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Rani Arifah Normawati, Sri Mangesti Rahayu, Saparila Worokinasih


20, 2
Received, March ‘22
Revised, April ‘22 Rani Arifah Normawati
Accepted, May ‘22 Sri Mangesti Rahayu
Saparila Worokinasih
Faculty of Administrative Science, University of Brawijaya, Indonesia

Abstract: It is essential to know the financial satisfaction of the millennials because they
are prone to experiencing financial problems due to their characteristics and the complexity
of Digital Financial Services (DFS). Millennials are responsible for their financial decisions
to increase financial satisfaction, so the meaning of financial attitudes, and financial knowl-
edge, coupled with digital financial knowledge, is significant for financial decisions and
behavior. This study examines the factors that predict financial satisfaction and examine the
mediated effect of financial behavior on the relationship between financial knowledge,
digital financial knowledge, financial attitude, and financial satisfaction. A sample of 306
millennials on Surabaya was selected. A quantitative analysis technique using PLS was
applied. The final model showed financial knowledge, digital financial knowledge, and
financial attitudes positively influence financial behavior. Financial behavior significantly
moderates the relationship between financial knowledge, digital financial knowledge, finan-
cial attitude, and financial satisfaction.

Journal of Applied Keywords: Financial Satisfaction, Financial Knowledge, Digital Financial Knowledge, Fi-
Management (JAM) nancial Attitude, Financial Behavior
Volume 20 Number 2,
June 2022
Indexed in DOAJ -
Cite this article as: Normawati, R. A., S. M. Rahayu, and S. Worokinasih. 2022. Financial
Directory of Open Access Satisfaction On Millenials: Examining the Relationship between Financial Knowledge, Digi-
Journals, ACI - ASEAN tal Financial Knowledge, Financial Attitude, and Financial Behavior. Jurnal Aplikasi
Citation Index, SINTA - Manajemen, Volume 20, Number 2, Pages 354–365. Malang: Universitas Brawijaya. http://
Science and Technology
Index, and Google

Financial satisfaction has is needed in the broad economic context because it

become the attention of re- is related to the development of public policies to
searchers and policymakers. increase people’s life satisfaction, formulate strate-
Financial satisfaction is con- gies for a business, and make personal financial plan-
Corresponding Author: sidered one element that ning for individuals. Academicians have also started
Rani Arifah Normawati, Fac- makes up the quality of life placing greater emphasis on the study of financial
ulty of Administrative Science,
University of Brawijaya, Indo- and creates happiness satisfaction, such as studies conducted by Co (2016),
nesia, DOI: (Saurabh and Nandan, 2018; Xiao and Porto (2017), Saurabh and Nandan (2018),
02.12 Co, 2016). So, that attention Arifin (2018), and Riitsalu and Murakas (2019).


Financial Satisfaction On Millenials: Examining the Relationship between ...

