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Student name: Cung Khanh Linh Student ID number: 21001290

Student name: Dang Hoang Phuc Student ID number: 21001166

Student name: Ha Xuan Hoang Student ID number: 22003144


Unit name: Principples of Mangement - T123PWB-1 Unit number: PM-T123PWB-1

Tutorial/Lecture: Tutorial Class day and time: Thursday 8h30-10h30
Lecturer or Tutor name: Mien Le


Length: 2279 Due date: 08/04/2023 Date submitted: 08/04/2023

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Student’s signature: Cung Khanh Linh

Student’s signature: Dang Hoang Phuc
Student’s signature: Ha Xuan Hoang
Note: An examiner or lecturer / tutor has the right to not mark this assignment if the above declaration has
not been signed.
A. For the presentation

Group 5 presented on topics such "The Challenges of "Healthy" Fast-Food" in both week 11 and

today. Four questions are also included, including “18-13. Why is it important for Chipotle to revise

the company’s food-handling standards?” , “18-14. Which controls would be more important to

Chipotle: feedforward, concurrent, or feedback? Explain.”, “18-15. How can Chipotle make sure that

employees are following the new food- handling standards?”, “18-16. What are some measures of

organizational performance that Chipotle management should use?”

Group 6 will briefly introduce the Chipotle brand, an American fast-casual food business known for

its Mission bowls, tacos, and burgers, each time they enter the main answer. In answer to the first

question, Hung stated that the company's commitment to "food with integrity" and the reality that

"the fast-food business is very competitive" were the two main factors that caused the brand to

modify the level of cuisine. Hung said that the feedforward measure would be advantageous in

response to the second query. Following the third sentence, Quang Minh provided two justifications

for making Chipotle make sure that workers abide by the rules regarding handling new foods,

including the following: first, they will train workers so that they can comprehend store policies and

ensure hygiene when managing food sources or storing food. Quang Minh concluded by mentioning

some more performance indicators that Chipotle can consider changing, such as organizational

effectiveness, business and industry rankings, and applying standards to each employee to make sure

they also meet their workplace objectives. Also, they reminded consumers that since Chipotle has

committed to giving them food that complies with safety requirements, they should concentrate on

food quality rather than quantity. Hence, if Chipotle can accomplish this aim, the company's
productivity will grow, and if Chipotle places highly in this rating, customers will have a positive

image of the business.

In general, group 6 gave a thorough and understandable account of the entire incident, although Van

Thanh, the other group member, was absent today. To make it easier for viewers to understand and

rapidly absorb the presentation, the slides are completely provided with questions as well as the most

basic keywords. Quang Minh's PowerPoint, however, describes the procedures Chiplote will use in

the final clause. And this led to confusion for my group since although Quang Minh's verbal

description and presentation were identical, the keywords he selected to convey his major point were


B. For the debate

Groups 5 and 6 did not take too long to start a debate. Start with the question: "Do you think

concurrent is quite important?" As for the responses, group 6 thinks that concurrent and feedforward

are the essentials that should be carefully and thoughtfully prepared. If management only knows

feedforward without concurrent, it will lead to employees forming a short-term concept and no long-

term preparation for upcoming plans, thereby forming short-term concepts. Instead, management will

lead employees to achieve bigger goals, but now they are only encapsulated in a framework that is

not really necessary. In contrast, advocates of setting clear standards and goals for employees

emphasize the importance of aligning individual performance with company goals and creating a

vibrant and bright environment. created for employees. It is true that opponents argue that setting

rigid standards for each employee can hinder creativity and innovation in terms of the awareness and

development of each person. "What measures to remedy those things?" Managers should review

what they plan to let employees know when to set long-term or short-term goals. Know how to create

a realistic environment so that it is easy to recognize whether your concept is right or wrong, and

then give it to your employees.

C. What was learned

16-13. What leadership models/theories/issues do you see in this case? List and describe.

» Based on the presentation, we understand that the secret behind of Indra Nooyi’s company’s

success is they are focusing on the leader's capacity to inspire and encourage followers to

attain high performance levels, which also mainly came from their wisdom in setting their

creative thinking and vision statement. Furthermore, Indra Nooyi shared about the Emotional

Intelligence Theory is that the influence of the sense of sincere gratitude and motivation are

the decisive factors to boost her workers and staff to the excellence. As for Authentic

leadership, she are well known to have high-skills in communication with employees and

stakeholders, which help her gain much trust and respect from her customers.

