Case Study On Recruitment and Selection NGO

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ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :7.816(2021); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.

Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:7(6), July: 2021
Online Copy of Article Publication Available:
Digital certificate of publication:
Cover Page Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Article Received: 4th July
DOI: Publication Date:30th July 2021

Pallavi Sharma and 2Dr. Stuti Pandit
Associated Professor
Alakh Prakash Goyal Shimla University
Himachal Pradesh, India

Recruitment is the process of selecting the right person, for the right position at the right time. The educational qualifications,
experience, abilities and skills of the individuals need to be taken into consideration when recruitment takes place. It is the process of
attracting, selecting and appointing potential candidates to meet the needs and requirements of the organizations Selection of
deserving and competent staff is always a crucial job for an organization. It has to consider the required level of skills/technical
abilities, competencies and flexibilities of an employee. BRAC is an organization where different types of development interventions
are carried out. That is why the process of selection is vast and more complicated. Recruitment is to bring more employees for the job
vacant. It is the process of identifying and making potential candidates to apply for the jobs. On the other hand, selection is called a
negative process with the elimination of many candidates as possible.

Keywords: Recruitment, Selection, Employee Satisfaction, Job Description and Specifications.

Recruitment is the process of identifying, screening, shortlisting and hiring of the potential human resources for the purpose
of filling up the positions within the organizations. It is the important part of human resource management. Recruitment is the process
of selecting the right person, for the right position at the right time. The educational qualifications, experience, abilities and skills of
the individuals need to be taken into consideration when recruitment takes place. It is the process of attracting, selecting and
appointing potential candidates to meet the needs and requirements of the organizations Edwin B. Flippo: Recruitment is stated that
finding the candidates for employment & motivating the team to apply for the job in the organization.

Recruitment are two types internally or externally. Internal recruitment is when the vacancy is fill internal in the organization.
External factors include, demographic factors, labour market, unemployment rate, labour laws, legal considerations and competitors.
Efficiency in the recruitment processes generates productivity and builds a good working environment and good relations between the
employees. Recruitment is to bring more employees for the job vacant. It is the process of identifying and making potential candidates
to apply for the jobs. On the other hand, selection is called a negative process with the elimination of many candidates as possible.
There are numerous individuals, who apply for the jobs, but selection is made only of those individuals, who are qualified and
proficient. Selection is important, the reason being, hiring of good resources can help in increasing the overall performance of the
organization. Both the processes of recruitment and selection are considered important for the effective functioning of the
organizations and they take place simultaneously. They are imperative for growth and development of the organization.

1.2 Importance of Recruitment

 Attract more candidates to apply in the organization: To bring the candidate for fulfil the job vacancy in the organization
through job analysis process.
 Relationship b/w employers with employees: It build the relationship among employeers & employee in the organization
through communication
 To bring the more of candidates for the job at minimum cost.: To attract pool of candidate for the job in the organization give
opportunity among the candidate for the job.
 Determine present & future requirement of the organization with proper planning: To make proper planning for recruitment &
selection so it can help in fulfil future & present requirements by giving best candidate to the organization.
 To provide good skill & abilities people to the organization: To bring applicant who are qualified, particular knowledge of the
field & who give their best in the organization.

1.3 Recruitment Process

 Identify Process for job vacancy: To collect information about duties, responsibilities necessarily skills & working environment
for job.

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :7.816(2021); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:7(6), July: 2021
Online Copy of Article Publication Available:
Digital certificate of publication:
Cover Page Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Article Received: 4th July
DOI: Publication Date:30th July 2021

 Prepare job description & job specification: To prepare job title, job location, job summary, job duties, working condition for
specific role. Job specification is process of skill, qualification, experience, trainings, responsibilities to perform specific role.
 Advertising the job vacancy through newspaper, magazine, media etc: To make aware people for the particular job
 Managing the feedback: Response of the applicant for the job vacancy that how many are interested for a job.
 Short listing arranges the interview & select candidates: Conduct some interviews it can be in written or oral form to the
applicant & choose the best candidate for the job.

