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Computer Worksheet – 2022 – 23

Std: 2 Subject: Computer

Theory Course [40 Marks]

(1) Ch- 1 Computer – A Smart Machine

(2) Ch-2 Uses of Computers

(3) Ch-3 Operating A Computer

(4) Ch-4 How computer works?

(5) Ch-5 Using Mouse and a Keyboard

(6) Ch-6 Typing in Wordpad

(7) Ch-7 More on Paint

(8) Ch-8 More on Tux Paint

Practical Course [40 Marks] + Internal Marks [20]

1) Wordpad – (1) Typing A to Z.

(2) Typing 5 lines on given topic with formatting given below
( Bold , Italic, Underline , Font color, highlight text )
2) Ms Paint – Draw & colour House or Boat.
3) Tux Paint - Draw one shape (Square or Circle) and Do effect – Grass ,
Flower , Rainbow.
Paper Style :

Q-1 Fill in the blanks. [10]

Q-2 True or False. [10]

Q-3 Missing letters. (From Hardwords given in Worksheet) [5]
Q-4 MCQ’s( Multiple Choice Questions). [15]

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Ch-1 Computer – A Smart Machine
(1) Efficient (2) Decision
(3) Mistakes (4) Lap
(5) Battery (6) Touch screen
(7) Robots (8) Weather forecasting
(9) Aircraft (10) Rocket science
(11) Instructions

Q.1 Fill in the blanks

(1) Computer works on electricity .

(2) Computers cannot get tired or bored.
(3) Desktop computer is a computer which is kept on a desk.
(4) Laptop is a small computer which can fit in our lap.
(5) Tablet is smaller than a laptop.
(6) Smart phone is a mobile phone with the features of a computer.
(7) Super computer are very powerful computers designed to solve complex
Q.2 True or false
(1) Computer needs instructions to work . True
(2) A laptop is lighter than a desktop. True
(3) Desktop computer can be moved easily. False
(4) The first laptop was introduced in 1982. True
(5) Computers are of different types and various sizes. True
Q.3 M.C.Q’s
(1) Computers cannot take __________ on their own.
(a) electric (b) decisions (c) brain
(2) _________ computer is carried easily from one place to another.
(a) desktop (b) Super computer (c) Laptop
(3) ______ are carried in pocket.
(b) Machine (b) Smart phone (c) letter
(4) _______ smart machine designed to help humans.
(a) Robot (b) Touch screen (c) picture

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(5) A screen which can be operated using fingertips.
(a) Touch screen (b) Robots (c) game
Ch - 2 Uses of Computers
(1) Listening (2) Searching
(3) Reservation (4) Information
(5) Internet (6) Scientific
(7) Presentation (8) Employee
(9) Customer (10) Satellite

Q-1 Fill in the blanks

(1) Computer can be used for designing robots.
(2) We can use computers to send and receive e-mail.
(3) Computers are used for printing bills in shops.
(4) In School, computer is used for preparing test papers, worksheet and result.
(5) In hospitals, computer is used to maintain records of patients.
Q-2 True or false
(1) Computer is used in school for teaching. True
(2) In banks computers are used for detect disease. False
(3) In shopping mall computers are used for preparing bills. True
(4) Computers are used for weather forecasting. True
(5) In airports and railway stations computers are used for
reservation tickets. True
Q-3 M.C.Q’s
(1) Which of the following things can be done by computer at home?
(a) Online shopping (b) playing games (c) Both (a) & (b)
(2) Which of these cannot be done on a computer?
(a) Sending email (b) Booking tickets (c) C o o k i n g
(3) The first ever electronic tickets booking started in _______ year.
(a) 1970 (b) 1994 (c) 1 9 5 0
(4) Computer is used in hospitals to find the cause of _______ .
(a) disease (b) food (c) Reservation
(5) In ________computers are used for recording fingerprints of suspects.
(a) Police station (b) school (c) Airport
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Ch - 3 Operating A Computer

(1) Switching (2) Operating

(3) Power (4) Icons
(5) Monitor (6) Minimize
(7) Restore (8) Maximize
(9) Booting (10) Buttons

Q-1 Fill in the blanks

(1) Small pictures on the desktop are known as icons.
(2) After switching computer the first screen appears is called desktop.
(3) While using computer, we blink 7 times a minute.
(4) There are 3 Control buttons.
(5) Title bar is display the name of the program or drawing.

