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Wiit-2 : Electrostaties Blectrostaiies : dt is notated to aluctric charges which ane static. ehangali.e) at wst An oleettic chariga has us aflect in a segien 3 a spore cnound it. thu segion 4 ealtod oloctric Held of tng, change . Such on oloctric Hetol procducod clue to stationary Olectric charg does Not vary vulth Hw. tre study of ouch time Invariant olectric Hetels in ¢ Spare produced by vauous types of statec charge dutribution is called oleotresterties. caloumb's laws : fe (owomb's law state thartefowr ce bot. 2 pt. changes Q,and Qs is: n 4 along tho line joining thom & \ a 12 i) directly pxopotionol ty the product 06 QQz2 ef thy charges . tii) Iwansly propational t9 the square ef the durante R bonpeen them . Fe Fa QQ2o > Fe Kade Qe gee ee R 4 ke Ree = 4XI09 en r= —t G02 whene £.-2parmitiuity in dree spac He oe Eo = 8.854 x {0-12 cthe Pout change Qand % located at the pis. having +2 position vectors n and re, then farce Fi2 on Qs @ dus 4 Fo = QiG2 Ay AMT Es R? Fig= Qi@a_ Ria _ Qi@e L-r) AMER IRI HN ERR Fiz = Q@1Q2(re-n) ATE RS Flo = Qi 82 lte-n) Rann oo ANE (fen) Fal > Foner on Q) dun to @2 Fal =-Fi2 OR21 =-ARio Like chages supel cach athon, uunuike chorges attract each othen Ris lage compare with dimenslon e tho body Q and Q2 must be a static chovrges. Fes Like chi » QQ2>0 fon wuike charges QQ <0 oH we howe more thon 2 changes. Lino prinorple of | cuponposition ib states that J} show ano ® changes , | @1,Qz--. Ary wth position wcters M1 ¥2 -- YN. Tho swxLutant fore F on a change a Jocated at point Jk a vockr sium of forces exerted on @ by each of | the charges 4 gn by, F- Qi (r-ri) 4 QQ2(T-Y2) 4 Qanlt-rn) AME Ins — Anéolr-re5 Ait Eo ltl? Nak (t-te) 9 o ieee Electric Held. intesity Istrength CE): eis the force pur _unkt change when placed in an eloetric Hotd . Es F @ E= atr-r'l > ané ier \ F Getn) tor N changes * E= To ae Teri? } { | | ae Point changas Ime, -2me located ab (3,2,-1) and C-1,-1,y) CaLewate electric doree on a lone charge Locorteal at (0,3,1) .and also pind aloctric deta Antensity - OLLI ON : a 5 (rte) Ire FkI? oN pe aS YTTE kK! Gn: Q=10NL, Qi= (MC , Q2=-2ML re(o, 3,1), N= (3,21) W2= (-4) wes rr) 4 Q2 (r-Ye) y-n= (-31,2) el ea tr rab? rere = (1, 4-3) ‘mB 0 1 03 63,1,2) | €2x10°%i4-3)] nil = a4 1H = Ve = 344 (3.74)% U5.09)3 | It-Yal= Vit644 = 126 = 5 99 F=90[ 63,12) — 90,44,-3)] x 19-3 Se : ee * Fi ay eonrt: +0. scp +0. anae -0. oa - 0. 06 ay +0. ost] x103 = doxior?® sea = 0.041 Ay + 0.083 a J = (-6.48 10-3) Qe +(-3. 