1.4 Sources of Recruitment


Promotion Advertisement
Transfer Campus Recruitment
Upgrading Placement Agencies
Demotion Outsourcing/Consultancies
Retired Employees Employment Exchange
Employee Referrals Unsolicited Applicant
Dependent & Relatives Online Recruitment

1. 5 Internal Recruitment
1. Promotion: Employees get promotion in the organization according to their skills & experience. Employee get promoted in
their high level.
2.Transfer: We can transfer one person to another place to fullfill job vacancy.
3. Upgrading: We are giving them a small increment or offer them a new job in the organization to fill the job vacancy.
4. Demotion: If the person is not working properly so we can demote him/ her to the lower designation.
5. Retired employees: Many retired employees who are capable to do jobs can also be hired we can also offer them a job.
6. Employees Referrals: Employee have any friend, relative those who are working in an organization.
7. Dependent & relatives: Those who are not alive we can offer a job to their relative.

1.6 External Recruitment

1. Advertisement: We can give advertisement of job vacancy in the newspaper, magazine so that people get aware about a
particular job.
2. Campus Recruitment: Various companies visit the colleges & universities for recruit the employees & give them good
3. Placement Agencies: Are the organization which contacts the placement agencies to fullfill their job vacancy.
4. Outsourcing / Consultancies: This will work as a 3rd party as HR will provide candidates for the job vacancy.
5. Employment Exchange: Many of the candidates do their registration in the employment exchange for their organization can
hired employees to their job vacancies.
6. Unsolicited Applicant: Organization have data in bulk so we can call an employee from them to fullfill the job vacancy.
7. Online Recruitment: Candidates contact through emails they mail there resume to the concerned mail.

1.7 Features of Recruitment

 Process management: Recruitment process to identify the job vacancy through job analysis & selecting the right applicant.
 Applicant tracking: To handle applicant through online for recruitment & hiring needs. It is a tool of a company which is used
electronic method.
 Candidate management: To manage a pool of candidate for the right job right time & place in the organization.
 Employee management: To bring a pool of applicant for a particular job in an organization.
 Resume management: During interview to check the resume of applicant by interviewer about qualification, skills, experience
 Reporting & analytics: Make a proper record of employees results & analyse the progress of candidate.
 Compliance: Hr is responsible to ensure compliance which is talked positively
 Employee satisfaction & engagement. Fair recruitment can satisfy employee level in an organization.

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :7.816(2021); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:7(6), July: 2021
Online Copy of Article Publication Available:
Digital certificate of publication:
Cover Page Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Article Received: 4th July
DOI: Publication Date:30th July 2021

1.8 Selection
It is the process of choosing individuals who have particular qualifications to fill jobs in an organization. The reason is to
choose the individuals who are deserve for the job or have an experience, skills in an organization & provide an organization best
talent candidate who perform well.

Selection is the process by which choosing the best talent candidate who are suitable for the right job at the right time. It is a
process of interview to choose the right candidate for the particular job according to their skills, abilities. It is a process for an
employee which is choosing who have specific qualification for a particular job to fullfill the job vacancy.

It is a process of hiring a right person for the right job.

Matching the profile of an applicant through their skill, qualification, internship experience for the job which fullfill the
organization needs. A good selection process can in achieving the organization objectives & goals by searching a talent applicant for
the organization.

1.9 Importance of Selection

 Obtaining a suitable: Only right candidates who are fit for the job are selected from among the pool of candidates for
 Good selection reduces the cost of training & development: Proper selection of candidates reduces the cost of training
because qualified emplyoees have better grasping power.
 Proper selection resolutions employees’ problems.: Proper selection of employees reduces employees’ problems in the

1.10 Features of Selections

 It is an expensive process
 It is a time-consuming process
 It is a selecting function
 It is going before by recruitment

1.11 Significance of Recruitment and Selection

The recruitment and selection in the organization is doing in a systematic manner. The employees must have qualified,
complete knowledge for a particular thing & good communication skill & good relation among other employees in the office.
Recruitment & selection chosen the best candidate for employment through their skills, abilities, experience, qualification. The areas
that highlight the significance of recruitment and selection have been stated as follows:

When job vacancies arise within the organizations, then the employers give due consideration to the recruitment and selection
processes. These processes enable the employers to identify and analyse the positions that are required to get filled in order to achieve
the desired goals and objectives. Vacant positions within the organizations signify the lack of human resources and these are regarded
as barriers within the course of implementation of tasks and in the achievement of goals and objectives. Thus, whether it may take
place on an immediate basis or may be a time-consuming process, importance of these processes is recognized during the time of job

