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4 A Zadanie 1. (0-5 pkt.) Q Ustyszysz dwukrotnie pigé tekstéw. W zadaniach 1-5, na podstawie informac|i zawartych w nagraniu, z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz wiasciwg. Zakresllitere A, B albo C. 1. What type of film does Jim prefer watching? 4 The boy and girl are talking about A. an exam schedule. B a lost item. CC borrowing a book. 5 The woman is calling Cindy to A ask her for advice B suggest places for her. inform her of his travel plans. 1 Zadanie 2. (0-4 pkt.) () Ustyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi na temat zaje¢ pozalekcyjnych. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu dopasuj do kadej wypowiedzi (1-4) odpowiadajace jej zdanie (A-E). Wpisz rozwigzania do tabel. Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostalo podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do iadnej wypowiedzi. ‘A My club taught me an important skil B_ My friends encouraged me to sign up for my activity. CC Thave made a lot of friends in my club, D hope to develop new skills in my club. E This activity is a great break from studying | ee ic eaten C3: Zadanie 3. (0-4 pkt.) ) Ustyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedé przewodnika po oceanarium. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu uzupetnijluki 1-4 w poniszej notatce. Luki naledy uzupetni¢ w jezyku angielskim, FACT FILE THE BLACK SEA DEVIL HABITAT: Deep tropical ocean waters between 1,000 and 1) . DESCRIPTION: Large open mouth with 2) Long antenna with a small light ontop ofits head metres Females ate 3) than males, FOOD: Small marine creatures They ate slow 4) can't catch other fish so they use ‘their ight to atract food, IZNAJIOMOSC FUNKCII JEZYKOWYCH Zadanie 4. (0-4 pkt.) © Uslyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi (1~4). Do kaidej z nich dobierz wlasciwg reakcje (A-E).. Wpisz rozwiazania do tabeli. Uwagal Jedna reakcja zostala podana dodatkowo i nie pasuje do zadne| wypowiedzi. ‘A One moment please. Let me have a look. B It’s over here. Please follow me © That one is perfect for you. D I'm sorry. I'm afraid | can’t do that. E_ Yes, of course. Ill get her. 10 Zadanie 5. (0-4 pkt.) Dia kazdej z opisanych sytuacji (1-4) wybierz wlasciwg reakcje, Zakresi litere A, B albo C. 1. Tw6j prayaciel jest chony Jak bedziesz tyczyé mu powrotu do zdrowia? ‘A Many happy returns! B_ Get well soon! C Allis well! 2. Jestes w punkcie informagji turystycznej i chcesz poznaé wigce| szczegétow dotyczacych wycieczki po miescie. Co powiesz? ‘A. What is included in the tour? B Is this tour available? C How about this city tour? 3. Kolezanka zaprasza Cie na przyjecie. Jak poprosisz o wskaz6wki, Zeby dotrze¢ do je) domu? ‘A. Where are you from? B What is your house like? C_ How do I get to your house? 4 Kolega chce poiyczyé laptop, ktérego wlasnie uzywasz. Co powiesz? A No, that’s not possible. B ike using it Sorry, but Ir using it. Zadanie 6. (0-3 pkt.) Uzupetnij dialog, Wpisz w kaa luke (1-3) brakujacy fragment wypowiedzi, tak aby otrzyma€ spéjny i logicany tekst. Luki nalezy uzupetni¢ w jezyku angielskim, Hey Kevin. 1) Just reading. Why? How about coming to play basketball with Tim and me at the school? I'd like to, but 1 2) Jack at his house in half an hour. (Oh. Where does he live? A.couple of streets down from here, Why 3) him to join us? Good idea! OZUMIENIE TEKSTOW PISANYCH Zadanie 7. (0-4 pkt.) Przeczytaj teksty. W zadaniach 1-4 z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz wiaéciwa, 2godna z trescia tekstow. Zakres| literg A, Balbo C. The Greenfield Runners Club fist annual 3k run and ‘BBQ Saturday June 12th at 2pm in Marydale Park. ‘All proceeds will be donated to the Marydale Children's Hospital. Come get some exercise and enjoy a tasty BBQ! Non-members are welcome. Come check us out! First Time at Our School! The Theatre Cubs honoured to hos the famous director Mr Peter Lancaster ora talkon developments nthe that ats. ‘Tuesday, March 9 at 7:30 pm Calder Auditorium (pen to members any Membership applications are available at our weekly ‘meetings on Saturdays. Both texts are about A anew club, @ ti seanniet Greetings from Havail Im having a wonderful tine here. m staying on a beach on the Island of Maui. Its so beautiful here! Today, | tried scuba diving ‘and it was incredtble! The fish and sea life here are ‘amazing. Tomorrow, | am going cif civingl Tm taking ots of pictures, too. See you soon! Jule This text is A anote B ablog Subject: BAD NEWS Nora, B a special event. C a postcard. © new memberships. | need your help! | lost my wallet at the library and | haven't got any money. Can you come get me? Please call me right away! The person is texting to A ask fora lft from the library. B_ borrow some money right away. © get help finding his/her wallet. ‘You won't believe what happened to me this morning, Someone broke into my cat! The window was broken and my GPS was gone! | had my laptop under the back seat so | uess the buralar didnt see it. 2 shopping bags that were on the front seat are aso missing along with my CDs. | called the police and they came and took report. | think I get a car alarm What do you think? Max The burglar didn’t steal A his laptop. B his shopping bags, C his cbs. 1 12 Zadanie 8. (0-4 pkt.) Praeczytaj tekst, z ktérego usunigto cztery zdania. Wpisz w kazda luke (1-4) litere, ktérq oznaczono brakujgce zdanie (A-£), tak aby otrzyma¢ logiczny i spéjny tekst. Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostalo podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do Zadnej luki. The Island Life ‘Imagine living on your own private island far away from any town or city: [1 |__| Catherine King and Wayne Adams. always wanted to live cose to nature, but wiven they couldn't afford to buy land they decided to make their own island! [2 |_| The island is 2,000 square metres of gardens and buildings and is located just of the west coast of ‘Vancouver Wand, Canada. There is a main house, a lighthouse and even a dancefloor - all made from recycled ‘materials. Over the years, Catherine and Wayne have also built four greenhouses.[ 3| | They have no refrigerator or {reezer, so they only eat fresh food, and collect fresh water from a nearby waterfall on the coast. Wayne uses a canoe {or daily fishing around the island. -4 |_| Both Wayne and Catherine try to lve in a way that they can enjoy nature and protect the environment atthe same time. They are happy just floating along on thet very special island, $e eet ee Os ‘A It's called Freedom Cove and is made from dozens of floating wood platforms. B_ Here they grow all the food they need all year round CC Freedom Cove's creators, Catherine King and Wayne Adam, say its ike no other island. D_ But when he's feeling tired, he can also catch fish from a hole in his living room floor! E One couple is doing exactly that. Zadanie 9. (0-3 pkt.) Przeczytaj tekst. Odpowiedz na pytania 1-3 zgodnie z trescia tekstu. Uzupetnij zdania, wpisujac swoje codpowiedzi w luki. Luki nalegy uzupelnié w jezyku angielski. THE GIFT “Julia is a rather stubborn child” said Mr Banks. Julia could hear everyting Mr Banks the headmaster was teling her mother, as she sat just outside hs office. Once again, she had been caught daydreaming in cass. Suddenly, the door opened and Julia shot up from her char, Her mother, with an annoyed fook on her face, marched right past her. ‘When theyretured home, ila's mather didn’t speak to her forthe rest ofthe aftemoon, Julia knew she was in big trouble. She couldn'tstop thinking about how angry her mather looked and how she was going to punish her. ‘At bed time, Julia walked into her room and suddenly stopped. On herbed was a god box wrapped ina pink ribbon. She quickiy ran over to it and picked it up. “Aren't you going to open it” her mothers voce came from behind. Julia stared at her fora ‘moment and then pulled atthe ribbon Inside was a gold book with the name Julia printed onthe cover. “It’s for you, so you can write down all those wonderful stories that you dream up. But you have to promise not to daydream in clas, only in your free time,” her mater told her Julia nodded in agreement and hugged her mother. This was the bes it she had ever been given 1 Why was Julia's mother in the headmaster's office? Julia's mother was in the headmaster’ office because 2. What did Julia think her mother would do? Julia thought her mother 3 Why did Julia's mother give her a gold book? Julia's mother gave her a gold book so she 1 Zadanie 10. (0-4 pkt.) Przeceytaj tekst. Uzupenij w e-mailu luki 1-4 zgodnie z trescig tekstu. Luki nalezy uzupetnié w jezyku polskim, DIRECTOR: James Mords Playwright: Clemens Jord it's Novernber and winter is approaching the small Scottish town of Bathgate. In the house of Claris Mills, an unknown ‘man is found dead, Police Inspector Alban Nels is called to the scene. Who is this man? How did he end up in Claris’ house? And most importantly, who murdered him? Inspector Nels must learn exactly who is playing a dangerous game in this mysterious small town. Director James Mords takes the exciting plot of playwright Jord and creates a wonderful performance that will entertain the audience right to the final act. Friends of the theatre, don't miss it! Od: XYZ Do: Karol ‘Temat: Praedstawienie Czesé Karolu, podezas naszego ostatniego spotkania prosites, zeby Ci poleci¢jakies ciekawe przedstawienie teatralne. Zalgczam zaleziona w internecie recenzje sztuki z Crighton Theatre. Nosi ona tytul A Dangerous Game, ‘a wyrezyserowal ja James Mords. Akcja rozgrywa sig w malym 1) .. - W domu pewne| kobiety zamordowano nieznanego mezczyzne, Inspektor Alban Nels zostaje wezwany 2). tej tajernnicze} zorodni. Szeuke napisat Clemens Jord, Wedlug recenzenta reiyser Mords wykorzysta crue Te sztukl Jorda do stworzenia znakomitego przedstawienia. Autor recenzii twierdai ‘te publicznose bedzie sie dobrze bawié do ostatniego 4) senenenes « CO Myslsz © tym przedstawieniu? Mote sig razem na nie wybierzemy? Mam rezerwowat bilety? XYZ ZNAIOMOSC SRODKOW JEZYKOWYC! Zadanie 11. (0-4 pkt.) Praecrytaj tekst. Wybierz poprawne uzupetnienie luk 1~4, Zakredllitere A, Balbo C. | Energy from Rubbish? | 2 ilion tons of rubbish are dumped in landfils each year. Sweden, however, has found a way to turn their rubbish into | energy by burning it 1)... make electricity, About haf of Sweden's rubbish is recycled, while the other half is bumed. The burning trash produces steam 2)... tums a turbine to make electricity. The waste management programme has been 4)... successful that only 19 of Sweden's rubbish now ends up in landfils. Sweden is quickly becoming a zero-waste | ation and many other countries are interested in 4)... a similar programme, too. | 1 A sothat B inorder to C for 2A which B who C whose 3A too B so C very 4A start B tostart C starting 13 14 1 Zadanie 12. (0-3 pkt.) Przeczytaj tekst. Sposréd wyrazéw podanych w ramce wybierz te, ktére poprawnie uzupelniaig luki 1-3. Wpisz odpowiednia litere (A-F) obok numeru kazdej luki, Uwaga! Trzy wyrazy zostaly podane dodatkowo i nie pasuja do zadnej luki, ; if “C anested E ted D police officers F kept An Impressive Jump On 1st April, 1972, afew members ofthe Oxford Unversity Dangerous Sport Cub jumped off a 70 m bridge in England with nothing but avery long cord 1)... to their ankles. News quickly ‘spread ofthe jumps and the jumpers were 2)... by police and putin ail. After being released, they continued to jump oft high spots lke the Golden Gate Bridge. Meny 3)... came to watch the jumps and soon a worldwide sport was born. We now knaw that sport 2s Bungee Jumping! Zadanie 13. (0-4 pkt.) Uzupelnij zdania 1-4. Wykorzystaj w odpowiedniej formie wyrazy podane w nawiasach. Nie naleay zmieniaé kolejnosci podanych wyraz6w, trzeba natomiast — jeli jest to konieczne - dodaé inne wyrazy, tak aby otrzyma¢ zdania logiczne i gramatycznie poprawme. Wymagana jest pelna poprawnosé ‘ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentow. Uwaga! W kazdg luke mozesz wpisaé maksymalnie tray wyrazy, wliczajgc w to wyrazy juz podane. 