A recent study has also examined the relation- Currently, the millennial generation, with all its
ship between financial satisfaction, financial behav- characteristics, is financially in a vulnerable posi-
ior, and financial knowledge (Arifin, 2018; Joo and tion. Millennials not only face the increasing com-
Grable, 2004; Falahati et al., 2012; Xiao and Porto, plexity of digital financial services, but they will also
2017; Saurabh and Nandan, 2018; Arifin, 2018; face more significant financial risks in the future.
Ramalho and Forte, 2019; Scheresberg, 2013). How- Concerns about the conditions have led to measur-
ever, none of these studies has discussed digital fi- ing and explaining the personal financial satisfac-
nancial knowledge in their research. This area is tion of millennials. The current financial satisfac-
critically not widely presented in the scientific lit- tion can represent the financial conditions. Finan-
erature. Even though strengthening digital financial cial satisfaction can predict financial prosperity in
knowledge is currently considered necessary, even the future.
becoming one of the global policy agendas and the By a better understanding of the factors that
agenda of many countries globally (Morgan et al., affect the financial satisfaction of millennials, it can
2019; OECD, 2018). This agenda also being one of be a consideration for researchers and policymakers
the Indonesian government’s action plans through to develop more effective education to increase the
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK), from 2020 to 2024 millennials’ life satisfaction in the future. It is unde-
(OJK, 2020). Therefore, digital financial knowledge niable that millennials will be the largest population
will also be investigated more deeply to fill this gap. compared to other generations. Based on the ex-
Digital financial knowledge is needed to complete planation, this study examines whether financial
financial knowledge. Amid the rapid development knowledge, digital financial knowledge, and finan-
of Digital Financial Services (DFS), digital financial cial attitude affect financial behavior. Other exami-
knowledge is required to ensure that the financial nations are financial knowledge, digital financial
decisions taken are sound financial decisions. Digi- knowledge, and financial attitude affect financial
tal financial knowledge is essential because DFS satisfaction directly or indirectly through mediating
provides many benefits, but on the other hand, it factors and financial behavior.
creates new risks that previously might not exist in
conventional financial services (OECD, 2018; OJK, LITERATURE REVIEW
2020). Financial Knowledge
The discussion about the current use of DFS
Financial knowledge refers to a basic under-
reminds us of a generation to be closest to technol-
standing of financial concepts. Financial knowledge
ogy and is earlier in contact with DFS, the millennial
is one of the critical dimensions of financial literacy,
generation (Ali et al., 2017). Millennials have tre-
and in line with the developments, financial knowl-
mendous potential in using technology compared to
edge is equated with financial literacy (Huston,
previous generations. Millennials also have unique
2010). Herd in Garg and Singh (2018) stated that
characteristics (MacKenzie and Scherer, 2019).
financial knowledge is the knowledge that a person
They are experience-seekers who prefer to con-
has of his financial situation and is a prerequisite for
sume experience and prioritize lifestyle (Yuswohady,
effective individual financial decision making.
2017), tend to be consumptive (Utomo, 2019), and
like freedom (Yuswohady, 2017). They prefer to
Digital Financial Knowledge
choose the emergence of temporary jobs with short-
term contracts made directly to each individual (also Digital financial knowledge is a multi-dimen-
known as the gig economy trend) (McCue, 2018; sional concept that includes financial and digital
Widodo, 2019; BPS, 2020). So, this trend should be knowledge (OECD, 2018). Digital financial knowl-
followed by greater responsibility in financial plan- edge has the same basis as financial literacy and
ning for the future (Morgan et al., 2019). adds digital aspects (Tony and Desai, 2020). The
OECD in Morgan et al. (2019) stated that digital

ACCREDITED by Ministry of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia, No 200/M/KPT/2020 ISSN: 1693-5241 355
Rani Arifah Normawati, Sri Mangesti Rahayu, Saparila Worokinasih

financial literacy includes digital products and ser- HYPOTHESIS DEVELOPMENT

vices, awareness of digital financial risks, and digi- The hypothesis and framework of the research
tal knowledge. model were developed in this study based on the
Behavioral Finance study. The relationship between
Financial Attitude variables formulated in the research hypothesis is
Financial attitude is a state of thought, opinion, explained by middle-range theory, Social Cognitive
and judgment about finances (Arifin, 2018). Finan- Theory (SCT), and Telic Theory. Financial knowl-
cial attitude is a predisposition to behave in a cer- edge, digital financial knowledge, and financial atti-
tain way formed because of several economic and tude were investigated to determine their effect on
non-economic beliefs that individuals have on the financial behavior based on SCT. In SCT, knowl-
results of certain behaviors (Ajzen, 1991; Garg and edge provides substance and thinking operations to
Singh, 2018). The OECD report on financial literacy solve cognitive problems, one of the determinants
stated that knowledge and ability to do things in a of personal factors. While the affective domain is
certain way are influenced by individual attitudes about what people think, believe, and feel. In this
(OECD, 2017). study, the determinants of personal factors are
adopted and expressed by financial knowledge, digi-
Financial Behavior tal financial knowledge, and financial attitudes, then
Financial behavior refers to financial manage- examined to determine their effect on financial be-
ment techniques adopted by a person. Financial havior. In this study, the researcher added a finan-
behavior refers to handling one’s income and finan- cial satisfaction variable that adopted the research
cial situation, namely the individual’s orientation to conducted by Hira and Mugenda (2011) and Arifin
daily financial problems (Saurabh and Nandan, (2018). The addition of financial satisfaction as a
2018). Falahati et al. (2012) said that financial be- variable and the end of the research framework uses
havior means the ability of individuals to manage the concept of Subjective Well-Being, based on Telic
their finances to be successful in life. Meanwhile, Theory. Telic Theory, known as the endpoint theory,
Joo and Grable (2004) mention saving behavior, plan- was put forward by Wilson (1960).
ning for retirement, setting financial goals, budget- Financial knowledge allegedly influences finan-
ing, and loans as components to see a person’s fi- cial behavior. Ramalho and Forte (2019) stated that
nancial behavior. financial knowledge is one determinant that influ-
ences financial behavior. Analysis has also been
Financial Satisfaction carried out by Joo and Grable (2004), Klapper et
al., (2013), Scheresberg (2013), Arifin (2017), Arifin
Financial satisfaction is an integral component
(2018), Saurabh and Nandan (2018). The research
of each individual’s perceived financial well-being,
results conducted by Arifin show that financial
related to psychological well-being. Financial satis-
knowledge affects financial behavior (Arifin, 2017;
faction refers to a person’s feelings regarding all
Saurabh and Nandan, 2018; Ramalho and Forte,
aspects of his financial situation, especially income,
ability to meet primary needs, and ability to take
H1. Financial knowledge has a significant effect on
action during a financial emergency (Saurabh and
financial behavior
Nandan, 2018). Arifin (2018) stated that satisfac-
tion could be measured through savings, loans, cur-
Setiawan (2020) examined the relationship be-
rent financial condition, ability to meet long-term
tween digital financial literacy (DFL), current sav-
needs, funds for emergency needs, and financial
ing behavior, current spending behavior, and views
management skills.