1.12 Recruitment & selection Process

 Job Vacancy – The first step is when vacancy arises within the organization. One should be aware of the vacant positions and
by when they should get filled with capable employees.
 Job Analysis – Two main factors need to be taken into consideration regarding job analysis. First is expectation of the
employers from their employees, within the organization, the employers have certain expectations from their employees
regarding performance of job duties, and they expect them to inculcate the traits of regularity, diligence, resourcefulness,
conscientiousness and creativity.
 Attracting Candidates – In attracting candidates for the jobs, there are two important sources that need to be taken into
consideration, internal recruitment and external
 Screening Candidates – The purpose of the screening process is to narrow down the field, so that one is able to spend more
time with the candidates for formal interviews.

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :7.816(2021); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:7(6), July: 2021
Online Copy of Article Publication Available:
Digital certificate of publication:
Cover Page Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Article Received: 4th July
DOI: Publication Date:30th July 2021

 Interviewing Candidates – The important aspects that need to be taken into account for interviewing candidates include,
ensuring that proper notice is given regarding the date and time of the interview, ensuring that the candidates are aware that
they should reach the premises on time, ensuring that they are clear where to go and whom they should contact on arrival and
ensuring that they are aware of the documents that need to be brought along in the interview.
 Selecting and Appointing Candidates – The methods of selecting and appointing candidates are different in various
organizations. The procedures generally include the steps, such as, the selection of the candidate, verbal communication of his
or her appointment, medical completed if appropriate, sending of appointment letters and signing the contract.
 Induction and Training – Induction is the process of receiving and welcoming of the employees, after they have been selected
and providing them the required training needed to settle down adequately.
 Employee Evaluation – Monitoring the performance of the employees is an essential aspect within the organization. It is
necessary to evaluate the employees from time to time in order to monitor enhancement of productivity and their performance.

1.13 Principles of Recruitment & Selection

The recruitment is where we finding a lot of candidates to fullfill the job vacancy in the organization it is come under job
analysis. The candidates are required to go through various stages and they are given certain tasks or go through various rounds of
interviews, which they have to accomplish in order to get selected. In some cases, final round of interviews, include only two people,
one is selected and the other one gets rejected.

It is worth giving indications that in terms of leading, guiding and managing employees, if one is not recruiting the best
people available, then it is always going to be challenging to manage them on daily basis.

Another general rule is, when seeking to fill any job vacancy, one should always consider the internal candidates that could
be encouraged to the available post and then recruit externally for the junior position.

Too often senior managers pay less attention to the recruitment process and only become actively involved when a senior
post is being filled, or at the end of the process for the final interview. This is an error and one should be concerned with the eminence
and appropriateness of every employee, who joins the business.

It is often assumed that interviewing is something that any experienced manager can carry out. Interview panel is select
among candidate they ask many questions to the candidate & sometime also ask a written test for particular job to fill the job vacancy
& choose best one from various candidates.

There are many legal issues that are associated with the recruitment process and it is necessary for all the individuals to
familiarise oneself with the relevant legislation. It is vital for the members of the organization to become familiar with the policies and
procedures that are required in the recruitment and selection processes.

1.14 Scopes of Recruitment & Selection

It contains a lot of things. Resources are important in an organization. Hiring right resources which is important for a
recruitment. Organization as its own way of conducting recruitment as per their its policies & procedures.
 Dealing with the resources: Wants are more & resources are limited so we can manage with the resources which is important
aspects of recruitment.
 Prepare a recruitment policies & procedure for different applicants: with proper policies & procedures we can conduct
recruitment for different categories of employees according to job vacancy.
 Analysing the recruitment policies, procedures of the organization: We can analysis the things of recruitment policies,
procedures & process. How it can give recruitment to the employees what are the policies & procedures of the organization.
 Identifying the department where there could be a scope of improvement: After analysing we can see the demand of applicant
according to the department need so we can improve that area to fullfill the job vacancy.
 Rationalization the hiring process with suitable recommendation: plan the goals, identifying jobs, conduct interviews, proper
document, keeping record of employees.
 Choose the suitable process of recruitment for effective hiring resources: Choose the best person who is suitable for particular

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :7.816(2021); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:7(6), July: 2021
Online Copy of Article Publication Available:
Digital certificate of publication:
Cover Page Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Article Received: 4th July
DOI: Publication Date:30th July 2021

1.15 Recruitment Strategy

It is important for hiring the applicant. Completing the preparation of job description, job specification. Last is the strategy
which is choose for recruiting the suitable person for the job in an organization.

