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Do you believe do you believe feel (a) strategic management should be more visible or hidden

as a process in a firm? Explain.

Strategic management should be more visible or hidden as a processing a firm? Explain. I would
be the advocate of a certain balance between secrecy and transparency, but depending on the
organization model, the strategic management could be visible or hidden. Each firm has its own
circumstances but their management team will decide if they want to expose their strategy. Ina
way, it can be a way to motivate employees and stakeholders. It would promote trust,
participation, and communication in the firm but on the other hand it could make the firm
vulnerable to the competition. Each firm just needs to find the right balance to be able to get
advantages from both without putting itself at risk.

Now a day, almost every successful company has a strategy, be it operational or a

functional strategy. But the question arises if the customers are aware of the

company’s strategy – in terms of what its goals are and how a company works to

achieve them. A firm, especially a customer focused should be very careful about

who should and who should not know about its strategy. For example, the firms

employees and workforce should be end to end familiar with the company’s

Strategic management is more an art or a science?

Strategic management can be considered as both science as well as an art.

Management is science because of several reasons like - it has universally accepted
principles, it has cause and effect relationship etc, and at the same time it is art because
it requires perfection through practice, practical knowledge, creativity, personal skills

Strategic management is both an art and a science. Management combines features of

both science as well as art. It is considered as a science because it has an organized
body of knowledge which contains certain universal truth. It is called an art because
managing requires certain skills which are personal possessions of managers. Science
provides the knowledge & art deals with the application of knowledge and skills.

A manager to be successful in his profession must acquire the knowledge of science &
the art of applying it. Therefore management is a judicious blend of science as well as
an art because it proves the principles and the way these principles are applied is a
matter of art. Science teaches to ‘know’ and art teaches to ‘do’. E.g. A person cannot
become a good singer unless he has knowledge about various ragas & he also applies
his personal skill in the art of singing. Same way it is not sufficient for manager to first
know the principles but he must also apply them in solving various managerial problems
that is why, science and art are not mutually exclusive but they are complementary to
each other (like tea and biscuit, bread and butter etc.).

The old saying that “Manager are Born” has been rejected in favor of “Managers are
Made”. It has been aptly remarked that management is the oldest of art and youngest of
science. To conclude, we can say that science is the root and art is the fruit.
Strategic management as Science

Science is a systematic body of knowledge pertaining to a specific field of study that

contains general facts which explains a phenomenon. It establishes cause and effect
relationship between two or more variables and underlines the principles governing their
relationship. These principles are developed through scientific method of observation
and verification through testing. Science is characterized by the following main features:

1. Universally acceptance principles – Scientific principles represents basic truth about

a particular field of enquiry. These principles may be applied in all situations, at all time
& at all places. E.g. – law of gravitation which can be applied in all countries irrespective
of the time. Management also contains some fundamental principles which can be
applied universally like the Principle of Unity of Command i.e. one man, one boss. This
principle is applicable to all type of organization – business or non business.

2. Experimentation & Observation – Scientific principles are derived through scientific

investigation & researching i.e. they are based on logic. E.g. the principle that earth
goes round the sun has been scientifically proved. Management principles are also
based on scientific enquiry & observation and not only on the opinion of Henry Fayol.
They have been developed through experiments & practical experiences of large
number of managers. E.g. it is observed that fair remuneration to personal helps in
creating a satisfied work force.

3. Cause & Effect Relationship – Principles of science lay down cause and effect
relationship between various variables. E.g. when metals are heated, they are
expanded. The cause is heating & result is expansion. The same is true for
management; therefore it also establishes cause and effect relationship. E.g. lack of
parity (balance) between authority & responsibility will lead to ineffectiveness. If you
know the cause i.e. lack of balance, the effect can be ascertained easily -in
effectiveness. Similarly if workers are given bonuses, fair wages they will work hard but
when not treated in fair and just manner, reduces productivity of organization.
4. Test of Validity & Predictability – Validity of scientific principles can be tested at any
time or any number of times. They stand the test of time. Each time these tests will give
same result. Moreover future events can be predicted with reasonable accuracy by
using scientific principles. E.g. hydrogen & oxygen will always give water. Principles of
management can also be tested for validity. E.g. principle of unity of command can be
tested by comparing two persons – one having single boss and one having 2 bosses.
The performance of 1st person will be better than 2nd. It cannot be denied that
management has a systematic body of knowledge but it is not as exact as that of other
physical sciences like biology, physics, and chemistry etc. The main reason for the
inexactness of science of management is that it deals with human beings and it is very
difficult to predict their behavior accurately. Since it is a social process, therefore it falls
in the area of social sciences. It is a flexible science & that is why its theories and
principles may produce different results at different times and therefore it is a behavioral
science. Ernest Dale has called it as a Soft Science.

