for decades. For this reason,
Management is a real profession, and people can take it as a profession. Allow's to scrutinize
a) Specialized knowledge- Much like any other career, Management requires specialized
expertise relating to the company's work to obtain things done. An individual looking to be a
successful manager requires specialized expertise in a particular area. He can gather all that
information from books and the internet or experience it by working under a successful
manager. Consequently, in this light, Management is a true profession.
b) Training and profession- Modern Management is slightly different from old Management.
It aids applicants and trainees in acquiring the essential training and expertise. Numerous
management training and education universities in the nation can enable a private in this
procedure. In the here-and-now market conditions, organizations like to employ talent that
has a level from a recognized establishment to handle various settings.
Hence, Management qualifies as a profession.
c) Code of conduct- Every manager and expert in this domain must adhere to detailed
policies and regulations known as the code of conduct. Such standards are created by the
organizations they work for, and the guidelines and regulations are transformed constantly.
Nevertheless, stability, expert morality, and honesty are some qualities that individuals must
adhere to and follow, regardless of their role in the business. Management is an appropriate
professional, and one can take it as a career possibility if he thinks he can take care of things
d) Social obligations- Like typical work, social dedication dominates management. Even
though there are no discussed standards for managers, social responsibility for them
constantly exists. Managers should consider society's welfare in each action they take while
working for the business. He needs to continually concentrate on not harming society through
his professional actions. Therefore, claiming that we can think about Management as a career
will be straightforward.
e) Associations- Managers are bound to have associations. There are expert management
associations in every part of the world. Their job is primarily to monitor and regulate the
behavior of the members, produce a code of conduct for the experts and research study, and
create imaginative and new ideas for the well-being of Management as a profession.
For example- In our nation, different management associations work toward the improvement
of Management as a career. They have a research and evaluation team that is for that

We have gone over all the crucial points that plainly state that Management can be
considered a profession just like various other jobs. It has all the qualities of a profession, and
a competent and talented person with high leadership qualities can work as a manager in any

Management is not an occupation. It satisfies certain principles, but it will likewise be right to
claim that managers are born and not made. We can transform a non-leader person into a
manager as it will be extremely lengthy and costly in all detects. But specific individuals can
be educated through managerial programs from licensed establishments.
An individual who wishes to be a manager can go forward with the concept that he needs to
take this task seriously, as in this work, there is no space for errors, and a solitary mistake can
cost the whole organization a lot of money.
Answer 3a

Organizational conflict, likewise referred to as workplace conflict, can be defined as the state
of misconception or disagreement happening because of dissent of needs, sources, beliefs,
and relationships between the firm's employees. Conflict can occur in the workplace when
individuals interact when their opinion does not match their choice or job.

There are different types of organizational conflicts. Let's study them in detail.
a) Intrapersonal conflicts- Intrapersonal conflicts can be defined as the conflicts that emerge
within an individual. It can arise from one's ideas, suggestions or values and can emerge
when an individual struggles with a particular decision on what he should or intends to do.
As an example- If a team member responsible for creating a structure of a site or a gallery is
debating whether he should code for the site to be positioned as tiled or carousel. He needs
information on what he likes and what his manager would like.
b) Interpersonal conflict- Interpersonal or organizational conflict can be called a conflict
resulting from private disagreement. This can occur between individuals with various
personalities and qualities, with various visions. To fix this conflict, they need to match their
visions and work on achieving the very same goals.
For example- If two staff members differ on which strategy they should use to complete the
offered task for the best outcomes.
c) Intergroup conflict- Intragroup conflict arises when individuals from various teams
disagree and have different viewpoints on any job-related topic. This can happen if the teams
have various goals and there is a communication gap between both groups. This can be
resolved by constructing a bridge between both teams and making them communicate and
settle their issues.
d) Intragroup conflict- This conflict arises within the same team members benefiting the
organization. If a solitary group has members of different social actors and skills, they can
differ on different things, so that intragroup conflict can arise.
As an example- A team of 7 participants is given a task. They create a strategy to complete
that task; some agree with it, and some do not.

An organization should ensure that there are no conflicts between their employees to ensure
that the organizational goals are attained efficiently and efficiently. These conflicts, if not
ironed out at an earlier stage, can result in substantial devastation of the firm's protocols and
guidelines, which is not profitable for the business.

Answer 3b

As discussed above, any organization should resolve conflicts as early as feasible to stop
damages. For this, the business must take specific steps and carry out various methods.
Allow's research them-

a) Identify the root cause- Leading business officials must comprehend the troubles' origin
before taking preventive measures. They should understand the trouble's reason and the depth
of the problem to discover a reliable service. This will help the firm discover the workers
controlling the scenario and throw them out.
An accountable leader should examine his staff members' behavior, precisely monitor his
actions, and soak up the reason for conflict. He should listen to both the conflicted parties and
give them the sufficient area to tell him their part of the tale.
b) Recognize the difference of opinion- Managers are leaders in different departments with
distinct working styles and thought processes. They must recognize the disagreement at the
onset and try to fix the issue. Conflict resolution has various grey areas as workplace culture
and the generation gap expands..
c) Be a neutral mediator- As discussed above, a manager has to be neutral and not prejudiced
toward any side while managing conflicts. All of us know that conflict management is
everything about making the right decisions that are acceptable to both the conflicted
celebrations, other than the situation where the individual is entirely to blame. Some leaders
are implicated in individual predispositions in the direction of some people, which I bad for
the overall working of the company.
d) Establish a two-way communication- A lot of conflicts arise as a result of communication
issues. Communication can create a lot of troubles in the work environment. A manager
should ensure effective communication between the conflicted parties and that both
celebrations have listened to and talked with each other. Workers should be motivated to
share their problems, ideas, and tips with the business's Management. For this to occur,
managers should earn the depend on their workers.
e) Take steps to improve employees' mental health- Mental wellness can be directly or
indirectly related to employees' performance and efficiency in the office. There are several
ways in which we can try to improve our worker's psychological wellness-.
 They are supplying means and accessibility to psychological health services.
 They are holding fun tasks and occasions in the company.
 We are focusing on work-life balance.
 They are using workers' paid vacations to take their breaks from work.

It's concluded that work environment conflicts are inevitable, and the firm has to plan for any
conflict circumstance. Leaders should know the situation and understand how to tackle it in a
non-destructive method.

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