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Strategic Management

Answer 1

Zoom video communications, Inc, usually called Zoom, is an American technology company.
Its headquarters lie in San Jose, The Golden State. It aids us in getting in touch with our
family and friends living much from us through video seminars. It is additionally made used
professionally by several companies for online conferences. It has a high user base and is
extra well-known among people than any other company. Its key uses are video calls, talks,
voice calls, digital occasions, and getting in touch with facilities. It additionally allows a free
platform for third-party designers to form and develop customized applications and a linked
communications system. Eric Yan started Zoom in 2011 and launched it in 2013. Zoom made
substantial income and was valued at $ 1 billion in 2017, making it a unicorn brand. The
business breached its breakeven factor, began gaining profits in 2019, and released its initial
public offering that year. The business was additionally included in the NASDAQ-100 stock
index on April 30, 2020.
Starting in early 202, when the Covid-19 pandemic hit, its business climbed enormously, and
its individuals expanded from 10 million to 300 million.

The pandemic hit was the primary factor for the sharp rise of zoom's business in 2020.
Individuals were not allowed to go outside their residences, and IT professionals or people
functioning from the house began using zoom for online meetings. Everybody was at home,
so there was nothing else meant to meet and go over things; numerous companies chose to
zoom for video-required visits.
However, the Covid-19 pandemic is slowly declining, and offices are again resuming.
Businesses are asking their employees to return to their offices, and the work-from-home
society is getting over, so using zoom is also decreasing.
As a principal strategy officer, I must develop solid strategies for our business and make
zoom popular again. We have to invest a lot of funds in marketing to obtain consumers.
Getting new consumers is an ability and requires a great deal of creative thinking and funds.

There are specific strategies that we can use to make our company more relevant to the
a) Better technology- Individual experience is vital in today's technology globe. There is
great competition in the market, and it is tough to provide services to clients that are less
expensive than others as the revenues will decrease. We can reinforce our technology part
and hone our individual experience. Numerous companies are doing that, and we should do
this to acquire a competitive advantage.
B) Highly targeted advertising- As reviewed earlier, obtaining new clients is more of a game
of marketing. Everyone can advertise their products in today's world as it is straightforward,
and there are numerous ways to do it. But what will aid us in obtaining more consumers is to
target those that can be potentially developed into our consumers.
Information about such individuals should be gathered and used to apply this strategy.
For example, Trainees and individuals operating in corporate have more possibility of using
zoom applications than others. So, our target consumers should consist of pupils and
corporate individuals.
c) Developing business partnerships- Not every sector is our rival. Most of us recognize that
the IT sector is the fastest-growing industry in today's times. We should concentrate on
building pleasant relations with them, including their top business. We can partner with them
as the IT business has many international clients. We can encourage them to use zoom for
video conferences globally. This can be a game-changing strategy for us.
d) Focus on benefits over features- Giving features prevails nowadays. Everybody is
launching their products with several features, from vehicles to mobile phones. Yet people
need to concentrate on providing benefits to the customers.
User experience is a significant element that can boost our sales and help us obtain new
customers. This can make us distinguish from our competitors in the market.
e) Be present on social media- social media sites are popular. Everybody has a social media
site account, from kids to grownups, and old individuals likewise appreciate using social
media sites.
Everyone has a favored social media influencer who they follow. We can pay a few; in
return, they can post content regarding our business and our application used to popularize
our product. We can utilize this in our support and can-do influencer marketing.
Our USP would improve customer satisfaction by providing advantages to our individuals.
This strategy will aid us in acquiring a more considerable customer base dedicated to our
We have discussed all the business strategies above that can aid us in increasing our business
and can bring our business to during covid-19 degrees. It will also assist us in quitting the
decline of our market by expanding it and acquiring more customers for our application.

Answer 2

Soccer is no question preferred throughout the entire globe. It is delighted in by numerous

individuals. Whenever there is a soccer world cup, many people visit the host country and
enjoy and buzz the game. But sadly, in India, the fad of soccer is not that much. People do
enjoy football, yet it is less popular. Soccer gamers are underpaid because there are fewer.
Yet, with time, soccer is likewise obtaining appreciated, and players are getting renowned for
their skill and game. It will take a while; however, individuals will be as captivated by soccer
as they get by watching cricket.

Cricket is the most valued game in our nation. Everybody likes cricket and is extremely fond
of it. Everyone wishes to be a cricket gamer, as there is much more career scope in it than in
any other game.

As we discussed above, soccer is also obtaining recognition in our nation. It might be

sluggish by it is consistent. Our league clocked a development of 16 percent year to year, yet
still, it is nothing contrasted to the viewership of IPO of 400 billion customers. This is minor
in contrast, and as the marketing director of ISL, I need to create and execute strategies to aid
us in promoting the game amongst the visitors.
In today's world, the only means to promote something is to market the product. There are a
lot of marketing techniques that can help us make ISL a lot more popular and stroll head-to-
head with cricket.

