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This changed over time with the advent of radio and later
Literature allows us to enter the world created by the with television to continue with cell phones, pads,
writer and help us feel more aware od ourselves as a phones, Smartphones and so forth. Then, they are
human being. technological advances.

It helps us understand and appreciate the workings od On another topic we could mention people who are
the human nature. Why people are different and yet are obsessed with reading, until they reach a crisis as
the same. antisocial, they spend the rest of the day finishing books
and end up wasting time that is really useful to do other
It will help us become a better and more effective student recreational activities.
of words in the English language.
Another disadvantage is when teachers leave reading a
Ideas, values, concepts, thoughts through the texts have book in a week as homework and that is why they cause
universal applications. They become part and parcel of students to take this as something boring.
our personal knowledge in making sense of the world.
knowledge can become dangerous if it is possessed by
It will be able to understand and appreciate the craft of unscrupulous people and knowledge generates
the writer in his/her final presentation of his/her work. arrogance in some people.

Literature concerns humanity, It wants to deepen our Makes you want to know everything
knowledge and understanding of ourselves and people
around us. It can be confusing at times as certain opinions are
Readers will be able to develop a real and sustained
interest in reading the written works of good writers of It generates controversy when the one who is right
literature in English. enters into conflict.

It helps us connect with characters, understand the

writer’s mind and therefore his work. As it can helps us
understand characters who have obvious psychological

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