64 10-8) Qy + Ginnie?) az Fe (6.480% +-3.60 ay +410 ) mN —— & - (-6.8 Oe - 3.69 0 +1547) x10 N as 1-4 e “3 69 ay pata Dx [jel ditt to CO le | ie A) | uy ree 5 ++ 4 rd 7 e aa de (gat) a ee Eure pon Hey Ce ge Volum oe charge | Point change | line change | Surtac chang2| Volume aang | da do-e.dl | da-fsds da- ea | Q Q= fadt a= fesas Q -Jtvdy - fesds E-(fvav ax = e- feu a | © feds me | lie | JT Ea? | Line change i x Considon a linear change uth he uniform chaige density ¢t | (02) * ae extending {0m a to b | a “> d aon. is | 8 hae) ei Z heed a ao | cB a= fadz 2® zp Conuiclen the Held pt (x,yiz) and sowied PE- taiy'z') dL-dz'> @) R > distance blw dl and Hiald pt.t,y.Z) Pe (x.yiz) - (0.0,2') | p= xe +ydy i2-z2& 2@ : | | In apindrueal =0, R= Cae+ (z-z'laz 2@ Tei = 9) 024 (z-2')* p2-e24(z-z')* >© Electric puid denscty dup to Lne charge » edd E- |b are > ATER @ = Ls Cee A 2G w dQ= eal = Adz »G (since oll dz) 7 tand + 2-2! e z-z'= ¢tand >@ zis z-ftand Ve ~ pseczddes (9) sub 6.@.0 "OO fh jee dz!_s() “WE J [ee +(z-z")2J%2 su | pap dz, ee 3 HirEo| ese? JCer4tz-z'F > Consider the olenonunates terms [e+(e-z')*]® - [et +eteana J” a = [eC 4 Santa) = [ezsecza}*/? = psec > sub @.@.@ im @ e- fe [( Aor dz'y [ fanw a az] mal eBsecsar ef Sect po die dg Phi ~bseer apd, [ tane (-fsee*X)az ‘A & peseckel (750049 1 ee nee « = ae | ae de 4 [Sina daar AME ews |e , oe Tor finite changes: 2 =P [esinays ae + pcos née | Eeoayy a2) be th [-lsinae-sinds)ae + eosie coset Jaz] ame e Fon infinite change - BC0,0 ,00) , A (0,0,-00) 7, , ats --% Vee A in 4 sin en Big Hens MH eM eotz) on ¢ - 2iae Mitéot Sunface charge : consido an infirate shout of charige 1 Ho mY plane with unite chovig.2 donstty es = p.0,0:NY — is , y & ¥ x as- ededd dL < Peds = esededd>O Electric Held mbensity Que td suntace Ange. de= AQ ap UTI & R? at - esededd ap AT Eo R* ae R> distance bast iw sheet rand P{0,0.h) (2,0,0) Re e660) (0,0, h) -(2,0,0) p= -eap thaz >@ jRrizy e2 +h? 2® _ -Cdet haz +6 apes ee iei e2th® peaedd (forth AItee (Feeney 30 @> de= ;peutien det ano 2Lemane Due e symmetry of chaig-2 distri Hoe Bo cevusponcang plement whose chntri bute along % conc with vach other sé ploctric foLol F hoax only iz componune Ay gle = psededp (eeehaz) ° area pe 36 20 : 0M hzeh anid ee 2. mie eer) LUM 0-0 > u-h Lor G4he= Ue pede - sudo Peo > Wao : Ts fsHdudd .zae = Tine wee oh ATE W - —: foe al | [- 4 ae Ee em oes aoe améoh Eg -_fs_(oft)xdz aa ee ats) 28 o az ‘The abova 2a. valid foi h>o For h ae > Witt vacts} a = CSxOe + SiNwoy sub@@ in® > Ez- tv’ Apply cesune's sule fer AOVP 2 e_yi* cosa = Z*+R 2-1 ~@ 2zR Gol. cau eee em 2 eS are >@ ozy! ez? +47 R* ‘ pts 22 tr'* 229! duff. Ww. ' Be te R= Vir)? #sine' de! = AR dre s@ az Jr? sino'd' de'dg' ces a, —>© R e [7% KAR doi dp! Z4REM a, @ zp PR ez 2zR Fom@ => It e'=0 S e=z-r' 130 Ite!