Reflection Report 10 Tutorial 9.2 PM-T123PWB-1 Group 4

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Student name: Cung Khanh Linh Student ID number: 21001290

Student name: Dang Hoang Phuc Student ID number: 21001166

Student name: Ha Xuan Hoang Student ID number: 22003144


Unit name: Principles of Management - T123PWB -1 Unit number: PM-T123PWB-1

Tutorial/Lecture: Tutorial Class day and time: Thursday 8h30-10h30
Lecturer or Tutor name: Mien Le


Length: 1969 Due date: 25/03/2023 Date submitted: 25/03/2023

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Student’s signature: Cung Khanh Linh

Student’s signature: Dang Hoang Phuc
Student’s signature: Ha Xuan Hoang
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A. For the presentation

This week, group 2 had a presentation with the main theme like “14-13. Is Anytime Feedback Too

Much?” Along with questions included “Can a manager provide honest feedback to employees

without being confrontational?” , “14-14. Do you think the Anytime Feedback Tool is a useful

communication tool for an organization? Why or why not?”, “14-15. How could Amazon eliminate

concerns with employees using the tool to sabotage other employees?”, “14-16. Would you like to

work in a competitive organization like Amazon? Why or why not?”. Vy answered in the affirmative

in the first phrase, saying that unless the manager has a terrible relationship with the employee,

feedback cannot be negative. Vy also provided two reasons why a manager may speak up without

worrying about being confronted: As with communication abilities, they can give commendation for

the employee's efforts in certain areas. The employee is then given "essential" feedback, to which the

boss replies, allowing them to admit their errors and make amends without provoking conflict or

retaliation. Following the second sentence, Nghi also affirmed that this is a very useful tool. Besides,

she also listed four common benefits, which are "Attribute feedback to its provider, Send feedback

directly to the employee, Enable two-way communication; empower unsolicited and solicited

feedback". In the third sentence, Khang cited a situation where that tool is highly competitive, which

can be considered destructive, and sometimes employees will mislead the feedback or avoid

anonymity. Likewise, he listed three solutions: "adding more features to the tool; managers need to

judge their employees' performance based on observation of their work; and managers encourage

ethical communication when giving feedback.". And in the last sentence, Dat replied that he wants to

work for that company because not only does it offer the opportunity to learn, but he also mentioned

the customer value that Amazon values. Furthermore, he is also interested in the Amazon tool and

how it positions it in the market.

It is clear that the second group's presentation was excellent in terms of verifying the questions and

providing pertinent justifications and explanations for each one, as well as the lesson's narrative.

Also, the material that group 2 has summarized is simple to read and grasp because to the

straightforward presentation of the presentations. Also, the slide's colors and visuals are quite boring

but appealing, which makes it simple for viewers to enjoy themselves. As well as layouts like "Name

of issue, group, members, table of contents, responses, argument, and discussion" always being


B. For the debate

To talk about the debate of groups 1 and 2, they are still not focusing on the issue that the article is

about in the article. Group 1 posed a question related to the manager's reaction when receiving

judgement from others. Initially the question was not clear for everyone to understand, but the

problem is that group 2 can still understand and answer very clearly, but it is not correct and closely

follows the problem in question. The questions that group 1 gave were not too helpful for everyone

because it was at a micro level, but Ms. Lien wanted a sentence that was relevant and close to the

environment she was studying. It doesn't need to be too extensive and difficult to make it difficult for

others to just focus on the most basic things. It's possible that groups 1 and 2 are the weakest in

debate because they do not argue too vigorously about their lesson and also because she has to

explain too much to their questions and answers.

C. What was learned

14-13. Can a manager provide honest feedback to employees without being confrontational?

à Our group took away from the lecture that a manager may use communication skills to give direct

criticism without being hostile. The managers might start by complimenting the workers before

giving them critical feedback.

14-14. Do you think the Anytime Feedback Tool is a useful communication tool for an

organization? Why or why not?

à Overall, We can see why a Feedback Tool would be a helpful communication tool for a company.

The reason behind it is that the tool may convey feedback both directly to the employees and to its

source. Also, the feedback tool may enable two-way communication, increasing productivity and

resolving staff misunderstandings efficiently in the shortest time.

14-15. How could Amazon eliminate concerns with employees using the tool to sabotage other


à It is understandable that the main issue with the Anytime Feedback Tool appears to be that given

the competitive nature of the organization, it is often used to sabotage others. Employees can send

false or misleading feedback via the tool, and those getting the feedback are unable to defend

themselves from the anonymous feedback. Thankfully, Group 1 has given some viable solutions for

this challenge by adding more features to the tool or managers need to judge their employee

performance based on observation of their work and encourage ethical communication when giving

14-16. Would you like to work in a competitive organization like Amazon? Why or why not?

à From my perspective, I respect Amazon's emphasis on customer attention. Also, I'm fascinated by

Amazon's use of machine learning and its market position. Having a great opportunity in workplace

for practicing the continuous learning skill.

