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Yarn: 220 g Silkenmer FIBERPASSION (50% Merino extrafine/ 50% Seide) 100 g/400 m - hand dyed
200 g Maincolor – 800 m, shown in Cold Petrol Spruce
20 g Contrastcolor – 80 m, shown in Silbergrau

Needles: 3.75 mm circular needle 80-120 cm long or size needed to get gauge

Gauge: in stockinette stitch: 22 stitches = 10 cm – 33 rows = 10 cm, after washing and blocking;
Keep in mind: Gauge is not critical in this project, but will affect yardage and final size
when different!

Size: width: 175 cm and depth: 73 cm

Material: tapestry needle and markers


Aljusa is a sideway knitted triangle shawl, with an icord edge on side.

I designed this shawl as a present, for two beloved friends. They are knitters too and support me with ideas,
criticism, suggestions and testknits.
The name Aljusa, are the first two letters of our surnames Alexandra, Jutta and Sanne.
Thank you for your friendship.
Alexandra, Jutta, Claudia and Kerstin thank you very much for testknitting Aljusa. ❤💜💚

If you have any questions, please contact me:

Hope you enjoy the instructions!

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Abbreviations: Instructions:

bef. before row 1: co 4 sts

cc contrast color row 2: p to end
co cast on
k knit Section 1: Lace
k2tog knit 2 stitches together (see also on page 4, Chart: Section 1: Lace)
k3togtbl knit 3 together through back loop
k1yok1 knit1, yarn over, knit1 all into the next st Set up and place marker:
m marker row 3: k1, sl1pw, k1, pm, rli, k1
mc main color row 4: p to m, sm, sl1pw, k1, sl1pw
p purl row 5: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, k to 1 st bef. end, rli, k1
p2tog purl 2 stitches together row 6: p to m, sm, sl1pw, k1, sl1pw
pm place marker rep. row 5 and 6, six more times;
rep. repeat you now have 12 sts;
rm remove marker
rli right lifted increase – Lift right leg of the start lace pattern
stitch below the next stitch on the left- tipp: place marker between the lace pattern
hand needle onto the left-hand needle and repetations
knit it.
(see also “Notes and Tipps”) row 19: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, k4, K2tog, k1, yo, k1,
RS Right Side rli, k1
sl1pw slip one stitch purlwise with yarn in front row 20: p3, yo, p2, p2tog, p3, sm, sl1pw, k1, sl1pw
sl1pwwyib row 21: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, k2, k2tog, k3, yo, k2,
slip one stitch purlwise with yarn in back rli, k1
sl3po1-k1yok1 row 22: p4, yo, p4, p2tog, p1, sm, sl1pw, k1, sl1pw
slip purlwise next 3 sts onto righthand row 23: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, k2tog, k5, yo, k3, rli, k1
needle, pass the third st on the righthand row 24: p6, ssp, p1, yo, p3, sm, sl1pw, k1, sl1pw
needle over the first 2 sts as if you´re row 25: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, k3, yo, k2, ssk, k4, rli,
binding it off, slip those 2 sts back onto the k1
lefthand needle, k1, yarn over, k1 row 26: p5, ssp, p3, yo, p3, sm, sl1pw, k1, sl1pw
sm slip marker row 27: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, k3, yo, k4, ssk, k3, rli,
ssk slip, slip, knit – slip 2 stitches one at a time k1
knitwise to the righthand needle; return row 28: p4, ssp, p5, yo, p3, sm, sl1pw, k1, sl1pw
the stitches back to lefthand needle in
turned position and knit them together • knit row 29 to 48 once as written, if you repeat
through the back loops; row 29 to 48, you have to repeat the sts from *to*
ssp slip 2 stitches one at a time knitwise to the in 1st repetition once more, in 2nd, two more times,
righthand needle; return the stitches back and so on
to lefthand needle in turned position and • you can place markers between the repetitions,
purl them together through back loop; then it´s easier to follow the pattern
(see also “Notes and Tipps”) • also see “chart: Lace” on page 4, the pink frame
st(s) stitch/stitches row 29: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, *k4, k2tog, k1, yo, k3*,
WS Wrong Side k to 1 st bef. end, rli, k1
yo yarn over row 30: p5, *p3, yo, p2, p2tog, p3*, sm, sl1pw,
k1, sl1pw
row 31: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, *k2, k2tog, k3, yo, k3*,
Notes and Tipps:
k to 1 st bef. end, rli, k1
All odd rows are Right Side (RS) rows and all even row 32: p6, *p3, yo, p4, p2tog, p1*, sm, sl1pw,
rows are Wrong Side (WS) rows k1, sl1pw
row 33: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, *k2tog, k5, yo, k3*, k
ssp – to 1 st bef. end, rli, k1
rli – row 34: p7, *p4, ssp, p1, yo, p3*, sm, sl1pw, k1,
row 35: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, *k3, yo, k2, ssk, k3*, k
Measurements: to 1 st bef end, rli, k1
175 cm –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 188 row 36: p8, *p2, ssp, p3, yo, p3*, sm, sl1pw, k1,
73 cm –––––––––––

ing row 37: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, *k3, yo, k4, ssk, k1*, k
to 1 st bef end, rli, k1

row 38: p9, *ssp, p5, yo, p3*, sm, sl1pw, k1,
–––––––––––– 80


8c sl1pw

row 39: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, *k4, k2tog, k1, yo, k3*,
k4, K2tog, k1, yo, k1, rli, k1

