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Kubing is a jaw harp or an idiophone from which is a traditional instrument made out of
Bamboo plant, from the benevolent city of Maranao. Just a little background about this city,
the people living in this city are called “people of the lake” as the word “Maranao” originated
from “Ranao” in which it basically means “lake.” Maranao is an area wherein a lake
encompasses this city, and in this particular lake called the “Lake Lanao” is where they capture
their different sources of living for their everyday lives. That is why, the people of the lake are
tightly close to one another as it is part of their tradition to share their own blessings to their
neighbors. Many people treat music as an essential component as we can deliver our deepest
thoughts and emotions through music, and the utilization of musical instruments is a good
avenue for this. Maranao treats their traditional instrument called “Kubing” as a part of their
very own culture, wherein people from Maranao, may they be Muslim or non-Muslim, is where
they lay their prides on to represent their city. The sole use of the Kubing instrument for
Maranao people is for communication and courtship. This instrument is cultivated as a
convivial or intimate means for communication towards your loved ones, may it be your
family, siblings, or someone special. I am astonished to acquire the knowledge that this
instrument is for the utilization of both male and female, because in the tradition of Maranao,
they have separate design of instrument for male and female, wherein they strictly follow this
tradition, however, this instrument upbrings harmony for genders without any barrier and
limitation. This Kubing instrument is carved in “Okir” design which originated from Muslim
people at the southern region of the country, and Maranao people usually engrave this in their
very own creative ways of usage in bamboo plants. Sole reason on why they solely use bamboo
is because they consider bamboo as a prominent metaphorical motif in arts, wherein the
adaptability and flexibility of this plant makes it easy for many people to create. Traditional
Maranao arts & crafts are a diverse variety, and the "okir" is the design element that unites all
of its folk art into one unified visual spectacle. Okir may be a group of leaf, fern, or vine motifs
expressed in most of its art, and these design components differ amongst various ethnic groups
in the south, and Kubing has a motif of “Niaga,” wherein it showcases a group of leaves and its
symmetry motif is a reflection, as the triangles at the handle and at the middle produces a
mirrored-like shapes. Hence, just like many traditional arts Maranao arts also face different
obstacles, but if someone believes and revives this traditional art, then there is hope, resulting
for Maranao arts to thrive if we believe in the goodness of their work.
editor. (2017, May 3). Philippine Traditional Instrument: Must-buy
Souvenir From Manila. Travelvui.

(2021, April 8). Guide to the Kubing | Sound Genetics. Sound Genetics
| Sound Genetics 2018.

Kubing. (n.d.).

Maranao People of the Philippines: History, Culture and Arts,

Customs and Traditions [Lanao Indigenous People | Ethnic Group].
(2022, September 14).

Potpot, P. (2020, May 22). One crafttacular & art-soaked trip in Lanao
del Sur. Travel Trilogy.

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