Management as both Science and Art

Management is both an art and a science. The above mentioned points clearly reveal that
management combines features of both science as well as art. It is considered as a science
because it has an organized body of knowledge which contains certain universal truth. It is
called an art because managing requires certain skills which are personal possessions of
managers. Science provides the knowledge & art deals with the application of knowledge and
skills. A manager to be successful in his profession must acquire the knowledge of science & the
art of applying it. Therefore management is a judicious blend of science as well as an art
because it proves the principles and the way these principles are applied is a matter of art.
Science teaches to ’know’ and art teaches to ’do’. Example. a person cannot become a good
singer unless he has knowledge about various ragas & he also applies his personal skill in the art
of singing. Same way it is not sufficient for manager to first know the principles but he must
also apply them in solving various managerial problems that is why, science and art are not
mutually exclusive but they are complementary to each other (like tea and biscuit, bread and
butter etc.). The old saying that “Manager are Born” has been rejected in favor of “Managers
are Made”. It has been aptly remarked that management is the oldest of art and youngest of
science. To conclude, we can say that science is the root and art is the fruit.

Strategic management should be more a top-down or bottom-up process in a


Strategy should be an output from the ‘top’ aka the executive team. It is their job to collect
and communicate this to the rest of the organization. They should be a broken record (as
product people should be).

However, the key component from the ‘bottom’ is checking whether that strategy actually
makes sense in the day-to-day. They use the strategy to make their hard decisions easier or
to help choose between two great options. They also constantly check the outputs of the
strategy with their customers through qualitative and quantitative research.

If there is some type of mismatch between the ‘bottom’ and the ‘top’ then there is a
problem with either the strategy or the execution. There will always be some amount of
skew that will happen in the chain from top to bottom but it is very important to detect this
and adjust.

If you don’t you get the situation that there are two symptoms: 1) the ‘top’ think the
‘bottom’ is always working on the wrong things and 2) the ‘bottom’ thinks the ‘top’ is out of
touch with reality.

Ideally, we wouldn’t using ‘top’ and ‘bottom’ as terminology though. If we want to be more
agile organizations we need to think of the exec team as an agile group which has the
output of strategy, hiring practice, and other culture impacting work. The ‘bottom’ is actually
different agile groups executing.

The top-down approach relies on higher authority figures to determine larger goals that will
filter down to the tasks of lower level employees. In comparison, the bottom-up style of
communication features a decision-making process that gives the entire staff a voice in
company goals. Each task remains fluid as employees achieve their goals.

Included on this page, we’ll detail the key features of both the top-down approach and bottom-
up communication, what the top down bottom up approach looks like in project management,
industries that leverage both approaches, and more.

Both the top-down and bottom-up styles of management offer significant advantages for the
companies that leverage each approach. Both styles distinguish between high level and low
level work, but how each management styles achieves this process varies widely. As with any
business, the goal of each are to appropriately and efficiently think, teach, gain insight, and
develop an overall leadership system that works well for the company and generates revenue.

The top-down approach can spawn many positive business impacts through unique
aspects of management, including the following:

 Creating clear lines of authority

 Standardizing products and services
 Facilitating quality control
 Streamlining tasks and achieving goals quickly

By comparison, the bottom-up approach utilizes alternative ways of management to

achieve success. These can include the following:

 Forming a unique perception of the company, its goals, and its employees
 Measuring operational risk (in terms of fraud, model, and employee risk)
 Reallocating assets and decision-making power
 Giving voice to all employees

The top down and bottom up models of strategic management vary in terms of how a
business determines its operational strategies, but show similarities in how the company
identifies its overarching goals. As a small business owner, you must decide how much
control you want to have over the implementation of strategies to meet overarching goals.
Being honest about your own business acumen can help you decide which management
model is appropriate for your company.

Executive Decision Making

In a top down strategic management model, ownership or high-level management

personnel determine objectives and how the rest of the business will work toward
accomplishing those objectives. As a small business owner, this puts all the
responsibility on you and your management team to come up with how you will make
your company successful and how each employee will contribute to that success.
Input regarding business objectives from lower-level employees in a top down
strategic management model is virtually nonexistent.

