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- Neutral stimulus:no meaning

- classical conditioning works with repetition (at least 12-15 times)

- Pavlov wanted to see if ringing a bell would make dogs want to eat
- After conditioning, neutral stimulus becomes conditioned stimulus (the dog thinks of food
after hearing bell)

1. Classical conditioning is a mental manipulation to reprogram natural body functions

2. A stimulus that triggers a biological response is paired with a new stimulus that then results in
the same reaction.

3. The neutral stimulus becomes the conditioned stimulus. The response to the conditioned
stimulus is a conditioned response.

UN: no learning comes with it.

Pair the neutral and unconditioned stimulus to make the neutral stimulus conditioned.

Conditioned- learning associated with it.

-Reinforcements are always things that we like and we want the behaviour to repeat

-Punishment is things that we don’t like and we want the behaviour to stop

Negative reinforcement: removing something in hopes of behaviour

Positive punishment: adding something unpleasant to reinforce good behaviour
Negative punishment: Taking something away to reinforce good behaviour
-teenager done something really well/got in trouble how the parent used the

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