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Guidelines for activity 1.

3 minutes video

Objective: To measure students´ ability to describe

past events both oral and written forms by using
regular and irregular verbs and the simple past tense,
including vocabulary from unit 1 accurately.

Instructions: Read carefully this document and take

into account the guidelines to carry out this activity.
This activity will be carried out in two parts; speaking
and writing

First of all, record the video by using mp4 format. In case you have doubts how to convert your
video into MP4, the following video-tutorial may be useful:
Convertir videos a cualquier formato con format factory.

General guidelines
 Record your video in a well properly lit place.
 Keep the place clean from any distractor.
 Use a video-recording camera or cellphone with high camera definition so that your
face and additional material can be seen clearly.
 Use drawings, pictures, screenshots, and PowerPoint presentations as additional
 Make sure to review and revise your work before you upload it into the platform through
the homework tool. The video must have both audio and image.
 The video must last at least 3 minutes, and it is individually. It should not last more
than 4 minutes.

Criteria that will be used to evaluate your performance:

 Accuracy: practice the use of the simple past tense of the verbs and vocabulary from
unit 1. However, the evaluation will not be limited to the past tense.
Explanation about the simple past in English - Introduction
Rules to add /ed/ to regular verbs
Three simple pronunciation tips, past tense English verbs

 Pronunciation: practice as many times as necessary to enhance your speech. Also,

the ending sound of regular verbs ( d/id/t). All the words you use to articulate
your sentences will be evaluated. If you have any questions regarding the
pronunciation of any word, make sure you use a dictionary to find the
 correct pronunciation. The following link may help you:

 Fluency: practice as many times as possible so you can get the fluency that is required
for this level. The idea is that you sound natural when you use the language as though
you were using your native tongue, same pace, tone, and intonation. Hesitation will
be considered a lack of fluency. Large pauses to reach 5 minutes will be considered
lack of fluency and dead air. It will affect your grade on this criterion.

Written part
You have to attach a script of the speaking part. Before you record your video, you need to
have script of what you will say.

The following is the criteria that will be used to evaluate the written part.

 Grammar Review and revise grammatical rules about the use of past tense, regular
verbs, and irregular verbs.
 Mechanics: Make sure to avoiding spelling, punctuation, or capitalization mistakes.
To help you on this aspect, the following videos might be useful for you: Reglas de
puntuación. Cuando utilizar mayúsculas y minúsculas.
Preparedness: There are five aspects that you need to comply with in order to get the highest
score, your grade will be determined by the number of criterion you comply with. 1, the
video must last 5 minutes minimum and no more than 7 minutes. 2. You need to use visual
aids to present the reported speech structures, use PowerPoint presentations, images,
pictures, etc. 3. You must upload the activity on the due date or before. Other than that, you
will lose this point. 4. You are not supposed to read the reported speech structures. If you
read, it will affect your performance. 5. You need to comply with the guidelines to submit
the PDF document ( Front page, Font “Times New Roman.” Font size 12. Space: 1.5,
Margins 2.54 cm (1 inch) in each edge of the sheet (Top, bottom, left and right). Color:
black. If you fail any of these aspects, a point off will be taken.
 Plagiarism: Cite all the sources you use to get information from. Paraphrase information, avoid copying
and pasting information from the website. Failure of citing full or partial piece of information will
trigger the lowest score on the WHOLE ACTIVITY “0”. Also, presenting other´s work as yours will
be considered plagiarism.

General guidelines:
Work format: Name of the PDF document: last name and first name- situs- activity 1. For example
Hernández Jonathan-Ahuachapán- Activity 1. It must be sent through Campus, by using the Homework tool.

Front page
Font “Times New Roman.”
Font size 12.
Space: 1.5
Margins 2.54 cm (1 inch) in each edge of the sheet (Top, bottom, left and right). Color:
Send the activity before or on the due date. No late assignments will be accepted.
Assignment date: May 16th, 2023
Due date: Thursday May 27th 2023.

Description of the activity:

Describing your recent vacation.

