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1 Warm-up

What is Pokemon Go?

2 Key words

Match the terms on the left to the definitions on the right.

1. a character a. a person or animal in a book, movie, or game

2. property b. a place where people go if they have a legal disagreement

3. a court c. existing on computers or the internet

4. an owner d. someone who has something which belongs to them

5. hunt e. something which belongs to somebody, for example a car or a

6. virtual f. to not allow something

7. ban g. to try to catch and (usually) kill something

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3 Find the information

You’re going to read an article about Pokemon Go. Choose the best answer for each question and
then read the text to check your answers.

1. Why are the creators of Pokemon Go in trouble?

a. players are stealing things

b. players are going on private property
c. players are making a lot of noise in public places

2. How much money does the man want?

a. $500,000 b. $2.5 million c. more than $5 million

3. Why do some places want to ban people from playing the game on their property?

a. property was damaged

b. they are important tourist sites
c. there are already too many visitors

4. Which historic site has banned Pokemon Go?

a. The Eiffel Tower b. Auschwitz c. The Vatican

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Pokemon Go Creators Face Court

August 3rd, 2016

The creators of Pokemon Go, the game where Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park in Japan. The U.S.
you have to look for small electronic characters Holocaust Memorial has asked people not to play
(Pokemon) in public places, are in trouble. Pokemon the game when they visit, and Auschwitz, the former
Go players sometimes look for Pokemon on other concentration camp where millions of people were
people’s private property. One American property murdered, has also banned the game.
owner, Jeffrey Marder, is very angry about it and he 6.
The game is also causing other problems across the
wants compensation from the manufacturers of the world. Players are walking into objects when they
game. are looking at their phones, falling down holes in the
People were outside his door and even asked to come road, and breaking bones.
in and catch Pokemon in his garden. 7.
Thieves are using the technology to arrive at game
The game Pokemon Go was released on July 6th, and locations so that they can steal from players.
it’s now very popular around the world. It gives you a 8.
There was a situation where a man found a Pokemon
picture of your area which comes from your phone’s on his wife’s hospital bed, just before she was going
camera, but there are virtual monsters in the picture. to have a baby.
The player has to catch the monsters in places which 9.
Not all stories bad. There are also some good things
are called "Pokestops".
about the game. It’s making people exercise, helping
This is the first court case against the creators of them make new friends, and discover new places.
this game: Niantic, Nintendo, and The Pokemon 10.
Niantic, one of the creators, is telling people to take
Company. Jeffrey Marder is also trying to get money
care to not go on private property while playing. They
for other property owners. They want over $5 million
are also giving other advice such as to stay safe when
in total
there is traffic near Pokestops.
In the game, players have to walk around in the real
Sources: BBC, Wikipedia, Reuters
world when they hunt, and this is a problem because
* - thieves - people who steal.
many Pokestops are places of interest, such as the

4 Checking understanding

Put ‘T’ (True) or ‘F’ (False) next to each statement below.

1. Pokemon Go is mainly played in Japan.

2. Your area in the game is created by a computer.
3. Jeffrey Marder wants money (for himself) from the Pokemon creators.
4. Pokemon Go players have been careful to avoid private property.
5. Some places don’t want visitors to play Pokemon Go.
6. Some people are not using the game to catch Pokemon.
7. The manufacturers of the game are not thinking about the dangers which the game may create.

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5 Find the word

Find a word or phrase in the text which means ...

1. money that you get from someone in court if they did something wrong (noun, P.1) :

2. made available to buy (verb - ed, P.2) :

3. killed on purpose (verb - ed , P.5) :
4. locations that many people visit (phrase, P.5):
5. take and keep something without the owner’s permission (verb, P.7):
6. find information, a place, or a thing for the first time (verb, P.9):

6 Collocations

Match the verbs on the left with the words on the right to form phrases from the text.

1. cause a. a baby

2. break b. advice

3. have c. bones

4. make d. new friends

5. give e. problems

6. stay f. safe

Now make up a sentence for each phrase.

7 Talking point

What do you think of Pokemon Go? Do you think it’s dangerous?

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1. Warm-up

NOTE: Pokemon Go is a free-to-play, location-based augmented reality game developed and published by Niantic
for iOS and Android devices. It was initially released in selected countries in July 2016. In the game, players use a
mobile device’s GPS capability to locate, capture, battle, and train virtual creatures, called Pokemon, who appear
on the screen as if they were in the same real-world location as the player. The game supports in-app purchases
for additional in-game items. (Wikipedia)

2. Key words

Give examples of each word where necessary. Students can work alone and check in pairs.

1. a 2. e 3. b 4. d 5. g 6. c 7. f

3. Find the information

Students can work alone and check in pairs. Have students scan the article quickly. Go through the answers.

1. b 2. c 3. b 4. b

4. Checking understanding

1. F -Pokemon Go is played around the world.

2. F - It is captured by your phone’s camera.
3. F - He wants money for other people too
4. F - Players have been going on private property.
5. T
6. T
7. F - Niantic is trying to warn players about the risks/dangers.

5. Find the word

1. compensation 2. released 3. murdered

4. places of interest 5. steal 6. discover

6. Collocations

1. e 2. c 3. a
4. d 5. b 6. f

7. Talking point

Monitor the activity. Make a note of typical errors and write useful words on the board.

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© Photocopiable and licensed for use in Lilu Lovely's lessons.

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