A. For the presentation

In addition, group 6 asked questions during their presentation on "A Wonderful Place to Work,"

which included topics such “15-13. Do you think the work culture at Tencent is effective? Would it

work in other organizations? Why or why not?”, “15-14. How would an understanding of

organization behavior help Ma Huateng? What do you think will be Tencent’s biggest challenge in

the future?”, “15-15. Using what you’ve learned from the various behavior theories, what does

Tencent’s situation tell you about employee behavior?”, “15-16. Looking at the incentives system

offered by Tencent, what does that tell you about the importance of understanding individual

behavior?”. Van Thanh always describes the organizations and their cultures in the opening phrase,

opens the program and slides, and provides the response for an excellent work culture because it

meets two requirements. Because their business values collaboration and communication, they

provide monetary incentives and open offices. She further argued that operating within other

companies would not be successful for the following reasons: there would be less pressure on staff,

which might make it difficult for the business to thrive over the long term and provide the desired

level of earnings. Also, each business has unique personnel and goods, therefore those businesses

could be more demanding and under strain. Van Thanh said, "People are the key to the success of the

firm, including benefits like easy contact with the management, the capacity to directly engage in the

project, the ability to communicate their views, and the ability to not fully follow other people's

ideas," in the second clause. Also, Hung's third response included the initial concept that the reward

money may be debatable among the staff, which might make this employee envious or less self-

assured than those who had a great deal of cash. In the last sentence, Quang Minh listed some

behaviors in the document: "welcoming and open work environment, simple to communicate with

managers, recognize individual successes." then he started talking about Tencent's situation and

talking about employee behavior being very positive in the workplace, and he has recorded it into
four main ideas like "employee productivity, turnover, organizational citizenship, negative

workplace behavior". And then he also listed some reasons to understand the importance of

employees, such as "the development of innovative and effective solutions, effective communication,

and efficient cooperation."

Group 6 is often used the darkest slides and matched the story style for each presentation so they

could quickly give their responses without utilizing too many colors or visuals. The group name and

the title of the presentation are listed first on the opening slide, and each question is followed by a

citation to a narrative from the text. And group 6 always provides sufficient layouts, as well as

judiciously places text colors and graphics, so that viewers can quickly grasp their essential points

and comprehend them when writing reports. occurrences in this text.

B. For the debate

Groups 5 and 6 always have a good debate whether it's English or Vietnamese. Especially for group

5, questions 15-14 they disagreed with the views of group 6, Minh quickly searched for information

about the connection of managers and employees in work, ability to make decisions. leadership

decisions about employee behaviours and habits. Group 6 answered that if managers can understand

employees' behaviour, employees will easily integrate and give their thoughts and opinions to create

a common development environment for all. Give your opinion about yourself to find the right

position for you. Regarding your example Minh, when a superior assigns work to an employee and

the employee does not understand what the superior assigns, each employee will ask questions about

each issue, how much time do you need to answer each one? This is a rather absurd question and

example because in the workplace it is always necessary to ask questions to understand each other,

ask questions to grow. Although there are many questions employees ask and you cannot answer

them, you can also ask employees to find out for themselves instead of asking, but allowing
questions that are beyond their authority. In this day and age, if the boss does not integrate and get

along with the employees, the company may lose its employees. In the US, all employees have their

own attorneys and employee protection rights, when a manager breaks a rule, they can be severely

punished for the problem they broke. So, Minh did not think very clearly for his question, it is very

absurd in this day and age. In short, groups 5 and 6 are two good groups so they are always good at

the fighting part even though sometimes it is not related to the lesson.

C. What was learned

15-13. Do you think the work culture at Tencent is effective? Would it work in other

organizations? Why or why not?

à To begin, we must understand that there are certain benefits to working at Tencent, such as

receiving a financial incentive at the end of the month or Tencent's effective work culture. Because it

promotes cooperation and communication, it would work in different companies.

15-14. How would an understanding of organization behavior help Ma Huateng? What do you

think will be Tencent’s biggest challenge in the future?

à Based on the presentation, since Tencent's workplace is demanding and stressful, it may not be as

successful in other businesses. As a result, the company can not gain the profit it targets and maintain

itself over the long-term period. Therefore, consider the culture and structure of each company to

provide its own appropriate effective workplace for employees and products
15-15. Using what you’ve learned from the various behavior theories, what does Tencent’s

situation tell you about employee behavior?

à From our understanding, humans are the key to the success of the company due to their

importance in stabilizing the company’s future process. According to Ma Huateng, employees are an

essential factor in making communication with manager become easier. Plus, due to employees are

the person who directly participates in the project, their ideas may be more innovative and they will

be guided in the right way by their manager’s instructions.

15-16. Looking at the incentives system offered by Tencent, what does that tell you about the

importance of understanding individual behavior?

à When looking at Tencent's case, our group understood how important to keep the company’s

employees always in the most comfortable status. Because they are the most crucial factor for the

long-term development of innovative and effective solutions for the company when facing

challenges. In addition, they are also a vital bridge to connect managers and employees, creating an

effective communication and efficient cooperation,

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