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Everybody's Favorite Serie 1 Everybody's Favorite Sones 2 Piano Pieces 5 Plano Pisces for Chiron 4 Plano Pieces forthe Adult Student 5 Songs for Chiron 6 Album of Vian Pieces 5 Strauss Waits Albor Bach, Beethoven, Brahms $200 Oran ieee #209 Nott Albim of Modern Pano Muse No.6 Gilbert and Sullivan Album $2.00 DNo.i? {39 Seisted Organ Picer #200 Noid The World of Opera #200 Neto Sonen ofthe Ameria Colege #200 Wolds Album of Salacted Pano Musle Nol2s Neapolitan Sones g200 Io. First Portion Violin Pleoes Nova? Organ Musa #200 net Seow No.aa Trombone Solos Elem Elem. Tenor Sax Soloe $2.00 Elem, Alte Sax Sloe Selected Organ Sols 42.00 Selected Actordion Pieces Galo Ste Selecied ‘Trumpet Solos Selected Clarinet Solos Strauss Walter for Pano Duat #20 Elem. Accordion Solos Solon ‘busta — ‘Tos 2.0 Educational Piano Album Elementary Plana Peces ‘Trion for Violin Pano, Cello 2.00 Songs of the Gay Nintie Noc56 Chopin Album ae 1N0L60 Standard Overtaree for Plano Duet $2.00 {or Violin and Piano £2.00 ‘No. 65 Standard Overtures for Piano Duet $2.00 Nol8i Bauy Solo for Accordion No.65 Choral Preludes for Orgun #220 No. ee Violin Solo in Bony Ist and Sd Positions No. 67 Barker Shop Songs No. 66 Progressive’ Piano Pisces ‘No. 68 Wedding and Sacred Music for Organ $2.00 40 Book of Song 21 Maren Albus for Piano a “or Plano $2.00 23 Wasy Clarinet Solr 76 BAY Sophane Sn 15 Easy Trombone: Solos 40 Piano Pieces for the Young Student 81 Easy French Horn Soler #200 Se Eaay Tenor Sexcphone Soles as Easy Plate Soler 14 Large Note Plano Pieces 85 Organ Theme fromthe Masters $2.00 4 Dance Musi the World Over #200 87 Graded Accordian Pesey 5 Walttes forthe Acevedlon No. so Album of Ballet Music 9200 No. 40 Famous Piana Picea ‘Ne. 91 Marcher for the Accordion No. 82 Duets for the Young Pianist ‘No. 95 Spanish and Latin Ameriets Songs and Dances fa. No. 94 100"kn Time Standards No. 96 100 Ail Tove Standards for Hammond Orgen #250 No. a0 Treasury of Popular Cases No. $7 100" All Time: Standards for Chord Organ #250 No. 98 Songy forthe Recorder Ne: 58 Ob Sle f.00 NeLtor Plate Sole s200 No. 108 Eany Blute Solos or Duets No. ios Basy Clarinet Solos or Ducts No. 109 Bany Vili Solos or Ducte i Viele Solo or Deets Eany Cello Solos oF Ducts ‘Accordion Subtle Getter abies ‘The Melody Book Easy Jase For Young Folks $250 Notte Folk Song Sing Alone ‘AN Time Stands for AM On $00 All-Time Standavis for Baldwin Or 100 Allie Standards for Warltaer Organs ise Hints fotation, Chord Charts, instrument og O A anes ‘and’ Notation and’ Corimon: Musical [UES 108 pages in all $1.50 9 It’s hard to estimate the influence of the ever-popular Everybody's Favorite Series on the music lov- ing public of the United States and abroad. Since their inception in the 20's, many millions of the books in our “series” have been produced and sold. These complete collec- tions have been bought and used in every country of the world by amateur and professional alike. A great many of our publications are considered to be the standard of excellence in the various schools and studios in which they are used. Further, the musie lover and pro- fessional regard them as an invalu- able addition to their music library and an exellent source of basic material. But generally the Bvery- body's Favorite Series is con- sidered to be a “Fun” series, a source of entertainment for all occasions. Regardless of the occasion (or your own musical proficiency) we know that the Durable and Complete Everybody's Favorite Series will containa volume which meets your personal requirements. Your local music store carries a large supply of these popular-priced books. Ask for the Everybody's Favorite Series, the Complete Series, Amsco Music Publishing Company 240 West 55 Street New York 19, New York

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