1. She (48k M) corr sen esnnnnnens iked the food. 21am still waiting because my train (nov/arrive) Se eaatit tian yet 3 Iwould like (you/make) a dessert for the party, please 4 look forward (meet/you) sos scarcer COTY ITWORZENIE WYPOWIEDZI PISEMNE) Zadanie 14. (0-10 pkt.) Planujesz wyjazd na tygodniowy obéz sportowy podczas najblizszych wakacji W e-mailu do kolegi z Angl + wyjasnij, jak dowiedziales /-aé sig 0 obozie, + przedstaw oferte obozu, + napisz, dlaczego chcesz, aby kolega wybrat sig tam z Toba. Nopisz swojg wypowied# w jezyku angielskim. Podpisz sie jako XYZ. Rozwif swojg wypowiedz w kazdym z trzech podpunktow, tak aby osoba nieznajgca polecenia w jezyku polskim uzyskata wszystkie wskazane w nim informacje. Pamigta Ze dtugose wypowiedzi powinna wynosi¢ od 50 do 120 st6w (nie licege wyrazéw podanych na poczgtku wypowiedzi). Oceniane sg: umiejetnos¢ pelnego przekazania informag, spéjnose, bogactwo jezykowe oraz poprawnos¢ jezykowa. To: Gordon. Subject: Summer Camo Guess what? | found a great sports camp to go to this summer! 15 2 Zadanie 1. (0-5 pkt.) (D Ustyszysz dwukrotnie pig¢ tekstow. W zadaniach 1-5, na podstawie informacji zawartych ‘w nagraniu, z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz wlasciwg. Zakres!litere A, B albo C. 1 How much is a ticket to enter the museum? ® 10£ © 12£ 2 Where did the woman stay? The speakers are talking about A their favourite foods. making a traditional dish 5 The man wants to A. inform visitors about the attractions. B 16 C_ warn visitors against theft, B changing eating habits. ask visitors to leave the park. Zadanie 2. (0-4 pkt.) @ Ustyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi oséb uczestniczacych w przedstawieniu. Na podstawie informagi zawartych w nagraniu dopasuj do kazdej wypowiedzi (1-4) odpowiadajacejej zdanie (A-E). Wpisz rozwigzania do tabeli. Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostalo podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do Zadnej wypowiedzi, This speaker A. did many rehearsals for the show. B played an important role in the show. C gota different role in the show than expected D worked very hard during rehearsals. E worked backstage on the show. ee Tee 3 4 I fey Zadanie 3. (0-4 pkt.) (2) Ustyszysz dwukrotnie rady dotyczace uczenia sig jezyka obcego. Na podstawie informacji zawartych ‘w nagraniu odpowiedz krétko na pytania 1-4. Na pytania nalezy odpowiedzie¢ w jezyku angielskim. 1. What should you do before learning a language? 2. When should you start speaking the language? 3. What will you lear from when speaking? 4 What should you always have with you when leaming a language? ZNAJOMOSC FUNKC]I JEZYK Zadanie 4. (0-4 pkt.) Q Ustyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi (1-4). Do kaidej z nich dobierz wlasciw reakcje (A-£). Wpisz rozwigzania do tabeli, Uwaga! Jedna reakcja zostala podana dodatkowo i nie pasuje do dadnej wypowiedzi. A. Not yet. But I'm excited to see it B Sounds great! Let’s go. The Garneau Theatre, | think D Anything but a comedy. E_It'snext to the shopping centre. 7 18 Zadanie 5. (0-4 pkt.) Dia katdej z opisanych sytuacii (1-4) wybierz wlasciwg reakcje. Zakresllitere A, B albo C. 1. Nie mozesz znalezé swojego plecaka. Jakie pytanie zadasz stojacemu obok Ciebie koledze? ‘A Have you found my bag? B_ Have you seen my bag? C Where did you find my bag? 2. Praygotowujesz obiad, a Twoja prayjaciéka proponuje, ze zrobi salatke. Co powiesz? A I'd like a salad, please? B Could |help you? © No, thanks. I can doit 3 Kolega wyjezdza na wycieczke. Przypomnij mu o zabraniu paszportu. ‘A Don't forget your passport! B Do you have a passport? € Can! see your passport? 4. Recepejonistka z praychodni dzwoni, zeby przypomniet Ci o wizycie u lekarza. Co odpowiesz? A Can make my next appointment, please? B Il be there next Tuesday. CC That sounds like a great idea. Zadanie 6. (0-3 pkt.) Uzupetnij cialogi 1-3. Wpisz w kazda luke brakujacy fragment wypowiedzi, tak aby otrzyma€ spéjne i logicane teksty. Luki naledy uzupeini¢ w jgzyku angielskim. 1X: How about playing tennis this afternoon? ¥: Ihave piano lessons this afternoon. x: Could the bus stop is, please? Y: It's just around the corner. x ¥: sim, 2 Lam a teacher ES Reece aa Wien) Zadanie 7. (0-4 pkt.) Przeczytaj tekst, z ktérego usunigto cztery zdania, Wpisz w kazda luke (1-4) litere, ktérq oznaczono brakujace zdanie (A-£), tak aby otrzymac logiczny i spéjny tekst. Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostalo podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do Zadnej luki. Life is good (even without the Internet) Hello readers! I'm finally back after a month without the Internet. | know it sounds crazy but there was a reason why | wanted to try this. 1) ‘And actually, the results were quite fascinating. Here’s what | did: for a whole month I didn’t go online at al. 2)... That meant I could sent text messages and make calls, so | wasn’t giving up technology altogether. Despite that, it was a lot harder than | had expected it to be. The first few days were the hardest. | felt alone and a bit lost because | couldn't follow what was going on with my friends by reading their social media pages. To tell you the truth, this made me feel really anxious. On these days | was constantly checking my phone. | checked it a lot more than usual, actually. 3)... t was very strange. AAs time passed, things got easier and | started to do other activites. 4) w1. | Was definitely more organised about my free time, which was a good change. This experience has helped me to understand that | don’t want to live without the Internet but at the same time, | don't want to live only on the Internet, either! Gare Twould pick it up without thinking | read, played tennis and arranged to see friends more often, There were so many reasons for not using the Internet, I did it as a psychological experiment. However, I did use my mobile phon 19 20 2 Zadanie 8. (0-4 pkt.) Praeczytaj teksty na temat trzech niezwyklych szkét (A-C) oraz zdania 1-4. Do kaédego zdania dopasuj ‘wlasciwy tekst. Wpisz rozwigzania do tabeli. Uwagal Jeden tekst pasuje do dwéch zdan. Opis Brookiyn Free School in New York students play a special role in learning, They create their own timetable and decide on the subjects, skills and learning tools they want to learn and use. Students are in charge of their learning while teachers are there to assist when asked. Students are free to learn in groups or individually with high-tech learning tools. It may look more like an office than a school with all its work stations, but the Carpe Diem School in Arizona believes every student is different. Students work at their own private work stations that have a ‘computer. Teachers move about the classroom checking in on each student as they work at their own speed, taking as much time on each subject or skill as they need It looks like one huge classroom at Orestad School in Denmark. Students leam in a large open glass building where they move from one space to another. There are circular areas with sofas and soft chairs where they can sit alone or in groups to really think and apply their knowledge in new ways. Teachers uide students as they design and think of new ideas as well as new solutions to problems. In this school {teachers help students only when needed, students develop strong creative thinking skills Teamning spaces are for individual students only. students choose what and how they lear =] @]<]=1 Zadanie 9. (0-4 pkt.) Praeczytaj tekst. Uzupetni This Holiday is for the DOGS! Welcome to Pawton Resort! We offer you and your furry friend the perfect holiday in the Comnwall countryside. Ten acres of beautiful trails and gardens make the perfect spot for you and your dog to relax. Our services include: * A.welcome pack with treats at check-in for our four-legged friends * Luxury pool and dog-beach for swimming and playing * A spa for human guests with special treatments such as haircuts and manicures * Delicious meals served daily at 3 different restaurants, Come any day to tour aur beautiful facilities and meet our experienced staff, aways at your pet's service ij luki w zdaniach 1-4 zgodnie z trescig tekstu. Luki naledy uzupetni¢ w jezyku angie!skim, The resort is located in the in Cornwall Dog quests receive a Guests can visit the hotel for Pets are cated for by BUNS Zadanie 10. (0-3 pkt.) 2 Praeczytaj teksty A iB. Uzupelnij luki 1-3 w e-mailu do Toma zgodnie z trescia tekstow. Luki nalezy uzupetnié w jezyku angielski. Monica, I try to answer your question about what camera your friend should buy for his photography lessons. in. my opinion it would be best for him to choose a used camera at this time. Not only would it be much cheaper, but he (G) — Seonstmecameracom | STILOC FX360 Camera 350 50 mm lens ‘would also be able to make a better choice after he has, taken the lessons. This is because the photography lessons will tach him how to use a camera, so he will know better what type of new camera he wants later ‘ter all, everyone likes different things. | hope that helps. Call me if you have any other questions. Stacy DIGO 1930 Camera 350£ 18-135 mm zoom lens To: Subject: CAMERA HiTom! ust got a message fiom my photographer friend Stacy about buying a camera for your photogranhy lessons. She advises that you buy a 1). -vnen CameTE instead Of a new one. They are obviously less expensive but mote importantly, you will learn howto use 8 camera in your lessons and then you will have 3 2) idea of what you want when yau buy a new camera. have attached a link below that shows 2 cameras forsale. They are both the 3)... v= but the second one has @ zoom lens. Have @ look Lets talk soon, Monica IZNAJOMOSC SRODKOW JEZYK Waren) Zadanie 11. (0-3 pkt.) Przeczytaj tekst. Sposréd wyraz6w podanych w ramce wybierz te, ktére poprawnie uzupeiniaia luki 1-3. ‘Wpisz odpowiednia litere (A-F) obok numeru kaidej luki. Uwaga! Trzy wyrazy zostaly podane dodatkowo i nie pasujg do zadnej luki. A learn C 90 E freezing BE dosed study F chilly A COLD CAREER ‘Are you interested in nature? Do you like animals? Don't mind 1)... cold temperatures? Then consider a career as a ‘scientist who researches polar bears, These scientists live in the Arctic so they can 2)..... polar bears in their natural habitat. They collect information on polar bear behaviour and 3)... experiments on the Arctic ce in arder to help protect the bears and teach others about these great creatures of the North! 21 22 2 Zadanie 12. (0-4 pkt.) Praeczytaj opis ilustrali. Uzupetnij kazdg luke (1~4) jednym wyrazem, tak aby powstal spéiny i logicany tekst zgodny z ilustracjg. Wymagana jest pelna poprawnos¢ ortograficzna i gramatyczna wpisywanych wyrazbw. This photo was taken in a 1) We can see a group of students working together at a table. There are bookshelves 2)... them. There are two boys sitting at table and two girls standing next to the table. On the table there is a 3) They are probably working on a group project for school. They are all 4) at the screen and talking. LOI pl OI a ln peta PO AIO gat Pm Zadanie 13. (0-4 pkt.) Wykorzystujac wyrazy podane drukewanymi literami, uzupetnij kazde 2danie z luka, tak aby zachowaé sens zdania wyjsciowego (1-4). WWymagana jest petna poprawnosé ortograficzna i gramatyczna ‘wpisywanych fragmentw zdan, Uwaga! Nie zmienial formy podanych wyrazéw. W kaids luke mozesz ‘wpisaé maksymalnie trzy wyrazy, wliczajac w to wyraz juz podany. 