16-14. What do you think about Indra Nooyi’s decision to create a design unit at PepsiCo? Is it

appropriate for the food and drink industry? Why or why not?

» With the decision to create a design team at Pepsico, she has successfully provide company a

huge amount of profit and lead the company to a more suitable way to the customer’s needs

and market demands. As for the design, it is indeed a great success for the corporation and

may gain some attraction from other companies to investing in and has some potential

position in this competitive market.

16-15. How do you think leadership is changing in contemporary society? What behaviors

exhibited by Indra Nooyi indicate such change?

» In our standpoint, Nooyi is truely a valuable leader who capitalizes on women's natural caring

attitude as a major strength of her leadership style. So far, at all organizational levels, Nooyi
is firmly dedicated to promoting the organization’s diversity and inclusion, which is a major

factor for his recent and future successes.

16-16. What did the case teach you about leadership?

» In terms of visionary leadership, Indra Nooyi was a leader with striking aims for her

companies decision and always attributes her efforts to the company’s greatest success. In

addition, Nooyi had outstanding strategic thinking skills and was able to foresee and adapt to

changes in the market and the sector, which are her most noticeable strengths when

companies are decided to hire her as their company mentor.

GROUP 1 & 2
A. For the presentation

Since the group 1 week ago did not have enough time to present, this week they gave a joint

presentation with group 2. For group 1 gave a presentation with a title like “Indra Nooyi: An

Inspiring Leader” gồm 4 câu hỏi như “16-13. What leadership models/theories/issues do you see in

this case? List and describe.”, “16-14. What do you think about Indra Nooyi’s decision to create a

design unit at PepsiCo? Is it appropriate for the food and drink industry? Why or why not?”, “16-15.

How do you think leadership is changing in contemporary society? What behaviors exhibited by

Indra Nooyi indicate such change?”, “16-16. What did the case teach you about leadership?”

While group 2 presented on “Ethics Dilemma” including two questions such as: “18-11. Other than

the obvious, what problems do you see here, especially as it relates to control?”, “18-12. How would

you handle this? How could organizations make sure they’re addressing work controls ethically?”

The first is group 1, and Tram answered to the very first question by describing Indra Nooyi's

leadership style, which placed emphasis on a leader's capacity to inspire and motivate subordinates to

achieve high levels of performance. Tram's response was based on the leadership model or theory

she had read about in her chapter, "transformational leadership," and it was also how she described

the model. Tram adds that Nooyi's vision and creative ideas are responsible for the company's

success. Tram added that the servant leadership paradigm is also included in Nooyi's ALNH book.

Nooyi is also renowned for being a customer- and employee-focused CEO. A leader's dedication to

fostering diversity and inclusion was also emphasized by Tram, particularly in the context of

program efforts like "Strategies for Success." Tram also refers to "emotional intelligence" as a

different leadership paradigm. Nooyi is famous for his capacity to show his staff members genuine

appreciation and inspire them to strive for greatness. Before answering the first question, Tram came
to the conclusion that Nooyi is a true leader because she is open and honest in her interactions with

her team and other companies, which fosters respect and trust. Her dedication to inclusive diversity

and a sharper focus on the requirements of her team members and clients are also evident in her

leadership. She concluded the last phrase by pointing out how Nooyi's accomplishments as a woman

in a historically male-dominated industry compared women in leadership to reality. She consistently

puts up a lot of effort to advance workplace equality, which contributes to a rise in the proportion of

women in senior positions on the operations team. On point number two, Xuan Anh remarked that

given their decision to assemble a design team under the direction of Italian designer Maucro

Porcini, they may have made the best choice for the food business (the former head of the design

department). 3M's Global Design). The commander also assigned him tasks. As a result, by adapting

to better suit the market, customer preferences, and market demands, this has generated successful

earnings. On the other hand, Xuan Anh also noted that the new fountain device created by the Design

& Innovation Center was a great success, along with two models that included the following: "it

encourages the incorporation of design thinking into business strategy" and "the potential benefits of

investing in design for companies looking to remain competitive in a rapidly changing market."