Financial Satisfaction On Millenials: Examining the Relationship between ...

of future spending behavior and saving behavior showed that financial behavior directly or indirectly
among millennials in Indonesia. The results show affects financial satisfaction. Hasibuan and Lubis
that DFL positively affects current saving behavior (2018) and Arifin (2018) showed that financial be-
and current spending behavior. In addition, current havior influences financial satisfaction. Falahati et
saving behavior and spending behavior contribute al. (2012) also have similar results. Financial be-
to future spending behavior and saving behavior havior is the primary determinant variable that af-
(Setiawan, 2020). fects financial satisfaction, with the highest results
H2. Digital financial knowledge has a significant compared to other variables. In contrast, Co (2016)
effect on financial behavior revealed that financial behavior is not the primary
determinant factor affecting financial satisfaction.
Individuals’ financial decisions are influenced H6: Financial behavior has a significant effect on
by a financial attitude, although the individual has financial satisfaction
sufficient knowledge and skills to behave in a cer-
tain way. Thus, financial attitudes are considered METHOD
an essential element in financial literacy, consider- This paper uses quantitative data obtained
ing that individual preferences determine financial through a questionnaire distributed online. The num-
behavior (OECD, 2016). Falahati et al. (2012) ex- ber of samples obtained is 306 millennials. Collect-
amined the variables of financial attitude and finan- ing and selecting the samples uses the purposive
cial behavior and stated that financial attitude di- sampling technique, as particular qualifications need
rectly relates to financial behavior. It is similar to to be fulfilled to participate in the study. Respon-
Arifin (2018), which showed that financial knowl- dents are millennials in Surabaya, with a birth span
edge and financial attitude positively affect finan- between 1981 and 1996, according to the classifi-
cial behavior. cation carried out by Frey (2018) and BPS (2020).
H3. Financial attitude has a significant effect on fi- Millennials in Surabaya were chosen because
nancial behavior millennials prefer to live in big cities due to the eco-
nomic slowdown in suburbs and millennials’ prefer-
Financial knowledge influences financial satis- ences to develop their lives in terms of creativity,
faction (Arifin, 2018). Hasibuan and Lubis (2018), technological sophistication, career opportunities, and
using the term financial literacy in their research, lifestyles (Frey, 2018). Based on empirical studies,
also show the same results. Meanwhile, the study the millennial generation in Surabaya, especially
results conducted by Falahati et al. (2012) showed employees, face problems related to finances. They
that financial literacy significantly influences finan- feel that they do not have enough money for living,
cial satisfaction. are not satisfied with their salary, worry about debt,
H4: Financial knowledge has a significant effect on and are not satisfied with retirement savings and
financial satisfaction. the overall financial situation (Angelica et al., 2019).
Well-designed questionnaires were distributed
Falahati et al. (2012) stated that financial atti- online using the Google Forms application. Further-
tude is one variable that affects financial satisfac- more, the google form link is disseminated through
tion, although it has a smaller value than other vari- social media (WhatsApp Group, Telegram,
ables. Arifin (2018) showed that all exogenous vari- Instagram, and Facebook). Forty-four questions
ables, including financial attitude, significantly influ- need to be answered. In addition, the anonymity and
ence financial satisfaction. confidentiality of respondents will also be guaran-
H5: Financial attitude has a significant effect on fi- teed. There are two parts to the data collection in-
nancial satisfaction. strument. The first part is the respondents’ demo-
graphic characteristics, including age, education
Financial behavior can affect financial satisfac-
level, gender, marital status, profession, and income.
tion. Research conducted by Joo and Grable (2004)