1. The festival will be in the park on Saturday. PLACE The festival will .. in the park on Saturday. 2 Aman wearing a mask grabbed her purse. STOLEN Her purse nn. zl ‘a man wearing a mask. 3 Thisis her first time singing in front of an audience. NEVER She a : in front of an audience before. 4. The dress didn’t cost as much as the shoes THAN — The dress cost the shoes. TWORZENIE WYPOWIEDZI PISEMNEJ Zadanie 14, (0-10 pkt.) Odwiedzites/-as niedawno ciekawe miejsce w Twoje] miejscowosci. Podziel sig swoimi wrazeniami na blogu. + Wyjaénij, jak dotartes/-as na miejsce. + Opisz, co tam robles /-as. + Napisz, dlaczego warto odwiedzié to miejsce. Nopisz swoja wypowieds w jezyku angielskim. Podpisz sie jako XYZ. Roxwiti swojg wypowiedé w kazdym z trzech podpunkt6w, tak aby osoba nieznajgca polecenia w jezyku potskim tuzyskata wszystkie wskazane w nim informacje. Pamigta, Ze dtugose wypowiedzi powinna wynosi¢ od 50 do 120 stow (nie iczge wyraz6w podanych na poczatku wypowiedzi). Oceniane sq: umiejetnos¢ pelnego przekazania informa, spéjnose, bogactwo jezykowe oraz poprawnose jezykowa. An Incredible Place! Hi Everyone! | am really excited to tell you about where | just returned from, 23 3 Zadanie 1. (0-5 pkt.) @ Ustyszysz dwukrotnie pigé tekstéw. W zadaniach 1-5, na podstawie informacji zawartych ‘w nagraniu, z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz wlasciwa. Zakres! literg A, Balbo C. 1 Which social problem is not getting better? 2 Which dress is on special offer? @ {e) 3 Where are the speaker 4 The speakers are talking about A aproblem with a gadget B a present for a friend. the best type of camera 5 The teacher is speaking to the students to ‘A. explain some classwork. B remind them of a school event. 24 inform them about the final exam. Zadanie 2. (0-4 pkt.) Uslyszysz _dwukrotie cztery wypowiedzi os6b uczestniczacych w wydarzeniach sportowych. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu dopasuj do kazde wypowiedzi (1-4) odpowiadalace jej zdanie (A-E). Wpisz ronwiazania do tabeli. Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostalo podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do zadnej wypowiedzi. A. My team won a very exciting game B_A player won because of the fans. C I saw my favourite player win the game. D The players felt grateful to their fans. E Fans were angry because the game was unfair. Zadanie 3. (0-4 pkt.) Q) Ustyszysz dwukrotnie wywiad z pilotem wycieczek. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu zupetnij luki 1-4 w ponizsze) notatce. Luki nalezy uzupelni¢é w jezyku angielskim. MOUNT CLARK ADVENTURE TOURS * a variety of jeep tours Up 0.1)... aie * activities include: hiking and canoeing on the lake extra charge to 2). : t : | + each tour includes 3) by the lake | + tours are free for children 4) long IZNAJOMOSC FUNKCII JEZYKOWYCH Zadanie 4. (0-4 pkt.) © Ustyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi (1-4). Do kazdej z nich dobierz wlasciwg reakcje (A-E). Wpisz rozwiqzania do tabeli. Uwaga! Jedna reakcja zostala podana dodatkowo i nie pasuje do zadne] wypowiedzi. A. Not really. | have got a bad headache. B_ No. 'm feeling much better now. Thanks. I'm not sure. About three days ago. D Ihave 2 pain in my left shoulder. E_ Yes. | also have a runny nose, 25. 3 Zadanie 5. (0-4 pkt.) Dia katdej z opisanych sytuacii (1-4) wybierz wlasciwa reakcje. Zakresllitere A, B albo C. 1 Tyi Tw6j kologa wiasnie skoniczyliécie ogladat film. Kolega uwaza, ze film byl Swietny, ale Ty sig z nim nie ‘gadzasz. Co powiesz? A Id rather not. B_ You must be joking! © Don’t mention it. 2 Wsalilekeyjnej znalazted/-aé czyjé zegarek.Jakie pytanie zadasz kolegom i kolezankom z Klasy? As this the watch? B_ Does anyone have a watch? © Whose watch is this? 3. Kolezanka doznata urazu kolana podezas gry w tenisa. Co jej powiesz? ‘A How do you do? B_Ihope you feel better soon. You'll do better next time. 4. Kelner w restauracji pyta, czy smakuje Ci positek. Jak odpowies2? A Yes, thank you! B Yes, please! t's my pleasure! Zadanie 6. (0-3 pkt.) Uzupetnij dialogi 1-3. Wpisz w kazdg luke brakujacy fragment wypowiedzi, tak aby otrzyma¢ spéjne i logicane teksty. Luki naledy uzupeini¢ w jezyku angielskim. How 2) skirt cost? Jean, can! 1) Sure, if you promise to return 15 £, It’s on it when you're finished. special offer. » please? No, thanks. 'm just looking, ROZUMIENIE TEKSTOW PISANYCH Zadanie 7. (0-4 pkt.) Przeczytaj teksty na temat trzech réznych festiwali (A~C) oraz zdania 1-4. Do kaidego zdania dopasuj ‘wasciwy tekst. Wpisz rozwigzania do tabeli. Uwaga! jeden tekst pasuje do dwéch zdari. The Albuquerqul International Balloon Fiesta! Check out the USA's largest hot-air balloon festival with 600 balloons flying over 72 acres of beautiful scenery of New Mexico, ‘+ truly international event with each balloon carrying its country’s flag + the most photographed event in the world ‘© guest rides available in balloons for both Festival Fun! 8 Attention All Divers! ‘+ make your own unique sea instruments to play underwater as you listen to music about the sea ‘+ incredible prizes for the most imaginative sea ‘costumes and instruments ‘+ help us raise money for the protection of sea life kids and adults Treat yourself to a magical experience and an unforgettable sight! 3 Join Us at the Underwater Music Festival this Saturday! e It’s all about the Sea, SO MAKE A SPLASH ‘Special boats with glass bottoms available for rnon-divers and kids to view the concerts Get ready to get WET! |.) THE SONGKRAN WATER FESTIVAL Join us for the Thai New Year celebrations in the city of Chiang Mai and honour our traditional belief that throwing water on someone brings them good luck! Water fun includes: © a giant water playground with machines that spray water the largest water fight ever in the city’s streets and parks At this Festival, the activities are believed to make good things happen. a popular activity is taking photos. the activities support @ good cause. a]e]] =] you can watch the activities without getting wet 27 28 3 Zadanie 8. (0-3 pkt.) Praeczytaj teksty 1 i 2. Wzadaniach 1-3 z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz wlasciwa, zgodna z tresciq tekstow. Zakres litere A, B albo C. ® what are you doing this Saturday and Sunday? Children First needs volunteers for its Christmas Bazaar at Middleton Plaza. Help us sell gift items that were donated by local shops and business. We are looking for volunteers who are available to work 3 or 6 hour shifts. Money that is raised will go to the new playground project at Franklin's Children’s Hospital. Let's do it for the kids! _ABOUT US . Children Fst sa charity that began in 1992. twas tated by four nurses who wanted to do more forthe cdr of their community. Today thas grown into a large organisation that is involved in many actites in the community to improve heath and education for cdsadvantaged chidren CCidren Fist organises events to raise money to support local health agencies that care fr sick children and children with csabits. \We ao acs the government on improvements to heath services for children. But this only one ofthe areas were we ae active (Our volunteers also give their time in our Lets Read Together dass that provides reaing assistance to children who need extra help, We have an after school programme to help out with other educational neds, too. \We would ike to thank our volunteer fora their hard wor; without them our valuable support would not be possible 1 Text 1 was written to 2. Children First raises money for 3 Volunteers can help A promote a charity's work. A. educational needs of children. ‘A teach children to read. B advertise an event. B children with health problems. B work at local hospitals. request help for an event. C government health services. © provide medical assistance Zadanie 9. (0-4 pkt.) Cooke Kas, pamietasenaszqrozmowre na tema dolacrenia do grona wolontaruszy? Udalo msi zale Swen orgarizacie charylatywna, ‘téra zostala zalozona przez 1) Je) celem jest resienie pomocy daieciom w truce sytuac Zalgczam lnk do strony nternetowe}. Moze zrknies2? COrganizacia nazywa sig Chien Fist pode|muje rSzne 2) Zoe fundusze na opieke medycana dla die, promadz zajecia 2 zytania oraz program zajet pozaekcynych, aby zapewni dziecom jak najlepsza edukace. Obecrie Children Fest poszukuje wolontarusey, ktérey w najblaszy weekend beda sprzedawat 3) poriceas jarmarku ‘bozonarodzeniowego. Zdaj sobiesprawe, 2e jest cwartek i zostalo malo czasu, ale mode sie 2glsimy? Byleby wasolo i moéna by poméc deeciakom, bo pienigze zebrane podczasjarmarku zostana paeznaczone na budowe nowego 4) przy septal. Dal znat, cy estes zainteresonana xy Zadanie 10. (0-4 pkt.) Przeczytaj tekst. Odpowiedz na pytania 1~4 zgodnie z treScig tekstu. Uzupelnij zdania, wpisujgc swoje ‘odpowiedzi w luki. Luki nalezy uzupeinié w jezyku angielskim, A Great Idea When Richie Stachowski was 11 years old, he went on holiday with his family to Hawaii. One day, Richie and his dad went swimming in the ocean. They were both wearing masks so that they could see. While underwater, Richie wanted to talk to his dad about the beautiful fish they were seeing, but of course, that was impossible. Later, Richie's dad told him that no one had yet invented a way to talk underwater. Inspired, Richie started researching online and designing. After many experiments, he managed to invent a gadget that allows people to talk to each other underwater from a distance of up to 4.5 metres. It is a simple gadget, made from plastic cones, mouth parts that look like those on a snorkel, and a membrane to keep water out. It took him about a month to build the first one. He called it a ‘water talkie’. But Richie didn’t just make a water talkie, he also sold his idea. He was very successful at this and a major toy company ordered 50,000 of them. Then, Richie started inventing other gadgets and toys and soon he had created his own toy company. His advice to other young inventors: ‘if you think you have a good idea, just go for it!” Ue nin ete ea a 1. Richie got the idea for his invention while with his family in Hawai 2 Richie had to do a lot of before he was able to invent the gadget, 3 People using Richie's gadget can underwater. 