HR team considers these points

 Prepare or buy employees: It means to find out the best one candidate who is best for the particular job according to skills,
experience, potential, hardworking.
 Kind of recruitment: Recruitment: Recruitment which is provide to the candidate it is related to particular job vacancy that it is
internal or external.
 Geographical area: Recruitment which is provided to the applicant it is particular website where presents the content about the
 Recruitment sources: It is internal or external recruitment provide to the applicant.
 Setting up board teams: For recruitment to the employees setting up a channels of recruitment team.
 Analysing HR strategy: Strategy which is for recruitment it is analysing by HR that kinds, sources, policies & procedures of
 Collecting available data: Through available data we can match the profile of a person for the job & choose best one.
 Analysing data: Through observation of data that how many applicants are responding on it.
 Setting the recruitment strategy: To implement the strategies of recruitment to choose the suitable person for the job in an

1.16 Recruitment Interview

An interview is exchange of ideas, kind of communication, answer of a question between two or more persons. It can be held
in orally or written form. It is a kind of conversation exchange information between a person. A person who is taking interview called
an interviewer or who is giving an interview called an interviewee.

It can be formal or informal, structured or unstructured. It is conducted by channels of interviewer. It is the form of telephone,
online etc.

1.17 5 P’ s of effective selection & interviewing

 Prepare: It is the 1st one of conducting an interview. Interviewer can check the resume of applicant for which the applicant is
applying. Through resume it can understand the skills, experience, qualification, trainings of a person.
 Purpose: A person who is taking an interview have full knowledge about the need of interview. It can bring the best candidate
in an organization for setting goals of organization by best place to work to the interviewee.
 Performance: Through their performance skills, experience, confident, Trainings how a person have technical skill then hiring
high performing candidate for a particular job.
 People skills: It is important for an interviewer to find out the inner qualities, skills of a person during the interview which is
good for choosing the best talent person in an organization.
 Process: Every interviewer follows a structured interview which give fair chance to the applicants. Sometime interviewer can
ask behavioural based & situational based questions.

Interview Process
 Identifying job: Through job analysis identifying job
 Prepare job description & job specification
 Make a plan: To setting goals, identifying job, minimize the risk in the organization.
 Documents: collect applications & resume to the applicant
 Interview: Conduct an interview based upon job description or job specification.
 Update: Keeping the record of employees proper.

Types of Interviews
 Structured interview
 Unstructured interview
 Group interview
 Depth interview

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :7.816(2021); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:7(6), July: 2021
Online Copy of Article Publication Available:
Digital certificate of publication:
Cover Page Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Article Received: 4th July
DOI: Publication Date:30th July 2021

 Stress interview
 Individual interview
 Formal interview
 Panel interview
 Exit interview

Example: There is a XYZ company which has a managerial requirement for the designation of CEO. This type of designation
cannot fullfill in short time. This type of position needs lots of time with full knowledge about a particular thing & proper planning.

There are many types of interviews the best one is structured interview because it is a doing with proper planning. The interview
process should be in a systematic manner which is structured form.

1.18 Difference Between Recruitment & Selection

Recruitment Selection
Searching the candidate for employment to choose the candidate for a right job
Large no. of candidates for job Refusing unfitting candidates
It a positive process It is a negative process
Its takings selections It follows recruitment
Applicant do not cross many footraces Applicants have cross many footraces

Advantages of selection
 It is cost resourceful & reduces a lot of time & efforts
 It helps sidestep any biasing while choosing the right candidate.
 It helps reject the candidate the candidates who are lacking in knowledge, ability, expertise & not have confident.
 It provides an advice to evaluate the candidates further through strict verification & reference checking.
 It helps in comparing the different candidates in term of their capabilities, knowledge, skills, experience, work attitude etc.

