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Question: -

You need to select any company, write introduction and print organogram
(organizational chart) of the selected company. The you need to analyze and
justify the organizational chart on the basis of six key elements in detail. After
your detailed analysis do justify that the structure of the selected organization is
Organic or Mechanistic and why.

Introduction to Adidas:
Adidas is a global sportswear and apparel company
headquartered in Herzogenaurach, Germany. Founded in 1949
by Adolf Dassler, the company has grown to become one of the
largest and most recognizable sports brands in the world.
Adidas designs, manufactures, and sells a wide range of athletic
footwear, apparel, and accessories for various sports and
lifestyle purposes.
Justification of the Organizational Chart based on Six
Key Elements:

Work Specialization:
The organizational chart justifies work specialization by clearly
defining the departments, roles, and positions within Adidas.
Each department and team within the chart focuses on specific
functions such as product design, marketing, sales, and
operations. This division of labor allows employees to specialize
in their respective areas of expertise, leading to increased
efficiency and productivity.

The organizational chart reflects departmentalization by grouping
related functions and activities together. It shows the different
business units within Adidas, such as footwear, apparel, and
accessories. Additionally, it includes global functions and
regional divisions, which ensure that operations and decision-
making are aligned with specific market needs and geographic

Chain of Command:
The organizational chart demonstrates the chain of command by
illustrating the hierarchical structure within Adidas. It clearly
shows the CEO at the top, followed by the Executive Board,
global functions, and business units. This hierarchical structure
establishes clear lines of authority, communication, and decision-
making, ensuring that each level reports to the appropriate higher
level. The chain of command helps maintain order,
accountability, and effective management throughout the

Span of Control:
The organizational chart indirectly represents the span of control
within Adidas. While the chart does not explicitly specify the
number of subordinates each manager supervises, it showcases
the hierarchical levels and the number of positions at each level.
A wider organizational chart at a particular level indicates a larger
span of control, meaning that a manager oversees more
subordinates. A narrower chart implies a narrower span of
control, indicating a smaller number of subordinates per manager.
The chart allows for a visual representation of the approximate
span of control at different levels of the organization.

Centralization and Decentralization:

The organizational chart can provide insights into the degree of
centralization and decentralization within Adidas. While the chart
alone cannot provide a comprehensive understanding, it can offer
indications based on the structure. For example, if decision-
making authority is concentrated at the top levels, with limited
delegation, it suggests a more centralized structure. Conversely,
if decision-making authority is distributed across different levels,
empowering lower-level managers and teams, it reflects a more
decentralized structure. The chart can illustrate the levels and
positions where key decision-making power resides, providing a
sense of the organization's centralization or decentralization

The organizational chart does not explicitly represent
formalization, as it primarily focuses on the structure and
reporting relationships. Formalization refers to the degree of
rules, procedures, and guidelines that govern organizational
behavior. While the chart does not directly depict the level of
formalization within Adidas, it can indirectly indicate the
company's formalization tendencies based on its structure. A
more formalized organization would typically have a more rigid
and hierarchical structure with well-defined roles and processes,
whereas a less formalized organization may exhibit a more
flexible and fluid structure.

Organic or Mechanistic
Based on the analysis of the organizational chart and considering
the characteristics of organic and mechanistic structures, the
structure of Adidas leans more towards a mechanistic structure
rather than an organic one. Here's the justification for this

 Clear Hierarchy and Chain of Command

 Specialization and Division of Labor
 Centralization of Decision-Making
 Formalization
 Limited Decentralization

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