Advantages and Disadvantages

If you want to direct every aspect of how your business operates to accomplish its
goals and objectives, a top down strategic management model can provide you with
the necessary level of control. This ensures your small business operates exactly to
your specifications. Problems can arise with this strategic management model
because your company's success rides directly on the shoulder's of your business

Executive Decision Making

In a top down strategic management model, ownership or high-level management

personnel determine objectives and how the rest of the business will work toward
accomplishing those objectives. As a small business owner, this puts all the
responsibility on you and your management team to come up with how you will make
your company successful and how each employee will contribute to that success.
Input regarding business objectives from lower-level employees in a top down
strategic management model is virtually nonexistent.

Advantages and Disadvantages

If you want to direct every aspect of how your business operates to accomplish its
goals and objectives, a top down strategic management model can provide you with
the necessary level of control. This ensures your small business operates exactly to
your specifications. Problems can arise with this strategic management model
because your company's success rides directly on the shoulder's of your business
If your market knowledge or product development strategies are lacking, it will show
up in decreased revenues for your company. If your directions and objectives are
unclear, your workers won't know how to effectively accomplish your business goals.

Workforce Strategy Development

By contrast, a bottom up strategic management model seeks to develop ideas using

the brainpower of your entire workforce. You, as the small business owner, still
determine the overall goals for your company along with the dates you'd like to see
these goals accomplished, but your employees of all levels assist in developing the
mechanisms to reach those goals. Your management team compiles all the ideas from
group brainstorming sessions and departmental meetings to allow you to select the
strategies showing the most promise.

Benefits and Problems

Involving your entire workforce in a bottom up strategic management model can build
morale and a sense of ownership of your company's direction among employees of all
levels. Your employees will be more actively engaged in the work and strive harder to
reach objectives. This strategic model can also cause a logjam of ideas on your desk
and make it difficult to sort through the information to come up with an effective plan
for reaching company goals. You may also have to manage employee egos in
selecting plans while still valuing the opinions of your entire workforce.
Select the company preferably you are working currently and evaluate the
company’s current resources (strength and weakness) and Assess opportunities
and threats presented due to the general environment segments

