Rizal's Retraction

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PHILIPPINES Gowine, P. S. Musiim Filipinos today. Afnstion ‘world 54 (Jan, 1964), 39-48; (Apr. 1964), 112 121, Jocano, F. Laxps, Notes on the Sulod concept of death, the soul, and the region of the dead. PS 12 (Jan, 1964), 51-62, Miao, Maxuet, La Provincia Agustiniana del Santisimo Nombre de Jesus de Filipinas. Arch- iva Agustinima 56 (1902), 546. Continection Nicer, Exaro P, Religionsfreiheie wad Pro- selyismus auf den Philippinen, Exangeliche Missions-Zeitscbrife 21 (Nay 1964), 79-89. Ronerss, Jars B. Miscell Philippines, from The the world: Religious con p- pines. Journal of Bart Asiatic Studies 8 (July Oct. 1959), 10-111, From Val.24, 1901 Score, W ; The Philippine indep- cendent charch in history. Silliman Journal 10, no, 3 {July/Sept, 1953), 298-310. Reprinted from East and West Review 28, no. 1 (Jan. 192). Sion), Aann Hasan, Mustims in. Philippines. Voice of islant 12 (Nov. 1963), I-11; (Dee. 1963), 121-126. roy, T. Vaiswnxo, Finheitshestrebangen det nicherdmischen Christen auf den Philippinen. Evangelische Mitsious-Zeitscbrift 21 (May 1964), 65-79. Vices, Viren Ia teologia en F) 1464), 323-535. Apunces para Ie histori de pints. Unit 37, no. 4 (Dee. History and Archaeology Books Acoxenzo, Trova A. Philippine history. Ma- nila, Inang Wika Pub. Co. 1902. viii, 392 p. illus, ports map. Aur, Euraosio MLA brief hisory of the Philip- pines. Manila, Alip {19631 319 p.end maps. ——. ed. "The Philippines of yesteryear: the dawn of history in the Philippines, (Mari ‘lip & Sons, 1964]. 321 p. illus. Ascetes, F. Detox, Mindinao: the story of an islind. Manila, GIC Enterprises & Co,, 1964. n Boxituco centennial souvent, 186-1953, Moni, ‘Manlapaz, 1963.1 v. ius, msie, Bowne, Sir Jouns.” A visit tothe Philippine 1658, Wieh a pref. by R. Zulueta da Costa and an incrod. by Jotn Pilcher, Manda, 1a Book Guild, 1963. xxi, 283 p. illus. niara Book Guild. Publication 3) ‘Nicuouas P. Philippine Jesuits in exile. The journals of Francisco Puig, S.J. 1768 1770. Rome, Institurum Hiscoricum Si, 1964, 202 Greis, Ricamo B. The great debate: the Rizal recraction, Quezon City, R. P. Garcia, 1964, 216 p. ilus, Hhccenty, Javea Enwaro, Guerrilla padre in Mindanto, by Edward Haggerty. With a prof. by Brigadier General Courtney Whitney. Me- 153 morial ed. Manila, Bookmark, 1964. xi, 257 p. Haxcexoow, A. V,'H. The Santo Tomas story. Eqited from the offcial history of the Santo Toias Internment Camp by Frank H. Galay, with a foreword by Carles P, Remulo, New York, McGraw-Hill [1964] 446 p. map, fig. Huu, Bracy A. Romance and adventure in old Manila, With an introd, by Walter Robb. Ma- Flipiniama Book Guild, 1964. xxxvii, 259 frills Publications of the Tipiniana Book Suild, 7) Jocayo,'F. Lass. Our living past: the Philip ines from 250,000 B.C. to 1521 A.D. Quezon 1 Phoenix Pub, House, 1963. 75 p.illus, Le Gene pe ua GaLASiERE, GUILLAUME JoserHt Hyacistue Jeas Barnste. A voyage to the Indian seas. Introd. by William Alsin Burke Miailhe. Trans. from the French by Frederick C. Fischer, Manila, [Carmelo & Bauermann] 1964, xxiv, 235 p. illus, map, (Publications of the iara Book Guild, 5) in, Cranexex, The bese war at the ti New York, R, Speller [1964] xii, 272 p. illus, ports, mas, On the Insurrection, 1879-i901, Morca,” Axiosto oe. Historical events of the Philippine Islands, Pub. in Mexico in 160% re- cutly brought to light and annotated by Jose i. Preceded by prologue by Ferdinand Blomeentrie. Manila, Jose Rizal National Cen- tennial Commission, 1962. 353 p. (Weitings of Jose Riza, v. 6) PAtazox, Juan, Majayjay (how a town came into being), Manils, 1968. 216 p. illus. (Historical conservation society, no. 5) In Tagalog and Spanish with an English abridgemene. Pintrrises (Rercatic). Devt. or Eovcanio. Filipinas, sa glotioso pasado. Manila, 1962. xiv, 314 p. ils. Quezon, Prusreines, Arzxto we Masia, Philip- pine perspective; lectures on the prehistory and lustery of the Philippines. [Quezon] 1964. 2. illus, Sourcint, Wien G, Il, The archacclogy of Central Philippines: 2’ study chiefly on the iron age and its relationships. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1968. vii 235 p. plates, Sosza, Desay P. Visayan fighters for freedom. v. ‘Santa Barbara, Hilo, A. Sonza, 1962. 103 p. ‘Tanrutco, Francisco Lixo ‘Svpsco. Levee, the historic ishnds, Prefaced by Carlos P. Romulo, Tacloban City, Leyte Pub. Corp. [1964] xi, 282 p. illus. Venzosa, Vicewre L. What price valor. Manila, 1962.69 p. ‘Zut, Gueconto F, Philippine political and ct ‘ural history. Rev. ed, 1957, Manila, Philippine Eaiucation Co, [1903.2 v. Contents —v. 1 The Philippines since pre-S imes— v. 2. The Philippines since the British invasion, Articles Anetta, Dowco. The Bishops of Cécares and ‘Jaro, PS 11 (Oct, 1963), 548-356, Avoxciio, Teoworo A, Our usable past. (In: In- Copyright (e) 2003 ProQuest Information and Learning Company Copyright (¢) Association of

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