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Group discussion:

1. Technology changing the face of education

2. What are our own learning needs?
3. How have we contributed to existing student outcomes?

• What do we already know that we can use to promote valued outcomes?

• What do we need to learn to do to promote valued outcomes?

• What sources of evidence/ knowledge can we utilise?

4. A key question What do teachers need to know in order to deepen their professional
understandings (e.g. pedagogical content knowledge) and extend their skills so as to have a
positive impact on student outcomes?

Content of the professional learning opportunities

Conceptual understandings and skills deepened through the professional learning activities related to
the following:

Understandings that could be used to inform practice:

• the discipline.

• fundamentals and interrelationships of teaching (e.g. curriculum, pedagogy, assessment,


• students (development, culture, learning, behaviour, social constructions).

• linguistic and cultural resources.

• theoretical frameworks and conceptual tools. Understandings related to teachers’ own practice:

• own practice and new possibilities in relation to a standard.

• how own practice impacts on diverse student learners and new possibilities. Methods of inquiry
that challenged teacher practice:

• methods of inquiry into adequacy and improvement of own practice.

5. What activities will provide teachers with the opportunities to deepen key professional
understandings and skills?
Professional development / professional learning activities designed to develop and deepen
professional understandings and skills:
• listening
• watching;
• being observed and receiving feedback;
• receiving student activities and materials
• engaging with professional readings
• discussing practice with someone more expert
• authentic experience of subject in action
• discussing own theories of practice and their implications
• examining student understandings and outcomes
• analysis of current practice and reconstruction of new practice
• discussing self or mutually identify ed issues

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