The Coca-Cola Company (KO - Free Coca-Cola Stock Report appears set to plod
along during its 2015 campaign. In that vein, a stronger U.S. dollar has hindered overall
profitability. This year, the company’s pre-tax profits are likely to decline in the high-
single-digit neighborhood, meaning share net may fail to reach last year’s mark of
$2.04. Further, recent volumes indicate the top line will probably remain largely muted,
especially in developed markets, as health-conscious consumers continue to shy away
from beverages containing elevated levels of sugar or artificial sweeteners. Thus, Coca-
Cola has taken steps to address these concerns. In an effort to right the ship, the
beverage maker has ramped up its marketing, advertising, and promotional activities.
Although these actions ought to positively impact results, it may take some time for
recent measures to take root.
Investors evaluating a position in Coca-Cola will notice that the equity has mostly been
stuck in neutral over the last couple of years, displaying support around the $37.00
mark and hitting resistance around $44.00. Despite lacking explosive growth potential
for the foreseeable future, this issue maintains many solid qualities. These shares offer
accounts worthwhile risk-adjusted return. Indeed, the stock boasts a dividend yield
above the present Value Line median. In addition, conservative investors should note
KO garners our highest rank (1) for Safety, which is primarily owed to the company’s
strong Financial Strength rating (A++).
Therefore, these factors leave us asking a couple of questions. First, will the company
be able to overcome current top- and bottom-line obstacles? And, is this issue a good
pick for the long term? We will address these issues by performing an easy-to-follow
SWOT analysis of the company, evaluating its Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities,
and Threats.
The Business
The Coca-Cola Company, founded in Georgia in 1892 and incorporated in 1919, is the
world's largest beverage company. It owns/licenses and markets more than 500
nonalcoholic beverage brands, primarily sparkling beverages but also a variety of still
beverages such as waters, enhanced waters, juices and juice drinks, ready-to-drink
teas and coffees, and energy and sports drinks. In addition, the business owns and
markets four of the world's top five nonalcoholic sparkling beverage brands: Coca-
Cola, Diet Coke, Fanta and Sprite. Finished beverage products bearing the company’s
trademarks, sold in the United States since 1886, are now sold in more than 200
Coca-Cola makes its branded beverage products available to consumers throughout the
world via a network of company-owned or -controlled bottling and distribution operations
as well as independent bottling partners, distributors, wholesalers and retailers — the
world's largest beverage distribution system. Beverages bearing trademarks owned by
or licensed to KO account for 1.9 billion of the approximately 57 billion servings of all
beverages consumed worldwide every day.
Brand Awareness: The Coca-Cola Company is one of the most widely recognized
brands across the globe. Its signature logo, classic red & white colors, and world-
famous jingle resonate with consumers of all ages. There are two key players in this
sector of the beverage business, one being Coca-Cola, while the other remains Pepsi..
That said, Coca-Cola maintains its position in the top post as the clear-cut winner.
Although both businesses constantly jockey for increased market share, Coca-Cola has
the edge here. The beverage producer also garners a core following customers, as
many consumers that deem themselves fans of its products tend not to shift toward
other brands. Going forward, the company’s vast financial resources ought to fuel its
sizable marketing efforts and increased product innovation, which should propel market-
share gains over the long haul.
Robust Distribution Network: Coca-Cola makes its products available to individuals in
more than 200 countries through the world’s largest distribution network. Its ability to
utilize company-owned/-controlled distributors, as well as independent bottlers,
wholesalers, and retailers has no parallel. This system enables KO to closely manage
costs, rapidly introduce new items into the marketplace, and saturate various
geographic locations. Moreover, its meaningful network allows for an enhanced level of
quality control and safety for its goods. The stable distribution platform has been a boon
for expansion in recent years, as the company has sought to reach new customers in
remote locations. These diverse operations have aided market presence, volumes,
deliveries, and product introductions during a crucial span.
Water Management: Water is a main ingredient in substantially all of the company’s
products. It is vital to the production of the agricultural ingredients on which the business
relies and is needed in KO’s core manufacturing processes. Also, this resource is
critical to the prosperity of the communities Coca-Cola serves. Water is a limited
resource in many parts of the world, facing unprecedented challenges from
overexploitation, as well as rising demand for food and other consumer and industrial
products whose manufacturing processes require water. These events increase the risk
of pollution, poor management, and effects stemming from climate change. As the
demand for water continues to climb around the world, and water becomes scarcer, the
overall quality of available water sources may very well deteriorate markedly, leaving
the Coca-Cola system to incur higher costs or face capacity constraints that could
adversely affect its profitability or net operating revenues in the long run.
Foreign Currency Fluctuation: The Company earns revenues, pays expenses, owns
assets, and incurs liabilities in countries using currencies other than the U.S. dollar,
including the euro, the Japanese yen, the Brazilian real, and the Mexican peso. In 2014,
it used 70 functional currencies in addition to the U.S. dollar and derived $26.2 billion of
net operating revenues from operations outside the United States. Because its
consolidated financial statements are presented in U.S. dollars, Coca-Cola must
translate revenues, income and expenses, as well as assets and liabilities, into U.S.
dollars at exchange rates in effect during or at the end of each reporting period.
Therefore, increases or decreases in the value of the U.S. dollar against other major
currencies affect its net operating revenues, operating income, and the value of balance
sheet items denominated in foreign currencies. In addition, unexpected and dramatic
devaluations of currencies in developing or emerging markets could negatively affect
the value of the beverage provider’s earnings from, and of the assets located in, those
markets. Weaknesses in some currencies might be offset by strengths in others over
time due to the geographic diversity of the company’s operations. Moreover, KO also
employs derivative financial instruments to further reduce its net exposure to foreign
currency exchange rate fluctuations. However, it cannot fully hedge the impact from
fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates, particularly the strengthening of the
U.S. dollar against major currencies or the currencies of large developing countries.

Diversification: The Company has been hard at work utilizing its ample war chest to
build a presence in rapidly-growing beverage categories. Currently, it owns 16% of
Keurig Green Mountain and is developing a fresh Keurig Kold device that is set to debut
this fall. Keurig, famous for pod-based, hot drinks intends to feature Coke-branded
products for its upcoming platform. In addition, Coca-Cola recently finalized its purchase
of a 17% stake in Monster Beverage. The deal provides the company with access to a
popular energy drink growth segment. All told, we anticipate these transactions will
bolster the top and bottom lines immediately. These joint ventures also deliver Coca-
Cola with established inroads to a younger customer base. Looking ahead, KO will
probably aim to forge increased relationships with coffee, energy, and health drink

Extended Reach: The population continues to increase at a steady clip. In order to

capitalize on this fact and consumers’ shift toward healthier living Coca-Cola has
focused on bolstering a variety of its business lines. Areas such as India and China
have ramped up demand for the company’s latest juice and coffee offerings. Too,
developing countries face hefty clean water shortages, which ought to result in surging
demand for the company’s bottled water goods. These business segments have
increased at double-digit rates in the past year, highlighting an elevated need for
beverages other than Coca-Cola’s traditional drinks. We believe Coca-Cola remains
dedicated to differentiating its portfolio and delivering emerging markets with various
beverage staples over the long term.

