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unlt-II : Netwark layen prato cols


Jhe IP Layon handles he o gucal alass an nlw Aayer

means the Ip address.

IPVy addes'’ 32 bit

It daines the connectien e the dewice which s uni que
and wuuesal.
IP: ( dotted de umal sepreLtation
0000000:10101000: 10 100 binay notaticn.
Addness spae
232- 4, 2q4,967, 296 274 2°

Conwet :
To00000|: 0o00 LOIl 0000101 00l= 124.11.1. 239
I1000001 :1000001| O0011oL |l 93.13: 21.2b6
). 56 45,18 l0 00111000 O0101101 01001 1o
22).34.1. 82 110Hl0 00l00010 00000||OL01001O

Casstul addes sing :

Class A
balangs to lange organization
class B midsize
Class c Smau
Class D muticasting
Class E

6classes- A8, CiD,E

Ist byte
class A o l0-121
Class B LO /128 -191
lass e o/i42 -223
class D 1O /224-239
Clas sF
netid &hestid Mask In
zy.zt /n
netd B0n y hostid
class ISt addn. Rightmost
o000Oo00 00000000
O0000000 0000Ooo o 32-n- 0'S
Last ’ l'S
no. 0f addn
othenway Blny
CIDR-dauDA Inien dom ain Routing.prarted byIn 1St AD ms
Last OR

Eg. 205. I6.37. 39/28

Subnating : ll0011OI 000 lo000 O0100
Divida he adcres irto sawul gtt contigues youps
nd assigh aach gN0p to a Smaler to nlw caled
Sub reti .
Supgnating I00101 000 10000 o0100 I01 O010011|No
Pn orgizati on can combihe seueral class c bloky
ite oreat a d I 00000 > 32&
lagzn range of adaeno
Classles adde
nlw adder
# is bas nd en the nat we and size o the etlty fe ISt adcn ’ speaaladdr
housahad 2 adduss e nough. fo lange ong anizat Rest of tho alocated to nlo
(ntennet othen oddn’ alocated
LOoG's ot acdrusses re reguiud, fo Isp, 100's ef
2.y.z tIm
loo0's ef IP adds ie stequred.
Reshrictions on llocating IP addruss: 205.16.31 33 l28
205 16.31 4% 39/26
46128 l28
). the acdeskes n a block
mut b contigies
2 he no. of addreses n a block must be a Power 2.
3. Jhe ist addres muLt ba lwy
divIsible by the Hienchy
2-0uel: netid host1d
(28) (4)
205 6.31 32 nlw
1o10 1))
Host adduss
O0000003 -00001111.
3-leval s |I, 10oo0
I7.12.46. ol26 no.of addn.
,2. 4.H8 /28 ZHLEN
IP addn ’ 32.16, l6 Sub net2 20>5x4
Tpvy Dataformat 60 6 X4
20-65536 btes
|Subruti byies
I712 4.0lzt L20-60bytlu,
TI2 H.6128 Version - IPy4 Headen Datl
n2.463/28 (4bis) o100
Total tength
VER HLEN 16 bis
4 bits 6bits Tragmetation oHs et
Hn9.4. 33/2s 4 bits
TdentiHati on Flag
13 bitt
16 bits 3bls
Protvco1 Headon chekum
Time to liva L6 blts
8 bits
n H20/2l I2.H.35/24 SOne IP addos
Deatination IP adduss
Jo the I.12 .4T/28 Ophon
restoB 32 bit

.12 H.32/28

Jhaee wal haenchy n ane IPV4 addross : IPv6 datagnam headen and
SubnltI Subret 2 and 3
40bytes lpto 65535 bytes
26 blt 5 26
Base header Payload
Subntt pNeHz
Aost addoss Host addss Exteron hoadeu Data packt tom uppN layer
fosition ot IPy4 in 1CPHP PhOto Col sto
IPV6 address (128 bibt long)
AppluahonSH1EIETPl TETP DNS SNHE ’Hexa cla cumou colon no totio C’2
|32 Hex diqits
Tranpont DDmOlt01100 :BOFF :0000 EFFE
laysn UDP FDEC: O014 :0000 :0000: 0000 16 16 16 ’ Total ’28 alt
15 AbbruLation:
0 : O BoFF : 0: FFFF
layas FDEC: 74 :0 :
ARP) (RARP) Aberwaton : 0:5.):12 1213
DLL 00oo C000 COCo
Expandsd o000: 0015: 0001 00121213
undenying LnN or WAN furm
24.5. 8 200- -I72.18.3.2
000 fteet
0's alO00000co
(120) 316 2
3.3 3.2
addnReswed > Routen
ons Coweued adda. Arycast b statich tran addn. A/w NAT’
qroLp mem
ot be one to tTaNslation: address niw
-Lobal |1O
Orgarizational 1000-
LCal Site olO1 data
cal l0Link -10o0 Temproauy Transient/
local 0001
Resoed 0000- 0000 Pimenant
ID sope Hag tl0
(4) (4) langth Rdn. Ha
(u2) (8)
addi. cat Mlti
uhc) an(Asi 10100 PNIC A
open) 000 OIRIPNIC length Hds Hdr. Nest
a) (North QqstryN
H000 TERN1 Identi
(48) (32) (24) (l6) length |d. Hd. NOZt
dentiien identitien
Node subnet
Swbsouber| ProUide 5 aoar.
TSP O100 coIO
paln providon
adbas > adols. SowIce
langth Payloadl
basad based imt hop heaces Not
Gaeognaphical PRI VER
label How
8blts 8blts 4bits
2128 space ’Addn.
datagnam IPV6 tormat
ot -
doss ad
An TPy4 paket the vauu o header
lenqth u to00 n binau
Ty pes ot Sawias: D- 10O0- un 2.
thu paukot.
T-0l OO-mar
How many bits ot options ae beng cwvuedl by
1 Swuce Ty pe 1000 ’ 8
Dalaw thyoughplt R -00 I0-mac Decimal
e-0 00|- mun 8 x4 =32 byts
PrOadene Vae of HLEN L, 5. Vauw ot
bit (3 bit) TOS hat
3 gn an PV4 þacket thu bung caued
How many butt of data are
length ox0028 .
Prioruy ot (m)
> Range :(oo0)-
(o)-1) by this packlt ?
datagnam Ox0028
Hexadacimal da imal
2. Diffuntiated soruies
HLEN = 5X 4 20
data eng th =fotal ength - header

