Porous Hydroxyapatite Ceramics Fabricated by An Ice-Templating Method

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Scripta Materialia 64 (2011) 426–429


Porous hydroxyapatite ceramics fabricated

by an ice-templating method
Kechao Zhou,a Yan Zhang,a Dou Zhang,a,⇑ Xiaoyong Zhang,a Zhiyou Li,a Gang Liub and
Tim W. Buttonb
State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan 410083, People’s Republic of China
School of Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK
Received 11 October 2010; accepted 1 November 2010
Available online 4 November 2010

Porous hydroxyapatite (HA) ceramics with lamellar structures have been fabricated by an ice-templating process using as-syn-
thesized and commercial HA powders. The viscosities of the suspensions prepared using the as-synthesized powders were 9–11 times
higher than those of the suspensions prepared using the commercial powders. Finer particle size resulted in larger lamellar pore
width and a thinner porous ceramic wall, while a much denser ceramic wall, as well as lower porosity and higher compressive
strength, was obtained with the commercial powder.
Ó 2010 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Porous; Directional solidification; Hydroxyapatite; Ice-templating

Porous hydroxyapatite (HA, Ca5 (PO4)3OH) has thickness, pore width and pore orientation have been
received much attention due to its strong bonding to shown to be strongly correlated with the processing con-
bone, and because it is more resorbable and osteocon- ditions, including the suspension parameters [9,10] and
ductive than its dense counterpart. It is essential to sat- the freezing conditions [11,12].
isfy certain criteria in the development of pore structures The aim of our work was to explore the influence
for the application of bone tissue engineering, including of different particle sizes on the rheological properties
the appropriate mechanical strength and the pore char- of aqueous HA suspensions and the microstructures
acteristics i.e. porosity, pore size, pore shape and pore of freeze-cast HA ceramics, and to characterize
orientation, in order to promote the migration of cells the mechanical properties of porous HA ceramics.
through the pores, with appropriate space for the nutri- Understanding the relationships between the particle
ent transportation, tissue infiltration and, ultimately, sizes and the rheological properties of the aqueous
vascularization [1]. Several techniques have been devel- suspensions, as well as the microstructure, porosity
oped for fabricating porous HA scaffolds, including and the mechanical strength of the freeze-cast HA
gel casting [2], gas foaming [3], slip casting [4], polymer ceramics are useful for controlling the microstructure
foam replication [5] and solid free-form fabrication [6]. and properties of the HA scaffolds for bone repair
In general, these methods are only able to provide an and replacement applications.
isotropic microstructure by employing a template or The precipitation method [13,14] was utilized to pro-
porogen. It would be beneficial to develop scaffolds with duce HA powder from reagent-grade Ca (NO4)2 and
oriented microstructure and controlled architecture to (NH4)2HPO4 (Tianjin Guangfu Fine Chemical Research
fulfill the various requirements needed for bone replace- centre, PR China). Commercial HA powder (Nanjing
ment applications. Emperor Nano Material Co. Ltd., PR China) was em-
Directional freezing has recently attracted much ployed for comparison purposes. HA suspensions were
interest for the fabrication of porous ceramics with prepared by mixing HA powders, 1 wt.% PVA binder
lamellar architectures [7,8]. The porosity, lamellar (420, Kuraray Co. Ltd., Japan), and the dispersant,
ammonium polyacrylate (HydroDisper A160, Shenzhen
⇑ Corresponding Highrun Chemical Industry Co. Ltd., PR China) in
author. Fax: +86 731 88877196; e-mail:
deionized water, followed by ball-milling for 24 h.

1359-6462/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K. Zhou et al. / Scripta Materialia 64 (2011) 426–429 427

Figure 1. (A) TEM micrograph of synthesized powder prepared by the precipitate method. (B) SEM micrograph of the commercial powder. (C)
XRD patterns of both types of HA powders.

Freeze-casting was carried out by pouring the suspen- (XRD, Rigaku D/max-2550) was used to evaluate the
sions into a transparent cylindrical polydimethylsilox- phases of the as-synthesized and commercial powders.
ane (PDMS) mould (10 mm diameter  15 mm high), The apparent porosity was derived from the density
which was then transported to a copper cold finger data. The microstructures of the powders and sintered
placed in a liquid nitrogen container. Frozen samples HA ceramics were examined by environmental scanning
were then demoulded and the ice was sublimated in a electron microscopy (ESEM, Quanta 200, JEOL,
freeze-drier (FD-1A-50, Beijing Boyikang Medical Tokyo, Japan) and transmission electron microscopy
Equipment Co., PR China) for 24 h. The dried samples (TEM, JEM-2100F, JEOL, Tokyo, Japan). Compres-
were heated at 600 °C for 3 h and sintered at 1250 °C for sive strength tests were performed at a crosshead speed
3 h. of 0.2 mm min–1 using an Electronic Universal Testing
The specific surface area of the HA powder was mea- Machine (KD11-2, Shenzhen KEJALI Technology Co.
sured using a Monosorb surface area analyzer (Quanta- Ltd., PR China).
chrome, USA). The rheological properties of the Two types of HA powders were employed in this
suspensions were investigated using a rheometer (AR work in order to investigate the effects of particle sizes
2000, TA Instruments, USA) at 20 °C. X-ray diffraction on the rheological properties and the microstructures