Disadvantages of Selection
 Personal evaluations are made
 Decisions are made within the first few minutes of the interview with the rest of the interview used to authorize or justify the
original decisions.
 Interviewers from categorizes concerning the characteristics of the candidate which is required for success on the job.
 Study has shown unequal rates of selection between marginal & non marginal member using interviews

1.19 Theories & Policies of recruitment & selection

1. Objective Theory: Adopts applicant make balanced method for decision making. More information you can give them
salaries, benefits, working condition for better applicants.
2. Subjective Theory: Adopts applicants are not balanced, but respond to social or psychological needs. It is important for
needs like job security or opportunities for promotion.

3. Critical Contact Theory: Adopts key attractor is quality of connection with the recruiter or recruiter behaviour. More
recruiter connection improves getting of offer, also experienced recruiter for achieving goals, inexperienced recruiter it is for
when recruiting ethic sections, women etc.

Policies: It is a policy of any organization which is come from employee’s policy of the same organization. It should take
consideration of government registration policy. The employee’s policies of organizations about internal sources, ethics responsibility
by absorbing sectors & women etc.

1.20 Inducements to Recruitment

It is all the benefits are provided by organization to the employees to attract more candidates for the job.

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :7.816(2021); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:7(6), July: 2021
Online Copy of Article Publication Available:
Digital certificate of publication:
Cover Page Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Article Received: 4th July
DOI: Publication Date:30th July 2021

 Compensation: Encouragements to the employees in the organization which is benefit by employees are starting salaries,
incentives & fringe benefits etc.
 Career Opportunities: It help the employees for achieving goals by professionally & also attract best candidate for the job &
give them a career platform.
 Image or Reputation: Reputation is play role which can affect in any organization it includes fair treatment of employees.
Provide good services to the people its participation in useful social endeavours.

2.1 Literature Review

Adeyemi (2015) proposed that all the candidates during recruitment & selection time treated fair to ensure to improve their
performance in the organization.
Barber (1998) proposed that applicant recruitment as practices that organization to identifying smart or potential employees. Many
organization corporations that attract employees who are potential who are not only deserve for the job in the organization but also
best for the organization environment.
Beard well (2003) stated that selection is choose the best applicant through their skills, qualification, experience, training in the
organization to the job.
Bennett(1994) stated that recruitment is the recruiting or variation of an right job requirement for a vacant position , its major & minor
responsibilities the skills, experience, qualification, grade, particulars of any special conditions attached the job .Selection as
matching the requirements of a job with the pool of candidates means recruiting a person for the job with some specialization ,
qualifications, experience etc.
Bharthvajan, R, Kavitha, S, Hussain, J (2018) stated that recruitment & selection are important in HR in any organization. Good
recruitment & selection methods which can affect a company in good manner. It is to find the employees in an organization.
Bhoganadam & Rao (2014) proposed that recruiting the employees to see carefully the human resources because it is important in an
organization. Many foreign countries they have advancer method of recruitment & selection to bring best candidate in the
organization. Best recruitment & selection effect organization environment.
Bowen (1991) stated that recruitment & selection can choose the applicant which is best suited for the organization.
Branine (2008) stated that attracting a no. of applicant in the organization is not a problem but recruiting the suitable candidate for the
organization become important for employers.
Cloete (2007) stated that recruitment is the skilled experienced qualified applicant meet the need of job of government. When
recruitment get shortfall then selection can proceed to bring a pool of applicant in the organization. Recruitment is to operate a
sufficient no. of employees to fulfil the job vacancy.
Cober (2000) stated that online recruiting can produce high earning candidates. Online recruiting cause & discrete organization has
operated 10000 candidates through recruitment online to fill minimum 1000 jobs.
Costello (2006) stated that recruitment is the process of to bring right applicant for the right job at the right time. Qualification,
experience, skills which are selected by the interview panel those are deserve for the job.
Drucker (1999) stated that recruitment process which is not only desirable by one process but also it is desirable by combine process
to the success of recruitment in an organization. Recruitment & selection are through advertisement or notification so the people get
aware about particular job vacancy. Recruitment & selection are face lots of problems.
Edwin B. Flippo (1979) stated that recruitment is the process to find the best employees for the job in organization.
Ekwoaba (2015) stated that Recruitment & selection is important in organization because people attracted on a timely basis with
qualification, experience, skill in the organization.
Gupta, Ashish (2014) proposed that Recruitment & selection planning result in improved organizational feedback. The main objective
was to identify the number of candidates & select for the suitable job at right time which affect the organizational outcomes.
Recruitment & selection is the important part of HRM in any organization.
Johnston (1999) stated that job analysis includes job description, job specification, job evaluation in the organization. Job description
include duties, work location whereas job specification includes skills, experience, qualification & trainings.
Jovonic (2004) stated that recruitment is to bring more candidate for the job & select a best candidate who are deserve for the job.
Many top organizations create an environment to create a high level of selection system. Proper utilizing of technology in recruitment
& selection process through better decision making. Good decision can effect on recruitment & selection which bring deserving
applicant in an organization.
Kapur, Radhika (2018) Opined that for any organisation recruitment & selection is important which help in to identify the best talent
candidate for the job. Recruitment & selection which make the employees to achieve its objectives & desire goals in the organization.
The main purpose of this research paper is to understand the recruitment & selection process, procedures.