ACCREDITED by Ministry of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia, No 200/M/KPT/2020 ISSN: 1693-5241 357
Rani Arifah Normawati, Sri Mangesti Rahayu, Saparila Worokinasih

The second part includes closed questions on a 5- especially on financial literacy (Lyons et al., 2019).
points Likert scale, where 1 = “strongly disagree” So, digital financial knowledge is measured through
and 5 = “strongly agree.” dimensions that adopt the policy guidelines presented
The financial knowledge variable was measured by the OECD to achieve financial inclusion in G20
using the dimensions of Dai et al. (2021). That di- countries. These dimensions include trust in DFS,
mensions are knowledge, ability regarding budget- the financial system, innovations, personal informa-
ing, loans, savings, and investments. There is no tion risk, dependency risk, and digital crimes (OECD,
generally accepted standard, and very few studies 2018). Financial attitude represents thoughts, opin-
have investigated the impact of digital knowledge, ions, and judgments about finance. Mien and Thao

X1.2.1 X1.2
X1.3.1 X1
X1.4.2 X1.4 H1 H4

X2.1.1 Z1.1.1 Z1.3.1 Z1.4.1 Z1.4.2 Z1.4.3 Z1.4.4 Z1.5.1

X2.1 Y1.1 Y1.1.1
Z1.1 Z1.2 Z1.3 Z1.4 Z1.5
X2.1.4 Y1.2.1
X2.2.1 X2.2
Y1.3 Y1.3.1
X2.3.1 H2 H6
X2 Z1 Y1
X2.3 Y1.4 Y1. 4.1
Y1.5 Y1.5.1
X2.4.1 Y1.6.1
X2.4.2 H3 Y1.6.2
X2.4.3 H5

X3.2.1 X3.2 Description:
X1 = Financial Knowledge
X3.3.1 X3 X2 = Digital Financial Knowledge
X3.3.2 X3.3 X3 = Financial Attitude
X3.3.3 Z 1 = Financial Behaviour
X3.4.1 Y 1 = Financial Satisfaction

Figure 1. Path Diagram


Financial Satisfaction On Millenials: Examining the Relationship between ...