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row 40: p3, yo, p2, p2tog, p3, *p3, yo, p2, p2tog, • don´t break yarn, cross it in the end of row, if you
p3*, sm, sl1pw, k1, sl1pw change color;
row 41: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, *k2, k2tog, k3, yo, k3*, row 1, MC: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, k to last sts, rli, k1
k2, k2tog, k3, yo, k2, rli, k1, row 2, MC: p to m, sm, sl1pw, k1, sl1pw
row 42: p4, yo, p4, p2tog, p1, *p3, yo, p4, p2tog, row 3, MC: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, k to last sts, rli, k1
p1*, sm, sl1pw, k1, sl1pw row 4, MC: p to m, sm, sl1pw, k1, sl1pw
row 43: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, *k2tog, k5, yo, k3*, change to contrast color
k2tog, k5, yo, k3, rli, k1 row 5, CC: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, k1, *k1yok1,
row 44: p6, ssp, p1, yo, p3, *p4, ssp, p1, yo, p3*, sl1pwwyib* rep. to last st, rli, k1
sm, sl1pw, k1, sl1pw row 6, CC: p2, *sl1pwwyib, k3togtbl* rep. to 1 st
row 45: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, *k3, yo, k2, ssk, k3*, bef. m, p1, sm, sl1pw, k1, sl1pw
k3, yo, k2, ssk, k4, rli, k1 change to main color
row 46: p5, ssp, p3, yo, p3, *p2, ssp, p3, yo, p3*, row 7, MC: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, k to last sts, rli, k1
sm, sl1pw, k1, sl1pw row 8, MC: p to m, sm, sl1pw, k1, sl1pw
row 47: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, *k3, yo, k4, ssk, k1*, row 9, MC: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, k to last sts, rli, k1
k3, yo, k4, ssk, k3, rli, k1 row 10, MC: p to m, sm, sl1pw, k1, sl1pw
row 48: p4, ssp, p5, yo, p3, *ssp, p5, yo, p3*, sm, change to contrast color
sl1pw, k1, sl1pw row 11, CC: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, *k1yok1,
sl1pwwyib* rep. to last st, rli, k1
you now have 27 sts; row 12, CC: p2, *sl1pwwyib, k3togtbl* rep. to m,
rep. row 29 to 48, eight more times; sm, sl1pw, k1, sl1pw
with every repeat you have 10 sts more;
in end of section 1 you will have 107 sts; you now have 183 sts;
rep. row 1 to 12, one more time and then row 1 to
Section 2: stockinette and lace 10 once more;
(see also on page 5, Chart: Section 2: St st-Lace) break contrast color and continue with main color;
in end of section 3 you will have 194 sts;
row 1: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, *k4, k2tog, k1, yo, k3*,
rep. from * to * 9 times, pm (in the Section 4: Baby Eyelet Cables
repetition: sm) , k to 1 st bef. end, rli, k1 (see also on page 5, Chart: Baby eyelet cables)
row 2: p to m, sm, *p3, yo, p2, p2tog, p3*, sm,
sl1pw, k1, sl1pw row 1: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, *p3, sl3po1-k1yok1*,
row 3: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, *k2, k2tog, k3, yo, k3*, rep to 5 sts bef. end, p3, k1, rli, k1
rep. to m, sm, k to 1 st bef. end, rli, k1 row 2: *p3, k3* to m, sl1pw, k1, sl1pw
row 4: p to m, sm *p3, yo, p4, p2tog, p1*, rep. to row 3: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, *p3, k3* to 6 sts bef.
m, sm, sl1pw, k1, sl1pw end, p3, k2, rli, k1
row 5: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, *k2tog, k5, yo, k3*, row 4: p4, k3, *p3, k3* to m, sl1pw, k1, sl1pw
rep. to m, sm, k to 1 st bef. end, rli, k1 row 5: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, *p3, sl3po1-k1yok1*,
row 6: p to m, sm, *p4, ssp, p1, yo, p3*, rep. to rep to 1 sts bef. end, rli, k1
m, sm, sl1pw, k1, sl1pw row 6: p1, k1, *p3, k3* to m, sl1pw, k1, sl1pw
row 7: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, *k3, yo, k2, ssk, k3*, row 7: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, *p3, k3* to 2 sts bef.
rep. to m, sm, k to 1 st bef. end, rli, k1 end, p1, rli, k1
row 8: p to m, sm, *p2, ssp, p3, yo, p3*, rep. to row 8: p1, k2, *p3, k3* to m, sl1pw, k1, sl1pw
m, sm, sl1pw, k1, sl1pw row 9: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, *p3, sl3po1-k1yok1*,
row 9: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, *k3, yo, k4, ssk, k1*, rep to 3 sts bef. end, p2, rli, k1
rep. to m, sm, k to 1 st bef end, rli, k1 row 10: p1, k3, *p3, k3* to m, sl1pw, k1, sl1pw
row 10: p to m, sm, *ssp, p5, yo, p3*, rep. to m, row 11: k1, sl1pw, k1, sm, *p3, k3* to 4 sts bef.
sm, sl1pw, k1, sl1pw end, p3, rli, k1
row 12: p2, k3, *p3, k3* to m, sl1pw, k1, sl1pw
you now have 112 sts;
rep. row 1 to 10, thirteen more times; you now have 200 sts;
with every repeat you have 5 sts more; rep. row 1 to 12, one more time and then row 1 to 8
in end of section 2 you will have 177 sts; once more;
(3 sts for icord, 100 sts in lace pattern and 74 sts in end of section 3 you will have 210 sts;
stockinette sts)
Bind off: Lace Bind off purl
Section 3: String of pearls
(see also on page 5, Chart: Section 3 String of *p2tog, slip st back to left hand needle purlwise with
pearls) yarn in front* rep. to last st, break yarn and pull it
through last st
Please note:
• for pattern: slip sts with yarn in back Finishing:
• for icord: slip sts with yarn in front
• in next row remove all markers, except first wave in all ends; wash und block your shawl.
marker for icord;