Q-2 True or false

(1) Start button opens a start menu . True
(2) After finished work on computer, we can shut down the computer. True
(3) Small picture on desktop is called desktop. False
(4) To minimize the window is used to close button. False

Q-3 M.C.Q’s
(1) Which bar displays the name of the program?
(a) start (b) Title bar (c) formatting
(2) Which of these have the shutdown option?
(a) desktop (b) Accessories (c) Start menu
(3) ______ button are used to maximize window.
(a) Maximize (b) Minimize (c) Close
(4) _______ process of staring a computer and making it ready for use.
(a) Booting (b) Start (c) picture
(5) _____ button is used to close the window.
(a) mini (b) Close (c) maximize

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Ch- 4 How Computer Works?
(1) Function (2) instructions
(3) Input (4) Process
(5) Output (6) calculate
(7) device (8) Printer
(9) Speaker (10) Central

Q-1 Fill in the blanks

(1) Input is an instruction given to the computer..
(2) Printer is a/an output device.
(3) CPU is the processing device of a computer..
(4) Computer needs instructions to work.
(5) The result of processing is Output.
(6) CPU is the brain of the computer.
Q-2 True or false

(1) Processing device works on input. True

(2) A keyboard is output device. False

(3) P in IPO stands for Process. True

(4) Changing input into output is known as Calculating. False

Q-3 M.C.Q’s

(1) A computer works in ________ steps.

(a) two (b) three (c) Four

(2)Which of the following is an input device?

(a) Monitor (b) Printer (c) Mouse

(3) The full form of IPO is __________

(a) Input Paint Output (b) Input Process Output

(c) Inside Process Output

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(4) Speakers are _________ device.

(a) Output (b) Input (c) Both

(5) CPU stands for __________

(a) Central Processing Unit

(b) Calculate Processing Unit

(c) Central Planning Unit

Ch- 5 Using A Mouse and A Keyboard

(1) Optical (8) Caps Lock Key

(2) Wireless (9) Drag

(3) Clicking (10) Scroll

(4) Cordless mouse (11) Spacebar key

(5) Laser light (12) Arrow keys

(6) Alphabet keys (13) Backspace

(7) Double click (14) Delete Key

(15) Shift key

Q-1 Fill in the blanks.

(1) A Mouse is an Input device.

(2) A Wireless mouse connects to the computer without a wire.

(3) Double click is used to open programs, files and folders on a computer.

(4) Enter key is used to move the cursor to the beginning of the next line.

(5) Backspace is used to delete characters to the left of the cursor.

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Q-2 True of False.

(1) Gaming mouse is generally used to play games. True

(2) A wireless mouse is known as cordless mouse. True

(3) Tab key is used to move page up and down. False

(4) There are six cursor control keys on keyboard. False

(5) Esc key is used to close a menu or a dialog box. True

Q-3 MCQ’s.

(1) ____ key is used to type text in upper case.

(a) Enter (b) Caps Lock (c) Tab

(2) Which key is the longest key on keyboard?

(a) Space bar (b) Alphabet (c) Delete

(3) Which key is used along with number key to type symbols?

(a) Space bar (b) Shift key (c) Esc key

(4) ____ key is used to moves the cursor to the right by many spaces.

(a) Tab (b) Alphabet (c) Backspace

(5) When we move up and down a page on the monitor, it is called ____.