Khai responded to the third question by stating that Nooyi is a supportive leader who uses women's

natural concern for others as a major asset in her leadership style. He also stressed the importance of

a leader's commitment, which was mirrored in the slide in the first answer. Khai's final response was

that this case had taught his group "about leadership, which is leadership," and they had compared

Indra Nooyi to a visionary leader who had a persuasive vision for the organization's future. The

second is "thinking strategy." Nooyi excels at this skill and has the capacity to foresee and adapt to

changes in the market and in the business. Resilience and humility come in third and fourth. a tough,

courageous leader who is open to learning from his mistakes and gaining experience while serving as

Before asking the first question to group two, they briefly explained Cyber Monday, an e-commerce

phrase for the Monday after the American Thanksgiving holiday. Online shops frequently run

promotions, discounts, and exclusive specials on this day, just like brick and mortar stores do on

Black Friday. Nghi responded to the first query by stating that the manager's lack of tenacity has not

demonstrated appropriate control. Another issue is that some other managers exhibit comparable

traits. In response to the last query, Dat stated that managers should utilize flexible hours on this day

in two ways, including to guarantee jobs stay steady (employees may be allowed to be late for work).

People have favorite deals, but they also have to work harder. Monetary and other intangible costs of

such ineffective behavior may be presented to employees. They may realize that they are harming


The general comment demonstrates that each presentation page for both groups has a distinct layout,

including "theme, layout summary, member introduction, summary, and introduction of a brand or

brand, or about a leader that they are interested in." They'll present something. The text size and

color are very eye-catching, causing viewers to become more eager to listen to the presentation. And

in each of the two groups' questions, they gave complete responses using the presentation-related

visuals and the primary keywords. Presentations from Groups 1 and 2 are always brief and simple to

grasp. The audience may still grasp the brief response and follow up on the question in the reference

book by looking at the presentation slides of the two groups even if they can't be heard in time. They

consistently receive positive feedback from listeners for passages like these. Finally, they frequently

close the slide with a "thank you" before moving on to the debate between the two groups.
B. For the debate

With 2 weeks of preparation, the debate of group 1-2 was somewhat sloppy and clearer. Since group

1 and 2 did not have time to present last week, they will make up their presentation; this report will

just discuss their 2 debates. Team 1 knows how to ask more logical and better questions like: "How

can they balance their family" or "Does women need to make up the option for themselves?". Most

of the questions were good, but the response group needed to understand the issues comprehensively.

The question is significantly related to the problem of the lesson, knowing how to pose social matters

and what is most realistic about the reality of society. But the answer of group 2 differed from what

everyone expected; it was unrelated to the question. In fact, they can answer: "Women have to spend

more time and effort than men in many things; they have to try everything to be appreciated like

men, sometimes their efforts are menopause and not being recognized, but after all, that will make

the woman make the decision to give up or keep trying." In the second part of the debate, group 1

questions such as: "What is the advantages and disadvantages when Indra is an employee-oriented

leader?" or "What type of leadership style does Indra Nooyi use? And what success has she achieved

using it?". These are the right questions she poses to all groups. But most of the answers are different

from what is expected due to the need for more understanding and the limitations of the arguments

given by group 2. Ms Mien explained the disadvantages of the system they were referring to. First,

thinking about getting the software to work great takes a lot of time and money. Second, you must

argue with many people to develop a common opinion. Third, their software is trying to focus on

developing fixed time zones, which causes some limitations due to a lack of flexibility.
C. What was learned

Q.18-11 Other than the obvious, what problems do you see here, especially as it relates to control?

» According to the presentation, our group learned that the loss of confident from managers in

controlling their people may have a serious impact on the effectiveness of controlling their

employees and their workflow. Also, in some scenarios, the managers do not see its as a

problem and continue to managing their worker improperly in a long-term period.

Q.18-12. How would you handle this? How could organizations make sure they’re addressing

work controls ethically?

» In my opinion, there are some ways to improve the quality of managers in controlling their

company workflow. One of them is allowing their workers to arrive with a flexible schedule,

but it may keep them lazy in the workplace. Another solution is to incentive employees via

bonus cash or any other intangible benefits. This may give them some motivation to work

more efficiently, however, this action also makes the workplace in the company become

more intensive as people around are more competitive to the incentive award.

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