- 20 b y t e s i
0,2, 4 -.. 62
3.7,|... 63 tragmentation:
0 I’Temproay! mar. lengtho data to be
I,5,9... 61
Expuemertal MTU (macimum trannu urit ) -
encapsuated a a trame
length of dlata =Tatal length Headen ongth ’ fdertAcation -’ 4sownce IPV adbulkhs
Tie to ue
stwA a ho. n tu
dufne daragham wniquey
whan a SOWa h0sts sonds the dtaqram,
feld. Thiu value i appromately 2 tHms the maximum ne. ot Counten >lnitialzed ’ +0 no.
Hautts blw, ay twe hostA. IPYA pi0tocol datagam send’ copy

Values Protocol
TaHP - Intenal contral msg pratoca! Hag (3 biu)
TGHP - graup
6 ’ More fragment’l-mae
TCP Trarsten contTol pratoeal 0-onyl ladt
UD P- Uen data Resowed 0o nat fragmert
18 OSPF - Open Shotest Path tirst
i- Can't pass, dis Cand
Problem: O-g. trag ment.
L. An IPV4 Packet has auod uith the ist 8 bit a o100 o010 ragmetation otfsettB bita):
dhe reueer diseands the packt juatity why?
ctfsot e0000l8 = 0 o000 849
VER ALEN 2X4=8 O000 3999
1400 244
(IPV4 ) HLEN Tange: 5x4 15%4
Aence Uuwn duscards t 2a00 34
Basic Principlu ot checks wn Nxt Hdn:
fiud u saud to o.
) The valu e cheeksum hit secion and
2) Jhe haden s dwided nts 16 togoter Code Nxt Hdn.
complimbnted and ins ted inp tho
3) Jhe s e t sum u hop to hop option
checksum held. y 16 &l4) (4)
4,5,0’ 9 5 0 o
00 C 6 TCP
(4) (4) (s) (16) 16 4 28
45 29
A3 SOIL Iauting
(16) O3 o(13)
0(16) heckswn 4.1
10.12. 45 0 encypted Payload
12 6. 7.4 lO, 12 0A 0 c
J44, 5 0 E 05 51 authontication
12,6 0 06
T44E’01|) ol00 0I00 1|1 60 DOAtination opt.
Comp. ’ J000 10 | | J01| 000 1
B B 7 4 4 E Pruorty on gasti0n contToled tratfic
Checksun - &BB I Non Congeshon

No opnatons30s3As Congast1on
options ’ single byte End operath on
muti byte - Reco Hd Route
Pyuority meaning
nospacHc traffic
- Strtct sOWeROute backqr0und datatransten
- L0ose SOICe
-Jimestamp. ROteaat L 2

IPVs 07 IPng ( ntennetwobing pratbcolnect genenathon) atte nded buk n

Advantnge of IPVS 6 intractve trattc
* fanqon address spae Control trafhc
* Batter heacer tormat
* Naw header tormdt ang inuorted that ane gpenated Non congaston
from base header wheneuor AOqied. Data with gpraatert utadancy
* New options
IPy6 has additonad unction alities I5
t alloDanca fos extension
low labbl: (24 bit)
* suppat tos reowe allocation, t u dlen wng
labol. |lowpackuts - sog,. oB packaqeet sent rom a pab lai
needi specal
suppt fon mo se sQwNty SOwe te pariuan deutinaton hat
* encyption and authonticatn. handling by soute ç calocd ow ot
paclt hy the sawco hn., 2.Junneling
. he Haw lobel iu assigned o a TA4 d .
and 241.
JE ua Aandom ne. blw ow ut:. Pauload
a law labul es rew
Asounce mut hat neue
he existing Ilaw u stil actiue Hoo dabll, t sots h,
Tunel TP V6
IpV6 Host
suppart he
2. a host dlos not . ik simply
feild a 0, l a AOutei " IP/6 Hd
Ignanes it. tow has TPy4 Region
3. Al packets helon gung to the same same sOWru Payload Payioad
destination. pruonsty &option.
3. Hdn. Jranslation :
Extersion heades:i

* Hop by hop option - Pad-I tibyte

long packa)
Pacd-NNbyte IPV6 Hd
Payload Paul ood
Jumbo Payload TPV6 Payloo d Host
Strict S0wrl ROe itr
#Sownce Routing L00S0 Sowne ROte
*agmertatian TPV6 ReqLGn
Transuation oc
Authontication IPV6 IPV4
ok ESP
acLess to the into but nat the
* Dast. option. lOnly Dest has the touters) i
msg. format :
inden mediatonoce - Jypes ot emes msgs (6) (8) (6) (8)
JransiHon trom IPV4 te IPVsb ci
LBual Stack Qey
Type (o de
Rat e the Hds.
msga msgs
Transport & Sata sechon

Lauer IPV4 emes napari ng:

Type :3 dost. wuachabte
SownCe quench
nden yng u Jime ex(eeded
12 Panan prob
5 Rediu ctien
To TPV6 sys.
Rred data
Hdn 8bytes1P Data
ICMP Packat

IP data

Rediect RI R2

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