Figure 2. Viscosity vs. solids loading of the HA suspensions. (A) HA suspension using the commercial powder with 1 wt.% dispersant concentration.
(B) HA suspension using the synthesized powder with 5 wt.% dispersant concentration.
428 K. Zhou et al. / Scripta Materialia 64 (2011) 426–429

of the freeze-cast ceramics. Figure 1A shows a TEM commercial powder was 37 mPas, similar to the value
micrograph of the synthesized HA powder obtained by of 29 mPas obtained for the suspension of 20 vol.% sol-
the precipitation method. The average particle size was ids loading prepared using the synthesized powder, as
about 0.2–0.3 lm, close to the result of Kong et al. shown in Figure 2A and B, respectively. This indicates
[13] obtained using the same preparation method. The an obvious effect of particle size on the rheological prop-
surface area of the synthesized powder was 65.8 m2 g–1, erties of HA suspensions. The decrease in the particle
indicating the existence of amorphous particles. size and the existence of amorphous particles can lead
Figure 1B shows an SEM micrograph of commercial to an increase in the viscosity. This trend became more
powder prepared by a spray-drying process. The surface obvious as the solids loading of HA suspensions
area of the commercial powder was 15.42 m2 g–1. The increased.
large spherical powders were composed of much finer Figure 3 shows cross-sectional SEM micrographs of
HA powders with a primary particle size of 1 lm. porous HA ceramics obtained from suspensions of
The XRD patterns (Fig. 1C) show that both types of 20 vol.% solids loading for both types of HA powders.
HA powders are single phase. However, the commercial Both samples exhibited porous structures with clear
powder exhibited a higher degree of crystallinity, and lamellar channels of long-range order. As regards the
the broad diffractive peaks of the synthesized powder pore structures, a smaller pore width and a thicker
suggest it has a smaller grain size and the existence of lamellar were obtained in the sample prepared using
the amorphous HA powders. the commercial powder, and a larger pore width and a
Figure 2 shows the relationship between the viscosity thinner lamellar were obtained in the sample prepared
and the shear rate of the HA suspension with a range of using the synthesized powder, as shown in Figure 3A
solids loading from 10 to 40 vol.% for both types of HA and B, respectively. The sample prepared using the com-
powders. With the increase in the solids loading, the vis- mercial powder showed a smooth and dense lamellar
cosity of both HA powders increased at all shear rates. surface with a grain size of 2–6 lm, as shown in Fig-
The viscosity curves of all the suspensions showed the ure 3C, while the sample prepared using the synthesized
shear thinning behaviour. At the same shear rates and powder exhibited a rough and porous lamellar structure
solids loading, the viscosities of the suspensions pre- with a smaller grain size of 0.8–1.6 lm, as shown in
pared using the synthesized powder were around 9– Figure 3D. During the freezing process, the particle
11 times higher than those of the suspensions prepared surfaces act as nucleation sites. The finer particle size
using the commercial powder, although the dispersant of the synthesized powder can lead to lower degree of
concentration in the synthesized powder suspension supercooling which is unfavourable to the nucleation
was 5 times higher than that in the commercial powder of ice crystals, resulting in thicker ice in the freeze-cast
suspension. At a shear rate of 100 s 1, the viscosity of sample and larger pore width in the sublimated porous
40 vol.% solids loading suspension prepared using the HA ceramic.

Figure 3. Cross-sectional SEM micrographs of sintered HA porous ceramics obtained from the suspension incorporating different particle sizes: (A)
and (C) from suspension prepared using commercial powder with 1 wt.% dispersant concentration; (B) and (D): from suspension prepared using
synthesized powder with 5 wt.% dispersant concentration. The solidification direction was parallel to the page and the lamellar orientation.
K. Zhou et al. / Scripta Materialia 64 (2011) 426–429 429

exhibit complex effects on the pore characteristics of

porous HA ceramic. Further investigation on the utiliza-
tion of nanosized powder in the preparation of HA por-
ous ceramic is needed for better understanding of the
particle size effects in the ice-templating process.
Porous HA ceramics with well-aligned lamellar struc-
ture have been successfully fabricated by an ice-templat-
ing method using as-synthesized and commercial HA
powders of different particle sizes, i.e. 0.2–0.3 lm and
1 lm, respectively. The utilization of HA powder of fi-
ner particle size resulted in 9–11 times higher viscosity
of the suspension, larger pore width, thinner and less
dense ceramic wall of the lamellar structures. With the
increase of the solids loading from 10 to 40 vol.%, the
Figure 4. Compressive strengths and the porosity of porous HA porosities decreased accordingly, and the compressive
ceramics obtained from the suspensions with different particle sizes as a strengths increased from 1.3 to 5.6 MPa for the samples
function of the initial solids loading. The compressive tests were prepared using the commercial powder, and from 0.7 to
carried out parallel to the solidification direction.
3.1 MPa for the samples prepared using the synthesized
Figure 4 shows the effects of particle size and solids
loading on the porosity and compressive strength of The authors are grateful to the New Century
the sintered HA ceramics. A finer particle size resulted Excellent Talents program funded by the Ministry of
in higher porosity for all the solids loadings investigated, Education in the People’s Republic of China (NCET-
while the difference became less when the solids loading 10-0802) for the financial support.
was above 30 vol.%. For the compressive strength, the
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