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :7.816(2021); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:7(6), July: 2021
Online Copy of Article Publication Available:
Digital certificate of publication:
Cover Page Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Article Received: 4th July
DOI: Publication Date:30th July 2021

Kurniawati, Rini (2018) stated that Human resource is the pillar in an organization that show their quality skill knowledge
competitive of human resource. Through recruitment & selection process that decided the qualification establish by the organization at
minimum requirements to meet their goals which support by organization.
M. Shanthana (2018) stated that Better knowledge & skill which is important for recruitment & its process in the organization. best
recruitment process which become increasingly popular to identifying & developed recruitment process.
Mathis & Jackson (2006) stated that selection is the process of selecting a suitable candidate. It is selection criteria of job description,
job specification & job evaluation after the employing candidate.
Mondy (2010) stated that selection is the process to select a best talented applicant from various group of candidates.
Neeraj (2012) stated that selection is the process choosing right person for the right job which can help in presentation, prices, lawful
obligations with their skills, experience, knowledge, qualification.
Odiorne (1984) stated that quality of new recruiter depends upon organization recruitment. Selection is depending upon candidate
qualification, experience, skills, training to fulfil the jo vacancy by attracting them
Ongori, Henry, Temtime (2009) stated that recruitment & selection is important in the organization which bring many people to fulfil
the job vacancy it is to improve the efficiency of organization.
Penttila (2009) proposed that where employees have fraud details to get the job in the organization which is the limitation of using
technology for recruitment & selection. For hiring candidate’s technology become vast it is cost saving & time. The uses for hiring
employees or managers through social media is where we get all the right information of the candidate through his/her website profile.
Candidate use the website which is low cost & free to link.
Raymond J. Stone (2005) stated that recruitment is the process of searching a more candidate from which are qualified, skills,
experience for the job vacancy in an organization.
Robert (2005) stated that recruitment & selection is important in an organization which can improve the organization to fulfil the job
Rynes & Barber (1990) stated that recruitment & selection treated as differently while they both are interrelated with each other. The
right selection of a person is not easy if the recruitment process will not be operative to bring a right candidate for the right job at the
right time.
Sangeetha (2010) stated that in recruitment & selection good decision which affect organization in the future. Bad decision affect in
the selection process.
Smith (1998) stated that the recruitment which effectively is carried out less important when the actual selection process become.
When organization is decided to fill the job vacancies through recruitment which is doing by job analysis. The job analysis has been
conducted where notification is released to know about a particular job vacancy then the interview panel is selected applicant who are
best for a particular job according to their skill, qualification, experience in an organization.
Swadia, Bhavik (2018) stated that Selection & recruitment process in which candidates are hired for the job. The process of
recruitment & selection process is the same age as the organization itself. Candidate who has skill, knowledge, ability, specialization
needs for selection in an organization. Candidates are also given their best with their skill & abilities which fulfill their expectations.
The process in which seeks pool of employees for the right job to the right person. The organization give importance to the
recruitment & selection in its achievement.
Tripathi, Roma (2016) stated that recruitment& selection process is the study which is the support of success in an organization. In the
business to improve the quality of its TQM. In the field of human resource with time & traditional sources are being changed a new &
technically enhanced sources and approaches of recruitment & selection. Recruitment process in an organization which seek the best
talent candidate. Use of new technology like social media is the recruiting instrument for hiring the employees & job seekers. It all
these technology for recruiters which are able to various the possibility of identifying suitable peoples by reaching out to a bigger

