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5721123, 6:50PM [DMER Mutipost Form Template Instructions: - Note: / Hewardt Gar Kindly use Edge Chromium or Mozilla Firefox (version 87 to 104) or Google Chrome (version 82 to 105) or Microsoft Edge(version 82 to 105) browser for better Tere neat to fill in the Application Form. /3tef YRUaTaTSt Fee e URINE wore iar fear Mozilla Firefox (Sgt 50 erect Google Chrome (52 pren wie swargat Gora arse gfereTeoat The Application Form is compatthig with Android (version 4.0 and above) and iOS (version 9 and above)/Android (STq¥it 4.0 smfor agten smfer ios (sig 9 stor axtey Be BATA ae. Fields marked with * are mandatory. /* 4e fergifira wes arfrarg area. Read the below instructions carefully, before filling the form: / id wvaTgal Greet GAT ara. 1. Fillin the details and click on Submit to proceed, / Taste 41 safer ys GTUaTATS) waite | User &U. 2, Please read the General instruction carefully before filling this Application Form. (Link In dex Page) / SUM BI sia wal AAT Fer Sravityaes areT. 3, Please keep a printout of the application summary for your future reference/ FUN GH wT Meera UauRA state Messe Sar. Documents Upload / STTEUa SUS FA - Upload the scanned copyo, Crick HERETO UPLOAD f the recent passport size p hoto, gare acters v UUNUE sreoreven wich View Uploaded Photo For dach wa oes BT *e Upload your scanned signa ture: / oma sina ST CLICK HERE TO UPLOAD bal aad srrets er: WS View Ok I"!EFormsleaiapptcation do ana 5721123, 6:50PM [DMER Mutipost Form Template Upload your scanned 10th RICE HEREAD UPLOAD |. PREMEWarksheet / ae 10 Serie née sets view Upload your scanned 12th Class Marksheet/Equivalen ey t Certificate / Gh eer Y View ‘oetett eat ‘areeftey Reger TOT TS ae . Upload your ID Proof Docu ments 1/ gre raat oF CLICK HERE TO UPLOAD pried 1 snftr 2 sets & View a:*@ Upload your Diploma certif —_cuick HERETO UPLOAD icate / Ga fara ‘ware aamts wa: *@ W View Other relevant documents: CLICK HERE TO UPLOAD e Y View ok Ir!EFormsleaiapptcation do ana 5721123, 6:50PM [DMER Mutipost Form Template PREVIEWconfirm that , | have uploaded my recent Photo graph and in cas e of any mismatc h during the recr uitment process, am liable for an yaction taken by the authority. Aa aeat w, Haren ot odie wit a wits en one nfo aed oy frdquar ort Goat ware, ifr UM eaten oT ward oreargarat Hb aaraar sre. Payment Details / ae ausfta can ae PRANITA PARM ais ESHWAR DAPK Na OAR me Ok!EFormsleaiapptcation do 5721123, 6:50PM [DMER Mutipost Form Template PREVIEW Tica ble Reg istr atio : 900 nFe e(R s)/ ww q Note: For more detailson applicable registrati on fee, please refer t 0 the FAQs/Registrat ion Guide provided o Govt Form websit e Payment Mode / 2am Wat - Select Payment Gateway / ‘tea Prast* Online Declaration / Waoraay Ok I"!EFormsleaiapptcation do ana 5121125, 650 PM [DMER Mutipost Form Template PREVIEW Ok ntps:fedn.diglaim.comfEFormsleaiappication do sn 5721123, 6:50PM hereby declare PREVIEWnd confirm that all entries made by me in DMER Application Form are correct and t rue to the best 0 my knowledge. \undertake that in case any infor mation furnishe d by me is found to be false or inc complete or any material informa tion is found to b e concealed by me, my candidat ure may be canc elled and | under stand that no cla im, whatsoever s hall be entertain ed in this regard afterwards. / 7 Tran afta oe at anftr ghia ‘het area D MER ofof wists!EFormsleaiapptcation do [DMER Mutipost Form Template Ok 5721123, 6:50PM [DMER Mutipost Form Template PNR PaaS fa doc ngRacRfoun nt Agepgfore Departmental (in cluding Discharg e/ Dismissal fro m service) and/o Criminal proce edings may be in itiated against m e. | undertake to abide by the gen eral Rules and R egulations gover ning the recruit ment process an d will also abid e by the instructi ons/commands given by the staf f conducting the recruitment proc ess, Ht Bed TT of @taa feast Ok a!EFormsleaiapptcation do m9 5721123, 6:50PM!EFormsleaiapptcation do [DMER Mutipost Form Template Ok 5721123, 6:50PM [DMER Mutipost Form Template © | undertake that |- PREVIEWshall not cause any disruption in the Recruitment Process and shal I refrain from ind ulging in any anti -social, unlawful activities during the entire recruit ment process. If 1am found indul ging in any such activities at any t ime during the R ecruitment Proc ess, my Candidat ure may be canc elled and | shall be liable for any Departmental an d/or Criminal Pr oceedings conse quent upon such act/activity. / Ht ray at at a wel afraa stor ‘andl rere sor oR Tet ofr doh ada ‘arate tate at Ok a!EFormsleaiapptcation do ona 5721123, 6:50PM [DMER Mutipost Form Template | undertake that | shall not canva ss for my Candid ature/Selection i nany form./ at way dat wt at Tg sag anthardy/Pra Shard atorenét ASU TAR GT UR Tet. © | declare that | fu Ifil all the conditi ons of eligibility r egarding nationa lity, age limits, e ducational qualif ications etc. as prescribed, /# uifta erat wt Ok I"!EFormsleaiapptcation do 1019 5721123, 6:50PM [DMER Mutipost Form Template © I hereby declare |. PREVIEW at the informa tion furnished a bove is true, co mplete and corr ect to the best of my knowledge a nd belief. | under stand that in the event of my info rmation being fo und false or inco rrect at any stag e, my candidatur e/ appointment shall be liable to cancellation / ter mination withou t notice or and li able for legal acti on. / Marge uit aed ata!EFormsleaiapptcation do nia 5721123, 6:50PM © Lam in possessi PREVIEW of all the certi ficate / documen ts in support of my claim made a bove in the appli cation form. If If ail to produce ori ginal of all the ce rtificate / docum ents for verificati on, my candidat ure may be canc elled and | under stand that no cla im, whatsoever s hall be entertain ed in this regard afterwards. / 3f ula ax eer ars wed anor Ae PATS STS aadauit ‘wploranrgt ara, it Taree fra ‘en TOM AT. | Agrees Sera ome!EFormsleaiapptcation do [DMER Mutipost Form Template Ok sana 5721123, 850 PM [DMER Mutipost Form Template PREVIEW BACK/ TI PREVIEW / Yafaditert SUBMIT / Wega Set Version 15.00.01 Ok ntps:fedn.diglaim.comfEFormsleaiappication do sat

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