Emf LN 1 Notes

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| Unit-1 + Tntroduction Electric field - Tt is associated wilth static charge Static change > Eleurte etd motion of chastg.2 > Hagnetic Field Intenachon with electric field and magnetic Held >etechomagnes Het Electric Held : An oledric field a a force that suvvrawnols glectric changes that attracts ot Hepols athon ptectric chong» - Magnatic died : S A magnatic Feld Ba fore that is croctedt by moving plactric changes and magnotic cipalos | Electromagnatic fiotd : |. > Electromagnetic Held is gonsnateol when chovigad porticles SUCh os olectrons oF ane acceltiated , all olectriecLLLy charged parieles aid swurounclod by olectric AeLcls, Chovige particlaun motion produce magnetic field . whon walocty of change particles chan gos cure olackro— magnotie dield is produeod dhe langiage of om ts basoct on methods of vectes anatysis. votton analysis — $4 4 2 branch of mathematics that docs with tho quoneties that how both magnitucle and olinoction. Shore are two types of vecton analysis scalan- St is a physical quantity containing enty magnitude. eg. tempanatuse volume. mass vectes- dr is a physical quantity thot contains magnitude and olizuction. 2g. valocity , accelanation Gt ts uopresanted by an anieUur. as Stavrtin Sonmanetin ped me. ao length = magnibads ‘R'= 10Al= IRI Unt Vacter « unit vacton, Zon = OB OA=irl=1 loal A= 1OAl + Gon wut vector Vactox algebra: > addition, subtraction and MU pLi cation Of vocter . Coordinate system: * Cantesian | Rectangular * Cyuindnical \ * " . % Sphorical Vebtont caleba Us : ¥ Differentiation and Integration * line, surtace, coLowmn integras * A oponaton :gkadiant. divorgance cil Vects' algebxo > Vactor addition : Vectors that lie on same plane ix called coplanas, yoctons. ” ie 7” ; Head.to tau sue (Triangie tau): Hous one of tho 2vocters ponalel #5 itsaus at the zip ¢ othon Vactets . = f emanos e | 9 seating an Mutkplication : | Multiplication by a scalar tp a vacres- Tt changes the | magnitucle Wlength) of a vacte but not it direction when | the scouevi a positive dot & boa scalan value Darl ii) wet if) &=-1 on R a Ww oe a oa ash Uv v ae A oer jis AS | ae POSES Magnitude Magrutude L Hagnitucl2 is same | Direction 2emoury Direction Diswetion changes samo swmain sam Units and Universal constants Intonnatienal system of units fer 4 suncarnental units: Lengthim), maas (kg): Time (s). cunent (A) fundamental Electromagnetic fietd qoans tes | | sietd Quantity | Unit electric field intensity vm-! electric Hux clensity | D cm? magnetic field intensity BH Am-! | magrobic ux clonsity B Testa} Universal constants : vatocity of eloctromagneHe wee in free space, c= 3x 108 ms-! poamitivity of free space &- 8.854 x10-? Fm! pormiablity of Froe spack Mo=AILx 10-7 HIn-! symbol c= a= ms* VpHoe. condinate system * y a) Reckangan | cantosian coonclinate systern « Considen a polnx 'P! (aiyiz) in Spaceat a disiance 6 