4 Richie invented other gadgets after selling his frst invention Tx Mleseninolcoa 244 oakagl Zadanie 11. (0-3 pkt.) Przecrytaj tekst. Sposréd wyrazéw podanych w ramce wybierz te, ktore poprawnie uzupetniaja luki 1-3. Wpisz odpowiednia litere (A-F) obok numeru kaide luki. Uwaga! Trzy wyrazy zostaly podane dodatkowo i nie pasujg do zadnej luki, A real C alive E act B bring D take F go DIGITAL DOGGY ‘Would you like a dog? But don't have time to feed it every day or 1)... itfor awalk. Pethaps it wil bark a lot or leave hair everywhere. There is one dog, though, that won't do any of these things. That's because it’s a robotic dog. Its creators hope animal lovers will 2)... crazy over these adorable electronic creatures. They look and act like 3)... dogs. They can even learn new tricks that you can download from an app. Now how’s that for a smart dog! 29 3 Zadanie 12. (0-4 pkt.) Przeczytaj tekst. Wybierz poprawne uzupetnienie luk 1-4. Zakres! litere A, B albo C Everyone should feel safe in their home. That's not always the case, though, as natural disasters like earthquakes and hurricanes 1) ..... thousands of homes every year. Now, ‘people who live in areas that are often affected by such disasters can choose a new type of home that will Keep them 2)... than traditional housing, Dome homes are round ‘everywhere except for the floor. They are made 3)... a special thin concrete and are affordable to build. These homes are disaster proof 4)... oftheir shape and materials. Don't be surprised to see a dome home in your neighbourhood very soon! 1 A are destroyed B are destroying destroy 2 A safe B safer C safest 3 A by B in C of 4A due B because © account Zadanie 13. (0-4 pkt.) Przetlumacz na jezyk angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach, tak aby otrzyma¢ zdania logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne. Wymagana jest pelna poprawnos¢ ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentow zdah. (Uwaga! W kaida luke mozesz wpisaé maksymalnie trzy wyrazy. 1. This bag (zostaa znaleziona) in the park yesterday afternoon, 2 That was (nojtrudniejszy) v test Ie ever taken! 3 If were you | (2robitbym) we . your homework before dinner 4 That's the table (Ktéry kupifam) sn for my sister TWORZENIE WYPOWIEDZI PISEMNEJ Zadanie 14. (0-10 pkt.) ‘Twé] przyjaciel Sam zaprosit Cie na przyjecie. Masz w tym czasie trening koszykéwki i wrécisz pééno. Napisz do niego wiadomosé, w ktére|: + wylasnisz, dlaczego spéinisz sig na przyjecie, + zapytasz, jak dotrzeé na miejsce, + zaproponujesz, Ze przyniesiesz cos do jedzenia. Napisz swoja wypowiedz w jezyku angielskim, Podpisz sie jako XYZ. Rozwiti svojg mypowieds w kazdym z trzech podpunktéw, tak aby osoba nieznajgca polecenia w jezyku polskim uzyskala wszystkie wskazone w nim informacje, Pamieta, ze dtugas< wypowiedzi powinna wynosié od 50 do 120 sw (nie cage wyrazéw podanych na pocagtku wypowiedzi). Oceniane sg: umiejetnosé petnego przekazaniainformagj, spéjnosé, bogactwo jezykowe oraz poprawnos¢ jezykowa. Hi Sam! |'m really excited about your party! 32 ROZUMIENIE ZE SEUCHU Zadanie 1. (0-3 pkt.) © Ustyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedé uczestnika kursu ceramiki. W zadaniach 1-3, na podstawie informagji zawartych w nagraniu, z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz wiasciwa. Zakresl tere A, B albo C. 1. Adam decided to learn ceramics because ‘A he wanted to work with clay B_ he could do it at home. C he thought it would be easy. 2. In the second class, Adam A. felt tired but happy, B didn’t succeed made his first bowl. 3. Adam wants to ‘A. explain how to do ceramics correctly B_wam people not to try ceramics, describe his first experience with clay Zadanie 2. (0-4 pkt.) © Ustyszysz_dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi widzéw imprez sportowych. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu dopasuj do kaéde) wypowiedzi (1-4) odpowiadajace jej zdanie (A-E). Wpisz rozwigzania do tabeli. Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostalo podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do zadne wypowiedzi. This speaker ‘A. did not understand how teams scored, B cheered a lot when hisfher team won did not care which team won. D_ was disappointed when a team scored. E saw team member get hurt 1 Zi Zadanie 3. (0-3 pkt.) © Ustyszysz dwukrotnie wywiad z laureatem nagrody Wolontariusz Roku. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu uzupenij luki 1-3 w poniszej notatce. Luki nalezy uzupelnié w jezyku angielskim. Volunteer of the Year: Henry Jones © what he did: 1) ‘time spent volunteering each week: 2) plans for next year: 3) Zadanie 4. (0-3 pkt.) © Ustyszysz dwukrotnie wskazéwki, jak nie pas¢ ofiara kieszonkowca, Na podstawie informa¢ zawartych w nagraniu odpowiedz krétko na pytania 1-3. Na pytania nalezy odpowiedzieé w jezyku angielskim. 1. Where should you never put your phone? 2 Where can you find a lot of pickpockets? 3. What should you leave at home? IZNAJOMOSC FUNKCII Zadanie 5. (0-4 pkt.) Ustyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi (1-4). Do kazde| z nich dobierz wiascivg reakcie (A-E). ‘Wisz rozwiazania do tabeli. Uwaga! Jedna reakcja zostala podana dodatkowo i nie pasuje do zadne) wypowiedzi. A Just after you pass the park. B Of course. I'll tell her you called. C To Clear Lake Park. It was beautiful, D That's OK. I'm almost finished. E No, she’s got dark hair. YKOWYCH 5 7 Zadanie 6. (0-4 pkt.) Dia kazdej z opisanych sytuacj (1-4) wybierz wlasciwg reakcje. Zakres! lterg A, Balbo C. 1. Nauczycielka przedstawia Cie nowemu koledze 2 klasy. Co mu powiesz? A You're welcome! B What's he like? Nice to meet you! 2 _Jestes w rescauracii. Jak zapytasz towarzyszacq Ci kolezanke, czy smakuje jejjedzenie? ‘A. How about some food? B_ What do you think of the food? © Doyou agree? 3. Druayna koszykéwki, w kere] gra Twé} przyjaciel, ma jutro wazny mecz. Jak wyrazisz swoje wsparcie? A Good luck! B Congratulations! How do you do? 4 Mama chee wiedzie¢, kiedy wrécisz do domu, jak odpowies2? A. I'm thinking of going to the park. B Ill be there in an hour. I'm going to take the bus. 33 4 Zadanie 7. (0-3 pkt.) Uzupetnij dialog. Wpisz.w kazaa luke (1-3) brakujgcy fragment wypowiedzi, tak aby otraymaé spéjny ilogicany tekst. Luki nalezy uzupelni¢ w jgzyku angielskim. ‘Oh, hi Adam! 1) To the supermarket. Mum and | ate going to bake a chocolate cake. Really? Chocolate cake is my favourite! 2a soe Come and help us? it'll be fun 3) I've got basketball practice at 6. ‘That's okay. You can come over after and help us eat it! ROZUMIENIE TEKSTOW PISANYCH Zadanie 8. (0-4 pkt.) Przeczytaj teksty. W zadaniach 1~4 2 podanych odpowiedzi wybierz wlasciwa, zgodng z trescia tekstow. Zakresl litere A, Balbo C. @ Don’t spend your free time in front of the TV! Come to West Side Pool! Open Monday to Saturday, 8am to 8 pm. Half price for students and seniors because swimming is the best exercise! Just Move! There's no need to have a lot of free time or an expensive gym membership to be active and healthy. You can get more exercise by: always taking the stairs * walking or cycling to get around + not sitting for a long time; get up and move every half hour Both texts are about A health benefits of exercise B_ ways to keep fit the dangers of too much sitting. @® Need help with your homework? Want to get better at maths? We can help! Every Monday night at the community center we are offering free tutoring for maths and science subjects. Bring your own laptop and connect to our Wi-Fi, bring your difficult assignments, and lots ‘of questions! We also offer exam preparation advice and tips. ‘Open to ail primary and secondary students. This text is A. an advertisement for evening courses. B_ instructions for how to prepare for exams. Ca flyer offering help with schoolwork @ _— titym, ve got a high temperature and | think I'm coming down with the flu Thanks for inviting me to the cinema tonight. ‘We could meet up next weekend though, if you're free Unfortunately, | won't be able to come. Ss ‘What is the correct order of the text? A 2-4-3-1 B 4-1-2-3 C 2-4-1-3 @ To: From: george, m@iemail com Re: interesting talk Hi Michael, |) rm emaiing to tell you that a wellknown actor i coming to our schoo! theatre |, lub nex week to tal about his career | thought you would be interested, since you vant to become an actor yourself, one day. The talk will start at 6 pr. Let me know ifyou want to come and we can meet up beforehand and go in together. I checked, and its okay for you to come, even though you go toa diferent schcol | What do you think? | George The talk is A ata school B only for members of the theatre club. © happening that evening, 35 36 4 Zadanie 9. (0-4 pkt.) Przecaytaj tekst, z ktOrego usunigto cztery zdania. Wpisz w kad luke (1-4) litere, ktéra oznaczono brakujace zdanie (A-E), tak aby otrzymaé logicany i spéjny tekst. Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostato podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do zadnej luk. Are you my Mother? Last week, the emergency services in a town in Germany received a call from a man who needed help because he was being chased by a baby squirrel. When police arrived on the scene, they found the little animal still ‘chasing the man down the street. 1) .... He was feeling quite frightened. Before the police could do anything, however, the chase ended. 2)... It suddenly curled up into a ball and fell asleep. The police officers decided to take the squirrel into custody. They didn’t ‘take it to the police station, though. 3) ..... Awoman there told them that baby squirrels that had lost their mothers would often chase a person in this way. It was almost as if they had mistaken the person for their mother, and they were not at all dangerous. 4) .... She said that three other people had brought baby squirrels to the rescue centre that day, but this was the only one that had got into trouble with the police! ‘Al they wanted was to find a new home. They decided to keep him and they named him Karl The baby squirrel must have exhausted itself. Instead, they took it to an animal rescue centre where it would be cared for. The man couldn't get away from the squirrel and he didn't know what to do. Zadanie 10. (0-4 pkt.) Przeczytaj teksty na temat réénych miejsc noclegowych w Irlandii (A-C) oraz 2dania 1-4. Do kazdego zdania dopasuj wlasciwy tekst. Wpisz rozwigzania do tabeli. Uwaga! jeden tekst pasuje do dwéch zdai. Accommodation in Ireland @ Seaside Villa Need a break from your smartphone and social media? Stay in a beautiful bed & breakfast in a small village in the west of Ireland, Most of our rooms have sea views and there's a very large sandy beach just a few minutes’ walk away. If the weather is warm, you can go for a swim or enjoy long walks on the beach. The area's many hiking trails make this a perfect destination for those who like to explore the countryside on foot. We are proud to be an internet-free zone, but if you really need it, there is a café with a WiFi hotspot in the village. McMann’s Farm Guesthouse Have you ever wondered what it’ like to live on a farm? At McMann‘s Farm you can stay in peaceful surroundings and enjoy home cooked meals from fresh produce {grown right here on our land. I's the perfect place to relax. But, if you do start to miss the lfe ofthe city, it’s easy to take a day trip into exciting Dublin, only a 30 minute train ride away. Working holidays available — help us out and stay for free! © City Hostel Centrally located in the capital, Dublin, City Hostel is just down the road from everything you might want: restaurants, museums, theatre and shopping, kitchen facilities mean you don’t have to eat out unless you want to, and our ‘common room with free Wi-Fi is the perfect place to update your social media, or to swap travel stories with other guests after a day of exploring. This accommodation provides internet access is good for people who like to be active outdoors. 