Nutritious Selections: It’s been no secret that soft drink providers have suffered some of
late. A cultural shift toward natural and organic products has led many to opt for
nutritional waters, smoothies, and various healthy beverage options. Thus, core soda
offerings that include high amounts of sugar, or diet items with artificial sweeteners,
have fallen out of favor with buyers. What’s more, this trend does not seem likely to
abate, as consumers continue to boost their knowledge of proper dietary requirements
and exercise programs. Further, many health professionals have called for the
elimination of foods and beverages containing lofty amounts of sugar, since these
products place individuals at an elevated risk of becoming obese, developing diabetes,
and suffering from heart disease. Also, a negative perception of these beverages has
surged due to federal regulators’ desire to place excess taxes on sodas and sugary soft

Brands Group do not compete directly with Coca-Cola, these businesses do place a
dent in the company’s market share. The chains offer customers healthier alternatives,
unique choices, and customer loyalty rewards that are not easily matched by Coca-
Cola. In addition, smaller franchises and retail chains provide patrons with private-label
substitutes for traditional Coke products, which allows these businesses to deliver
beverages at a lower price. Industry data suggest potential customers will continue to
be pulled away from basic drink selections in favor of customizable options that carry a
greater nutritional benefit.
While the number of challenges facing Coca-Cola is abundant, this company does
possess a good deal of promise for the future. Its overall size, leverage, and financial
resources have it well positioned to take advantage of worthwhile acquisition targets.
Too, the company’s brand appeal and cult-like following insure that it will probably
remain a top-tier beverage provider going forward. Coca-Cola’s vast distribution network
should enable better volumes ahead and success in burgeoning markets. All told,
conservative investors wanting a reliable source of income and a bit of capital gains
exposure might want to give The Coca-Cola Company a glance. 
Select one of higher education sector (public or private) and prepare
five year strategic plan

Bahir Dar University Continuing and Distance Education Five Years’ (2013-2017) Strategic Plan

I. Introduction

Continuing and distance education mainly organizes activities for the society in the fields that
have gained importance on the improvement of individuals with a view of career building,
improving professional knowledge and skills, achieving new skills and supplying individual
development needs. For this purpose centers have been established within different
universities through the principle of making continuing and distance education accessible to
everyone as a starting point for a lifelong learning process. These centers which aim at
providing continuing education, implement more flexible programs compared to those
executed in regular programs at higher education institutions. Bahir Dar University is one of the
higher institutions involved in continuing and distance education. Owing to this fact, continuing
and distance education program of BDU needs to be made accessible further for those who
cannot get regular education and be consolidated in such a way that quality education can take
place. In light of this, its provision has to be properly investigated and recommendations
forwarded so that timely measures can be taken that can assure quality education

II. Analysis of Higher Education

Analysis of Higher Education Higher Education of Ethiopia is structured under the Ministry of Education.
The new higher education proclamation no 650/2009 was proclaimed to lay down the legal system to
enable institutions to effect institutional transformation to focus on critical issues of relevance and
quality of education and research to contribute with efficacy to the Ethiopian peoples’ aspirations of
peace, democracy and development. With this objective of the nation, higher institutions are entitled to
offer education at Bachelor Degree, Medical Doctor Degree, Master’s Degree, PhD Degree and any other
degree with the approval of university senates. This proclamation further states that, without the
prejudice of other provisions of this proclamation and relevant regulations and directives, every
institution shall have a reliable internal system for quality enhancement that shall be consistently
improved. Moreover, the proclamation has made it clear that the focus on research in any institution
shall be on promotion, the relevance and quality of education, and on the country’s development issues
focusing on transfer of technology. As per the proclamation of higher education, many universities have
been established in the country. Among these universities Bahir Dar University is one of the bigger
universities established in the country earlier than many others.

