Synth Action Nyéléni Europe 2011

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Nylni Europe 2011: European forum for food sovereignty Synthesis Report and Action Plan (Please send

any additional reports, notes, key points and actions discussed to BUILDING THE EUROPEAN FOOD SOVEREIGNTY MOVEMENT DRAFT STRUCTURE Synthesis Report Quote from the Nylni Europe Declaration Introduction >>>>>>>>>>> 5 Short Reports on our Thematic Discussions about realising Food Sovereignty in Europe For each Axis (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) Context What do we want? Challenges What we will do? Reflections by Women, Youth, Constituencies and European Sub-Regions (Separate reports may also be prepared by the coordinators of each thematic axis or other group) >>>>>>>>>>> Action Plan Our collective actions in Europe will be inspired by our Nylni Europe Declaration for Food Sovereignty and the Declaration of Nylni (2007). We will take forward, in Europe, the Nylni 2007action plan with its 6 pillars of food sovereignty.

We will transform our food systems and reclaim community control. We will resist the expansion of the agro-industrial food complex. We will build our movement for food sovereignty. We will TRANSFORM how we organise our food systems by promoting actions, strategies,
policies, working conditions and lifestyles that reinstate community control, for example: We will build on our ecological practices, of women, men and young people, in our farms, gardens, pastures and fisheries, to provide food for the majority of people in Europe We will localise our biodiverse, resilient food systems and strengthen our local food webs We will develop policy proposals that reduce corporate control of our food and defend and promote food sovereignty, improve diets and reduce waste in Europe and other regions

We will RESIST the agro-industrial food complex being pushed by European and international
institutions, policies and corporations, for example: We will work with existing local, national, regional and international campaigns that challenge the obstacles to realising food sovereignty We will take direct actions to, for example: o prevent genetic and chemical contamination of our farms, gardens and fisheries o reclaim land, territory, seeds and livestock breeds to provide our food o challenge supermarket domination of our food supply and agribusiness domination of our production systems

We will BUILD the European movement for food sovereignty, for example:
We will develop information systems and tools across Europe to make our experiences more visible, inspire more people to join us and make our organisations stronger We will develop our education and learning systems and share knowledge and skills between ourselves, from generation to generation We will organise days and weeks of Action on food sovereignty across Europe We will create broad alliances across all sectors and levels of society. We will take action to realise European Food Sovereignty Now!

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