1 2 3 [is walking distance from cultural activities, 4 [has benefits of the countryside and the city. 37 38 4 Zadanie 11. (0-3 pkt.) Praeczytaj tekst. Odpowiedz na pytania 1-3 zgodnie z treécig tekstu. Uzupetnij zdania, wpisujac swoje codpowiedzi w luki, Luki nalezy uzupetnié w jezyku angielskim. ‘One day, a South African grandmother was listening to the radio, when she heard a celebrity bragging about his very expensive new ‘at. She din’t like what she heard, so she called up the radio station. "Why does he want so many expensive cars?" she asked, *My cari 20 years old, and it could take me all the way to England safely!" Many people agreed with her. One thing led to another, and she actually decided to make the jourey. She knew it wouldn't e easy to drive across the length of ‘Arica, but she lve alone, and felt ike she had nothing better todo. She was bored with life and so, on her eightieth birthday, she set out for England, ‘As she drove across Afica, she was amazed by how kind everyone was. She loved seeing ll the mountains, lakes and deserts and ‘talking to all the diferent people she met along the way. It really made her fe! young and alive again. In Egypt, she go stuck. But, attera litle lcal help, she was able to continue on her way to the UK. Once she got there, although she had already achieved her goal, she decided to keep going! "Well, why not?* she said to herself, ‘there's plenty more ofthe world to see." Truly, she fas shown everyone that even in old age, lf isto be lived! 1. Who did the grandmother call? She called 2 How did the journey make her feel? The journey made her feel. 3 Why did she decide to continue her journey? She continued her journey because ... IZNAJOMOSC SRODKOW JEZYKOWYCH Zadanie 12. (0-3) Praeczytaj tekst. Sposréd wyrazéw podanych w ramce wybierz te, ktére poprawnie uzupelniajg Iuki 1-3. Wpisz odpowiednia litere (A-F) obok numeru kaidej luki. Uwaga! Tray wyrazy zostaty podane dodatkowo i nie pasuja do tadnej luki, A Famous Physicist ‘Stephen Hawking was a briliant physicist who 1)... research atthe University of Cambridge, in England. He became femaus because he wrote a book that everyone could understand, even ‘though it was about very complicated 2)... This book was extremely popular and more than 9 milion copies were sold. Hawhing’s achievemenis are even more amazing because he 3). «rae illness and could not walk or speak However, he never let his condition hold hin back He used an electric wheelchair to move around and a talking computer to communicate. Also, he never lost his wicked sense of humoi Zadanie 13. (0-4) Przeczytaj opis ilustracji. Uzupetnij aida luke (1-3) jednym wyrazem, tak aby powstal spéjny i logiczny tekst zgodny z ilustracjg. Wymagana jest peina poprawnos¢ ortograficzna i gramatyczna wpisywanych woyraz This photo was taken in a kitchen. We can see a 1)... having a meal together. There is a mother, a her ech two teenagers. They are all 2) so they must be feeling happy. They each have a 3) of water and a plate of salad and there's a roast chicken in the center of the table. In 4). ... of the roast chicken, there's a loaf of bread. Zadanie 14, (0-4 pkt.) Uzupetnij zdania 1-4. Wykorzystaj w odpowiedniej formie wyrazy podane w nawiasach. Nie nalezy zmieniaé kolejnosci podanych wyraz6w, trzeba natomiast ~ jesi jest to konieczne ~ dodae inne wyrazy, tak aby otrzyma¢ zdania logiczne i gramatycanie poprawne. Wymagana jest peina poprawnosé ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentow. Uwaga! W kaida luke mozesz wpisaé maksymalnie tray wyrazy, wliczajac w to wyrazy juz podane 1 Jodie (not/enjoy) playing the piano. 2 My brother promised that he (teach/we) to sur. 3 Lucy (want/visit) London next summer. 4 fit rains tomorrow, (Tom/need) an umbrella TWORZENIE WYPOWIEDZI PISEMNE) Zadanie 15. (0-10 pkt.) Nalezysz do szkolnego klubu mitosnik6w historii i organizujesz impreze, aby zebra¢ fundusze. Napisz ogtoszenie do zamieszczenia na szkolne] tablicy ogioszeri, w ktérym: + opiszesz zaplanowang impreze, + udzielisz wskazéwek, jak dotrzeé na miejsce imprezy, + wyjasnisz, na jaki cel zostang przeznaczone zebrane srodki. Napisz swoja wypowieds w jezyku angielskim. Podpisz sig jako XYZ. Rozwit swojg wypowieds w kazdym z trzech podpunktéw, tak aby osoba nieznajgca polecenia w jezyku polskim uuzyskata wszystkie wskazane w nim informacje. Pamigtaj, Ze dfugose wypowiedzi powinna wynosi¢ od 50 do 120 stow (nie licege vyyrazéw podanych na poczgtku wypowiedzi). Oceniane sq: umiejgtnos¢ petnego przekazania informag}, spdino&e, bogactwo jezykowe oraz poprawnos¢ jezykowe. Attention Students! The School History Club are pleased to announce 39 5 CA Zadanie 1. (0-5 pkt.) QD Ustyszysz dwukrotnie pigé tekstéw. W zadaniach 1-5, na podstawie informacji zawartych ‘w nagraniu, z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz wiasciwa. Zakres! litere A, B albo C. 1 Where is the boy now? 2. What time will band practice finish on Wednesday? 3 Where can you hear this announcement? 4 The speakers are talking about ‘A going shopping. B makinga choice. C their favourite electronic gadgets. 5 The gitlis calling her friend in order to A. give her some information. B. find out where she was. invite her somewhere. 40 Zadanie 2. (0-4 pkt.) Q Uslyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedé wlascicielki psa. W zadaniach 1-4, na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu, z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz wlasciwa, Zakres!litere A, Balbo C. 1. Lisa was unhappy because 3 Lisa and Anna A. she was away from her family. A are classmates B her classmates were not friendly B go to different schools. her parents wouldn't let her get a pet. C eat together at school 2 At first, Anna 4 Lisa is explaining ‘A. played with Pepper. ‘A how her dog helped her. B touched Pepper. B_ why children should have dogs. looked at Pepper Chow to get over a fear of dogs. Zadanie 3. (0-4 pkt.) © Ustyszysz dwukrotnie wywiad ze zwycigzczynia konkursu Narodowych Targow Naukowych. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w nagraniu wzupelnij luki 1~4 w poniésze| notatce. Luki nalezy uaupetnié w jezyku angielskim. NATIONAL SCIENCE FAIR WINNER: Natalie Brown. PROJECT: Do organic 1)... sik spoil faster than ordinary ones? TYPES USED: 2)... : RESULT: ordinary produce 3) NATALIE WANTS TO WORK AS: 4)... Zadanie 4. (0-4 pkt.) © Ustyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi (1-4). Do kaide| z nich dobierz wlasciwg reakcje (A-E). Wpisz rozwigzania do tabeli. Uwaga! Jedna reakcja zostala podana dodatkowo i nie pasuje do Zadne} wypowiedzi ‘A. That's wonderfull B_ Not really. 'm not in the mood. © Yes, they look great! D Any time after 6 pm E Actually, I didn’t go. | had a headache. a 4 5 Zadanie 5. (0-4 pkt.) Dia kazdej z opisanych sytuacii (1-4) wybierz wlasciwg reakeje. Zakres! litere A, B albo C. 1 Jestes w kinie 7 kolezanka, Jak zapytasz, czy podoba sie je) film? ‘A Do you think so? B How about it? Are you enjoying it? 2 Whasnie komus Cie przedstawiono. Co powiesz? A Pleased to meet you. B it was a pleasure. Yes thanks, I know. 3. Kolega pyta, czego chcesz sie napit. Jak odpowiesz? A ike tea very much B ’d lke some tea, please. Yes, it's good for you. 4 Ktos pyta,jaki jest Two} brat. Co odpowiesz? A. That's my brother, Gareth. B_ He's got brown hair and glasses. C He's friendly and always cheerful Zadanie 6. (0-3 pkt.) Uzupetnij dialog. Wpisz w kaéda luke (13) brakujacy tregmene wypowiedzi, tak aby otrzymaé spoiny Hi Matt, how are you? Hi, Alison! I'm fine, thanks. What do you want to do this afternoon? Well) incrarensinacs to the park and play tennis, Well, I'm not sure. It’s so hot today. Do you want to go to the pool? Sure. But 2) what time it closes? | think it closes at 5 o'clock, It's already five past four. | don’t think we have time. ‘Yeah, | guess you'te right. | didn't realise how late it was. 3) ... taking @ walk on the beach, instead? That sounds like a great idea. Let’s go! ROZUMIENIE TEKSTOW PISANYCH Zadanie 7. (0-4 pkt) Praeczytaj teksty. W zadaniach 1-4 z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz wlaSciwa, zgodng z trescig tekstow. Zakred\ literg A, Balbo C. The computer lab willbe closed for repairs | When can't you use the computer lab? from Friday at 4 pm until Monday morning. Friday morning ‘There willbe afew computers available in the |B Saturday morning brary and in the caféin the student cent. | onday night Sorry forthe inconvenience. @ fete. Tia, Were going on a boat tnp to West | found some very comfortable hiking Fock island this weekend. Since boots at the mall vesterdau, They're {youve been there, could you tel perfect. The only problem is | cant me what | should take? Willl need a decide what colour to get. Should | raincoat? Should we wear boots? ‘get black ones, or should I get them Tranks, inted? What do you think? Phil Liz Both texts are about A biking boots. B_ outdoor gear. © aweekend trip ® Do you play @ musical instrument? Do you love camping? IF 0, don't miss Pine Mountain Musie camp! It’s the perfect summer camp experience for young musicians ages 12-16. '* improve your music skills * meet new people * do outdoor activities NEW THIS YEAR!! 2 sessions: July 2-16 and August 15-30 This textis A. an advertisement for a camp. B aleaflet about the benefits of summer camp. € a schedule of camp activities, | Hi Tony, it's Matt's birthday on Friday and we're planning a surprise party. | really | J] rope you can come, Wete all gong to meet at Megas house at 6pm. Mat | should arrive around 6:30. Please don't tell him anything. There'll be food, drinks and a birthday ceke, of course. Give me @ call and let me know if you can make it, | dich Michelle is texting Tony to A. ask him to pass on a message to Matt. B look for ideas for a birthday party 43 invite him to a celebration for a friend. 5 Zadanie 8. (0-4 pkt.) Przecaytaj tekst, z ktOrego usunieto cztery zdania. Wpisz w kaidg luke (1-4) litere, ktérg oznaczono brakujace zdanie (A-E), tak aby otrzyma€ logiczny i spéjny tekst. Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostato podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do Zadnejluki. Fast Food Surprise In the city of Grand Rapids, in the USA, three friends decided to get something to eat. They went to a drive- through and ordered tacos. [1 |_| Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. ‘A few minutes later, a few miles down the road, they opened the bag. To their surprise, under some napkins and packets of sauce, they found three plastic bags full of money! It looked like it must have been close to 4 thousand dollars! [2|_] Then, they decided the only choice was to return the money. ll three agreed that they would feel bad if they kept it. When they got back to the drive-through and returned the cash, the manager burst into tears. [3] _] She explained that they use take-out bags to carry money to the bank each day in order to avoid the attention of thieves. But this time, somebody had mixed up the bags! [4] _] After returning the money, they finally got, their food; they also got the satisfaction of knowing they had done the right thing. At frst, they didn’t know what to do. ‘She was clearly relieved that the money had been returned. That's why the friends ended up with cash instead of their tacos. The policeman went with them to return the money. When they were handed their take-out bag, they paid and drove away. Zadanie 9. (0-4 pkt.) Praecaytaj tekst. Odpowiedz na pytania 1-4 zgodnie 2 trescig tekstu. Uzupenij zdania, wpisujgc swoje ‘odpowiedzi w luki, Luki naledy uzupetnié w jezyku angielskim. ROOM FOR RENT IN EDINBURGH + Second floor latin the Momingside area of the city, near a beautiful par ‘Convenient bus line to the city centre and the university. Large bedroom available with a built-in wardrobe. Theresa shared kitchen, bathroom and hall You wil ve with three other students. We don't pay Councl Tax, so students only, please! ‘We are hoping fora friendly, sociable and tidy flatmate. We