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Example Candidate Responses

Paper 2
Cambridge IGCSE™
Thai – First Language 0518
For examination from 2018

Version 1.0
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Copyright © UCLES 2018

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Question 1c.......................................................................................................................................................................6
Example Candidate Response – high............................................................................................................................6

Question 1d.......................................................................................................................................................................9
Example Candidate Response – middle........................................................................................................................9

Question 1a.....................................................................................................................................................................12
Example Candidate Response – low...........................................................................................................................12

Question 2d.....................................................................................................................................................................15
Example Candidate Response – high..........................................................................................................................15

Question 2b.....................................................................................................................................................................18
Example Candidate Response – middle......................................................................................................................18

Question 2a.....................................................................................................................................................................21
Example Candidate Response – low...........................................................................................................................21
Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

The main aim of this booklet is to exemplify standards for those teaching Cambridge IGCSE Thai - First Language
0518, and to show how different levels of candidates’ performance (high, middle and low) relate to the subject’s
curriculum and assessment objectives.
In this booklet candidate responses have been chosen from June 2018 scripts to exemplify a range of answers.
For each question, the response is annotated with a clear explanation of where and why marks were awarded or
omitted. This is followed by examiner comments on how the answer could have been improved. In this way, it is
possible for you to understand what candidates have done to gain their marks and what they could do to improve their
answers. There is also a list of common mistakes candidates made in their answers for each question.
This document provides illustrative examples of candidate work with examiner commentary. These help teachers
to assess the standard required to achieve marks beyond the guidance of the mark scheme. Therefore, in some
circumstances, such as where exact answers are required, there will not be much comment.
The questions and mark schemes used here are available to download from the School Support Hub.
These files are:

June 2018 Question Paper 02

June 2018 Paper 02 Mark Scheme

Past exam resources and other teacher support materials are available on the School Support Hub:

Cambridge IGCSE Thai – First Language 0518 4

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 1 Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

How to use this1booklet
Example Candidate Responses – Paper 1

This booklet goes through the paper one question at a time, showing you the high-, middle- and low-level response for
each question. The candidate answers are set in a table. In the left-hand column are the candidate answers, and in
the right-hand column are the 1
examiner comments.
Example Candidate Response – high Examiner Comments
Example Candidate Response – Question 1, high
Example Candidate Response – high
Examiner comments
1Examiner Comments
The question asked for an
explanation of ‘why the boy
1 The question asked for an
‘why thetoboyhis father
needed the start
to speak of father
to his the new school
before the start of the new school
term’ and the response focused
term’ and the response focused
closely ononthisthis
pointpoint and provides
and provides
aaclear answer
clear answer toquestion,
to this this question,
thereby gaining the one mark
available. gaining the one mark
1 available.
Mark for (a) = 1 out of 1
2 Thefor (a) =
question 1 out
asked ‘howof
Examinerfather comments
felt when he wasare silent for
a moment
alongside the and why’. Although
answers. These the
2 words question asked
and ‘worry’ were ‘how the
Answers are by real candidates in exam conditions. explain where
not the felt and
exactwhen why
feeling he marks
wordswas in thesilent for
These show you the types of answers for each level. 2
momentscheme, This helps
it is clear
and why’. thatyouthe
Although the
candidate attempted to depict
Discuss and analyse the answers with your learners in to interpret
words the standard
‘anxious’ and
the same feeling using his/her
of ‘worry’ were
the classroom to improve their skills. Cambridge
ownthe exams
words.exact so you can
The concluding words
part in the
2 help mark
of thelearners
answer, which
scheme, toitrefine
is clear that the
the reason why the father was
their candidate
exam technique.
silent, was attempted
evidence of secure to depict
the same feeling and justified
using thehis/her
award of both marks for this
own words. The concluding part
theforanswer, which explained
How the candidate could have improved their answer (b(i) = 2 out of 2
the reason why the father was
The candidate was able to identify keywords in the text and utilised them as 3part of the answers.
silent, was
3 CandidateThis candidate
is able of secure
to explain
that the father hoped for better
interpreted explicit and implicit information, including the writer’s attitude. The candidate understanding
demonstrated and justified the
understanding of how to write using appropriate language and structure to effectively answer the questions.
award of both marks for this
Mark for (b)(ii) = 1 out of 2
Mark for (c) = 2 out of 2
This section explains how the candidate could
Mark for(d)(b(i)= 1 out
Mark for = of2 1out of 2
have improved each answer. This helps you to
interpret the standard of Cambridge exams and
3 Candidate is able to explain
helps your learners to refine their exam technique.
that the father hoped for better