(2015) adopted the measurement of financial atti- (2015) stated that an indicator is declared valid if
tude. Financial behavior variables are measured the loading factor is positive and greater than 0.5
from saving behavior, planning for retirement, set- because it is an early stage of development research.
ting financial goals, budgeting, and loans (Joo and The 1st-order result test shows that all the indica-
Grable, 2004). Financial satisfaction was adopted tors have a loading factor of more than 0.5.
from Arifin (2018), which includes savings, loans, The AVE test results will reflect each latent
current financial condition, ability to meet long-term factor in the reflective model. AVE values in this
needs, funding for emergencies, and financial man- research have above 0.5 and are higher than the
agement skills. The analytical technique used in this cross-loading correlation value. Discriminant valid-
study is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), car- ity is calculated using the cross-loading value. In
ried out using the WarpPLS. this test, the cross-loading value is greater than the
correlation between the indicator and other variables.
RESULTS The criteria of composite reliability in all dimensions
Regarding the demographics of the respondents are greater than 0.7. Thus, all of these indicators
who have participated in filling out the questionnaire, are declared reliable. The Cronbach’s alpha in all
female respondents dominate (57.5%). The most dimensions is greater than 0.6.
recent education is D4/S1, with as many as 127
respondents or 41.5%, almost half of the total re- Assessing Structural Model
spondents. The distribution of respondents based on The Goodness of Fit Model in the PLS analysis
occupation is dominated by respondents who work uses the coefficient of determination (R-Square).
in the private sector (53.92%). Based on marital The R-Square value for the financial behavior is
status, married respondents, as many as 159 respon- 0.472, which indicates the moderate model. This
dents or 52%. Meanwhile, the number of unmar- value implies that the diversity of financial behavior
ried respondents was 147 respondents or 48%. can be explained by the variables of financial knowl-
edge, digital financial knowledge, and financial atti-
Inferential statistics tude of 47.2%. The contribution of the three vari-
The first step in the PLS analysis is to design ables, financial knowledge, digital financial knowl-
the outer and inner models. The next step is to con- edge, and financial attitude towards financial be-
struct the path diagram. Analysis using path aims to havior, is 47.2%. The rest, or 52.8%, is the contri-
determine the direct or indirect effect of financial bution of other variables not discussed in this study.
knowledge, digital financial knowledge, financial The value of Q² predictive relevance to endog-
attitude, financial behavior, and financial satisfac- enous variables is declared if the value is > 0. Q-
tion variables. The design of the model and path square variable financial behavior is 0.472. Its shows
diagram is as follows (Figure 1) that financial knowledge, digital financial knowledge,
and financial attitude have solid predictive power
Assessing Measurement Model on financial behavior. Then the financial satisfac-
tion Q-square is 0.304. It shows that financial knowl-
Convergent validity 2nd order is intended to
edge, digital financial knowledge, financial attitude,
determine whether the dimensions are valid in mea-
and financial behavior have reliable predictive power
suring variables. A measurement is declared valid if
on financial satisfaction.
the loading factor is positive and greater than 0.5.
The validity test results of all sizes that measure the
Direct Effect
variables have a loading factor value > 0.5. Thus,
these dimensions are declared valid in measuring From the direct effect test, it is known that the
the variables. Convergent validity 1st -order is in- value of the entire path coefficient is positive, which
tended to determine whether or not the indicator is means that the whole hypothesis can be accepted.
valid in measuring dimensions. Abdillah and Hartono Meanwhile, the whole p-value shows a p-value <

ACCREDITED by Ministry of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia, No 200/M/KPT/2020 ISSN: 1693-5241 359
Rani Arifah Normawati, Sri Mangesti Rahayu, Saparila Worokinasih

Table 1. Direct Affect

Exogen Endogen Path Coefficient SE P-Value

Financial knowledge Financial behaviour 0.160 0.056 0.002
Digital financial knowledge Financial behaviour 0.304 0.055 <0.001
Financial attitude Financial behaviour 0.323 0.054 <0.001
Financial knowledge Financial satisfaction 0.262 0.055 <0.001
Financial attitude Financial satisfaction 0.133 0.056 0.009
Financial behaviour Financial satisfaction 0.442 0.053 <0.001

Table 2. Indirect Affect

Exogen Intervening Endogen Indirect Coefficient SE P-Value

Financial knowledge Financial behaviour Financial satisfaction 0.071 0.040 0.039
Digital financial knowledge Financial behaviour Financial satisfaction 0.135 0.040 <0.001
Financial attitude Financial behaviour Financial satisfaction 0.143 0.040 <0.001

significance level (alpha = 5%), so all effects are behavior (Joo and Grable, 2004; Falahati et al., 2012;
significant. The result of the direct effect is indi- Klapper et al., 2013; Scheresberg, 2013; Santos and
cated in Table 1. Abreu, 2013; Mien and Thao, 2015; Arifin, 2017;
Hasibuan and Lubis 2018; Arifin, 2018; Saurabh and
Indirect Effect Nandan, 2018).
The indirect effect shows a positive and sig-
nificant on all relationships. Overall direct effect, as The Effect of Digital Financial Knowledge on
mentioned before, shows positive and significant too. Financial Behavior
The result of the indirect effect is indicated in Table Significant and positive between digital finan-
2. cial knowledge and financial behavior show that digi-
tal financial knowledge affects financial behavior.
DISCUSSION The analysis results between digital financial knowl-
The Effect of Financial Knowledge on Finan- edge and financial behavior empirically support the
cial Behavior research conducted by Setiawan (2020). Setiawan
(2020) said that DFL positively affects current sav-
The first hypothesis that financial knowledge
ing and spending behavior. In addition, current sav-
has a significant effect on financial behavior is ac-
ing behavior and spending behavior contribute to
ceptable. It follows the review submitted by Ozmete
future spending behavior and saving behavior. An-
and Hira (2011). Someone who has financial knowl-
other study found that education level is an essen-
edge applies these in their daily behavior. When a
tial determinant of awareness about digital platforms
person has specific knowledge regarding what can
(Prasad et al., 2018; Shen et al., 2018). So, it is as-
and should not be done, the harm or benefit of some-
sociated with the results of this study that strength-
thing, they will consider the behavior carried out
ening digital financial knowledge can positively im-
based on the knowledge disclosed. Empirically, these
pact financial behavior, especially related to utiliz-
results strengthen Ramalho and Forte (2019). The
ing DFS. Based on this, strengthening digital finan-
results also support the conclusion that there is an
cial knowledge, especially for the millennial genera-
influence between financial knowledge on financial