from onigin Position vocts of pt Pca bo xoprasonted ab. Pe ocd, yoy tza, 9D Wlefxaguz? ~@ Considan 2pta in cantesian coondinals system P&a coondincites (2414.2) & (2a Ya, 22) Individiral position vactors of a paints. Ps xix 4 yi Qy 42127 -@ G -aiih +Hsdy 122% 2 distanct vactes AG = (xg—x1)d%, + (Yp-YrlOy +6z2-20)0z | a | Magnitude IAL = te cya yi) hzz-z)* © . dat ws incwase oach coandinate by a oli rontal amount now paint p's obtainad hauing the coondlindtss ple Léxieda) , yitdy), (z+dz)J dittrential ngth di'= dxdz + dyay +dza, >@ sw [dtl= dat tdysedz Fic: dee. : coy Hage. sat d ee diftnonadl surface wa nanmal te x olinection : « ds = dydza@e DAME aa oliftrential surface anoa nanmat te y curuction dsy = dzdxdy oliff7ental sunface area noxmal te z duwctien dsz = doedy ar ‘ t hb) Problem | TWO Pe A (2,211) & Be3.-4,2) aio giuon in eanteslan ty. Obtain tho vactes foun A to B and a unit voctos oitacted trom Ate B Soutien + A? = 22h, + 2a) + 10% Rp = > 8 = 20 -4ay +207 ae AB = ay ~6Qy +z laé!= (apeap ee Viv36+1 = Vag = 6.164 WU voctes, sy Sea Opa = AB. Ox -60y +02 in! 6.64 a cae —- = AB = 0.1602 -0.970g +0.160z Lyuncbucal 6 ciretan coonclinate sytem Apt. p in wylindeucel coordinate xopres.ontedl ax y P(C,4, 2) h P-> radius ef uplinden passing through point P. > azimuthat angle meatWiacl from 2 axis in tha XY plang Z> cisin the same as win cantesian system of 00 x Point P& unit viacter in the 029 son cylindrical coondinates Sz Soo aye tenn, | veckes A in cydtincbucal coostelinate can b2 geen an, A= fede + Agdy +Azaz >@ IN l= [pee agene Rule : Dot Product Op.ae = 24.09 =Oz,0z21 0.46 =A9.az = z.ae=0 Cross prodlect aexag=dz ; 26 X0e=-% apxaz -ap , Az ag --a0 Qzxae=ag , aexar=-ap ppcey.z): plee.7) ey -. ee ee Relationship betwacn (x. y.2) and (€:d,z) sing= 4 e y= sing >@ a cos $ x = eeosh >) Zez ai ty?- (esind)? + (ecosd)* xt4y? = 0? sin? +cos?dJ xt4y* = 0? x+y? @-@ _ esind Fat hae eae Unit Vector Juan sfermation : cosp = adj. _ a adj. = cosh. ae ces(90-0) = ach a4 ‘ adj « ~ay ces(40-) (Od = ox = aecosd ind |+@ cosg = adj. ag ad = a9 cosh costao-6) = ady ae adj = apcosl40-) Oyeladj = ay = aesing Fap cosd A =O, @s ay = apsing +a4 cosd . 4 €85b = Qy -agsing ag - _ay _ desing >2@ cosh cosh Sub @ in® Oar = ae cos - fA, - cgeine )sing ws “cosh ax = ae + sintd] _ sing ay cosh cosp Gx + sing SIMd ay = ae [cost + sineg cos caper {ae = cosh.ax t sinday}s@ @> ax=Getosd -agsing cos$.ap = ax tag sind = Ox 4 Apsind a aaa cosp 3e® 4 sub® in® ay = [Ox tn +29 cos$ cosy cos). . a ee + Axsing COs caso Qy -axs = ap [sine tcoseg oF Hen *] cosh i) ap = aycosd = axsin® \+@ (@z=az\>@ Qe = cOshax + sing.ag Ap = cosh ay - sing ax Qz =az di» deap+Pdpag + dz.az OiHountal noma surface wu wnt & direction dsp= Fdgdede Diktential normal swifae ava wat O detection dpe dédzay Disteorental naimal swifaw area wot z diction ds,. Cdedpay Dittxenaial volume + dV-Pdedpdz daanséoovnation of vactss A from cytindiieal £6 cartesian Coordinate : (Ap. Ag. Az) > (Aa, Ay Az) Ax cp -sino o| [Ae : AY] =| sind cosp ol] ; Az, o oo. 1JLAz : Ax = cos Ap-sing Ap Ay = Sing Ae +cosd Ad Az = Az Druanstoxmation of vacton A dom casttesian te ey inclsical Coondinatd: (Ax .Ay,Az) 5 (Ae, AO. Az) Ae cosd sind o Ax ts - -slngd sd 2 [fs Az 0 o SL Re Ags Cos Ax +sing Ay —— Ag = -sing Ac + cos Ay Az = Az AN) oss ! : | Wtaunuia displawmeant : i Sphanicas coondinate seearge. E Consider a pt.P in a sphortcat eoondinate system and con bo noprsanted os (1,6, o). r>distanw trom the oxigin-to pt -P (an): sodius of tho sphow centr at ongin possing though pt. P. ®> angle botwoon zaxis and the position vectes of P. > azimuthal angle measured from x axle. o4r so ose@ y-esing »@ coso= 2 cosh - % r e z=rose >@ x= Psd -@ sub © in@® xe rsing.cesb _ sub @ In® 30 ae yersingsing ' z= rcos® = (rsine cas)? + (rsinosind)*+ reese): = y2sin2e (eos? +sin2) + 12c8376 = p2sin26 +1r2C0s76 = re @3 xttyttz thre Orel} m2tyttz2= Pr? Vaatyttze =r tone 2 = Vaetyt (P= Wty? refer eysin duces = z sys =) dot each coordinate ina sphortical aptom ia inciwastd by diffsuntial amount- di#funtiont Jongth: di dra; +rde & +rsinedd a diffmtial normal surface awa wat r direction dsy =rsineded ar _ dignontial NoeuNal surface awa w9.t.e odviection | | dSe= rsinedrd as | disfrential nowmal surjaw oa Wr.t o douctien ds = rdrde a distnansiat vaiume : dy = risinedrded> Jnansfonmatien oF a vater A from cantesian te sphonictt! Coosdinccte * (Az, Ay. Az) > (Ar,Ae: Ag) fr] [sinecosp sinosind caso ] | Pe Fel | cosecesd cesosing “io [= ‘| | -sing casg fe “ah ‘ me ‘ ae | Ar= Jransformastion oF yotet A from spherical to cantesian coondinate: Ar. Ae, AG) > (Ax AY, Az) Ax Sinecwsd ceseces -sing ][ Ar Ay|= | sinesind cesesingd cosd re] Az ces8 -sin® ° Ao. Problem PC-2, 6,3) and voces pyar 4 (x12)0y Expowss Pand A in cytindstical and spharucal coandinate Evauote A and Pin cantesioun , eLinducob sphoucal . Gn; | Pl-2,6,3) ae )Y=6,z7=3 | B tytindnical « e= Vaxetgt= Y 2246? = 6.52 | > = tan: (3) = -TU.5 +180" = 9108.43 zZ=3 Sphoweal v= Vxetyeez = 41 36+d = oon (EE) tn $ = 108-43 cantisian: P(-2,6.3) Be Cyundrucal Pl6.32, 108.43, 3) spherical PlT.64.6, lee eo. r,@ ,o P(-2, 6:3) = PL6 §2, 108-43, 53) = PCT, 64.6, 108-43) Cantesian : px yak +(ociz) dy = bax +0y Cysinolsiccl Ae cosd sind Ad] = te os °]['] Az a +sind [elf [eset a eid 4) + Sin (08.4) Az. o+90+0 =-0.94 Ag = -ésind+cs@ = -6.0l Az=0 R= -0.940¢ Sphorucal : (058 Ar sinecesp singsing SH, ee Re | =| cosecesd cesesind -eersine a Ag -singd cas 0 prasineces? +sinesinp = -0.85 he caxtesian i X= rsingeesd = 31130) Ce5(246) - a7 4 =rsine sing = 3Sin(30) sin{(240) = ~12.99 z=rcese = 3C05(30) = 2.598 Pla,y,z)= C015, -1.299,2.598 ) 4.) conuart tha pe.PLI,-4,-3) fo cysindnical and spherical (00 wyuindoical + 0 =¥x2rg? = Vile ~ 4.12 db = tant) = 104,04 Z=-3 P(E, 6, Z) = (4.12, 104.04 ,-3) SPhoucal + r= Varryeez’ = Vivier = 6.094 @ctant es ()-.04 Oe 104.04 Per 8.) = (5.099, 126.039 