Common mistakes candidates made in this question Mark for (b)(ii) = 1 out of 2
The question asked why the author uses these particular phrases to convey his meaning. Mark
(c) = 2only
out of 2
gave the definition or explained the phrases without giving the reasons why the author used these particular phrases.
Mark for (d) = 1 out of 1
Therefore, the reponses gained only one mark.

Often candidates were not awarded Lists the common mistakes candidates made
marks because they misread or
Cambridge IGCSE Thai First Language (0518)
in answering
each question. This will help your
misinterpreted the questions. learners to avoid these mistakes and give them
the best chance of achieving the available marks.

5 Cambridge IGCSE Thai – First Language 0518

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

Question 1c

Example Candidate Response – high Examiner comments

1 Although this is a good

analogy, the candidate could have
been more careful on the use of
1 sentence structure. A traditional
Thai sentence should read ‘one
factor in life’ rather than ‘one of
2 the factors of life’.
2 This simple mistake of an
3 incomplete word could have been
3 Generally in this paragraph,
the candidate makes a good
4 connection between friendship and
life. It is brief with a clear concrete
point that convinces the reader.
The use of appropriate analogy
comparing life without friends with
5 a flat balloon helps enrich the tone
6 of the paragraph. The language
usage is effective with appropriate
variation of word choices.
4 Unnecessary paraphrase e.g.
‘friends are the people who’ and
preposition e.g. ‘in friends’ could
be avoided.
5 More formal register and
generalisation could have helped
maintain consistent tone of the
paragraph e.g. ‘friends who want
8 to borrow your money’ could be
changed to ‘friends who seek
opportunity to take advantage’.
6 Although this paragraph is
a counterclaim of the former
paragraph, in fact, it contributes
very effectively to the question.
The candidate makes good use
of PEE structure where the point
is made explicit with the clear
explanation and examples given.
7 Punctuation marks e.g.
exclamation or question marks
must be avoided in formal Thai
8 The strong point of this
paragraph is made from a good
presupposition of the readers’
perception of friendship and
money. This helps the reader
make a convincing connection
with the point the candidate is
trying to prove.

Cambridge IGCSE Thai – First Language 0518 6

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

Example Candidate Response – high, continued Examiner comments

9 A more specific word choice

could have helped make this
statement stronger.

9 10 More formal register could

have been applied to maintain the
consistent tone of the paragraph.

11 Avoid beginning a paragraph

with a preposition. The paragraph
could be better started with
‘I think’ rather than ‘For me, I

12 12 Good conclusion to wrap

up the essay with candidate’s
personal response to the
question. It is clear and brief with
good explanation and strong use
of analogy.

Mark for Style and Accuracy =

11 out of 12
Mark for Argumentative /
Discursive Task = 11 out of 13

Total mark awarded =

22 out of 25

7 Cambridge IGCSE Thai – First Language 0518

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

How the candidate could have improved their answer

• In general, the candidate made the point very explicitly with good illustration and examples. There was a clear and
effective link within and between paragraphs which helped provide good development of the essay. The use of
vocabulary and mostly accurate sentence structures helped maintain the formality as well as the sophistication of
the essay.
• The candidate could consider removing unnecessary use of paraphrasing, duplication and conjunction or
prepositions in sentences. Some of the word choices could have been reconsidered to maintain the mood and tone
of the writing. Avoiding colloquial use of language would help with the consistency of register.