Financial Satisfaction On Millenials: Examining the Relationship between ...

tion with all its characteristics, needs to be carried nant influence on financial satisfaction (Joo and
out under the global policy and many countries’ agen- Grable, 2004). The test results on the financial knowl-
das. edge variable on financial satisfaction also strengthen
the research results conducted by Co (2016). Fur-
Effect of Financial Attitude on Financial Be- thermore, this study supports research conducted
havior by Xiao and Porto (2017), Arifin (2018), and
The analysis results show that financial attitude Hasibuan and Lubis (2018).
is the most dominant effect on financial behavior. A
higher financial attitude will lead to good financial Effect of Financial Attitude on Financial Satis-
behavior. This study empirically strengthens the re- faction
search results conducted by Falahati (2012). His The significant positive influence relationship
research found that financial attitude affects finan- between the financial attitude variable on financial
cial behavior (Falahati et al., 2012). The results also satisfaction shows that the higher the financial atti-
support the research conducted by Mien and Thao tude of the millennials will positively impact finan-
(2015), (Dai et al., 2021), and Arifin (2018). cial satisfaction. This study indicates that financial
Financial attitude is considered an essential el- attitude is one variable that affects financial satis-
ement in financial literacy, considering that individual faction, supporting research conducted by Falahati
preferences determine financial behavior. Although et al. (2012) and Arifin (2018). Meanwhile, the re-
individuals have adequate knowledge and skills to search undertaken by Dare et al. (2020) supports
behave in certain ways, individual financial decisions one indicator in financial attitude, namely future ori-
are also influenced by one’s financial attitude entation, and does not support indicators in other
(OECD, 2016). Educators and policymakers can financial attitudes, namely attitude toward money.
interpret the importance of financial attitude in shap-
ing one’s financial behavior. Strengthening financial Effect of Financial Behavior on Financial Sat-
knowledge and digital financial knowledge must also isfaction
be accompanied by cultivating an excellent finan- The analysis results show that financial behav-
cial attitude. ior is the most dominant effect on financial satis-
faction. From the result, the higher financial behav-
Effect of Financial Knowledge on Financial ior of the millennials will lead to reasonable finan-
Satisfaction cial satisfaction. This most dominant effect indicates
The hypothesis is declared acceptable based that financial behavior plays an essential role in
on the results obtained. The significant positive in- achieving financial satisfaction. The findings above
fluence relationship between financial knowledge provide insight that financial satisfaction is more
variables on financial satisfaction shows that the shaped by financial behavior, while one’s financial
higher the millennial’s financial knowledge will lead attitude more shapes financial behavior.
to good financial satisfaction. Vice versa, if a This statement is supported by the frequency
millennial has low financial knowledge, they will tend distribution of financial behavior and financial satis-
to have poor financial satisfaction. The test of the faction results. It aligns with Mien and Thao (2015)
effect of financial knowledge on financial satisfac- that good financial behavior can positively improve
tion in this study supports Falahati et al. (2012). financial welfare and satisfaction. Empirically, this
Falahati et al. (2012) showed that financial literacy study supports research conducted by Joo and Grable
significantly affects financial satisfaction. (2004), Falahati et al. (2012), Co (2016), Xiao and
This result is similar to the results by Joo and Porto (2017), Hasibuan and Lubis (2018), and Arifin
Grable (2004). Joo and Grable (2004) found that (2018). In the research conducted by Joo and Grable,
financial knowledge directly influences financial it was found that financial behavior has a direct or
satisfaction. Even financial knowledge has a domi- indirect effect on financial satisfaction. Financial