-1 > R=ztr 1. in a ae y! WidRda'dg! 24k ze ae vanes Jf ia | ER 24R2-1! eee “| i my a= ee A snare eyIC. a, tr! Tf [et snare ozn Re x 1 SMe (rv! pe2tze-r2){n ana a R zr zt! = (vit |F pe Air 42ccer) aa wr 1 1 _or') ar'az * yreoz® n preset ee J o Electric Hue: Gia Unit tat change is placed Naan @ pt. change it expaniences the dow. Jha dinettion of He fore uw reproonted by fhe lings xodielly coming oukwards érom the He change. strane danas ao ctilled. pluct Hine Bh fain: the total ng. of ues of force in otectric Held called eloctric Jux ands dencted, by Wp - (Wisk Colouumb) Propanties of oloctrie px : DHux Lins shouts dom +2 change and terminate at -Va chango - : : 2) Tt Vo chavign is abbont , Hux Line tenmunate at A It + vo change is absont, Hux line sa From 20 stant drom co and teuminate at Pua ins Sea ea PrN 3) 4 thew ane mose no.of Hux tines, then olectTi¢ deld strength svory high. 9 Thess Hux lines are ponallel and doos not cress eith other . : ‘ 5 due of mecLium in which cheviga ix placral dinos aupays onsen & toque the changed pa, ce nontt E ux linds = No. of change ,(te) D =a fisplacement Hue clonsity »(01' 3 a phie tints Fitton, POSING se INA a et surface 1 cabled electric dius olonsity 0 D= aba (unix ¢/m*) Dee anys EB. eon AM Er? Deane oieare e are ar Prob. | D= Ef. closad irrequray ae sanface | Tho electric Hux passing shrough ory closad surface | js aqua to total change anctosecl by He suntace - Considon any objock of wugulor shapo Total change anclosed by thu surface 35 Q So total usc passing through swyau 44 aso B (=a) Considen a smal difiental eunface ols at point P. ps the cuyoce x uve gHlor. gro dowetion of P and magnizusle gaing to change from pt. te pt- en sua. ds=dsan -O 4 Ad = Dnds >@ Bis nosumal +0, the swface ds. aie Dn > component of © in dinection of nonmel swwrface ds. pn= {olcese ->@ sub @ in @ dw - |DIcesods +@ s dy = Dids»@ (Ave lntisleese) -y =fp.dss@ pas toes ow. mite. Gaussian sunfact * ha surface ovan which Gauss Low 4 applied j, called Gaussian suntacd. Y v2 tone nC | ~Ipne “gone | w=5ne 1 Va=onc | pppiicoution of Gauss 1aU « dru wed to find E®d for symmorrteal charge distribution such as line chosige, value change, pt chen infinite shoot oF change and sphwucal charge - | aH is abo wod to Jind tho charge onclosad oy the flux | passing thorough the closed surface - 2 | wae a | | Le surface D pk. Change a is Located at origin | Jo Dotenmine D at pt.P, choosad a sphorieat suri _ Which WU safisty eymmotric condition, A spherical suntace conterod at origin the Gaussian surdace . ' Sine Dis svorywhow normat te the caus!" sunfore , D= Dray a: gods, O = Dr $dSay dS= 1*sIne 4249 (nonmat Pace) | oer Dr Jf rsinededd ar 2B 4 " Sn Dr J fe Ecese]o, dp ar 3 or fr [costt-cosajag or 3 T 2 oye" Dr ar By = 22 (2M). Drag 4ITr? Orar Br Q = uTr20a> Dr=&_ar bps arr? Br Intinite line change ° Infinite luna of WNiFeLM-changeer ties along +h zaxis Jo catenmue 0 at pk-P choose a cytindbiical sundae containing Pte satisty the symmutric conclitien Dis nomad te the cylindric Gauusion surface D=Dede of Q= 02 Tds=eagaz a Q= $o.ds = foe, edd az iT = De if edd dz md = ee {cos dz = one de C2J8 @ =2cldel ~@ HOO, k= 200dek Oe = ft ae oe b- ftlae ore a

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