Cambridge IGCSE Thai – First Language 0518 8

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

Question 1d

Example Candidate Response – middle Examiner comments

1 The statement could have been

more specific and more related
to the key point of the paragraph.
1 The candidate should make a
clear link between ‘people coming
out to explore the world’ and ‘the
environment is impacted’. There is
no connection to travelling which
is the topic of this essay.
2 The candidate should consider
using correct sentence structure
3 and avoid unnecessary complex
sentences using too many clauses
in one sentence.
3 The paragraph could be
rearranged to avoid double
counters (with 2 buts) in a
paragraph which could cause
4 confusion to readers.
4 The candidate should avoid
lavish sentences and apply the
use of traditional Thai sentence

9 Cambridge IGCSE Thai – First Language 0518

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

Example Candidate Response – middle, continued Examiner comments

5 The candidate should consider

the use of grammatically correct
Thai sentence structure.
6 The paragraph is more
descriptive than argumentative.
The candidate should consider
adding more rationale or solutions
to the problem rather than
describing the problem.

7 7 This statement contradicts

with the candidate’s viewpoint
expressed in all three former
8 paragraphs. While agreeing
with the question statement
that ALL types of tourism cause
environmental damage, the
candidate encourages eco-
tourism in the end. This results
in confusion with regard to
candidate’s point of view.

8 Overall, the candidate

partially agrees with the question
statement except for the
concluding paragraph where the
candidate self-contradicts. The
rationale and examples could
have been more concrete and
convincing. The candidate could
also have considered adding
suggestion or solutions to the
problem (without contradicting
their own opinion).

Mark for Style and Accuracy =

7 out of 12
Mark for Argumentative /
Discursive Task = 7 out of 13

Total mark awarded =

14 out of 25

Cambridge IGCSE Thai – First Language 0518 10

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

How the candidate could have improved their answer

• In general, the candidate agreed with the question statement. The development of the essay was satisfactory as
it gave some illustration and examples. However, in the concluding paragraph, the candidate contradicted their
own opinion with the question statement. It was recommended that the candidates spent more time reading and
analysing the question thoroughly before starting to write. Should the candidate have partially agreed with the
statement, this could have made this clearer for the reader. Also, the candidate should have paid more attention to
the arrangement within a paragraph avoiding double counter which would lead to confusion for the reader.
• The candidate gave satisfactory illustration and examples. However, more concrete and specific evidence or
examples could have been used so that they had a greater impact to convince the reader. Instead of talking about
general environmental problems such as animals’ habitat being destroyed, the candidate could have given a
specific example on a particular animal that had been affected by tourism, drawn from news or current incidents.
Also, the candidate should have avoided lavish language with too complex sentence structures. Clear and simple
sentences with accurate use of traditional Thai sentence structures gains more marks as it makes clearer sense to

11 Cambridge IGCSE Thai – First Language 0518

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

Question 1a

Example Candidate Response – low Examiner comments

1 A comma should be avoided in

formal Thai writing.
2 2 The candidate needs to
consider rephrasing the sentence
3 and ensure that appropriate and
polite register is used in a formal
3 Although the introductory
5 paragraph of a formal letter should
be brief, it needs to give clear
rationale of the writing. Also, the
candidate needs to ensure that
6 the appropriate register is used.
4 Unnecessary borrowed words
should be avoided.
5 The candidate should avoid
colloquial use of language in a
formal letter.
6 Rather than a long list of
complaints, each concern
should be put in order and linked
strongly to the others to develop a
convincing paragraph.
7 Although the objective of the
letter is to give suggestions to
the manager of a department
store, the candidate needs to
keep in mind that constructive
comment should be given. It’s
recommended that the letter
describes negative scenes or
events in a polite way. Also, the
reader (the department store’s
manager) should be convinced
and not threatened to make
changes to the department stores.