You will record a 3 minutes video in which you will describe your past vacation. If you did not go out during
the Holy Week, you will need to talk about a previous vacation or make up an imaginary vacation. Then, you
will organize your ideas to describe places you visited, activities you did, people you went with, describe
reasons why it was a memorable vacation or why it was not a memorable time for you. This activity will have a
written version; therefore, you will write a script before recording your video. You are required to use the
grammatical structures studied in unit 1; the past tense and vocabulary from the unit. You will need to check
pronunciation guidelines for past tense verbs ending ( /ed/, /id/, /t/)
Please be advised that this activity is not limited to evaluate the past tense; in fact, all grammatical structures
that you use while speaking will be evaluated. It is strongly recommended that you rehearse as many times as
needed before recording your video since reading is not allowed. Plus, you can use visual aids to enhance your

Hello, my name is Johan Perez, I am going to tell you about my last vacation.
I went to the beach with my parents. It was a nice day and it was sunny. I did different activities there. Firstly, I fished using a
net. It was my first time fishing. After that, I cooked the fish I caught. It was delicious. Later that day, I played soccer beach
with some people I did not know. I was passing by and they invited me to play. I had a great time. In the afternoon, I swam
in a pool. At night, my family went to the hotel and organized a party, we all danced and ate sea food. It was an
unforgettable vacation for me.
The above is just an example, you are not supposed to use the same paragraph, and you are free to write as many sentences
describing your vacation using the simple past tense. Take into account that the video must last 3 minutes minimum.
Rubric to evaluate activity 1, 15%
Due date: May 27th, 2023
Objective: To measure students´ ability to describe past events both oral and written forms by using regular and irregular verbs the simple past tense,
and vocabulary from unit 1 accurately.
Student´s name:_________________________________________________ 30/10 total score Grade: __________
Instructions: read carefully the following aspects that will be taken into account to measure your performance so that you can become aware
of the criteria and do your best.
Criteria Outstanding Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor

Accuracy The student does not The student makes The student makes The student makes lots The student makes The student makes
make any type of some grammatical few grammatical of grammatical mistakes several grammatical many grammatical
grammatical mistakes mistakes while mistakes while while speaking, from 6 mistakes while mistakes while
while speaking. speaking, from 1 to 2 speaking from 3 to 5. to 8 speaking from 8 to 10. speaking, 11 or more
Pronunciation The student articulatesThe student articulates The student The student articulates The student The student articulates
all words correctly the majority of words articulates many the several words articulates words many words
and shows an correctly, making words correctly, correctly, making from correctly, but makes incorrectly, making
outstanding level of from 1 to 3 mistakes, making from 4 to 6 7 to 10 mistakes, from 11 to 13 more than 13 mistakes,
pronunciation from showing an excellent mistakes, showing a showing a good level of mistakes, showing a showing a poor level of
beginning to end. level of pronunciation. very good level of pronunciation. fair level of pronunciation
pronunciation. pronunciation.
Fluency The student speaks The student speaks The student speaks The student tries to The student tries to The student is not
fluently with no somewhat fluently some degree of speak fluently, but there speak fluently, but fluent. There are too
hesitations with little hesitations fluency with some are several pauses there are many pauses many pauses or
whatsoever sounding naturally. pauses/ hesitations /hesitations sounding /hesitations sounding hesitations affecting
sounding naturally. sounding a little bit somewhat unnatural. somewhat unnatural. the speech. Gaps of
natural. Gaps of dead air to dead air to reach the 5
reach the 5 minutes. minutes.
Grammar & Sentences are clearly There are a few There are some There are several There are a lot of There are many
Mechanics stated. There are no mistakes in spelling, mistakes in spelling, mistakes in spelling, mistakes in spelling, mistakes in spelling,
grammatical punctuation marks, punctuation marks, punctuation marks, punctuation marks, punctuation marks and
mistakes or capitalization, or capitalization, or capitalization, or and capitalization, or capitalization, or
punctuations errors. grammar From 1 to 4. grammar From 5 to grammar From 8 to 10 grammar From 11 to grammar. 14 or more.
(Combined.) 7 (Combined.) (Combined.) 13. (Combined)
Preparedness 5 aspects are met: 4 aspects are met: 3 aspects are met: 2 aspects are met: 1 aspect is met: None aspect is met:
1. The video last 3 or 1. The video last 3 or 1. The video last 2 or 1. The video last 3 or 4 1. The video last 3 or 4 1. The video last 3 or 4
4 minutes. 2 The 4 minutes. 2 The 3 minutes. 2 The minutes. 2 The student minutes. 2 The student minutes. 2 The student
student has used student has used student has used has used visual aids to has used visual aids to has used visual aids to
visual aids to present visual aids to present visual aids to present present information. 3. present information. 3. present information. 3.
information. 3. The information. 3. The information. 3. The The student submitted The student submitted The student submitted
student submitted the student submitted the student submitted the the activity on or before the activity on or the activity on or before
activity on or before activity on or before activity on or before the due date. 4. The before the due date. 4. the due date. 4. The
the due date. 4. The the due date. 4. The the due date. 4. The student does not read The student does not student does not read
student does not read student does not read student does not read information while read information while information while
information while information while information while presenting. 5. The presenting. 5. The presenting. 5. The
presenting. 5. The presenting. 5. The presenting. 5. The written document written document written document
written document written document written document complies with all complies with all complies with all
complies with all complies with all complies with all requirements according requirements according requirements according
requirements requirements requirements to the PDF guidelines. to the PDF guidelines. to the PDF guidelines.
according to the PDF according to the PDF according to the PDF
guidelines. guidelines. guidelines.