3.1 Need of the study

Recruitment and selection are important part of the Human Resource Practices done by any organizations. Non-government
organizations have vital role in serving the society with different norms and ways by going to any possible extent. They not only
provide motivation but also help in creating huge impact on the people and influence them to be better citizens.

Therefore, the prime motive of this study is to understand the selection and recruitment practices which are important part the
HRM in the NGO


The main objectives of the study are:
1. To study the selection and recruitment process in the NGO
2. To analyse the importance of the selection and recruitment process in the NGO.

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :7.816(2021); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:7(6), July: 2021
Online Copy of Article Publication Available:
Digital certificate of publication:
Cover Page Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Article Received: 4th July
DOI: Publication Date:30th July 2021

5.1 Research Methodology

The present study has used both primary and secondary data. The primary data was collected with the NGO with help of a
well-structured questionnaire. The secondary data was collected from varied sources such as magazines, books, journals, articles,
reports and records published.

The sample of the study comprises of employees in a well-structured questionnaire was constructed and was distributed to 30
employees of the NGO. All the 30-employee participated in the survey and filled the questionnaire. Normal percentage has been used
to do the analysis.
Table 1 Demographic Profile of The Respondents.
Gender Male 18 Total = 30
Female 12
Experience 0-5y 26
5-10y 3
10-15y 1
More than 15y 0

In the present study there are total 30 people out of which 18 are male and 12 females. Whereas 26 employees are freshers as
they have experience of 0-5 years, 3 are having experience of 5 – 10 years and only 1 employee has experience of 10-15years.

6.1 Analysis
Table 2NGO Employees’ response on selection process.
Questions Yes (%) No (%) Total (%)
Q1. Does the organization clearly define the position objectives, 100 0 100
requirements and candidate specifications in the recruitment process?
Q3. Is the organization doing timeliness recruitment and Selection 100 0 100
Q4. Does HR provide an adequate pool of quality applicants? 100 0 100
Q6. Does the HR team act as a consultant to enhance the quality of the 100 0 100
applicant pre-screening process?
Q7. Does HR train hiring employees to make the best hiring decisions? 100 0 100
Q10. Does the HR Department is efficient in Selection Policy of the 100 0 100
Q11. Does the HR maintain an adequate pool of quality “protected 100 0 100
class” applicants?

It is clearly visible from the percentages that the organization clearly defines the organization clearly define the position
objectives, requirements and candidate specifications in the recruitment process as 100% employees agree to it.

The employees completely agree with the organisation that it does timeliness recruitment and Selection process, HR provide
an adequate pool of quality applicants, HR team act as a consultant to enhance the quality of the applicant pre-screening process, HR
train hiring employees to make the best hiring decisions, the HR Department is efficient in Selection Policy of the employees and the
HR maintain an adequate pool of quality “protected class” applicants.

questions POOR (%) ADEQUATE (%) EXCELLENT (%) Total (%)

Q2. How well are the organization’s affirmative action 0 23.3 76.7 100
needs clarified and supported in the selection process?
Q5. Rate the effectiveness of the interviewing process 0 10 90 100
and other selection instruments, such as testing?
Q9. How would you rate the HR department’s 0 10 90 100
performance in recruitment and selection?
Table 3 NGO Employees’ response on selection process.

ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :7.816(2021); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:7(6), July: 2021
Online Copy of Article Publication Available:
Digital certificate of publication:
Cover Page Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Article Received: 4th July
DOI: Publication Date:30th July 2021

From the above table it can be found that the employees find that the organization’s affirmative action are clarified and
supported in the selection process as 76.7% find it excellent, whereas, 23.3% find it adequate.

90% employees find that the interviewing process and other selection instruments, such as testing, etc. are effective, whereas
10% found it to be adequate.

90% employees find that the HR department’s performance in recruitment and selection is excellent, whereas 10% found it to
be adequate.