Cambridge IGCSE Thai – First Language 0518 12

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

Example Candidate Response – low, continued Examiner comments

8 Language register really needs

to be politely appropriate to the
text type and reader.
9 The suggestion should be
9 constructive and well sequenced.
Instead of making a ‘to do list’,
10 the candidate should categorise
11 the requests and come up with a
couple of key suggestions.
10 Same polite language principle
12 should apply throughout the letter.
11 Colloquial language must be
avoided in a formal letter.
12 In the concluding paragraph,
the candidate should focus on
how to convince the reader to
follow the request. The candidate
could consider the positive
impacts the department stores will
gain from those changes. It is not
recommended to open up new
problems and suggestions in this

Mark for Style and Accuracy =

4 out of 12
Mark for Argumentative /
Discursive Task = 4 out of 13

Total mark awarded =

8 out of 25

13 Cambridge IGCSE Thai – First Language 0518

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

How the candidate could have improved their answer

• In general, the candidate agreed with the question statement. The development of the essay was satisfactory as
it gave some illustration and examples. However, in the concluding paragraph, the candidate contradicted their
own opinion with the question statement. It was recommended that the candidates spent more time reading and
analysing the question thoroughly before starting to write. Should the candidate have partially agreed with the
statement, this could have made this clearer for the reader. Also, the candidate should have paid more attention to
the arrangement within a paragraph avoiding double counter which would lead to confusion for the reader.
• The candidate gave satisfactory illustration and examples. However, more concrete and specific evidence or
examples could have been used so that they had a greater impact to convince the reader. Instead of talking about
general environmental problems such as animals’ habitat being destroyed, the candidate could have given a
specific example on a particular animal that had been affected by tourism, drawn from news or current incidents.
Also, the candidate should have avoided lavish language with too complex sentence structures. Clear and simple
sentences with accurate use of traditional Thai sentence structures gains more marks as it makes clearer sense to

Common mistakes candidates made in this question

Style and Accuracy
Regardless of grammatical accuracy, most strong candidates made use of unnecessary complex sentence structures
or lavish language which, most of the time, disrupted the flow of the writing. It was necessary to keep in mind that
traditional and accurate Thai sentence structures were encouraged as it gave clearer messages to the reader. The
sophistication of the essay doesn’t come from complication of language; rather, it comes from brief, precise and
appropriate use of language. Also, appropriate use of register is important to keep the right mood and tone of the
writing. In Part 1, candidates were asked to write a formal piece of writing, hence, formal register should have been
applied. Many candidates used colloquial language in a formal letter which unfortunately became unconvincing to the
reader. The candidates should also keep in mind that most punctuation marks must be avoided in formal Thai writing
while space is important to indicate meaning. Candidates should pay attention to the use of space accordingly.

Argumentative/Discursive Task
Candidates need to read carefully to understand the expectation of the questions clearly before they begin to write.
In argumentative writing, the candidates need to understand that the objective of the writing is not just to argue
but to convince the reader. Hence, the candidate must not just try to overwhelm readers with problems but should
persuade readers with solutions as well. Candidates who scored well added their personal view to the problem as
well as some solutions. Strong candidates convinced the reader by giving the positive impacts if the reader followed
their suggestions. In a discursive task, candidates should have tried to give specific examples to support their writing.
Most of the candidates, who received moderate scores, although making the point clear often gave general examples
with little illustration or rationale. Also, it was necessary that candidates made a clear point about whether their
writing agreed with the statement questions or not. It was also acceptable that a candidate partially agreed with the
statement, but this needed to be made explicit by stating which part of the statement they agreed with and vice versa.

Cambridge IGCSE Thai – First Language 0518 14

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

Question 2d

Example Candidate Response – high Examiner comments

1 Although most of the language

flows well throughout the story,
it is recommended that the
candidate avoid unnecessary
propositional phrase as it violates
Thai grammatical structure.
Instead of ‘a girl in high school
uniform’ it should be ‘a girl who
wears high school uniform’.

2 The candidate uses flashback

technique effectively to both fulfil
the requirement of the question
and also move the story forward
quickly. Also, the candidate
makes clever use of suspense
at the end of the paragraph. This
helps increase the interest of the
3 Good use of setting to contrast
with the character’s mood.

