Lesson 4 5 Notes Types of Media Media and Information Sources

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LESSON 4 – Types of Media

Types of Media
1. Print Media
- Media consisting of paper and ink, reproduced in a printing process that is traditionally mechanical.
- It is considered the oldest form of media as it is closely tied to the emergence of the printing press.
- Examples: Newspapers, books, magazines, comics, brochures
2. Broadcast Media
- Media that reach target audiences using airwaves as the transmission medium (live or real-time
- Examples: Television, Radio
3. Digital/New Media
- Contents are organized and distributed on digital platforms
- In comparison to traditional media, new media was a term coined to refer to media that developed
when the use of computer technology became ordinary and common in most parts of the world.
- The computer is not exactly the media being referred to with this term, but it encompasses
computer-originated and usually Internet-delivered information. Thus, any kind of information and
communication technology (ICT) products or systems is considered as a part of new media.
- New media also covers mobile technology. Smartphones and tablet devices which somewhat have
the similar capacity to create, store, and transmit information like traditional media are subsumed
in this subcategory.
- Examples: Social Media, Mobile Applications, Movies

- happens when different (two or more) media sources join together. It allows media texts to be
produced and distributed on multiple media devices.
- It is the ability to transform different kinds of media into digital code, which is then accessible by a
range of devices.

Below is the list of examples of convergence that emerged in each type of media.


Book • E-books
• Printed copies
Newspaper • Online version
• Mobile application version
Radio • Digital radio
• Internet-based radio and podcasting
• Radio on television (vice versa)
Video Games • Computer/console
• Desktop computers
• Mobile Phone

LESSON 5 – Media and Information Sources

Media and Information Sources
1. Library
- is a place where literary, musical, artistic, or reference materials (such as books, manuscripts,
recordings, or films) are kept for use but not for sale.
- it is a collection of resources
Though it is not “just one click away” like the Internet, libraries also offer varieties of sources.
Here are some of the resources/services libraries can offer:
a. Books - can vary from educational textbooks like sciences, or fictional like Harry Potter by
J.K. Rowling
b. Magazines - some people prefer this kind of source because of its enticing graphics, which
are most appropriate for visual learners. Examples are Time, Newsweek, National
c. Newspapers - provide news articles about current happenings and timely issues. Play a vital
role in providing people relevant information.
d. Journals - are research-oriented articles. Offers deeper discussion of topics.
e. Maps - are visual representations of geographical information
f. Digital Sources - are digital information sources that the library can offer like CDs, tapes,
and films.
Four Major Types of Libraries:
a. Academic Library – serves colleges and universities
b. Public Library – serves cities and towns of all types
c. School Library – serves students from Kindergarten to Grade 12
d. Special Library – are in specialized environments such as hospitals, corporation, museums
the military, private business, and the government
2. Indigenous Sources
Indigenous Knowledge
- is knowledge that is unique to a given culture or society. It is owned, controlled, and managed by
indigenous peoples in order for them to produce culturally appropriate information in the
languages understood by the community by utilizing indigenous materials and resources,
reflecting community needs and interests, visions and aspirations, and independent from vested
interest groups. (ASEANScenario, 2014)
- UNESCO emphasized that this kind of knowledge is the basis for agriculture, food preparation,
health care, education, conservation, and the wide range of other activities.
Characteristics of Indigenous Knowledge
✓ Oral tradition of communication
✓ Store information in memories
✓ Information exchange is face to face
✓ Information is contained within the border of the community

Jeannette Cansing Serrano, former Chairperson of the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples,
discussed the different kinds of indigenous or traditional kinds of knowledge in the country (2006).
Indigenous Knowledge include:
✓ Traditional Medicines and Health Care
- When it comes to health care, it is undeniable to say that these indigenous people resort
to different kinds of rituals, depending on the case. For example, the ethnic group
Tingguian practices dawak, or the ritual intended for couples to bear child/children.
Another ritual practiced by the said tribe is called ud-udong, which is to free a sick
person from spirits that inhabit his or her body. Meanwhile, the Dumagat group believes
in putting ashes on the umbilical cord of a new born, to help assist the healing process.
There are other practices that are commonly known, and despite the constant reminder
of medical practitioners who are scientifically driven, some people are still inclined to
✓ Traditional Agriculture
- The Philippines is known as an agricultural country because of the massive production
of different agricultural products like rice, corn, sweet potato, and others. Rice, being a
highly consumed product is often given importance by a lot of ethnic groups. In fact,
even if modern technology has offered new and innovative methods of farming, these
ethnic groups still adhere to their traditional practices. These people still practice their
means of selecting seeds, sowing harvesting, and preserving. It is important to note as
well that their practices are inclined to their harmonious relationship with supernatural
✓ Traditional Cultural Expressions
- Cultural expressions are ways of indigenous people in practicing different activities that
reflect their traditions. These are:
• Music and dances – used in rituals, ceremonies, or harvest festivities
• Literature – may be in legends, chants, proverbs, riddles, etc.
• Weaving – It is said that weaving is the most visual representation of cultures and
traditions of different ethnic groups. This includes weaving textile, mat, basket, and
rattan furniture. These indigenous groups express their pride because of cultural
representations up to their innermost feelings and principles.
✓ Related Genetic Resources
- Since the Philippines is rich in natural resources, it is normal that the country can
actually offer not just a number of agricultural products, but different variations for
each product. For example, rice has many variations that can be found in the country.
Likewise, several kinds of medical herbs are also present. These, of course, are grown
and cultivated by the primitive indigenous people.

Clearly, there is a rich background of indigenous knowledge in the country. These serve
as sources of information for a lot of people apart from other kinds that people know today.

Also, it is important to remember that even if not everyone follows such kind of
information, the law still ensures that these kinds of information are safeguarded, by

Republic Act No. 8371, "an act to recognize, protect, and promote the rights of
indigenous cultural communities/Indigenous peoples, creating a national commission on
indigenous peoples, establishing implementing mechanisms, appropriating funds therefore, and
for other purposes.”

3. Internet
- is a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities,
consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.
- Information found on the internet on the other hand may be quite varied in form and content. Thus,
it is more difficult to determine its reliability and accuracy. Accessing information on the internet is
easy but requires more discipline to check and validate.
Things to Consider in Evaluating Internet Sources:

4. Others (Mass Media)

- Mass Media refers to a different array of media technologies that reach a large audience via mass
- It isn't deniable that an enormous portion of our lives is spent in interaction with mass media.
Television is now a basic commodity in every Filipino household. 98 of all our homes have this set
and the televisions are usually turned on for five to seven hours a day
- Mass media is your best choice for news and current affairs. However, you must ask yourself if the
source is free of advertisements or political bias.

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