7.1 Finding and Suggestions

To overcome such shortcomings/ weaknesses here the following suggestions are recommended. For appropriate personnel
source professional institutions, HR associations support should be taken by the organization. Job description should be more clear
and specific and job description should be mentioned in the job advertisement. There should be orientation for the specific program.
During recruitment age limit should be relaxed in case of appropriate staffs. Questionnaire of written test should be improved. More
structured interview board should be formed or recruiting agencies can be hired if appropriate personnel are busy. All candidates
should be recruited through proper recruitment process and all recommendations by higher management should avoid. For staff
development more training need to be introduced by management. For that purpose, the budget for staff development should be
revised & increased. Encourage self-guided training, which may be useful for the employees who are working different remote areas.
Here employee is considered to be responsible for self-edification, with the organization providing resources, libraries & on line
information for employees to work at their leisure. Panel interview should be practiced. Find out proper recruitment expenses so that it
could be reduced. Recruit more HR staffs to provide prompt service & meeting all level of staffs physically to hear their problems &
give feedback. The compliance audit team should be more strongly constituted & organized to take accurate feedback & ensure the
right practice of the human resource policy & procedure.

8.1 Limitations of the study

1. Due to time limited data is collected properly from employees become difficult
2. Some employees are busy due to their schedule which effect to some extent

8.2 Conclusion
Selection of deserving and competent staff is always a crucial job for an organization. It has to consider the required level of
skills/technical abilities, competencies and flexibilities of an employee. BRAC is an organization where different types of
development interventions are carried out. That is why the process of selection is vast and more complicated. Every year a massive
number of employees are employed by Recruitment, Selection & Placement Section of HRD for fulfilling the growing number of staff
demand from different programs and projects. Through successful recruitment, effective, value driven and competent staff can be
hired, who will perform to their best abilities. They can work towards the success and sustainability of the organization by means of
adherence and dedication to achieve the goals and objectives. BRAC believes in Equal Employment Opportunity in any recruitment &
always gives preference to the underprivileged group of people in the society. Although this research is based on Bangladesh, it would
be helpful for other developing countries specially Asian countries. As we know most of the Asian countries are poor and there NGOs
play a vital role to the development of economy of those countries. Therefore, for proper recruitment & selection of those countries
along with Bangladesh this paper would be facilitated.

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ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :7.816(2021); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:7(6), July: 2021
Online Copy of Article Publication Available:
Digital certificate of publication:
Cover Page Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Article Received: 4th July
DOI: Publication Date:30th July 2021

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ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :7.816(2021); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:7(6), July: 2021
Online Copy of Article Publication Available:
Digital certificate of publication:
Cover Page Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Article Received: 4th July
DOI: Publication Date:30th July 2021

Annexure – 1 Questionnaire

Recruitment and Selection can be evaluated by using the following questionnaire:

Since how many years have you been working with this organization?
a. 0-5 Years
b. 5-10 Years
c. 10 to 15 Years
d. More than 15 Years

Q.1 Does the organization clearly define the position objectives, requirements and candidate specifications in the recruitment
a. Yes
b. No
Q.2 How well are the organization’s affirmative action needs clarified and supported in the selection process?
a. Poor
b. Adequate
c. Excellent
Q.3 Is the organization doing timeliness recruitment and Selection process.
a. Yes
b. No
Q.4 Does HR provide an adequate pool of quality applicants?
a. Yes
b. No
Q.5 Rate the effectiveness of the interviewing process and other selection instruments, such as testing?
a. Poor
b. Adequate
c. Excellent
Q.6 Does the HR team act as a consultant to enhance the quality of the applicant pre-screening process?
a. Yes
b. No
Q.7 Does HR train hiring employees to make the best hiring decisions?
a. Yes
b. No
Q.8 Rate how well HR finds good candidates from non-traditional sources when Necessary?
a. Poor
b. Adequate
c. Excellent
Q.9 How would you rate the HR department’s performance in recruitment and selection?
a. Poor
b. Adequate
c. Excellent
Q.10 Does the HR Department is efficient in Selection Policy of the employees?
a. Yes
b. No
Q.11 Does the HR maintain an adequate pool of quality “protected class” applicants?
a. Yes
b. No


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