4 Good use of narration to

introduce conflict.

5 The candidate makes a clever

choice of characterisation to move
the reader. This also reflects good
5 presupposition of the readers with
great understanding of readers’

6 The candidate makes

unnecessary use of the word
‘it’ several times in this writing.
Although it is not harmful to the
7 mood of the writing, it should be

7 This additional supporting

character helps convince the
reader of the main character’s
decision at the end of the story.

15 Cambridge IGCSE Thai – First Language 0518

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

Example Candidate Response – high, continued Examiner comments

8 The candidate makes good use
of simile to emphasise the mood
of the story.

9 Should the candidate make this

part of the story more dramatic,
the reader would be more
convinced of the reason the main
character makes their decision.
The situation should force the
supporting character to make a
10 more dramatic decision. There
must be a convincing reason
for this character to go off to the
battlefield by herself and leave the
main character behind. A dilemma
could be employed to make a
more dramatic impact on reader.

10 The story ends smoothly,

although predictably. The story
could be more successful if the
candidate considered a more
dramatic ending.

Mark for Style and Accuracy =

11 out of 12
Mark for Narrative Task =
12 out of 13

Total mark awarded =

23 out of 25

Cambridge IGCSE Thai – First Language 0518 16

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

How the candidate could have improved their answer

In general, the story was simple but moving with a clear message being successfully delivered to the reader. The
candidate knew very well how to synchronise theme and mood of the story with the characters, setting, plots and
narration. However, the candidate could have added more dramatic effects in the story which would have made the
story fully convincing to readers. The use of language was almost always precise and accurate. The only adjustment
in language could have been to avoid unnecessary propositional phrase and the unnecessary use of the pronoun ‘it’
where a noun already appeared in a sentence.

17 Cambridge IGCSE Thai – First Language 0518

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

Question 2b

Example Candidate Response – middle Examiner comments

1 1 The candidate needs to pay

attention to spacing as it helps
clarify the meaning.

2 2 The candidate makes a

good introduction with a clear
description and background of the

3 The candidate tries to create

suspense in the story. However,
3 once the information is revealed, it
is not as meaningful as expected.

4 The candidate needs to pay

attention to spacing in order to
communicate a clear message to

5 The candidate spent the above

two paragraphs focusing on ‘back
to school cake’ and the intensity
of getting it. However, once the
narrator gets the cake, it no longer
plays a role in the writing. If the
candidate plans for this cake
to play an important role in the
writing, it should somehow be
linked into the latter part of the

Cambridge IGCSE Thai – First Language 0518 18

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

Example Candidate Response – middle, continued Examiner comments

6 This is another suspense the

candidate tries to create but it
6 didn’t make much impact on the
reader as it turned out not to be
related to what the narrator was

7 Overall, the writing is more of

a narration of a series of events in
a canteen. Very little description
of the scene or atmosphere
was used to create mood. It is
recommended that the candidate
present some key message or a
theme in their description as it will
help maintain the interest of the

Mark for Style and Accuracy =

8 out of 12
Mark for Descriptive Task =
6 out of 13

Total mark awarded =

14 out of 25

19 Cambridge IGCSE Thai – First Language 0518

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

How the candidate could have improved their answer

The candidate mostly used fluent and appropriate language in their writing to narrate the canteen scene. However,
the candidate should have added a key message to help with the development of the descriptive writing. In this piece
of writing, the candidate narrated a series of actions in the canteen without any focus or development. This would
lead to a decline of reader’s interest towards the end of the writing. Also, the candidate paid little attention to the use
of descriptive language to maintain the interest of the reader. It was recommended that candidates use descriptive
devices to create tension or an atmosphere for the scene so that the reader’s interest is maintained throughout.