III. Analysis of Bahir Dar University

Bahir Dar University was established by merging two former institutions known as Bahir Dar Teachers
College (in Peda Campus) and Bahir Dar Polytechnic Institute (at Poly). Bahir Dar Teachers College was
launched in 1972 and that of Polytechnic was established in 1963. The two institutions were merged and
created Bahir Dar University following the proclamation of the Council of Ministers no. 60/1999. The
inaugural ceremony of the University was made on May 6, 2000. Bahir Dar University comprises more
than 35, 000 students in its 57 undergraduate and 39 graduate programs. Bahir Dar University has four
colleges (College of Science, College of Business and Economics, College of Agriculture and
Environmental Sciences and College of Medical and Health Sciences), four institutes (Institute of
Technology, Institute of Textile, Garment and Fashion Design, Institute of Land Administration and Blue
Nile Water Institute), three faculties (Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of
Education and Behavioral Sciences) and One School, that of School of Law. The vision of Bahir Dar
University is to become one of the ten Premier Research Universities in Africa by 2025 recognized for its
quality education, research and outreach activities. With this bold vision, it is entrusted to execute the
following missions. Its mission is to contribute substantially, for social, cultural, economic, political,
scientific and technological development of the nation; through the provision of high quality education,
active engagement in research and outreach activities for the betterment of life, while offering our
employees a conducive and rewarding working environment that values, recognizes and appreciates
their contributions.
IV. Analysis of CDE of BDU

Continuing and Distance Education Program is one of the main divisions in learning and teaching process
of Bahir Dar University. CDE has 19579 students, of which distance education account for 11380,
continuing education (extension program) comprise 3685, summer education consists of 3847 and
summer and extension post graduation program make up 667 students. Of the distance students, 6097
students are engrossed in Addis Abeba center. The remaining ones are occupied in different centers as
follows. That is, 21 in Bahir Dar, 1, In Dessie, 6 in Woldia, 5 in Gonder, 4 in Debrebirhan and 3 in
Debremarkos. CDE program has three campus coordination offices which are found in Bahir Dar and the
aforementioned seven branches elsewhere. The three campus coordination offices include main campus
coordination office, College of Business and Economics coordination office and Poly coordination office.
Off-campus branches include Bahir Dar branch, Debremarkos branch, Addis Abeba branch, Debrebirhan
Branch, Desssie branch, Woldia branch and Gonder branch.

With all the above grounds in mind, BDU’s CDE has also tried to have its prepare five years’ strategy
considering the three main components of strategic plan. These are plan development, plan execution
and plan review as it is stated as under.
V. Vision

The vision of Continuing and Distance Education of BDU is to be one of the ten premiers and customers’
choice continuing and distance educations in Africa.

VI. Mission

The Mission of Bahir Dar University Continuing and Distance Education is to contribute substantially for
social, cultural, economic, political, scientific and technological development of the nation by providing
continuing (extension) education, summer education and distance education both at undergraduate and
graduate levels.

VII. Mandate

Continuing and Distance Education Office has the mandate to provide registration service, logistic
service, tutorial, exam administration, instructors contract administration & grade distribution and
redressing complaints for distance education, and tutorial, program setting, and contract administration
for continuing (extension) and summer education both at undergraduate and graduate levels while the
other technical aspects of these programs are supposed to be handled by respective colleges, faculties,
institutions or school.

VIII. Values

In line with the core values of BDU, values of continuing and distance education are:

Quality Education for All: High quality education should be provided irrespective of differences in
programs, proximity, age, gender and physical fitness

Education at Any Time: Equal access to quality education without limitations of regularity, season
and means of instructions.
Education Anywhere: Integrity to provide quality education regardless of differences in program,
proximity, place, formalities, and tradition.

Lifelong Learning and Lifelong Education: CDE promote lifelong learning and lifelong education
regardless of differences in gender, social status, ethnicity, religion or profession

Practical Education: CDE should be strongly linked to practical aspect of knowledge in any field of

Transparency: Rules, regulations and decision makings of CDE be transparent to students irrespective
of distance of students.

Accountability: CDE staff members have to be accountable to their duties and assignments Full
Responsibility: CDE staff has to exert all the possible efforts to get the responsibilities discharged and
take full responsibility for the failures, actions and decisions they take thereof

Rule of Law: CDE staff should discharge duties and responsibilities according to the rule of law
Promote Diversity: Advance and entertain human and intellectual diversity in CDE by promoting
lifelong learning and by overcoming the barriers discriminating different programs, gender and age
differences, professional bias and academic status.

Community Service: CDE staff strongly believes in that their knowledge makes full sense when they
properly discharge community service through their profession

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