(a) Double click (b) Scrolling (c) Single click

Ch- 6 Typing in Wordpad
(1) Software (2) Cursor
(3) ribbon (4) White space
(5) Font (6) highlighted
(7) underline (8) slanted
(9) Wordpad (10) editing

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Q-1 Fill in the blanks.
(1) Word pad is an application software that helps us to type, edit and format text.
(2) Text area is the large white space where we type text.
(3) The ribbon is divided into tabs and group.
(4) Enter key is used to start a new line.
(5) To close the wordpad, click on button.

Q-2 True of False.

(1) It is not possible to change the colour of the font. False
(2) Ctrl + B is used to type underline the selected text. False
(3) Number keys are used to type numbers. True
(4) Spacebar is used to delete characters. False
Q-3 MCQ’s.
(1) _________ is a simple program which helps us to type text.
(a) Wordpad (c) Space bar (c) close
(2) ________bar is used to displays the name of program or document.
(a) Ribbon (b) Title bar (c) Status bar
(3) Which key is used to type the text slanted.
(a) Ctrl + B (b) Ctrl+ I (c) Ctrl + U
(4) Which of these is the small blinking line on the text area?
(a) Font (b) Ribbon (c) Cursor
(5) Which key is used to erase the characters?
(a) Backspace (b) Spacebar (c) Enter

Ch- 7 More On Paint

(1) Air brush (2) groups
(3) Commands (4) thickness
(5) picker (6) comment
(7) rectangular (8) Free form select
(9) hold (10) magnifier

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Q-1 Fill in the blanks.

(1) Air brush tool is used to spray different colours on our drawing.

(2) Magnifier tool is used to zoom in and zoom out of the picture.

(3) Callout shapes is used to write a comment in box.

(4) Text tool is used to type text in the picture.

(5) Free from selection is used to select the drawing in free form.

Q-2 True or False.

(1) Fill tool is used to type text in box. False

(2) Rectangular selection is used to select drawing in free form. False

(3) The color picker tool is used to pick color. True

(4) Brushes are available in different group. True

(5) You can not select an image in paint. False

Q-3 MCQ’s.

(1) Which tool is used to make a drawing look bigger?

(a) Text (b) Magnifier (c) pencil

(2) After finish our work, we can ______ the paint program.

(a) Air brush (b) Close (c) open

(3) Which of the following is not a tool in paint?

(a) Magnifier (b) Pencil (c) pen

(4) There are ____ types of callout shapes.

(a) 5 (b) 3 (c) 10

(5) ______ tool works like a sprayer.

(a) Airbrush (b) pencil (c) Magnifier

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Ch- 8 More On Tux Paint

(1) Selector (2) Drawing Canvas

(3) Tool box (4) Remove

(5) Save (6) Open

(7) Stamp tool (8) Lines tool

(9) Quit (10) appear

Q-1 Fill in the blanks.

(1) Magic tool is used to give special effects to our drawing.

(2) Tux Paint is an easy and enjoyable painting program.

(3) We can save our drawing before closing the Tux paint program ,click on Save


(4) Text tool is used to add text and start typing.

(5) Eraser tool is used to remove unwanted part of the picture.

Q-2 True or False.

(1) Eraser tool is used to exit Tux paint window. False

(2) We can not save a drawing in Tux Paint. False

(3) Magic tool is used to fill color. False

(4) We can not use the brushes in Tux Paint. False

(5) You can double click on the Tux Paint icon to open Tux paint Window. True

Q-3 MCQ’S.

(1) The _____ tool is used to give special effects to our drawing.

(a) Pen (b) Magic (c) Eraser

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(2) Which is the short cut of Save command?

(a) Ctrl + C (b) Ctrl + M (c) Ctrl + S

(3) ______ to leave a place or stop doing something in Tux paint.

(a) Fill color (b) Quit (c) Open

(4) ________ provide options with wide range of colours.

(a) Color palette (b) Text tool (c) Eraser

(5) In Tux paint the white space area is called _______.

(a) Drawing Canvas (b) Magic tool (c) Help area


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