104.04) | | | | | I e. | Convent to eytincbucal | | | | 6) Evaluate : Aa 3G% + 2dy -4Oz 4[2 y -tans{e} tort F}< 33.64 Roce Pye2 Pz «4 Ae = costa +sind Ay = 3eosd +2S1Nb Py Hsing nas cosh Ag =-asind +2008 Rz-Az = -4 Ae eo i Convent (5,120%,0) tp cantesisian X= Peosp = SCOS\20) = -25 y a-b a closed path (contour) > a—b-C-2 (patn oF mregriatien oF (etose integral) vector feud AJ G pasate is obtatned, 4 the chonge axists along the Lind . otal charge by cat eutatingthe Une integral. potal change, = [6,2 whore fi lina change con sity Cunit- : change! unit length ) -Clm Suntace integral > Sho total quantty of flux or CLL Mt LrOssMg the area can be calculated using swyacr integnral Yh Torar flux eressing the surface a Si | Wsgn. by = Jn.ds - dads -fialdscese 8 é s Cig flux of te vactr toy , Hytough swrface] Jotal change arising on the swiface 6 gn as Qf feds where fs > surface change density . Unit : (change lunit area) - Cin: Vouume integral : AH athe change dlistribustion exist in | 3D thon volume integral 4 noqisocl. {+ + + Jetal change avisting on the volume dv + Ee ts ginen by. 4 chovag | | | a= JPvdv whew ty-svouume change | clonsity ‘ | Wut (Change Mut value) -¢) | Del oporates (Gradient oponates- 9): | A Dit oprnates 4 a voctes diftxennat opan cites, atwu known a4 gna dient opsrates Je is usa Ja defining gradhent of a scalan tv) wut jas vv. and divangence gente 6+ vat A and con be wruti | 9.A. and duu of voto A and wxittenas VxA, lapladah V written a& 92y =0 | Lontesian Loordinate : ve Bax + Paya doz Lylincbiical ceandinccto, v= one ae sida Spherical coandincto - 4 ve Doty pgce+ ay, 2) ae re ao = =e aa | | Graolent + % dk Us the suerte of chango of FULX Tha graciont af a scatan freld ‘v' wu a vacter that | Repxesents bath magnitude and durection of the | Ma@admuun spaw nate of incrwasd of v cautestan - vive Wax + BVay+ Va, L oy oz dercsulee vive ae +1 ae e Sphoricen : viv = OY Or # + or Problem : Find Gradient Gin-v=e-Zsinaxceshy Cranrresian) Av = Max + Vay+ az ox ay oz A.V = 3(eZsinarceshy) a 4 Ce *sinaxcoshy) ay + ox ag Ze Av =207-%cos20 CAY-ax + CF sin2x sinhy. Ay #-& See U=P?zces2d ( cylindxieal) A.v = Woae+Lewap +29 az gn ae A.U = & 2ezces2d.a9 2° Zz sin2, p4 e2c0520 az 5 = €0S26 = 1-2sin?0 W = lorsin7e csp = s0r (1-828) cosh _sin29 = (-c9s20 3 w = a. +1 Moot. 1_ av ag este 38 F3ind ap = osin?ecesd ar + gteosh (2sin2e) 4 cepante sing ot x {7 SIZ or ee Jas +p aoe iti a) tle ana b) va divangena = ¢) Zeno civergan, She divengane of Act a dH gon pt.P ix eutwoord pu per une volume as the volume sires Cbout P- AV it te volume anclerod bythe dese suntace s 1 wath P 6 located Pivengance oa vactor field A wba gn. pk. Jy & meas of how much freld divenges fiom *hat pt. Jn Fig. divengona of a vocter fidtol at pk. Pts poste becouse the voctes divengos . Th Fig b thos negative divergance atpk. P Cconvangss) Jn Fig.c vactes field has 0 divangance ot pt. P. Copdestan : va- z+ 2Py 4 dhz ax zy oz ayplandaical vA- 1 alerel , 1 dhe y Az i” Par ucarn bie ez] Sphaueal : ' . AL ofArd 1__dlsinedao) , _1_ and i wae ie ar * Fine 28 i rsine OO i Bivangan @ theorem G states thot total ofp Hux of avert field A throu!’ the dosed cufau $44 same as tha volume sntegral of olivergonce of A. fads facv.ardy oe Proot: carhesian T.A= xy Shy 4 Az A ee ol se 20 Joke Volume integral of bath sides Wlevaydv « (+ OAYy az) av 1 ‘ i) = fs (EB 282) da dy dz x divwctton + limit varies from x, tp x2 Uf 8 acayce = [ffbof% ayde = Jf CAca-Aoe J dyde = Jf Arc dsc >) y dinection : Limit varies from yj, tv yo Q £ Mt Bye deedy dz = JS [ER] a aca > Jf Cay] g2 decdz ={f[Ays-py Joacdz = ff Pydsy +@ z dixection: UM vases from z, to zz Uy RE cndyde |) Eee tea = ff TreJzf cay = ff LAze-Azi] loc dy = Jfazdsz >@ @+O@+® {11 ¢v.a)dv = \fAxdso + ff Aydsy 4 \fazdsz fijcoardy “ff Ads Hena prouad. —_ _ Lytindstical : 1 atenel 4 taney 2hz VAR ae oy ez Tak® volume antegnalon both sida - (iia Ile oe? +e ae bhz)dev . andy dAz ie Nebel, eae Ye) ededdde 0 ainection : INS 4 2GRe) paedgaz = [fone] dbdz » = ff Re dse a ; 6 dinection : ' Urarpaeceeate sh dedz =[fAodss >@ z duction : (np a ae dzdedd.e = [jnz-ededd = [JAzdsz +@ Sub @, @.@ n@® {is Cv.a)du = Unedde+ Ingdso +ihnzds, Mivndve finds ourtes Lau : ibe atx 4 OPyy ah dx Og (Oz ‘V.P = alx7yz) + (gz) = 2myz +0 ox Pro! 1, | Determine Divengonce P= ee 42207 | ant | | 2/- mes + P220g + Z00sb ar V.A= atehe) zee we r te ores | V.A= 4 a(esnd) 1a(ez2) + ote | t H palees) + ea = attsing , cosd - 3.) Find Divangonce. | A= 1 cored tssinecosh @e + cose ap 4 | | A= Lalrapy) | | acsineAe), 1 ano | vary. rsin@ — 96 FsiINS 30 = 10 (Goes) , 1 alsine rsinecosd) _1 3 (cose) | r Sa ie 28 rsine arp ro: a ei af cos (( 9528) | rsine ~~ 99 | | = £09 (bsinze) 2rsine 7 VA = c0sd (2Sbn6 2050) = 20854 1650 see Expaassian fos v.A in cantesian Pate ge 20)? .ds = | J baas (at “Halls We. )aas 30 expansi: 3-D Taylor seruer of fin at Be Axl, Y.z) = Dal Xe, YoZo) + (xe- Taba 4 Wy eee +(Z 70) ABz | = Ip i sw highort ond tem —> @) f ton front sida Tetorde , ds-dydzt, > 2 = . [peta ys. zol+ dee saz), dy dz4 armenian E | fon back sido eee ds «dy dz ax) 3@ : = deo 9 “ eds: [re tango 2 eee asd oko orang @+®@ See det: a + higher orders @ siete Us tags’ = pH ore => \ ds+ [Jads= docdydz ohz i | sub @.@,@ in © $nds = dedydz (282 284 + 282). righes ordoa toun ay oz §nds = Ay (ax uA A | = (As %y tends te 0 7 igh2 orden teruns gads 2a Boonies) av VaR = (Px 5 on J ee Probiam - | | A Be see-®sin Rage font) = atti find. gnaduant at P(o,1,1) Vas 20 da, + od ays 2 daaz a0 = (ont. sean) a x “a So el ax, ee? ei cay 138 Cl) M5) 20, \?