Content The student has not The student has The student has The student has copied The student has copied The student has
authenticity copied and pasted copied and pasted copied and pasted and pasted either partial and pasted either copied and pasted
(Plagiarism) any partial or full either partial or full either partial or full or full information from partial or full either partial or full
information from any information from any information from any any type of sources. Or information from any information from any
type of sources. The type of sources. Or type of sources. Or The student has type of sources. Or The type of sources. Or
student has not The student has The student has submitted same exact student has submitted The student has
submitted same exact submitted same exact submitted same exact work as other student. same exact work as submitted same exact
work as other work as other work as other The lowest score will other student. The work as other student.
student. The lowest student. The lowest student. The lowest apply for any duplicate lowest score will apply The lowest score will
score will apply for score will apply for score will apply for work. for any duplicate work. apply for any
any duplicate work. any duplicate work. any duplicate work. duplicate work.

Explanation about how your performance will be evaluated. Firstly, this rubric has six criteria. Hence, the highest score you can get is 5 points per criterion,
and the global score is 30 points. On the other hand, the minimum score you can get is zero “0”. In order to get the grade, 10 will be divided by 30 points:
10/30= 0.333; then, this score will be multiplied by the total number of points you get taking into account all criteria. It is strongly recommended that you
read the rubric and guidelines for this activity.

Acosta, C. [Teacher Clau]. (2017, 15 de marzo). Aprende en Ingles las Reglas de

Puntuación y de uso de Mayúsculas [Archivo de video]. Recuperado de

Cambridge Dictionary-Cambridge University Press (2020)

Dalumoli 82. (n.d.) Convertir videos a cualquier formato con format Factory (3gp, movil,
mp4, mkv, etc). [Archivo de video]. Recuperado de

Alema, [Inglés fácil]. (2020, 31 de octubre). Pronunciacion De Verbos Regulares En

Pasado En Ingles - | Pronunciation Of Regular Verbs In Past. [Video file]. Retrieved

Arévalo, L. [Cursos de Inglés ATS]. (n.d. consulted in March 2020). “Explicación del
pasado simple en inglés”. [video file]. Retrieved from

Arévalo, L. [Cursos de Inglés ATS]. (2017, May 14th .) “Reglas para agregar ed a los
verbos regulares” [video file. Retrieved from

Arévalo, L. [Cursos de Inglés ATS]. (2017, July 17th.) “Explicación del pasado
Continuo oraciones afirmativas y negativas” [video file.] Retrieved from

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