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Aljusa Final

Section 1: Lace

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

48 48
47 47
46 46
45 45
44 44
43 Aljusa Final 43
42 42
41 41
40 1: Lace 40
39 39
38 38
37 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 37
4836 48 36
47 47 35
46 46
34 34
45 45
4433 44 33
4332 43 32
42 42
31 31
41 41
4030 40 30
3929 39 29
38 38
37 37
3627 36 27
3526 35 26
34 34
25 33
32 32 24
23 31 23
30 30
29 29 22
28 21 28 21
27 27
20 20
26 26
2519 25 19
2418 24 18
23 23
17 17
22 22
2116 21 16
2015 20 15
19 19
14 14
18 18
1713 17 13
1612 16 12
15 15
11 11
14 14
1310 13 10
129 12 9
11 11
8 10
97 9 7
86 8 6
7 7
5 6
54 5 4
43 4 3
3 3

k on RS, sl1pw
k on on RS
RS, sl1pw on RS
sl1pw on RS, k on RS
sl1pw on RS, k on RS
k on RS, p on WS
k on
K2tog onRS, p onon
RS, p2tog WS
ssk on RS, ssp on WS
K2tog on RS, p2tog on WS
ssk on RS, ssp on WS

Created With Knitting Chart for iPhone & iPad 1
No stitch
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Created With Knitting Chart for iPhone & iPad
Aljusa Final

Section 2: Stockinette-Lace

22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

10 10

9 9

8 8

7 7

6 6

5 5

4 4
Aljusa Final
3 3

2 Section 3: String of pearls 2

1 1

13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

k on RS, sl1pw on WS
12 12
sl1pw on RS, k1 on WS
k on RS, p on WS 11 11
k2tog on RS, p2tog on WS
ssk on RS, ssp on WS 10 10

9 9
No stitch 8 8
Aljusa Final
7 7

Section 3: String of pearls 6 6

5 5

13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
4 4

12 12
3 3
11 11
2 2
10 10
1 1
9 9

8 8
K on RS, sl1pw on WS

7 7
sl1pw on RS, k on WS
k on RS, p on WS
6 6 rli
K on RS, sl1pw on WS
5 5
sl1pw on RS, k on WS
Created With Knitting Chart for iPhone & iPad 1
4 4 k on RS, p on WS
3 3

2 2 rli
1 1
No stitch

K on RS, sl1pw on WS Aljusa Final

sl1pw on RS, k on WS
rli 4: Baby eyelet cables
K on RS, sl1pw on WS
sl1pw on RS, k on WS
k 20
on RS,19 18
p on WS 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

12 12
11 rli 11

10 10 for iPhone & iPad
Created With Knitting Chart 1
No stitch
9 9

8 8

7 7

6 6

5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2
Created With Knitting Chart for iPhone & iPad 1
1 1

k on RS, sl1pw on WS
sl1pw on RS, k on WS
p on RS, k on WS
k on RS, p on WS
sl3po1-k1yok1 on RS, p on WS
No stitch

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