/ bao =-2 sin fl 420e_T Srcos e ry: ax “ay val ~ ipa + 9.068.0y &=25Psingd at PV, M2.5).Find divengona Wa= a 1 9lPHe) » 1 dH Pap + PoE x | 250 Gradient + Viol= MOL 1 Wo, OZ oe piee * az = = D(26Rsind) ae + 1 (astsind) gy e ee 3 Via = 258in. Op+ BE cosh Divergence Ves 1 (Pathe) 4 1 ¢ 4 QAg t ap Pap =cL (C25sinb) , 1 3(25cosb) ear Pa = 25sinp , - 25siInd Sone a Bane =o = 1068S at Pl 3, 60°, 30°) r2 |__ 24 a Od ay + 1 0h de t fat eT aa.” reine 20 ‘V. a = ~ 800056 G - wosne @, Abe Te A = Vo = ~ £0094 (60'/ar sass 2t $21 Vid = -1.48107 - 1.283% | = ee) a. vacks A cw g} avector at any pts dafined as a ni y | the suntate invegnal of ua cross product with normal OUD», elesad swrfaca pan unit valume as tha VOLUME chninks ty 5 s Cuntot Ae OXA a (diene) ¥ Expouisionfor * Eapression fs VxA wn cayttesian» Plxe.Yo.z0) adi: (L+L +4+4.) ad 30 Use Joylen sorios expansion at the pt. Plwe, Yerzel Fon sido ab , dl = dy 2-z0 = -dz ae J Pat = dy [og tcayo2.) 42 284), ] 5 | or sida be, dl- dea fog - +d | ffdhe de Relearye-ze) +. 22 |p) > @ fon sida cd, dls -dyay , z-z9 = dz htt = -ty [040% voze) +de yl) og | en side da, dix -dza, pyar oy fated z.)- 2 | ifs {Reta 2) 24903 |) sub 0, @,@.O in i) | | §ndd= dy Ayterrgere) - ydz O2Y |, 4 deActasUort) 1 aa ae payReHterae ze) - diaz 284| ee sdedy 82 |p = ~Zdydz Ou |, waa « dydz eee -4|,] Pale - su) et eee »] 2@ (ut Adz = dAz. PY > @, ED) oz ahz omc _ hse ey Oo. OY oe Yoy az Ase AY Az VXA = aE ‘dae | oz oRz ay Oe 0g az Ye ep "az Ap end Az Cuil Aly = af - ez Cuwu B)z = fy ox 26 =xC) VXA Pz _ Ax] 4 Oz ex az ay 385156 ax ay | Lysindwucal WxA= ol & )- t/a ay rae rsingag Yr Yq 2/20 Ry YAo rsineAd ) or aise a sna resine ab e Sphoucal vxR= UxXR = sine | Se auisinens) - J] 20 vxXA 76 +rsinsay { es ahr : Propanties oF uve * : 1) Cont of @ vector fietd Us -— vockes dial . (9x8 : ae Biv. n)s B.(7A) ~4n(738) a) Vx vVA)e VOX AF VVXA 3) Divergence of CwLt ef ce acto! Held voinuhes vy. (xn),, 6) Curt af a gradient of & scala fueld .varushos Vx (vv) <0 Problem «= oaerntne we avi : x'dz a, +32, =A = axfanz Wy] -ay fhe _ Ax] 4ozf day 2A) - “8 Z dies zt es ay [acxz)_ a 3 aceyz) “GG Say oe oz VaN- Oe -(z-a2y) dy F x-ziy = (exy-z) ay 2 22, Be Ae A= Sing de + Ozay eae UxA= eee (ee Az _ - Mo) - fag (Se - Se) soo 220* a ap = 1 fae atzcesd) _acezz) - pay (2 (ates) alesind € ap oz ae az 40: (APE)5 EAs J =p [tse ~ 3) de - P(o-a)ap + (se*zdecesd )@) = [[-esing-¢3)@ + (sez Fecesq a2] he tes oF 4 TING COS Wy + C50 a Are oe ’ % = alnccs eis = C018 AxA= 1 ay/d(rsine Ad) | ae |. d(rne) | r TSI —— sire?) ai esl alrsinend) apr or ab | grsingag /2Fho _ dAr er 368 Poel or 9) j Sep Atrisinecess) | ene || we Sins [ 36 36 < =| d(rsinecess) 3 (55¢e*8) or 0o6 trsineag | 2Usinecesd) _ 2 (beets) ar oe 0e al 3 oe ee rsinesind ) -rag fsineceso + L5H trsinoag ne +tsine) | ia xh = (100520 , stro sind) a, _ /¥SHtECOSO lay 4 f2sinecosd + Sine eee résur8 ( sLsine) a ao = [ ces29 Es et ie % sind | dy ~ 058. ab i (asinecns to sine) a 4.