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Study Case #1

Economics of Health Care Systems

Evaluation for this activity
Economics of Health Care Systems

• According to the syllabus, this activity represents 20% of the course evaluation.
• At the end of the course, the total number of study case activities will be divided
into that 20%, so in that sense, every activity will have the same percentage.
• You can earn extra credits on these activities.
• Remember that you can select one of the topics approached in these activities, as
the main topic for your Research Project.
Grade Rubric
Economics of Health Care Systems

Every student will be evaluated using the following criteria:

• Use of economics theoretical framework studied in previous classes.

• Equity in the group participation.
• Creativity.
• Use of additional information.
Study Case #1
Preventative Care vs Curative Care
• There are two organizations working to improve Costa Rican people health in the next twenty years.
One group is working on preventative care and the other one is working on curative care. An
international investor is willing to give $1 million to just one of the organizations.

• Using the assumptions and theoretical framework of the neoclassical economics, both groups will
have to convince the investor to choose them in order to get the money.

• Once every group had presented their argumentation, you will have some time to formulate three
crucial questions for the opponent. Be creative and strategic deciding the question and formulating
the answer. Every student must answer one of the three questions.
• At the end of the activity the opponent group will choose one of the student -in less than 2 minutes-
give the final words to convince the investor.

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