lke to cook ‘and enjoy meals together, but we don't have loud partes. * Available from Ist August Rent £300 per month 1 The flat is close to 2 Thereisa inside the bedroom, 3 The person renting the room must be a 4 The flatmates enjoy sharing Zadanie 10. (0-3 pkt.) Praeczytaj teksty 1 uupetni¢ w jgzyku angielskim, Hi Rob, | remember you teling me that your sister Josephine is realy good at taking photos. So, when I saw an advertisement for a Photography contest, | thought of her. I've attached a flyer about the contest Do you guys have a photo editing programme on your ‘computer? If not, she can use mine. | can show her how. We need to do it this week though, because | have to write a report for school after that Let me know what you think! Debbie CoS Tor Josephine Michaels From: Rob Michaels Subject: interesting contest Hey Joseohine, My friend Debbie just sent me some information about a Photography contest for pictures of nature or the Ma sad mo teens of adults. | think you should enter. Debbie offered to let you use her computer to process your photos, and also said she will show you eke because the deadline is 3) = - group, so you won't be competing against older | 2. Uzupeni luki 1-3 w e-mailu do josephine zgodnie z trescig tekstow. Luki nalezy 2 ‘Announcing Nature Snaps Photography Contest + Who: The contest is open to youths from the ages of 10t0 14 + What: The theme ofthe pictures is nature & the environment * When: Pictures to be submitted by June 24th + How: Submit pictures on our website wwe naturesnaps com Good Luck contest that seems perfect for you. It’s a environment. I's for people in your | nnn» YOU have to decide soon though, Let's talk about it tonight. Rob ATT ODKOW JEZYKOWY. Zadanie 11. (0-3 pkt.) Przeczytaj tekst. Sposréd wyrazéw podanych w ramce wybierz te, ktére poprawnie uzupetniaig luki 1-3. Wpisz odpowiedniglitere (A-F) obok numeru kazdej luki. Uwaga! Tray wyrazy zostaly podane dodatkowo i nie pasujg do zadnejluki. A change € choose B above D stop E behind F imagine When you think of a bridge, you probably 1) ‘a walkway bult over a river or lake, But 2 ‘group of architects in the Netherlands had a different dea. Because they did not want to 2)... the appearance of an ancient site, they decided to build a bndge underwater so that it's not Visible on the surface. Visitors can now walk tothe site through the water, instead of 3)... it! 45 46 5 Zadanie 12. (0-4 pkt.) Przettumacz na jezyk angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach, tak aby otrzymaé zdania logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne. Wymagana jest petna poprawnosé ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentow dati, Uwaga! W kaida luke mozesz wpisaé maksymalnie trzy wyrazy. 1. That is the girl (ktdrej 2020) nn ...won the art award 2 How much time (zajmuje . . to get there on the bus? 3 Who is (ngjlepszym) .. musician in the orchestra? 4. I'm afraid | (nie moge przyjs to the cinema with you tonight 1oge PrZy Zadanie 13. (0-4 pk.) Wykorzystujac wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupetnij kazde zdanie z luka, tak aby zachowaé sens zdania wyjsciowego (1-4). Wymagana jest petna poprawnos¢ ortograficana i gramatyezna wpisywanych fragmentéw 2dan, Uwaga! Nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazéw. W kaida luke modesz wpisaé maksymalnie tray wyrazy, wliczajac w to wyraz juz podany. 1 Do you want to visit the Eiffel Tower? INTERESTED Areyou snsuneueanese the Eiffel Tower? 2 This coat doesn’t fit me; it isn’t big enough. SMALL This coat is reennnstteenninnes PR, 3. if we don't have homework, we can go cycling. LONG As svssnnnsne GOn't Have homework, we can go cycling, 4 Which tablet over there belongs to you? ONE Which tablets over there is yours? TWORZENIE WYPOWIEDZI PISEMNE} Zadanie 14. (0-10 pkt.) Wraz ze swojg rodzing przeprowadzites/-as sig do nowego domu. Z tej okazji planujecie wydac przyjecie, na ktére chcesz zaprosi¢ swoich angielskich przyjaciét. Napisz do nich e-mail, w ktorym: + podasz, kiedy | gdzie odbedzie sig impreza, + przedstawisz poczynione juz przygotowania, + wyjasnisz, jak dotrzeé na miejsce. Nopisz swoja wypowieds w jezyku angielskim. Podpisz sig jako XYZ. Rozwiti swojg wypowiedé w kazdym z trzech padpunkt6w, tak aby osoba nieznajgca polecenia w jezyku polskim Uuzyskata wszystkie wskazane w nim informacje. Pamigtaj, Ze dlugose wypowiedzi powinna wynosic od 50 do 120 stow (nie liczgc wyrazéw podanych na poczatku wypowiedzi). Oceniane sq: umiejetnos¢ petnego praekazania informacii, spéjnose, bogactwo jezykowe oraz poprawnos¢ jezykowa. Hi ome i Guess whet! We've just moved and | am having a party to celebrate! EXTRA PRACTICE MATERIAL TRANSFORMACIE ZE SLOWEM KLUCZEM Wykorzystujae wyrazy podane drukwanymi literami, uzupetnij kaéde zdanie 7 luka, tak aby zachowaé sens zdania wyjsciowego. Wymagana jest petna poprawnos¢ ortograficzna i gramatyczna wpisywanych fragmentow zdan, Uwaga! Nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazéw. W katdg luke moiesz wpisat maksymalnie trzy wyrazy, wliczajgc w to wyraz juz podany. 11 Marko was bor in Spain but he lives in London. FROM Marko there now. 2. Inthe future, William wants to be a translator. ONE London but he lives . William wants to be a translator. 3. The bag of sugar is empty. ANY There sugar left in the bag 4 When did you meet your best friend? AGO How did you meet your best friend? 5. The computer shop is closed but it will open soon. Few ‘The computer shop will open minutes. 6 My cousin can’t wait to ride on a double-decker bus in London, FORWARD My cousin is looking ona double-decker bus in London. 7 Everyone went bungee jumping except for James. APART Everyone went bungee jumping... 8 Jean has made plans to have dinner with us tomorrow. GOING Jean have dinner with us tommorrow. 9 Do you want to go to the theatre at the weekend, Saran? SHALL Sarah, weekend? James, to the theatre at the 10. Mysister didn’t want to walk to school alone on the first day. BY My sister didn’t want to walk to school cn the fist day. 11. Nancy's hairs curly. Got Nancy straight hair. 12. I strongly advise you to arrive on time for class. BE You 13. Toby rides a bike because he wants to keep fit. wry The wants to keep fit 14 The people didn't know that the photographer had taken their picture. late for class. Toby rides a bike is that he IDEA The people .. that the photographer had taken their picture. 15. Don’t make noise after 10 o'clock. Quiet Please after 10 o'clock, 16 He has difficulty speaking French. SPEAK He French very well 17. That test was easier than any other test | have ever taken THE That was | have ever taken. 18 Louis has got such a beautiful voice; it's amazing! so Louis can it's amazing! They could not install the new programme. UNABLE | They install the new programme, 20 Bring your sleeping bag for our camping trip tomorrow. FORGET Don't your sleeping bag for our camping trip tomorrow. 21. “If we don’t do something about climate change, the planet will be in trouble,” said Veronica. UNLESS Veronica told us that the planet would be in trouble something about climate change. 22. We saw the concert in this theatre, PLACE Thisis the ‘we saw the concert 23. They went windsurfing yesterday; they had tried it once before TIME Ie was they had tried windsurfing, 24 "Do you have a headache?” she asked iF a headache She asked me 25. Bob is too young to go to university Bob is to go to university Alex cycles every evening GOES Alex every evening, He makes a habit of reading 2 book every night before bed. ALWAYS 28 Ted is good at football because he is fast and he is strong, BOTH Ted is good at football because he is 29° That bicycle beside the tree is mine. my That ENOUGH 26 | 27 He... a book before bed. strong, beside the tree EXTRA PRACTICE MATERIAL 30 Isn't that an interesting sculpture! sucH an interesting sculpture! 31. It appears that my laptop has no more battery power. RUN My laptop seems to have power. 32. They haven't finished doing their homework STILL They their homework. 33. What is the price of this smartphone? MUCH battery .. this smartphone cost? 34. “The mechanic repaired our car yesterday,” said Dad. HAD Dad said that the mechanic the day before. 35. There are a few apples on our apple tree this year. MANY There are this year. 36. Wendy had to laugh when she heard the joke HELP Wendy couldn't... the joke 37 An architect designed this building BY This building H ss an architect, 38. George, | need help carying these bags. ME Can carry these bags, George 39. Despite the snow, thousands of fans came to the concert. ALTHOUGH our car apples on our apple tree when she heard snowing, thousands of fans came to the concert, 40. Mum wanted to know the reason for her excitement, WHY Mum wanted to know... excited 49 50 EXTRA PRACTICE MATERIAL TEUMACZENIE FRAGMENTOW ZDAN. 10 " 2 B 4 15 16 "7 18 19 Przetturacz na jezyk angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach, tak aby otrayma€ zdania logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne. Wymagana jest peina poprawnosé ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentOw zat Uvagal W kaida luke modesz wpisaé maksymalnie trzy wyrazy. It. was my grandmother (ktéra data mi) this bracelet This pencil (zostat zrobiony) from recycled newspapers Could | have (troche wiece) wody) : please? IF (nacisniesz ,odtwarza/?) the video starts Walk (przez most) and then tum left. (Pomozesz) me do my chores? Steve (me) short dark hair. Neither homelessness (ani bezrobocie} are common problems in this town. Richard (by! w stanie/ zdota) fix our computer yesterday. This is the band (kt6rego piosenka} is number one. Tina (musi wyjse) past nine, Rob (zawsze chodeit ‘moming This is (najdrozsza) ever bought! ‘Anna and Jill (wlasnie zdecydowaly) to go out this evening. George (zatuje zjedzenia) so much pizza. (Chodémy) to the museum tomorrow. 1s Sophie (wystarczajqco clerpliwa) to become a teacher? at @ quarter jogging in the dress | have If you had booked your flight earlier, you (eaoszczedzilbys) money, Mark's birthday is next week; (bedzie mial) ‘twelve years old. 20 The lake (zostalo zanieczyszczone przez) the factory waste, 21. Mum said "Wie martw sie) pass your exam." 22. Gina was born on (osiemnastego) February. 23. There (nie ma niczego) do in the village. 24 It was (mocno padaio) woke up this morning, 25 There {nie ma zadnych) ‘curtains on the windows. + you will exciting to when | 26 Phil's siblings are both (starsi nz) hes 27 You (nie mozesz sie spt)... to the wedding! 28 There is still (duzo) ... the carton, 29. Jo's baby sister is too young (zeby ise) to school, 30. Tara said that (pdjdzie) ‘gym the following day. 31 (Cayetoniejest) 32. Ave there (jakies 2k). drawer? 33. "Have you ever (bylesw Londynie) ” "Yes, twice.” 