ACCREDITED by Ministry of Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia, No 200/M/KPT/2020 ISSN: 1693-5241 361
Rani Arifah Normawati, Sri Mangesti Rahayu, Saparila Worokinasih

behaviors can provide the most significant contri- CONCLUSIONS

bution to financial satisfaction (Joo and Grable, A survey conducted on 306 millennials and ana-
2004). A study conducted by Co (2016) revealed lyzed using WarpPLS shows that financial knowl-
that financial behavior affects financial satisfaction, edge, digital financial knowledge, and financial atti-
although it is not the primary determinant factor af- tude positively affect financial behavior. The total
fecting financial satisfaction. coefficient on financial behavior shows that the most
dominant effect is financial attitude. This result
Effect of Financial Knowledge on Financial strengthens the OECD statement that financial at-
Satisfaction through Financial Behavior titude is considered an important element in finan-
Financial behavior has a partial mediation ef- cial literacy. At the same time, the results on finan-
fect on the financial knowledge variable on finan- cial satisfaction inform that the most dominant vari-
cial satisfaction. Financial knowledge still positively able influencing financial satisfaction is financial
and significantly influences financial satisfaction in behavior.
the presence or absence of financial behavior. How- The indirect relationship between financial
ever, partial mediation can reduce the value of the knowledge and financial attitude on financial satis-
direct influence of financial knowledge on financial faction through financial behavior shows that finan-
satisfaction, which was initially 0.262 to 0.071. The cial behavior has a partial mediation effect. This
mediating effect of financial behavior shows differ- result can be interpreted that the presence or ab-
ent results from the findings of Xiao and Porto sence of financial behavior, financial knowledge, and
(2017). In this study, financial behavior has a full financial attitude still affects financial satisfaction.
mediating effect on the relationship between finan- However, the existence of financial behavior can
cial education and financial satisfaction. Adding fi- reduce the value of the direct influence of financial
nancial behavior can change the relationship until it knowledge on financial satisfaction. On the other
becomes influential (Xiao and Porto, 2017). side, financial behavior can increase the value of
the direct effect of financial attitude on financial
Effect of Financial Attitude on Financial Satis- satisfaction.
faction through Financial Behavior
Financial behavior has a partial mediation ef- IMPLICATIONS
fect on the financial attitude on financial satisfac- The results of this study provide both theoreti-
tion. It means whether or not there is a financial cal and practical implications. The theoretical impli-
behavior and financial attitude still has a positive cation given is to provide empirical evidence, ac-
and significant influence on financial satisfaction. cording to Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory, that
However, the partial mediation effect can increase the cognitive aspects and affective aspects of per-
the path coefficient value on the direct relationship sonal factors are related to behavior. Furthermore,
of financial attitude to financial satisfaction, 0.133 the results of this study provide empirical evidence
to 0.143 on the indirect coefficient between finan- from Wilson (1960) regarding the Telic Theory of
cial attitude and financial satisfaction through finan- Subjective Well-Being. The formulation means hav-
cial behavior. ing good financial knowledge, digital financial knowl-
This study also strengthens Falahati et al. (2012) edge, financial attitude, and financial behavior can
findings that financial attitude affects financial sat- lead to high financial satisfaction.
isfaction through financial behavior. Falahati et al. The practical implication of this research gives
(2012) stated that financial behavior partially medi- the insight to implement financial education pro-
ates financial attitude and satisfaction. However, the grams, not only to focus on financial knowledge for
existence of financial behavior can reduce the value millennials but also to add digital financial knowl-
of the direct effect of financial attitude on financial edge to prevent the millennial generation from risks
satisfaction. that may arise due to the use of DFS. These efforts


Financial Satisfaction On Millenials: Examining the Relationship between ...

can be made by providing public services or digital grand theories, such as TRA and TPB, thus enrich-
platforms easily accessible to the millennial genera- ing the results of Behavioral Finance studies. Fi-
tion. However, strengthening these two things is not nally, to get a more accurate measurement, it is pos-
enough because, based on the results of this study, sible to combine subjective and objective measure-
it is also necessary to enhance the financial atti- ment models for the variables of financial knowl-
tude. The cultivation of an excellent financial atti- edge, digital financial knowledge, and financial sat-
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