Let's discuss some of the techniques-

a) Viewership rights- We can sell legal viewership rights to a renowned media company that
individuals like to see. If they buy the viewership right, there are more chances that more
people will view the game as that media app will have many more users than any other. So,
whenever people visit the application, they will be notified about the ongoing game of soccer
and will absolutely click out of interest. This strategy may be expensive, yet it will be
efficient and boost viewership.
b) Influencer marketing- Most of us know how popular social networks are nowadays.
Everyone utilizes social media sites platforms and remains attached to every various other.
On social media, there are a lot of individuals that are known as influencers that have a high
number of followers on their accounts. Individuals follow them and copy their way of living
as they are amazed by them.
Lots of people have different social media sites influences that they such as and are
emotionally gotten in touch with them. We can utilize this in our support and pay leading
influencers on social media sites that have the optimum reach, alter individuals' assumptions
of soccer games, and affect them to enjoy the game daily. This is highly effective, and we can
achieve our desired results utilizing this strategy.
c) Celebrity marketing- This is the ancient strategy of promoting something. This practice has
been used for years and is also really efficient. Individuals follow film stars very much. The
three Khans of Bollywood, Akshay Kumar, Ranvir Singh, Katrina Kaif, Deepika Padukone,
and many more, are one of the most celebrities. People obtain influenced by them.
We can also pay them and ask them to advertise soccer in such a way that will connect with
individuals and motivate them to watch the game. This will raise our viewership.
d) Increase the remuneration of soccer players- Everybody in our country wishes to be a
cricket player. Because it is a better job than any other sporting activity since the money in
this sport is massive. So, every home has a child that wishes to be a cricket gamer. We must
enhance the pay of football gamers and organize local tournaments to ensure that individuals
are awarded the game. The high payment will motivate individuals to take a profession in
soccer, and hence the game's popularity will increase.
e) Run Facebook ads- Facebook, now referred to as Meta, is a popular social media site many
people use worldwide. It attaches people from different parts of the globe and helps them to
stay in touch without really satisfying in person.
We can run Facebook ads. In advertisements, we can produce material that will assist us in
connecting with individuals emotionally. Cricket is ruled out a game in our country; however
an emotion. Likewise, we need to link people psychologically with soccer so that soccer can
end up being a household game.

It is difficult to add even more viewers for soccer as, in our country; cricket is considered one
of the most valuable and entertaining games. It will take time to move individuals' emphasis
from cricket to football. However, if we maintain doing work, we can undoubtedly succeed
and will have the ability to match cricket viewership.

Answer 3a

The Covid pandemic has hit the global economy very hard. Businesses have yet to have the
ability to stand up to the pandemic. Many talks are taking place that the world economy is
going into an economic downturn as the rising cost of living is already high in all the
countries. Businesses must develop new strategies to help them through these challenging

As the chief executive officer of the company, I need to expand my business by utilizing all
the resources I have with me. There are numerous strategies I can use to do that-.
a) Review workforce locations and travel- The main factor for applying this strategy is to
keep the staff members secure. That is why I must identify how many employees are in the
control area, how many can function from residence, and how many can concern the
workplace. Most importantly, I must ensure that all staff members are safe and terminate their
unnecessary itineraries. If a company's staff members are fit, it is probably to execute better
and earn more earnings.
b) Revisit our crisis and continuity plans- Every effective business has a structured
connection strategy, and numerous may even have strategies for a pandemic. However, we
prepared something else that theoretically can match fact. The real-life circumstance is
various from the concepts. So, efficient strategies should be taken on and carried out to cope
with all the difficulties of Covid-19.
c) Evaluate supply chain- A vague understanding of the supply chain can cause numerous
issues, so we need to be clear of the supply chain, which can assist us in subjecting several
susceptibilities. This indicates beginning with one of the most vital facets of the supply chain
right to examining and tracking the raw product. This can help us to control the supply and
increase demand, through which we can sell our product or services on a bigger scale and
earn more earnings.
d) Identify the weak points of the business- It is identifying the workers that are managing
the essential processes or solutions.

Exist any replacements for them?

Determine the potential weaknesses of business creating failure apart from the COVID-19
pandemic. It will help the business be prepared and encounter any obstacle in the future, as
the weak point being gotten rid of will lead to a solid business. These Covid times are
insensitive, and we must register ourselves in strategic management programs and assist the
business to survive these challenging times.

Answer 3b

Business expansion is complex as it requires a considerable circulation of funds and an

increased workforce. A company must create an appropriate strategy and execute it
effectively to attain preferred outcomes.

Let us create a blueprint that our organization can adopt for the diversification and expansion
of our business.
A company requires to identify several essential elements for broadening and expanding
business. Allow's go over the following-.
a) Capital- One of the most necessary factors for the plan is capital and funds. To broaden
any business, a business must have sufficient funds to meet the costs of the expansion. Just
when the firm makes sure that it has proper funds to take expansion activities should it
perform the expansion plan. If the business runs out of cash at any point, the expansion will
not happen and will produce much more issues for the business.
b) Job analysis- If a business is seeking to increase its operations, the task openings in that
company will instantly boost. A firm should completely do the job analysis to make sure that
the right skill is worked with for the positions, and they can assist the business in meeting its
expansion task. For that, a business can delegate this obligation to an HR manager that is
experienced in this field.
c) Hiring employees- After the company thoroughly analyses the task, it's time to work with
proficient workers. These specialist employees will fill up the called-for settings that have
thought of business expansion. Employing employees is easy, but working with the best
workers who can be an organization's property is complex. HR requires to review other
individuals' minds concerning what they can do and can not to make sure that he can hire or
reject them according to his judgment.
d) Innovation- Using old techniques and methods for functioning cannot help a company
attain its objectives in today's world. A firm requires to frequently introduce and bring new
ideas that can make the firm expand.
Particularly when we intend to diversify our business, we need to be ingenious and consider
the package.
e) Supervision- Supervision is the work of leading business officials. They need to supervise
their employees to ensure that there are indisputably committed. Once they have delegated
the job to their workers, they must watch to see whether the regular targets are being struck

A true research and development team is called to aid the business in broadening its
activities. A firm must have a foolproof strategy and the right people to perform it.

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