34. Nancy, (czy masz) apet? 35. There's 2 (sloikdzemu) in the cupboard, 36 Who does this (mala, czernona, plastikowa) toy belong to? 37 Irene (est w wieku) early twenties 38 When the sun sets, it (robisie ciemno) orange juice in to the ‘a beautiful day! inthe 39. I want to go to bed eary (wieczorem) a 43 44 45 46 47 49 50 st 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 (kupitas) any milk when you were at the supermarket? ‘Are you (eamierzasz byé) : a songwriter when you grow up? She thinks that (podréowanie samolotem) is exciting ‘Anna (wydaje sie zmeczona) this afternoon He should (praestaé pid)... cola, Ben (chciatby) visit the moon one day. Leslie and Mike are (parq,kt6ra) just got engaged. She would like (nyira¢ sie) ona safari to Africa one day. ie) phone? This seems like (tysiecany raz) I've reminded you to tum off the lights! He bought a tartan scarf did you pay for your new (dla swojes cioch on her birthday. Jill (poprosiia mnie) to lend her the book. Is the (ubrania dziecigce) on the first ‘or second floor of the department store? W's (ea zimno) . to wear a T-shirt today, ‘Are there (jakies dania wegetariariskie) con the menu? Amy says that (w preyszlosc) she wants to be an architect, (Wyglada na to) it is going to rain. The tree was (tak wysokie) that we couldn't see the top. We (moze odwiedzimy) our cousins tomorrow, but we're not sure. Jodie hasn't got (duzo pieniedzy) in her pocket. ~_ EXTRA PRACTICE MATERIAL 62 63 66 o7 69 70 n 2 73 74 7s 76 7 78 79 80 This soup is tzbye goraca) We need to buy (kia jajek) the supermarket Taylor (nie skoriczy) ae homework when we arrived at his house. Did you go (adzies) con holiday this summer? We couldn't see the street performer (z powodu) the crowd (Obierz ziemniaki) them: to eat, at his before you boil (C6220 ekscytujacy) film that was! it's difficult (nies) heavy luggage That tablet on the table (est M6) resssosnnnsnens | Don't touch it! Has Sally (ma jakiesrodzeristwo) 2 (Tamte dzieci over there, by the swimming pool, are my friends He has to wake up early (wponiedziaek) moming Our teacher made (nam przystapi¢ do} a test today She told her son to (zachowywa¢ sie) all of this at school. 15 (Amazonka) .. the longest river in the world? Maria (mieszka) in London at the moment. Emily is thirsty; she wants (szklanke) water. A burglar (wlamat sig do) their house while they were on holiday. Jeremy had (tak wysoka) fever that he went to the doctor (Gey mogeuzyd your camera? | think Alyssa (zostanie) a florist; she loves flowers and plants. 51 52 EXTRA PRACTICE MATERIAL ween 7 Julia (do/she) 10 " 2 B 4 15 16 v7 18 19 20 KEADANIE FRAGMENTOW Uzupetnij zdania. Wykorzystaj w odpowiedniej formie wyrazy podane w nawiasach, Nie nalezy zmieniaé kolejnosci podanych wyraz6w, trzeba natomiast- jesli jest to koniecane - dodaé inne wyrazy, tak aby ‘otrzymaé zdania logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne. Wymagana jest petna poprawnos¢ ortograficzna ‘wpisywanych fragmentéw. Uwaga! W kazda luke mozesz wpisaé maksymalnie tray wyrazy, wliczajac w to vwyrazy juz podane. Mum .. (drive/we) to school every morning, She (be/fly) to Krakow tonight. This bike (be/my) Not my brother's, What (you/father) do fora living? The. (boys/room) is over there next to the living room. You. (constantly/use) my tablet! homework when the lights went out. Kathy and Alex met 10 years ago when (they/be) at college. “How long (you/live) in Poland?” "For ten years.” He (have/just/start) typing his report when his computer crashed, | think they (o/on) holiday next month, Fred (have/finishyhe) chores by the time May got home. Look! (this/be/) new trainers She wonders (Peter/be) because she hasnt seen him all day. Be carefull You (be/go to) drop the food! They will all us once they... (have/many) details Mum told (we/isit) aunt Sarah after school. He (can/play) the guitar when he was a child Mary said that they would go to England (next week) You (notrhave) to bring money for the tickets; I've already paid 2 24 25 26 a 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 7 38 (Our teacher (already/give) us our assignment when the class ended, Lanty (prefer/eat) local dishes when on holiday Steven (be/veryluck) that he didn't get injured in the car accident. First, they (unpack/they) and then they went out for lunch suitcases, Erika (wantibuy) a new jacket after work. | couldn’t (help/sneeze) when | had hay fever. Ie’ raining so (ook/ike) we'll have to stay in. The cast (perform/very/good) during yesterday's show. The police officer (order/they) to pull the car over. This report claims that the new product (boost/you) energy. The company car (be/use) every day. eee (be/annoy) by her behaviour lately (why) | recycle is that | want to do something to help protect our environment, The office printer (be/repair) already. How (beautiful/she/sing) ' James (offer/meet) his friends at the train station. by William, Remember the theatre, children, Lam going to get mobile phone. (behave/your) at Gelf/new) 39 a 43 45 46 4a7 49 51 52 53 54, 55 56 57 58 59 You (not/drve) over 70 kph here; it’s forbidden. There (be/not/many) sports centres in this area years ago The TV series (be/good) ‘than the novel Mary's friend (let/sherwear) her dlothes whenever she wants. IF you (like/perForm) aband. He's an excellent writer (who/publish) .. alot of books during his career. , You should join By (eat/good) you can help improve your concentration, John, (there/some) on the phone for you; do you have a minute? This is (boring) film | have ever seen! IF were fast, | (willjoin) the athletics team, This chocolate cake (be/taste) ! There was heavy traffic and »- (result) | got to work late. There (be/cherry) in the fridge but not enough to make a pie. When | was learning to ride a bike, | was afraid Walt and hurt myself, Tomorrow is (me/grandmother/sixty) .. birthday. Liam takes his smartphone (where/he/go) The forest (we/camp) last summer had very tall tres. ‘Mum says we (not/play) computer «games for such a long time. There is a large park (front) the cinema ‘Adam doesn’t work very hard (although/he/be) clever Jen (want/be) a science teacher in the future. XTRA PRACTICE MATERIAL 63 65 66 o7 68 69 70 n B 74 75 76 7 78 79 80 | promise (Vhelp) you download the video He asked (me/open) the window. His dad bought (he/surfboard) for his birthday. lan (always/like) riding the train These jeans don't fit; they (be/tight) for me to wear. ‘The TY screen (be/break) (ago) reservation? A lot of research (do) species recently The doctor (advise/he) more exercise, She (quick/run) ‘the doorbell Everyone went skydiving (apart) John. The (vet/help) kind, The basketball courts aren't available; they (use) by someone. ‘Our favourite hotel (Full/book) so we had to stay somewhere else. Mark is funny but he i (litleffunny) sn SUM, did you make your on endangered get when she heard my dog was very (Tina/go) jogging every day, she would become healthier He wrote a (song/) because | was sad. They got married on (twelve) April You can go to the party (long) you get home before ten My aunt (have/not/got) blue eyes, Gina (peel/potato) and then cut them up. 53 Klucz odpowiedzi 10 " 2 B 14 Test 1 18 2A %3C 4B SA 18 2A 36 4D 1 3000 3 larger long sharp teeth 4 swimmers HigAE ee eeesG eee teeta 1B 2A 3C 4¢ 1. What are you doing 2 have to meet/'m meeting/will meet 3. don't you askinot ask ieee es aa. Te aA 38 4D 1 she had been caught daydreaming in class 2. was going to punish her/would punish her 3 could write down her stories 1. (szkockin} miasteczku/miescie 2 namiejsce 3 ekscytujaca/pasionujaca/ciekawea fabule 4 atu 18 2A 3B 4C 1E 2€ 3A 1 asked (me)if 3. you to make 2 hasnot arrived 4 to meeting your ‘Suggested Answer To: Gordon Subject: Summer Camp Guess what? | found a great sports camp to go to this summer! I was just checking the football scores on the Internet, when | saw an ad for ‘The European Intemational Beach Soccer Camp.’ Then | clicked on the link and saw that there's one in our town! The ‘camp offers accommodation for all the boys and girts ‘nd all your meals, too, They also have top of the line ‘equipment and professional coaches that came all the way from Brazil! So what do you think? How about the two of us apply? I think it wil be so much fun if we both go! Talk soon, XYZ 10 " R B 4 1 make a plan 2. (right) from the start 3 (your) mistakes 4. a pocket dictionary 1 Sorry, | can‘ti'm afraid | can’t 2 you tell me where 3 what's your job/what do you do 1D 26 3A 48 1A 2C 3B 4A 3. a spalthe luxury pool/ a delicious meal 4. experienced staff 1 countryside 2. welcome pack 1 used 2 better 3 same price rE 20 3B 1 library 3 laptop (computer) 2. behind 4 looking 1 take place 3 has never sung 2 was stolen by less than - ‘An Incredible Place! Hi Everyone! | am really excited to tell you about the place that | just returned from. Today | went to the Acropolis in the center of Athens, Greece. | went in the late afternoon, when it was not so hot. | was already in the centre of Athens, so | walked to the Acropolis, through a beautiful park. It was an amazing experience. While | was there | explored the ancient site, and took a lot of photographs. My favourite thing was the feeling of being somewhere so ancient, where so many other people had been before. Klucz odpowiedzi 10 " 2 B 14 ‘The Acropolis is a very special place, and I recommend that all of you go if you get the chance! XYZ Test 3 1A 2C 38 48 SA 1¢ 26 3A 48 1. Sifive hours 3 lunch/food and drinks 2 gogelingirent a bike 4 under 6isix 1€ 2A 3D 4eE 1B 2C 38 4A borrow your book 3. Ihelp you 2 much does the/this, pis osiasse Pe tsec- 1c: Watseee a TG eee sia 1. pielggniark/cztery pielegriatki 2 drialania/aktywnosci/czynnoéi 3 upominki/poderunkifdarowane przedmioty/prezenty 4 placuzabaw 1. onholiday/swimming 3. talk to each other 2 experiments 4 the success in/ successfully ADE aR oa 1¢ --2 6-3 G48 1. was found 3. would do 2 the most difficult 4° which | bought Suggested Answer Hi Sam! ’m really excited about your party! I'm afraid i'm going to be late, though. | have basketball practice Until 6 pm, so I can’t come until 6:30. I'm sorry about that. | have @ question. Can you tell me how to get to your house? | know it's near the park but | don’t remember exactly where it is. Also, would you like me to bring a dessert to the party? | can make chocolate chip cookies, if you want. | love to cook Let me know, XYZ 10 1" 12 3 Test 4 A 28 3¢ B 26 3A 4 a lot of important voluntary work/planted trees 6 hours studying for exams/study all the time in your pocket 3 extra cash on trains and buses Where are you going Do you want toAWould you like to | can'tSorry, | can’‘t'm afraid I can't B 2¢ 8 ¢ 144 E 2€ 3D 4A c 2A 8c 4g a radio station young and alive again she wanted to see more of the world D 2A 3B family laughing (smiling) 3. glass 4 front doesn’t enjoy would teach us 3 wants to visit 4 Tomwill need 55 56 Klucz odpowiedzi 15 10 "1 12 Suggested answer Attention Students! ‘The School History Club are pleased to announce the Big Bake Salel On Friday and Saturday, August 9th and 10th, welll be selling homemade biscuits, cakes, pies and other baked goods at the Spring & Sprocket, Community Centre. That's just down Carling Street, three blocks from the school. I's the big bright green building on the comer. The bake sale is to raise money for the annual history department fieldtrip and this year is an extra special one. Any of you who ‘went on last year's trip to Berlin will know how much fun we had and how much we learnt, too. This year, ‘we're going to Rome! Test 5 3B 48 SA 18 ZG 3¢ 44, fruits and vegetables 3. lasted longer 2. strawberties, tomatoes 4 adoctor/ anurse 1¢ 2A 338 4€ 1 couldgo 2 doyouknow 3 How about eC Aree eA ae 1— 2A 38 4c 1. a beautiful park 3. student 2. built-in wardrobe 4 meals 1 age 2 editing programme 3 June 24th 1F 24 38 1. whose sculpture 3. the best 2. does it take 4 can't come 13. 