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Good morning ladies and gentlemen, thankyou for the opportunity, in this occasion I would like

to talk to you our motion is “Religious minority Group members should have access to learn
their religious education in school”

The definition of motion are:

1. Tolerance brings peace

2. Every human has the same rights
3. Education is the rights of all citizens

From the motionwe will give our time line that “we really support the alignment of equal rights
for education, especially religious minority education in schools”

Then our parameter today is that we just talk about learn tolerance from an early age.

Next Ladies and gentlemen I would like to give my argument from individual perspective

The reform era has the aspiration to create democracy in all aspects of life, to uphold

power and ownership of human rights without discrimination, but ironically, freedom in the

reform era has led to acts and discrimination of minority groups. some Indonesian citizens

belonging to minority groups have not received serious attention from the government

There are still gaps in the world of formal education, such as differences in social status,

differences in religion or beliefs/beliefs, making gaps in some areas resulting in different

policies. One of the phenomena that occurs is experienced by students who come from the Samin

family. The problem that arises is that the trust of the Samin residents has not been recognized in

the administrative system so that the Samin residents are anxious about the applicable rules.

Seeing this problem, this study aims to see how far the education process obtained by the samin

(sedulur sikep) belonging to the minority community.

Education is something that is important to pay attention to and is the right of every citizen.

Education in the traditional view for decades is understood as a form of social service that must
be provided to the community, in this context educational services as part of public services or

public services from the state to the community.

A formal education is expected to be able to provide services to all communities and there is no

difference in teaching. As happened in elementary school.

Not to mention when we talk about students' rights and access to worship. When schools only

facilitate religious learning for some groups, they also limit access to worship for students from

other religious groups. When my Muslim friends and I can study religion in class, during

teaching and learning hours at school, it means that our access to worship has been

accommodated by the school. But the school does not accommodate the access of students from

other religions to worship. They even have to take religious classes outside of teaching and

learning hours. Their religious holidays are also not always school. Oh, and don't forget the fact

that schools usually only provide one house of worship (for the most part).

minority is a concept that contains a discriminatory meaning which is very contrary to the ideals

of the nation as formulated in the 1945 Constitution. As long as the concept of minority is used

as the opposite of the word majority, so long as humanitarian problems are not

will be resolved properly, because, in any field the term minority is thick with discriminatory

meanings. One of the platforms for overcoming minority problems in Indonesia, according to the

author, is through understanding the values developed in Islamic education. Islamic education

that develops in the modern era basically has a goal of building a just, prosperous, and dignified

society. All humans placed in the same position as a servant of Allah swt.

Formal education has a clear and documented institutional structure with good. Meanwhile,

informal education runs naturally, and tends to move freely. However, both forms of education
have had a real impact in supporting the rate of development of a society's civilization.

Therefore, thoughts towards the life of a knowledgeable society will continue to roll. In realizing

these ideals, the education sector is very responsible. Therefore, the pattern of education needs to

pay attention to the dynamics of the development of a society.

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