Cambridge IGCSE Thai – First Language 0518 20

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

Question 2a

Example Candidate Response – low Examiner comments

1 The candidate should pay

attention to the use of pronoun
as it helps create a good bond
between writer and readers. The
use of this pronoun could instead
widen a gap and create distance
between the writer and reader.
2 The candidate started the
paragraph with a lot of unrevealed
information both about the
setting and the following incident.
However, the candidate didn’t
follow up with clear information.
This leads to confusion about the
story. The candidate should reveal
such information before jumping
to the next point in the story.
3 This part is rather confusing.
The candidate complicates the
statements by contradicting
their own former statement.
4 The candidate should explain
this sentence clearly to show the
reader who was the person to
awaken the candidate.
5 The analogies used by the

7 6
candidate are very personal and
couldn’t be interpreted by any
other readers. This contributes to
greater confusion in the writing.
8 6 The candidate should pay
attention to the use of accurate
and traditional Thai sentences to
communicate the story effectively.
7 The candidate tries to
embellish the sentences.
However, in Thai, they are not
grammatically accurate. Good
descriptive writing doesn’t require
a complicated sentence structure,
but rather a simple, precise and
accurate structure.
8 The candidate should pay
attention to register and word
choice. It is important that the
candidate maintain the same
mood and tone of the writing

21 Cambridge IGCSE Thai – First Language 0518

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

Example Candidate Response – low, continued Examiner comments

9 9 Passive voice structure should

be avoided in Thai writing unless it
gives a negative connotation.
10 The description of the scene
should help contribute to the
meaning of the story and help
create interest for the reader. This
12 detail is added for no reason and
13 causes no impact on the rest of
the writing piece.
11 Word selection should be
precise and suitable to have a
14 specific impact on the reader.
12 Accurate sentence structure
should be applied to give clear
13 The candidate should be aware
15 of the accuracy of conjunction.
14 Passive voice structure should
16 be avoided.
15 The candidate should pay more
attention to pronoun selection.
16 Accurate Thai sentence
structure should be applied.
17 The candidate should avoid
lavish language.
18 Overall, the candidate confuses
the reader with very little structure
18 to the writing as well as the
fluctuation of register, mood and
tone of the writing. There is no
paragraph break in the story which
contributes to more confusion.
The candidate needs to try to set
a clear key message or theme for
the writing followed by consistent
mood and tone through consistent
use of register and word choice.

Mark for Style and Accuracy =

4 out of 12
Mark: Part 1 Descriptive Task =
4 out of 13

Total mark awarded =

8 out of 25

Cambridge IGCSE Thai – First Language 0518 22

Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2

How the candidate could have improved their answer

The candidate should have paid attention to the key message or theme of the writing. Although the candidate tried
to describe the event, it lacked direction and meaning for the reader to follow. This writing demonstrated very little
sense of audience as the mood and tone of the work fluctuated throughout two pages without any paragraph break.
This would cause tiredness and confuse readers. The writing exceeded the word limit and the interest of the audience
declined quickly due to lack of structure, mood fluctuation and tone. The candidate should have avoided personal
analogy and should have given sufficient information for readers to follow. Instead of creating suspense, this writing
made the reader confused with a lot of obscure information.

Common mistakes candidates made in this question

• In general, candidates who scored well were those with more accuracy in their language usage. More colloquial
language was welcome in this part as long as it suited the candidate’s question choice. In descriptive writing,
strong candidates tended to give details of the described scene and atmosphere. This helped maintain the mood
and tone of the writing throughout. While some candidates only focused on describing the scene or event with a
lot of descriptive techniques, strong candidates ensured that their description also held a key message or theme.
Descriptive writing without a theme or key message would gradually lose the attention of their readers.
• In narrative writing, most of the strong candidates made significant mistakes by misinterpreting the expectation
of exam questions 2c and 2d. Referring to the syllabus and mark scheme, these two questions were designed as
narrative writing. However, most candidates failed to meet the expectation of narrative writing by producing a series
or sequence of events with little or no development of the story. Many candidates paid little attention to either
character development or literary devices which would result in the reader’s lack of interest. Candidates should
ensure that they are familiar with the mark scheme published in the course handbook.

23 Cambridge IGCSE Thai – First Language 0518

Cambridge Assessment International Education
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Copyright © UCLES November 2018

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