1 interested in visiting 2. too small for 3 long as we 4 one of the 14 Suggested Answer Hi everyone, Guess what! We've just moved and | am having a party to celebrate! We need a few days to get settled, so the party is going to be on Friday the 15th at our new house on Villena Lane, number 35. | have already started to prepare. My mum and | have made some snacks and finger food and | have chosen a bunch of fun games we can play. Anyone who doesn’t know Villena Lane, it’s really close to the central train station. From there, just walk down the hill and take the second left, then the first right and you're there! | hope you can all make it and just wait until you see my new house, the garden is huge! xvZ Extra practice material Transformacje ze stowem kluczem 1. isnot (isn't) from 21 unless we did 2 Oneday 22 the place where 3 is not (isn't) any 23 the second time 4 long ago 24 if had 5 ina few 25 not old enough 6 forward to riding 26 goes cyciing 7 apart from 27 always reads 8 is going to 28 both fast and 9. shall we 00 29. is my bicycle 10. by herself 30. That is such 11 hasnot (hasn’t) got 31 run out of 12. must not (mustn't) be 32_are still doing 43 reason why 33 How much does 14 had no idea 34 had repaired 15. be quiet 35. not many 16 cannovcan't speak 36 help laughing 17 the easiest test 37 was designed by 18 sing so beautifully 38. you help me 19 were unable to 39 Although it was 20 forget to bring 40. why she was Klucz odpowiedzi " 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ‘Thumaczenie fragmentéw zdaft who gave me a was made a2 some more water 43 you press “play 44 overfacross the bridge 45 Will you help 46 has got a7 nor unemployment 48 was able to 49 whose song 50 has to leave 51 always goes 52 the most expensive 53 have just decided 54 regrets eating 55 Let's go 56 patient enough 57 would have saved 58 he'llbe 59 was polluted by 60 Don't worry 61 the eighteenth of 62 isn’t anythingfs nothing 68 raining heavily 64 aren't any/are no 65 older than 66 mustn't be/must not be 67 lots offa lot of 68 togo 69 she would go 70 Isn’tit n any spoons R been to London B have you got/do you have 74 jar of jam 5 small, red, plastic 76 isin her 7 gets dark 78 this evening/ 79 inthe evening Did you buy 80 going to be travelling by plane seems tired stop drinking would like to the couple who togo How much the thousandth time for his aunt asked me children’s clothing too cold any vegetarian dishes in the future It looks like so tall may visit much money too hot some/a few eggs hadn't finished anywhere because off on account of Peel the potatoes ‘What an exciting tocany is mine got any siblings Those children ‘on Monday Us take/do behave himself ‘the Amazon’ is living a glass of broke into such a high May | use will become SSoerv 9aHewne R 4 15 16 "7 18 19 20 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3 32 SSRSLRRRE Uktadanie fragmentow 2dan drives us is lying is mine does your father boys’ room are constantly using was doing her they were have you lived had just started will go on had finished his These are my where Peter is are going to have more Us to visit could play the following week/ the week after didn’t havedon’t have had already given prefers to eat was very lucky unpacked their wanted to buy help sneezing it looks like performed very well ordered them will boost your is used have been annoyed ‘The reason why has been repaired beautifully she sings offered to meet to behave yourselves myself a new mustn't drive ‘were not many a a2 43 44 45 46 a7 438 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 6 70 n 72 73 74 75 76 7 78 79 80 wasiis better lets her wear like perforrning who has published eating well there is someone the most boring would join is tasty/is tasteless asa result are a few cherries/ some cherries | would fal my grandmother's sixtieth wherever he goes where we camped rmustn’téshouldn’t play in front of although he is wants to be | will help me to open’ him a surfooard has always liked are too tight is brokervtas been broken How long ago has been done advised him to quickly ran apart from vet who helped are being used was fully booked less funny than IfTina went song for me (the) twelfth of as long as hasn't got peeled the potatoes Sf 58 Zapis nagran Test 1 Exercise 1 (p. 8) 1 Hi Monica, it’s Jim calling. As you know, the film festival is on this weekend and we should decide what we want to see before the tickets sell out. There is a good musical playing, but I'm not really keen on musicals. Any chance you are in the mood for science fiction? There is an excellent film on Saturday afternoon that | would really like to see. | know how much you like animated films, but the festival isn't showing any. Call me so | can book the tickets. ‘Man: So Margaret, did you find a house to buy? Woman: Yes. Actually, | found the perfect place. ‘Man: Really? Does it have a big garden like you ‘were looking for? Woman: Not really. It only has a small front and back garden, but it's on a quiet street. It has two bedrooms upstairs and another small one downstais ‘Man: Sounds great. Woman: itis. | will make an offer on it right away. ‘Man: Look at that unusual bird! Woman: Its colour is amazing, | saw a bird just lke that in a tree when I was hiking last month. ‘Man: Really? | wonder how much it costs. Woman: I'm sure it’s a lot. Let's go see the puppies. They ate so cute Man: Oh, okay! Boy: Why aren’t you at the library? Don’t you have exams next week? Girk Yes, | do. I've got two on Monday and one on Wednesday. But 'm looking for my biology notebook, have you seen it? Boy: Did you check your schoolbag? Gir: Yes, it's not there. | have to find it! It's the first exam Monday morning! Boy: Don’t panic, Ill help you look. And even if you don't find it, you can photocopy my notes. Hi Cindy. | just wanted to talk to you about my trip to Paris this Saturday. I'm almost ready to go. | would really appreciate it if you could give me some suggestions of where to visit while I'm there. Call me later, thanks. Exercise 2 (p. 9) Speaker 1 | just joined the school band and so far I like it. | love playing the drums. | used to take lessons when | was younger and I'm pretty good. At least that’s what my friends tell me. In fact, they recommended | join the band and I'm glad | listened to them. Speaker 2 Alot of my friends are on the basketball team and we have a great time together. | really enjoy playing against ‘other schools. What | didn’t expect was how much | have learned about working together as a team. | know ‘the ability to work with others will be useful for me off the court as well Speaker 3 | really ike playing video games so when a friend told me about the Gamers’ Club about a month ago, | signed up immediately. We meet up once a week and just have fun. It's a great way to get my mind off school and all the things | have to learn. Playing video games does require some skil, but overall it's ust a great way to relax. Speaker 4 | have never been keen on school clubs, but when I saw an advert for the photography club on my school's website, | was curious. At my first meeting, | met a really nice giti who is also 2 great photographer. Since then we have become great friends and she is teaching me a lot about camera techniques and lighting. | plan to learn ‘as much as | can and become a better photographer. Exercise 3 (p. 9) ‘Male: Welcome to the De! Monte Aquarium. Today I'm ‘acing to talk to you about a very unusual fish called the Black Seadevil. We don't know much about this fish because it usually lives in very deep tropical ocean waters at between 1,000 and 3,000 metres. Although ocean ecologists once saw one at 600 metres. The Black Seadevil is very strange looking. It has @ huge wide mouth that is always open. Inside, are long sharp teeth, On its head, there is a long antenna with a small light at the end. They are quite small, with females grawing up to 18 cm long, while males stay under 3 om. They swim very slowly and are unable to catch their own food. So, in the dark depth of the ocean, the Black Seadevil flashes its light to attract small marine creatures to eat. They are truly amazing creatures of the deep! Zapis nagran Exercise 4 (p. 9) 1 Do you have this in a smaller size? 2. Which dress do you think looks best? 3. Could | speak to the manager please? 4 Where is the fitting room? Test 2 Exercise 1 (p. 16) 1 Male: Welcome to the Science and Technology Museum. All this month we are showing a special ‘exhibit on inventions. Our IMAX theatre is showing SCIENCE NOW and tickets cost 8 pounds each They can be purchased at the box office outside the theatre. General admission to the museum is 10 pounds. Children under 12 are free of charge. Enjoy your visit to the museum! M: Sally you're back. How was your holiday? F: Wonderful. We had a great time at Bear Lake. t's so beautiful there, M: Did you stay at the beach resort there? F: I wish! It was full so we went camping instead. 1: Oh, That must have been fun. F It sure was. Some of my friends were also there staying in a caravan. We had a great time. F OK. Where to next? ‘M: Well, we could go see the modern sculpture exhibit down the hall. F: I wouldn’t mind taking a short break. Mi: I think there's a café on the ground floor. 7 he That's @ good idea! Okay. Just let me pay for this first so I have a gift to take back for Mum Mike, What are you eating? All that sugar is so bad for you! M: But, | just love this pie! It's one of my favourite desserts, F: Fine, but you're eating too much sugar and fat. ‘You have to cut back on both 'M:| know. it’s just that my grandmother made this cream pie, It's been a popular dessert in my country for over 100 years. F: Still All these desserts and junk food can cause a lot of health problems. You really have to start eating better. M: Ok. lltry. 5. M: Attention park visitors! We hope you enjoy your visit today to Magic Land Adventure Park with over 40 attractions. The park is not responsible for lost or stolen items so please watch over your handbags and all personal items while in the park, Just @ reminder - the park closes tonight at 1 1pm at which time all visitors must leave the park. Thank you. Exercise 2 (p. 17) Speaker 1 lam not a performer or an actress but | really wanted to be involved somehow in the school talent show. | did a litle of everything in the show from painting the sets to helping the performers during rehearsals. | even helped ‘out with the costumes. Let's just say | played a variety of roles in making the show happen. It was hard work and | never rested until it was over but | had a lot of fun, Speaker 2 ‘The performances were exhausting and as the lead opera singer, | needed my rest between appearances. In fact, | only had a few rehearsals in order to rest my voice. | have years of experience but I stil get nervous backstage waiting to go on. In this opera, there was a lot of pressure on me but fortunately everything went well and the applause from the audience was my reward. Speaker 3 ‘As a first-time director in my college theatre group, | really didn’t know what to expect. There was so much to do both on stage and backstage. The most challenging part was the preparations. As we didn’t have a lot of time to prepare for the play, we had a lot to do in those rehearsals. The night of the play was very exciting. It was an incredible experience and | have all the cast and crew to thank for making it a huge success. Speaker 4 | went to an audition for the part of a dancer in a musical. While waiting backstage for my turn to go on, cone of the assistant directors came over to me and asked if | could sing, | told him yes but that | had never sung in front of an audience. | was asked to sing and got a small part in the musical. it was an incredible experience and | learned a lot at the rehearsals. | am now thinking of trying for a bigger role in another musical 59

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