| Find the total change insido the voLuUune ae elm? enclosed in Sphore of radius r= 3 uns | Total change a= {eva | ay - r2sinedrdedd 3 ae Sieeensee ° ae" \ fy sind ele dedp 0 ca aoey Q: | at Q- pe cose ]y Ld a Q= ae] (ear sceso) a0 = 8 founda aie) Lele @ = 90 (2m) Q = Ianto ¢ = 56.55¢ | omy | Stoke's Hao © Te states that tha civculaten of a voctes Hold's’ 4, | closedt path i is equal te sunsace pages of the UL of , | over open sumface S. bounded by L' provided A and Vx4 id | ewe continue ons Sadi. Jevxaids 1 3 Ne Taenvitres et | ‘the aww of gradient ef any scatan Held is Idanteauy Conuarse statement of identity | + Tea vattes Feld in wu tree thon ue can ba expro.l asa gradient ef a scalar dield - €9 det a veckes dietd E.[VXE=Alewnl tree) it can be expressed in seatan dield vy, £:-T.V 2) Sivargence of av of any vatto\ Hold Lu identically © Apply Diuergonce theoxem : X Jv loxaiay- § loxaras om @ >, The Closed surface $ con ba spit inte 2 open swat Sand $2 connected by an common boundary c and Apply Stoke's Heonem t swyace S) bounrcleol by ci and Surface $2 bounded by ¢2 $evvA) ds Jl9xA)ands + [lv xalands s su Se Conmarse SHotemont af Tdontity 2: Tf a vectos fietl 1 divergence less tren ub can be caprussad a cu of another vecker field . eg. Lot a vocton Jieid B[V. BeO)(divargonce 105s) TH can ba exprssords in vocton Held A. Helmholkz's HARON +s divengance bess > aul fue * A vacton field Fis solenoidal and wwiatanonal is 4 U.F=0 ,UXF=0, 09 static olectricfietd * Thitis salonaidal but not wiatahonol then V.F-0,0%F40. €g. steady magne Held ina wpvent carouying concducees % dtrrotational but nat solenoidal, than v.F¥0, 7XF=0 eg static olectric dietd in a changedl seglon * Tf Noithon solenoidal non srratehoneul , then VF 40, VXF 40 . 0g. Electric fietdl 1 a changrol \ chovignd rec with the time varying magnetic Held Statement + ton unbounded region, divergence and curl vanish at co Fon baundeol wgion, both divengence anol aw con be cletermine tho ughaut the region. Dacompose a vocton F int an stnotatone and sateno| ool pant F-FitFs >O Ee? (32 ee v-Fi= 94 Uwudree v.Fs=G J divergence free or on irrokotona salen oiclol V.Fe VFI =g jo UXF = XFS 6 Fie -yv (tom Identity |) > © = irraxational Fs-7xA (trom tdentity2) >@ Solenoidod sub 6@ in@ : a Het Helmhaltz's theorem state thatthe gonenal vactos Huey F can bo wutten as suum o} the gradliont of the vary, function and cuit of vaote' Lunction.. | Problem: | Fe yzd24 azdy + ory, | Shaw that it 1 bath jwrotational and solenaldal Trrrotationdl > VXF=0 F | xr = Ofabz _ 2FY] _ ay [Oe 2Fx [paz / ay _ dF a “S\ oa az ga a els atez) “0s [ a es i ay oz ox ez ot = Gy (X-%)- ay ( Y-y) +4z(z-z) VXF=0 3 Solonoidal > v.F=0 o.F = Mes M+ dle . alyz), alxz) ) at = OY az ox ag” 12Gb) =o v.F=0 >@ trom © £@, F Is both irrotational and solenoidal. 2.| The aunt of a gnachent of c season pictel vanishes. px ove | TP. 9x(9,V) =0 = Vay + BV Gy + VO» ae ee ez Oe ax ay az x Yoy hz "Yeo Yay ° Yo = 05 (fh (a2)-2(22)) 4 [o32)- “) te (5g) daze)! + av. 97V_\. gy fav _ 22v ev 2) % jaz mo Cas Sa) ste? x) i a vyiv.V) = — 3. | Evatuate : [feds using divergence theorem $ P= oxydy 4 gray + yee Sla+0, x21 yooiyel Fe0Zel) and's is the Suita co of He ube . 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